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  1. Ita Koibito

    NBx Any Bondage and kink driven RP! (LF: Doms/Subs, Males, Herms/Shemales, and Futa

    That got you interested? Good, because I'm Looking for uppity subs and sensual doms interested in kink driven RP’s involving strict and complex bondage! At the moment I'm looking mainly for shemales and herms/futas, but Males are also certainly welcome as well, depending on whether I like the...
  2. Ita Koibito

    Fx Any Bondage and kink driven RP! (LF: Herms/Shemales and Males)

    Hey there! I'm Looking for uppity subs interested in kink driven RP’s involving strict and complex bondage! At the moment I'm looking mainly for males, shemales, and herms/futas! Consensual and non-consensual scenes both adored! I'm open to discussing custom scenes, as well as developing custom...
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