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Mugen (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

"Ah, I was rather restless, if I'm honest." She replied, "Is Yuko-san mean at all?" Just then, Yuko let out a cry, falling on her rear for not defending against Muichiro properly.
"Ow, ow, ow...! You didn't hold back that time, Muichiro-dana...!" She laughed, rubbing her lower back.

He choked a bit before his massive tail reared up and smacked her away from him, reaching to pull the kunai from his throat.
"Nice try, but you'll have to do better."
“Not at all, not at all, Yuko-san isn’t like that at all.” He smiled watching the two Hashira sparring. “Yuko-san makes wonderful tea and conversation, make sure you get the chance to talk with her later on.”

Moriko was stunned again, slamming hard into a tree and staring in shock at the monster before her, the wind knocked from her lungs. She had stabbed him in the neck and he had pulled it out like it was nothing- whatever this thing was wasn’t human, and she wasn’t hallucinating.
"I will. She seems very kind. She lost someone important to her, as well, I hear..." She said, "Maybe her and I can bond a bit..."

He cracked his whip hard, wrapping it around her ankles and dragging her toward him roughly.
"Come come, little mouse~"
Tanjirou frowned softly, they had lost both the Shinezugawa brothers within a month of each other, and they could only bury Genya as Sanemi’s body was still missing. “Let’s get started, shall we? We’ll start by stretching to warm up, then work on stamina and we’ll end with form and technique with the sword.”

She was jarred out of her shock, grabbing two senbon and throwing them hard, aiming for his eyes. She hit her target and quickly crawled forward, letting the whip go slack before kicking it off from around her ankles. This was real, this was a real monster in front of her- trying to capture her. She drew her biggest blade, her short sword, and moved to take his head off, adrenaline pumping.
She smiled softly and nodded, "Hai. I'll copy you."

He ripped the senbon from his eyes, having them regenerate quickly, before pulling his whip and cracking it hard around her throat and tossing her into a tree.
"You've got some real bite to you, mose. Lord Iguro will enjoy devouring you!"
"Water Breathing: Second Form. Water Wheel." There was a flurry of motion and the whip split in half, releasing Moriko in an instant.
"Slayer!!" The demon snapped angrily. A girl with turquoise hair turned, brandishing her blade.
"First Form, Water Surface Slash." She burst forward, swinging her nichirin blade and fluidly taking the demon's head, landing delicately behind him.
"N...No...wait...I don't...want to die...!" He gasped as he slowly disintegrated.
Tanjirou set aside the training swords and moved to stand before Akatsuru. “Just follow my lead!” He said, then started their warm up stretches, starting with the arms and legs.

Moriko landed hard on her knees when the spine whip was cut, gasping for air as she yanked it free from her neck, looking up to see what had happened. She looked to the blue haired young woman, quickly looking her over to make sure she wasn’t some kind of monster either.
Akatsuru copied Tanjirou exactly, finding his instructions quite easy to follow. She would be distracted sometimes when Yuko was bested by Muichiro, the Wind Hashira discouraged by the Mist's quick movements, but other than that, she had fun.
"Tanjirou, Akatsuru!" Yuko called over to them when it began to grow late in the day, "I'm going to make some snacks and tea! Come share with us!"

She looked quite normal, as well as concerned, before moving over carefully.
"Are you alright? You aren't hurt, are you?"
“We’ll be right there!” Tanjirou called over, looking to Akatsuru. “Are you ready to take a break? Staying hydrated is important.”
Muichiro sat already eating his snacks, looking as neutral as ever until Tanjirou’s name was said, waving him over with a soft smile.

Moriko got to her feet quickly, despite being a bit knocked around. “I’m ok, just… dazed- that thing, what was that?”
Akatsuru nodded in agreement and moved over with Tanjirou to the two hashira, Yuko trying to get Muichiro to have more tea than treats.
"These look wonderful, Yuko-san.." Akatsuru smiled. Yuko grinned, almost physically fighting Muichiro for the fruit sandwiches she made.
"Thanks! I used to make stuff like this all the time for Sanemi-dana!" She said, "Please, eat all you want!"

"It was a demon. Do you...not know what those are??" She asked, confused.
“Oh wow, Yuko-San, these look amazing! Thank you very much!” Tanjirou bowed his head before sitting down with everyone, helping himself to a cup of tea and a red bean paste onigiri.
Much like in practice, Muichiro’s hands were quicker, and he snagged the sandwich mere moments before Yuko could, smiling at Tanjirou happily. “I heard you’ve picked up an apprentice.”
“Oh, Ms. Fuijie-san?” He nodded. “She’s asked me to train her as a slayer- she’s a natural!”

A demon? Like in stories told to children? “No… but, seeing as how he survived a fatal strike, it’s hard not to consider such things truly exists..” It was all a little much, but this woman seemed trustworthy enough.
"Muichiro-dana!" Yuko huffed, "Tea first!"
"I wouldn't go so far as that." Akatsuru smiled, "But thank you, really. I never knew swordplay could be so fun."

"They've only gotten worse lately.." She said with a frown, "Where are you off to? Maybe I could help you there?"
“No way, then you’d take all the fruit sandwiches.” He said in between a bite of said sandwich.
“It is thrilling isn’t it?” Tanjirou laughed softly, blowing on his tea.

“The village to the west, overseen by the Uzui clan? I’m a delegate trying to contact their leader.” Moriko figured she could get some useful information from this traveling swordsman.
"I'll make more, promise." She pressed her hands together and smiled, "Please?"
Akatsuru smiled as she watched the two before turning to smile at Tanjirou.
"Where did you learn to use a sword, Kamado-kun?"

The girl frowned deeply, "Oh...Miss, I'm so sorry...the Uzui clan has been killed."
He crammed the rest of the sandwich into his mouth, staring at her blankly as he seemed to swallow the thing whole.
“I learned from Urokodaki-san, a former Water Hashira!” Tanjirou explained.

“The entire clan? What befell them?” Moriko pressed, in complete shock at the news that the entire Uzui clan was gone.
"Tokito Muichiro!!" Yuko moved to wrangle him, "You won't get any more sandwiches until you have some kind of liquid!!"
"Oh my," Akatsuru smiled amusedly at the two hashira before looking back at Tanjirou, "Like Giyuu-san?"

"The former Sound Hashira, Uzui Tengen...he became a demon, including his wives, and slaughtered the entire clan...consumed their flesh and burned everything..." She frowned, "There is nothing left..."
He evaded her skillfully, lunging forward for the desert tray and snatching two more fruit sandwiches off, retreating away as he indulged in his spoils of war.
He nodded. “Yes, though I’m not as adept in water breathing as Giyu-san.”

She didn’t know what a Sound Hashira was, but she did know Uzui and his wives. They had been amicable, after all their clans had worked together in the past.
But to hear that he had become like such a creature and had wiped out the entire Uzui clan? She had to confirm the story and report back to her clan head. “Did you come from the town? Are there no survivors?”
Yuko pushed herself to try and catch him, jumping and diving for him at every chance; her fingers grazed a sandwich before falling flat on her face and laying still.
"Perhaps we could invite him to teach me some time?" Akatsuru offered before looking over, "Ah, Yuko-san!"
"I'm ok," Yuko picked up her head, looking defeated and annoyed, "you win, Muichiro-dana..."

"I haven't been there myself, I just know from what the hashira have notified the other slayers about. If you wish to go, I can go with you?" She offered.
Again Muichiro inhaled the sandwiches in record speed, finally returning to his spot and picking up his cup to wash everything down. “The teas cold now.” He said despite finishing it all. “Tokito-san..” Tanjirou laughed, watching the two rough house.

She debated for a short moment on her offer, figuring she could be trusted currently. “I’ll accept your offer, thank you.” She thought for a moment, then continued. “Is it your blade that is special, or is there a secret to killing those things?”
Yuko only sighed, pushing herself up so she could refill everyone's tea.
"Yuko-san," Akatsuru turned fully toward the hashira, "Ebisu said that you lost your master, are you...?" She stopped when she saw how upset Yuko immediately became, "Ah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"No, it's ok...I would be doing Sanemi-dana a disservice if I didn't speak of him..." Yuko sat down beside Muichiro on the deck after she filled his tea, "We lost Genya to a demon on a mission with him and Gyoumei-dana...I don't think I've ever seen Sanemi so broken..." She was still haunted by Sanemi's begging, pleading for God to not let Genya die, even as the youngest Shinazugawa lay lifeless in his arms.
"Sanemi went missing about a month later. Practically screamed at me to stay put." She held the only ohagi she made in her hands, "Not a day goes by where I don't ask myself if I could have done more for him to stay...or take me with him..."
"I'm so sorry, Yuko-san..." Akatsuru frowned.

"My blade?" She repeated before nodding, "Oh, yes! It's made from a very special metal, the only one in the world that can properly kill a demon! They're called nichirin blades!" She showed her blade with a proud smile; it shimmered with a pearlescent light, the sharp end holding a soft wave like pattern all the way from base to tip.
Tanjirou and Muichiro both frowned softly while Yuko spoke of Sanemi, Tanjirou’s face growing thoughtful. “We can only keep him in our prayers.” He said, Muichiro staying silent, brows furrowed.

“I see, so that must be why my blades did nothing..” She said softly. “I’ll keep that in mind if we come across another one.”
"Yeah." Yuko agreed, but there was a bitterness in her tone, before she forced a smile, "Anyway, once everything is finished here, don't let me keep you. I'm sure you two are rather busy!"

She nodded and sheathed her blade, "Shall we? Oh, I'm so rude, I didn't give my name." She bowed politely, "Hiraoka Etsuko."
Tanjirou nodded and looked back to Akatsuru, standing up with a smile. “Ready to get back to training when you’re finished, I’ll prepare some more sword techniques and then later I’ll have to plan out some agility and strength training..” He rubbed his chin. “I can talk with Himejima-san, and maybe if you’re free as well Yuki-san, your help would be greatly appreciated!”

“I’m a delegate of the Ise clan, you may call me Moriko.” She bowed back to her.
"Oh, I'm not sure what good I would provide." Yuko waved her hand, smiling a bit bashfully, "You'd have better luck with Muichiro-dana here."
"Your training with Shinazugawa is quite valuable, I would love to learn anything you can teach me." Akatsuru said. Yuko laughed a bit.
"Sanemi's training was a lot of screaming and belittling, really. But, if you're sure?" She said.

"It's wonderful to meet you." Etsuko smiled softly as she straightened herself, "We should find shelter for the night. It would be safer to travel during the day."
“Nonsense, you gave me some really helpful tips when we sparred last.” Tanjirou insisted.
“She can join my training with the other slayers, but I’m not going easy on her because she’s new.” Muichiro said with a small shrug.

She nodded in agreement, not able to stop the thought that Etsuko was rather cute. “Are demons only active at night?”
"You went easy on Tanjirou." Yuko muttered before giving a nod, "Alright. In the morning, I'll accompany your training. I won't hold back, though! It'll be just like you were training with Sanemi!"
"Thank you so much, Yuko-san, Muichiro-san." Akatsuru smiled.

She nodded, turning to head off, "The sun kills them, so they're primarily nocturnal. But don't worry, I'll protect you with my life." She said.
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