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  1. MoonlitDoll13

    Fx Any Moon’s current Roleplay cravings

    I’m trying to tip toe back into the roleplay scene, it’s been a rough year so far with all the crap going on in the world, and it’s been depressing me. I’ve been super stressed due to drama at home, and things just not working out. So I’ve been watching a lot of anime to help comfort me in this...
  2. MoonlitDoll13

    Fx Any I have returned, and I am ready to work on rps again!

    Hello everyone, it’s been a helluva crazy five months. I’ve been gone almost half a year, damn. Life hasn’t dealt me the best cards unfortunately, between getting sick and losing my last grandparent to exist, it’s been hell. But I’m back and I am ready to work on rps and stuff again ^^ Anyway...
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