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  1. G

    Mx Female Seeking F Characters For Quick, Smutty Fun

    Hello there! My name is Jurassic Weeb, or whatever you'd like to call me. As the title of the thread says, I'm looking for quick, smutty RPs to keep myself entertained. More or less what I'm looking for is the RP equivalent of a hentai doujin-- a single sexual encounter between two individuals...
  2. ShadricXeon

    Closed The Hunter and Charmer (specific plot) (CLOSED)

    Hello! I made a separate search thread because a specific plot has been stuck in my mind and I really want to find the right RP partner for it. Please feel free to reach out to me by PM if you wish to discuss it. You can call me Shadric or Xe, or both if you're feeling formal. I've been...
  3. J

    Unseelie Thug Life [Goody + Fox]

    Pure impudence! It was disrespect of the highest order. Holmgren rubbed an agitated hand over his lips as he stood tensely in the middle of Babadock restaurant. His restaurant. Technically, his name was nowhere on the books but he owned the guy who owned it. This was home base for the terrible...
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