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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri took a breath and felt better when he agreed to try counseling. For a moment she thought he was calling everything off for her but she couldn't walk away without giving it a honest try. She wouldn't just leave him like that.

She nodded her head to staying with him for a little bit and sat up to grab a blanket and wrap it around them.

"What kind of counselor are we going too?" She asked softly. "I don't know where to look for someone like that."
Jake felt like it was what she break away. She could focus on her work and not worry about anything else. She'd start to resent him if she stayed. Part of him just figured it would be a matter of time but if she was willing to try, they would try.

He closed his eyes and just snuggled against her.

"I don't know...I don't know either. We could talk to a pastor at your parent's church. Or we can find a couples therapist in Vegas. Or one in New York...I don't really know either. I just want to try to fix this. It's kind of my fault anyway." He said softly and got quiet again.

For a quick second he considered begging her not to leave but he wouldn't do that. "I don't want to lose you are the only person I've felt comfortable letting in. And it's not been easy. I know that...." If it wasn't her by his side, he didn't want anyone.
"I don't think we should brig pastor David into this." She said softly and shook her head. "There are a lot of great therapists in New York. Let's find one there so we can start talking and then find one here for when we are home. It's just too long for us to not talk to someone if we wait." She explained.

She sighed and nodded her head, "I know. I don't want to leave. I don't. I want to make things work with you. You're my best friend. I don't want to lose that. I like talking to you and come home to you and being with you. I don't want to go."

She closed her eyes and listened to his heart beat. She could fall asleep just like this. She wanted to fall asleep in this position a million times.
She could understand wanting to go through someone in New York and not waiting. It also would be someone who doesn't know them. "Okay...we can find one in New York."

Jake hugged her tightly when she said she didn't want to go. "It will be okay." He whispered.

He closed his eyes too and tried to ignore the ache in his chest. Jake just hoped this therapy was actually something good and didn't pull them farther away. But then at least they knew where they stood. He saw his sister just a few weeks prior get married and now he wondered if that'd ever happen for him and Adri. He worried about Owen. Owen got attached to Adri, what if they didn't make it how would that all work. He couldn't and wouldn't keep him from her. She was his mother in Jake's eyes.

Before long, he finally was relaxed enough and started to drift off to sleep. John was fine just hanging out, he felt at home and watched tv. He just hoped his son and future daughter in law was working things out.
It was a tough couple of days leading up to Tokyo. Things weren't great, like normal but they weren't bad either. It felt like they were tiptoeing around each other or being passive aggressive so another fight didn't spark. Adri found herself agreeing to pretty much everything Jake wanted. If he wanted steak for dinner, that's what they had if he wanted to watch SportsCenter, that's what they watched. As long as it didn't spark a fight they were good.

It wasn't a good or healthy way to live but for now it was how things worked. She did some research and found a few couple's therapists in New York that had openings and were available to see them when they arrived in New York. She also found an apartment for them to stay at. It was a three bedroom so John could go with them and watch Owen while they went to therapy and while Adri worked and Jake wanted to go out, and the chance that Jake and Adri wanted to go on a date. She also got a driver to drive them aorund New York and all of her days were set up for Express and Victoria's Secret. They would stay there for two weeks, go to counseling every other day and see how it worked out.

If they liked it then they would continue it in Vegas but if it didn't work out they would have to discuss the next steps. She didn't want to walk out of their lives. She loved them both and Jake was her best friend. If push came to shove, she hoped they would at least be able to be cordial for Owen.
Jake didn't want either of them to have to tiptoe around each other. He also didn't want her to do whatever he wanted. That's not how a relationship should be either. He wanted them to have a good time in Tokyo. There was no denying they both loved each other. They also seemed to depend on each other and they were the other's best friend. Jake had some ideas to maybe show her he was in this and for the long hall.

His pain was still there but not to the extreme it was. He was getting around a lot better. He couldn't hold Owen still but he could let him sit on his lap and he had no to little pain. That made both boys pretty happy. Jake was quieter the few days leading up to Tokyo. John was staying with Owen while Jake and Adri went to Tokyo. Jake just hoped that once they got to New York the therapy helped.

The morning they flew out, Jake woke up and watched Adri sleeping next to him. He wondered if his chances and mornings like that were numbered. For that reason he studied every in of her face. The bad thing was if they broke up and she started to date someone else, it would be all over the internet and news. He couldn't deal with that thrown in his face everywhere he went. He leans over and kissed her shoulder. After awhile he start to kiss and nip at her neck. "Adge?"
"Hmm?" She answered still half asleep but waking up.

She turned to face him sleepily and opened her eyes. "What's up?" She asked softly and checked the time. She yawned away from him and stretched out her body.

She was ready for this trip to begin. They left today and they would have one day before Adri got swept up into the preshow hype and then after show hype. When he saw her she would probably be sleeping or in the process of leaving or coming back to sleep. This time change was going to kick her butt. Then they would have a couple days to explore Tokyo before she was needed back in New York where her schedule would be a bit more manageable.
Jake smiled and kept giving her neck and cheek kisses. "It's a little before O will wake up. But I want some time with you...before the rush of fashion week takes you away." He smile but spoke lovingly. Yes he kind of was in the mood and wanted to be intimate but he was just happy for some time with her.

"I love you...I know this week has been really weird. But I'm here...I support you and you going to Tokyo and everything in New York. I want you to know that." He staged close to her and looked into hers as he spoke. "I know this have been crazy and hard. But I think we can make this work. It may not be easy but I know we can do this. I'll try to be better with how I communicate. I'll just try to be better all the way around. Maybe when we get back I can see someone for myself. To deal with my issue. I know they don't help." His hand caressed her cheek.

"And Adge..." He let out a sigh. "I would never keep Owen from you. Your his mother. I'd give you days with him before Layla. And I won't be an ass. If your parents or bothers would want to see him. I'd be more than happy to." He caressed her cheek. "I love you."
"I know that Jake." She said softly and rubbed her eyes. She turned on her back an nf looked up at the ceiling. She turned to face him again and looked into his eyes. "We will make this work. We will figure out what's wrong." She said softly and rubbed his cheek.

She shrugged her shoulder about him seeing his own therapist, "If you think you need too. If going together brings up something that you don't want to say in front of me, maybe you should." She said softly.

She smiled a little and nodded her head, "I was hoping you wouldnt keep him away. Hopefully it won't come to that though. If something did happen between us, I wouldn't just leave him. He wouldn't understand and it wouldn't feel right." She told him and put her hand on his. She kissed his palm and smiled, "I love you too."
Jake was happy she was saying everything she was. She was sure they would work. He liked that. She had that confidence. "Okay." He smiled a little.

"I don't think it's that. That I don't want to say in front of you, but I have my own demons I'm fighting. With Eddie. And my mom. Maybe talking to a professional will help. It just may be hard to get it out period. Regardless of who it's with. I just don't think it would hurt." He shrugged.

He smiled and kissed her cheek. "That's why I love you as much as I do. You don't have to be that way. But you worry about him." His hand kept caressing her cheek.

"You're my queen Adge. My one and only queen. You make me feel like a king." He kissed her neck nipping softly.
"It might help you release whatever anger you are harboring for Eddy and shrugged her shoulder. "It's up to you but I think it's a good one and I will support you through it however I can." She told him.

She sighed and smiled at him, "I know. If something were to happen between us, are we still friends?" She asked softly. "I know everyone says let's remain friends but I mean it Jake. I talk to you about everything. I can't do this with out. You're my best friend."

She rolled on her back and looked up at the ceiling. "I have my heart set on making this work but I need to know that if it doesn't this won't be messy and bitter."
That was what Jake was thinking too. It could help him figure out his emotions and anger. He could maybe understand what Adri was saying a bit more and not take things as personal as he does. But when his step father attacked him with every word out of his mouth, it was hard to not think that was what everyone did.

Jake had to think about that. If they'd still be friends. He didn't know if he could see her with someone else. Let alone hear about it...from her. How great the guy was. How in love she was. The thought made him sick. "I don't's something we can try. I just don't know about when you start dating someone else. I'm not sure I can deal with hearing how better he is than me and how much you love him..." He looked away and stared off.

He moved off of her with a sigh. "I'm not going to be a jerk about it..."
She rolled her eyes, "Thats not what I mean Jake. I'm not going to rub some other guy in your face. I probably wouldn't even date. The only reason we started dating is because we were with each other all the time and we just started talking and then dating. I wasn't looking for a boyfriend and after spending a year and eight months with you, I'm not going to dive head first in another relationship. Our downfall won't be about you not being good enough." She told him.

Now she really was thinking he should go to counseling because it always came down to this. He was always afraid that he wasn't good enough. He needed to figure out how to get over that fear.

"I found a few therapists for us to go to in New York. We can meet them when we arrive in New York and figure out which one we want to talk too and then start therapy. I really need a shower before we leave." She said softly and got out of the bed. She grabbed her underwear and what she was wearing on the plane and then took her shower. While she was showering Owen woke up and was ready to eat.
"Now hold on. Before you get upset hear me out. This is where I know I need to explain. I'm not saying you will jump into a relationship right after we break up. But Adri...seriously? I know you and I know how amazing you are and any guy would be lucky to have you. And if we can't make it work and you and something else can then yes that guy is better than me. Better for you than me. I'm not saying you'd be like that and shove it in my face but it would still be there...I'm sure eventually you'd get married...and how would your future husband like that your friends with your ex fiance. I wouldn't like it...I'm not saying we can't be friends it just may be hard at times. But I don't want you out of my life either..."

Jake did always worry about being good enough because to his step father he never was.

He nodded. "Okay. We can do that. Thanks for doing that for us." He sighed and felt like now she was mad at him. He got Owen and went down to get his breakfast. Jake fed him and ate some breakfast himself.
"You're making up this whole big life in your head like it's going to come true. I don't want to date if we break up. I just don't. It's not a competition with some imginary guy. It's just not." She said ending the conversation and going to take a shower.

She showered, making sure she didn't get her hair straight. The guy she was walking for wanted her to have bone straight hair. She went to her normal lady to get it washed and straightened and then the stylists at the show would go over it again to make it super straight.

She got out of the shower and put in her jeans and t shirt. She had a leather jacket to go over it and she did slap on some make up to make sure she was good to go with her passport, charger cords and electronics.

She went down stairs and rubbed Owens head when she saw him. "I can finish. Go take a shower. Our flight leaves at noon." First they would fly to LA and then they would fly to Tokyo. When they got to LA her agent would be boarding with them so he could see her first Tokyo fashion show.
She claims she wouldn't date, but he couldn't imagine she'd be alone forever. But who knew. Jake let it go.

Owen started saying Owen's name the minute she walked into the kitchen. "Who's that?" He points and says mom. "Good job buddy. While we are gone tell Grandpa and get your legs strong so you can start walking in New York." I finish up my breakfast and give Owen a kiss on the head. "Mommy is going to finish feeding you baby." He put his stuff in the sink before heading upstairs.

Jake grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. Once he was done and dressed he grabbed his own electronics. He made sure he had everything by the door. He would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit nervous about going to her fashion show with her agent, who hated him. They already were having issues. They didn't need anything adding to it. Jake went in the living room figuring Adri would be there with Owen.
Adri cleaned up Owen after she finished feeding him and took him to the living room to play. She set him on the floor and he played with the toy that popped up and light up.

Her phone went off and she was watching Owen from the edge of the living room and talking to her agent. She was clearly annoyed but handling it. When Jake came down, she let him watch Owen so she could go to her office and look at her schedule.

When she came back she put her phone in her purse and looked at Jake. "When is your surgery scheduled? I never wrote it down." She said softly. She had her planner in her hand, that date was the only one missing. "Your dad might have to fly to New York with Owen and meet us there instead." She told Jake. "Victoria's secret is starting their model search for the fashion show and as a new member I have to be there early for fittings and pictures and a promo." She told him.

"That means the week that we were supposed to come home is no more. At least not for me. If you want to come home and stick to the schedule that's fine but after Tokyo I'm going straight to New York."
Jake sat on the floor and played with Owen. He wondered what was going on but figured she'd tell him soon enough. Jake attacked Owen with kisses and enjoyed some time with him before they were gone from him a whole week.

When she comes in the living room as soon as she asks when his surgery is he knows it's not good. It kind of makes him see where he rates, she didn't even put his surgery in his planner. "So...does that mean we won't have time to do things in New York? My surgery is the week we get back. I can move it back..."

Jake wasn't entirely following. The week they were supposed to come home for good? Or to come get Owen. This trip was starting out great...
"We can still do things, I just have to add a week. We were going to come home, stay here for a week and then take O to New York, I can't do that anymore." She told. "I have to be in New York for Victoria's Secret."

She rubbed her lips together. She had the date down somewhere but she couldn't remember where it was. That was the only problem. "The week we get from Tokyo or New York?" She asked him because if it was Tokyo then he wouldn't have been able to go to New York, since the doctor told him no flying.

"If it's the week we get back from New York, it's fine but if it's Tokyo then I can probably get out of VS early. I can just ask them to speed everything through. I just won't be in the promos or whatever." She shrugged her shoulder. It's not like she needed to be in them anyways. All she really wanted was the show.
"No you told me to make it for after New York. So I did. It's like a month out. I'll just..." He thought a minute. "I'll figure it out. If I need to come back and get him and dad I will. I don't want to make dad try flying alone with him. I don't know if they will let him fly with dad. Make your plans to go to New York and I'll figure out what Owen and I are doing to get there."

Jake wouldn't let her not do the VS stuff. He would never hold her back. Especially not now, like he felt before, she'd just resent him.

John arrived to be there to watch Owen. Jake got up and winced a bit. He still had trouble getting off the floor and moving certain ways. He told his father hello and gave him the quick run down on Owen.

"We ready?" Jake looked at Adri.
"Well if it's after New York then it's no problem." As long as she didn't get booked for anything after New York. "This might work out in our favor. For that first week, I am going to be go, go, go at work. So if you want to come home and get readjusted to the time change, maybe get another cortisone shot, and then bring Owen to New York, it works out." She told him.

She dug through her bag for the little piece of paper she wrote the surgery date on since Jake was being vague. She finally found it on the chipotle receipt from when she got him and his father their burritos and she wrote it in her planner. She shoved that in her purse and went to Owen. She scooped him up and gave him so many kisses and a great big hug. She told him she loved him and would miss him and then she handed him back to Jake.

She put everything back in her purse and nodded her head. She turned to John, "Thank you so much for doing this for us. Mom and dad want some time with him too so they will be around to give you a break and so that you can talk to some adults." She smiled and rubbed his arm.

The Uber pulled up and put their bags in the back of the car. She got in the back seat and put her head against the headrest. "I'm going to miss him. We've never been so far away." She said softly. Her mind started playing out scenarios if something happened to him or them while they were so far away. She picked at her nails nervously and rubbed her lips together.
Jake just listened and nodded. "I'll figure it out while you're busy in Tokyo." He'd have plenty of downtime to think about it and get tickets switched and make an appointment for another shot.

When Adri handed Owen over he attacked him with kisses and then gave him a hug and asked for a kiss which he gave him. He told him to be good for grandpa and gave him another kiss before letting him down. Jake then said bye to Max and told him to watch his baby brother. John told Adri they'd be fine and to have a good time. He also told her they were all proud of her.

Jake thanked his dad and gave him a hug before going out to get in the car. Jake buckled up and looked over Adri. Once they were moving he leaned over a bit. "What's wrong? You worried about the week? You'll do great. You always do babe." He gave her leg a pat and offered a small smile.
She nodded her head to him figuring it out while she was working. "Okay. That works." She said softly.

She gave Max a few kisses and said goodbye to him. She gave him a hug and gave him more kisses before she left the house. "That's not what's wrong." She told him. "We are going to Tokyo. We are going to be thousands of miles away from Owen. If something happens to him we are fifteen hours away. What can we do fifteen hours away?"

She closed her eyes and bit her cheek. "I don't even know what we are going to do in Tokyo. Did I book a translator? A driver? I know I did for New York but what did I do for Tokyo? We are going to get there and have no place to go." She ran her fingers through her hair and stressed a little.
"I'll have it figured out. Don't stress about it."

Jake looked at her a moment. He was surprised she was thinking about that and stressing about it. "He is with dad. He's fine babe. If something happens your parents are close. He will be fine. Nothing is going to happen." He rubbed her leg.

He was more surprised she didn't have everything set up for them in Tokyo. " we have a hotel. Once we get checked in at the airport I'll take care of it." He pulled his phone out and started looking into it on the drive. On the trip to the airport they had a driver from the airport, hotel, and translator. He then started to set up how to get her little gift sets of food and other things sent to their room so she had things for her day to eat or drink. Or just destress. He was setting one up for her every day even if she didn't have to work that day.
"We hope nothing happens." She corrected and looked out the window. She was sure Owen would be fine but the fact that they were going to be so far away and unable to do anything until they took the long trip back was what was making her nervous about leaving him. "We need to get him a passport." She said softly and looked at Jake.

"Of course we have a hotel." She frowned. It was the car and the translator she could t remember if she booked. She didn't thing about it because they never really needed a translator before. They were always in an English speaking country.

She looked over her emails and found the hotel reservation and the information of what was already booked for her for getting her to fashion week. "All we need is a car to pick us up from the airport, a translator for when we go out in the city. And a car to take us to the city. Or I can have my agent do it since he booked everything else." She told him.
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