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  1. J

    Does free will exist?

    Do you believe in free will? Why or why not? I do. I've heard some arguments against us having free will but it always feels like we're not talking about the same things. Like, opponents of free will have this idea about choice being reactionary, based upon this long stream of consequences that...
  2. Mad Russian007

    Why are people more into ( Romantically/ Lust) supernatural beings nowadays?

    Like vampires, werewolves, angels and ect
  3. Blazorna

    What's the appeal of Discord?

    I fail to understand the appeal of Discord for roleplays. Putting aside my countless failures there just setting up a roleplay only for my partner to ditch me without warning, I'm not a huge fan that post lengths are limited, as with the amount of roleplays one could do at a time being small...
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