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Teenage Mutant Ninja...Lovers? (Mercenary+Kiandra_Black)


May 21, 2013

"Who...Who are you? P-please, don't hurt me!"

"Don't worry, child, I will not harm you. I know many see you as a freak, a monster to be hunted down. But me, I see potential. I want to take you in, and train you under my wing as a ninja. A footninja, that is. You will no longer be seen as hideous, but as a respected warrior. And all I ask in return is that you be loyal to me..."

Sevris remembered that day like it was yesterday. The day he could stop running, the day The Shredder had taken him in. He was soon brought into the world of a ninja, become an impressive fighter and rising high in the ranks if the footclan. He had soon found out of others lie him , yet they were sworn enemies of the Shredder, which made them his enemies as well. Though they may have been more like him than any if the regularly human ninjas he called brothers, Sevris stayed loyal to the man that had seen past his appearance to make him strong, and so he taught beside the foot. Yet the snake mutant had only had one abrupt fight with the turtles so far, and he saw them as an...interesting group of fighters to say the least. They definitely didn't seem as skilled at first glance as they really were. But Sevris knew not to underestimate them, and he did not.

But for the moment, Sevris was on his off-time, gazing over the city as he say on a rooftop, reminiscing over the past he had. He didn't remember anything but blackness before waking up as what he was. He just...knew English somehow, and had very natural abilities, almost instinctual. He would use them to rob stores for food and water and then evading humans and escaping. But the Shredder had caught him, only to extend his hand in friendship, and he had been in the foot ever since. But Sevris was so lost in thought, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings very well, and a skilled person could sneak up on him easily enough...
Venus, angry with Leonardo and Raphael, decided to take a walk to cool down. Her black bandana, braided down her back fluttered int the wind as she stuck her head out of the sewer. An angry grimace lay on her face as she easily moved up the staircase on the outside of the building. Since night had fallen in the middle of the arguement, she decided to head topside, to avoid Donatello or Michalangelo. They usually mediated after the giant arguments, but almost always sided with the males. She rolled her eyes at the thought as she easily scaled the building and began running over the rooftops to her favored spot.

None of her four brothers knew where it was, and she planned on keeping it that way. Out the five of them, Venus was the smallest, and quickest. Usually kept away from the fights between the Foot, any fights she did get in, were over quick. She moved like a shadow. The Foot usually didn't see her, or if they did, they didn't get a good look at her. That was exactly how she and Master Splinter liked it.

She slowed as she reached her rooftop, only to find a hulking form already in her spot. Her eyes widened behind her black bandana. She didn't know there were others who looked like them. Although, this form was more of a ... snake?
Either way, it was a male.
She crouched a couple feet away, within the shadows to study him. Her experience with males was limited to her turtle brothers. Which technically, they weren't really her brothers, but it would feel too much like incest if she were to proposition one of them.

She knew her form wasn't attractive to human males, the other ones were her brothers, so maybe, just maybe...
Sevris seemed to not notice her presence, not flinching or reacting to Venus at all. But soon enough he looked as though he had snapped out if a stupor, his head raising up as he leaned up a bit himself. His tongue flicked out once, and he turned to face Venus' direction. "Whoever you are, I know you're there. You might as well just com out now..." Sevris stated in the direction he was facing, knowing whoever it was would hear him and hopefully comply.

Sevris appeared even larger as he held himself higher, his muscled body facing Venus as his eyes scanned the area, watching for who or whatever was there.
Venus tilted her head at his words, and nodded to herself. She emerged from the inky blackness, showing him that she was a female turtle. She looked up at him, and smiled shyly. "Hi. Sorry for disturbing you... but I needed to get away... this is usually my spot..." her voice was quiet as she spoke. She slowly checked him out, and could feel her cheeks beginning to burn as she blushed.

He was hot.

She swallowed and finally came completely into the moonlight. Her form was small compared to her brothers, and she had a distinct feminine form. She looked over him, hoping she wasn't being obvious in her checking him out.
Sevris watched without blinking as Venus walked out, keeping a stern face all along. But behind the mask of an expression he was wearing, Sevris was dealing with a mix of emotions. At first he had thought it could have been the smallest turtle with the orange mask, but the voice told him otherwise. It told him that this was a woman walking out before him. He didn't know there were any mutants besides him and the turtles, let alone one of the opposite sex. And though Seveis only gave her a quick look-over, he had to admit he was not repulsed by her appearance in the slightest. But for dome reason the mask and being a turtle herself didn't click in his mind that she was, in fact, with the turtles.

Sevris did in fact notice her eyes wandering over him, but he pushed it off as her probably just being amazed to maybe finally see a mutant himself. It wasn't like she thought of him as...attractive, or anything, right? No one ever had before. Suddenly, Sevris uncoiled from his sitting position and with extreme speed he was stopped with only seemingly one step between him and Venus, crossing his muscled arms as he glared down at the female turtle.

"Get away? From who? Who are you?" Sevris asked in his naturally commanding voice, keeping his intense and somewhat intimidating glare on Venus. He begin circling around her, looking over the turtle more but not seemingly just to check her out. Though it was admittedly partially why.
If he thought that he was intimidating her, he was mistaken. Venus grew up with four older brothers, two of them who had intimidation tactics down to an art. She calmly looked up at him and sneered, "Excuse me, you obviously were not taught any manners. You are supposed to ask me politely what my name is."

She let her eyes rove over his body again, taking in his snakelike appearance. In the back of her mind, the perverted side of hers was asking itself, 'Wonder where he has his dick?' She smirked at the thought, before allowing her eyes to follow the line of his body back up to his face.

"This is my rooftop. So back off snakebreath!" She said, crossing her arms under her chest, enhancing her breasts. Unlike her brothers, her plastron was softer than theirs, almost like a corset. Her shell on her back was still hard, although much smaller than the boys.

"And if you want my name, you'll have to ask nicely jerk."
"Hmph, aren't you feisty? Who said this was your rooftop? This is city property, silly girl. And honestly I could care less about your name." Sevris said, though it was quite opposite from the truth. His curiosity had peaked. He wanted to know more about this other mutant. And he did take notice as her folded arms pushed out her breasts. Luckily his anatomy hid his own private parts like her shell did hers, the it was surprisingly conformed to her body.

He began moving back to his spot on the corner of the building, coiling up again to sit. "But if you insist. Could I indulge you into saying your precious name?" Sevris asked with a hint of sarcasm. "I can might reply with mine if you so desire." The snake mutant told her, though he was honestly assuming he would get an attitude-filled response.
Venus smirked at his question, before joining him in sitting on the corner, allowing her legs to fall over the side. "I am Venus." She answered quietly before looking out over the night. The city was gleaming with lights, and she could hear the sounds of the city, whether it was scuffles, or arguing.

She came up here for peace, and instead, found another irritation. She was not happy, and the thin line of her lips showed it. She shifted her upper body away from the snake, facing away from him so he could only see her profile.

'Why does the one male I could actually be interested in have to be such a jerk? It isn't enough that the only ones who could find me attractive have to be my brothers, now the one male that I might have had a chance with is totally rude... Why does my life have to suck so badly?' She thought to herself while trying to ignore the large male body beside her.
"Sevris." The snake replied simply, giving his name to her, though he kept looking forward. He was trying to keep himself distant from Venus, but his interest was only increasing under his thick demeanor. But it suddenly hit him. Why? What was the point of keeping her from knowing him, maybe even becoming friends eventually. He wanted to learn about the only female mutant he knew.

"Look." Sevris said, sighing as he turned to face her. "I'm sorry about that. I'm being unreasonable. Can we start over? I'll try not to be so rude this time." He said, trying to make amends to Venus for how he was treating her. "Venus is a beautiful name by the way, it suits you." Sevrus told her, giving the turtle a smile.
She tilted her head sideways to show she had heard him while her mind stumbled over his name. It suited him. She looked at him sideways when he moved and turned to look at him. Her braided bandana fell over her shoulder and she reflexively put her hands on it and began running it through her three fingers. She was careful to avoid the end, which had a sharp blade tied to it.

Since she was quicker than the boys, she used her braid like a weapon, swiping the blade at the end across the skin on the cheeks of the Foot. Many bore scars on the faces from her braid, since she dipped the razor into a chemical agent that Don had made for that specific purpose. Her metal fans lay closed and tucked into the shin guards she wore.
"Thanks Sevris. Your name suits you as well. What are you doing topside? Usually our types try to stay out of human contact." She asked quietly and shifted to face him fully, her eyes studying him.
"What do you mean 'top side'? Though I do know all about avoiding those humans. Who would want to see a freak like me anyways?" Sevris said, looking down at a couple as they walked down the street below. He doubted he'd ever be together with anyone like those two were. Sevris didn't think Venus liked him at all, his look or his personality. But he could have wishful thinking.

"Though I suppose you're right, it dies fit me, Sevris. It sounds...snake-like, I guess. It's probably why my father gave it to me..." Sevris said, considering the Shredder his father. But then he thought his father probably wouldn't want him to be talked about, especially to a turtle, even if it wasn't one of the four brothers. "But enough about me, maybe we could talk some about yourself?" He said, trying to change the topic a bit.
"Topside? I just meant that since I usually live... lower than this, so this is... topside?" She wasn't exactly sure how to explain. She didn't want to say she lived down in the sewers. There was just something that told her to keep that secret.
She usually listened to her instincts.
"You aren't a freak. Trust me. You're just different. Like me. Do you think I am a freak?" She asked, giving him a look. She waited for his answer as she thought about what to tell him.
"I have four older brothers, and a father. I never met my mother. I'm spoiled, but I am also taught of as the baby of the group. So they all protect me like I am a priceless work of art. It gets frustrating.
"Oh, okay..." Sevris said, though he was rather confused by what she was trying to tell him. "You have four brothers? And a father, huh?" He asked Venus, the information suddenly hitting him. It was sure sounding a lot like a group he knew...But he wasn't going to let Venus know his realization.

"So, are they all turtles, like you? Or are they not mutated? My father isn't a mutant like me, what about your family? Any non-mutants?" He asked, hoping to confirm what he was guessing without showing which information he was looking for from her. Though honestly Sevris was hoping he was wrong at there were just more mutants.
"Uh no. They aren't." She answered truthfully. Her family wasn't all turtles. Master Splinter was a rat. And she considered two humans part of her family too, Casey and April.

She wasn't going to say anything about her brothers being turtles, since she still wasn't sure about him. In this city, the Foot were everywhere. She wouldn't chance that he was a part of that group, although she had never seen him fighting against them.

"I thought I was the only... creature around." She said, trying to find a word for what they were withot offending him or hurting herself. "I never thought I would meet another." She looked up at him, her hands clenching around her blade. "Where do you live?" She asked suddenly, wondering how she had never even caught a glimpse of him before.
"Oh, okay. Sounds like an interesting family you've got." Sevris said, deciding not to push. He may not have gotten the answer he wanted, but the snake mutant didn't to find out something he didn't want to. If she was with the turtles...then it seemed that he would have a new enemy he honestly didn't want.

"Well, I have to say your the first female mutant I've ever seen. If you haven't seen me before, it's because I move around. I don't really have a specific place I stay, just wherever I can get some rest without being found." Secris said, which wasn't entirely a lie. It's how he used to live until the shredder took him in. His tower just happened to be the place where he had moved to get sleep without being bothered.
"Interesting. You would think we would have met each other in passing." She said as she looked back out at the city. Her instincts were in high gear, but she rationalized that it was because they both didn't want to divulge too much information.

She suddenly asked, "The first female? Does this mean you know other male mutants?" She wanted to know if he had ever met any of her brothers, although her brothers had never told her about meeting a snake mutant. She was sure that if they had met him, they would have said Something about it to her.
"Yes, I have. Well, I mean, I only got a few quick glances. It was almost like they were ninjas, but I could still tell they were definitely mutants. Probably turtles now that I think about it. Who knows, maybe you were with them and I just didn't notice? You do look pretty ninja-like yourself..." Sevris said, though smiling at her while telling Venus this to not make her think he had any ill-will towards the ninja turtles he was referring to. He was trying to deny that she was with them as much as he could, but logic and reason kept coming to the front of is mind, and he could hardly come up with a counter argument for the similarities between her and his enemies.

Looking up at a clock tower, he noticed it was almost midnight. "Geez, look at the time. I should probably get going soon enough..." Sevris told her, knowing the Shredder didn't like not knowing where he was past midnight. It was almost like a curfew. "So, maybe meet up back here tomorrow? I mean, if course, if you'd like. I know I didn't give the best first impression." He said, hoping Venus would take his offer.
Venus didn't answer him about her brothers, wondering when he had seen them. He had to have seen them close enough to realize they were ninjas. How come her brothers had never told her about him? They knew she wanted to find... what to call it... a boyfriend? No, that word didn't sound right. Maybe a mate? They were more animalistic than human.

When he told her the time, she jumped up. Master Splinter was going to be so angry! She smiled at Sevris, and said, "I am going to be in so much trouble. My dad is going to kill me. I would Love to meet you here tomorrow. Round the same time?"
She wondered if she should give him her number, just in case she had to help her brothers fight off the Foot, but she simply let that thought go. She waved good bye to him and disappeared down the steps, completely disappearing from view.

Venus walked into the sewer home that she shared with her brothers and father. Thankfully her brothers were asleep. She walked to her father's room, and knocked lightly. "Hello, Master Splinter?"
"I'm glad you are home safe. Where were you my daughter?"
"I was topside. I uh... I met someone... he's different. Like me, like us."
"Ah. And does this male, does he interest you?"
"Yes. I am meeting him tomorrow again."
"Be careful my daughter. I will not tell your brothers, but the time will come when you will have to let them know."
"Yes father. Good night Master Splinter."
"Sleep well Venus."
After that conversation, she entered her room, and fell asleep in the hammock, having a very Naughty dream about a certain snake like individual.
Sevris noticed how Venus didn't really respond to what he had said about the turtles. It more confirmed his thoughts rather than being indecisive, forcing Sevris to let out a bit of a quiet sigh. He could barely deny it anymore. And if it really was true, then he would have to be against her. Her ties with the turtles and his ties with the Foot would be too strong. Buy honestly, he just planned to wait it out until Venus found out herself. And he didn't doubt she would never find out. He had fought her brothers once, but that was once enough for them to recognize him if she told them about himself. Hopefully she felt the same though, and they could talk about it first before separating at least. He honestly didn't want to fight Venus, even though they had really only just met. He already felt something between them, though he just didn't know exactly what yet. Or maybe Sevris did realize what it was, and he was just denying it...

"Alright, same time tomorrow sounds good. I'll try to be here if I can. Until then." Sevris said to her, smiling to Venus as she left. He turned away then himself, Grady through alleys on his way to the Footclan's tower. Luckily for him, there was no questioning, no being bothered by anyone as he made his way to his room. It was more like a cell, but it was his own. All it was was a metal box of a room that was big enough, but not too big. He had managed to get a drawer where he kept his weapons, mainly his sword. But Sevris still had no bed, and slept on the floor. He actually had trouble getting to sleep that night, having much less pleasant dreams than Venus, though they did involve her. Unfortunately, that involved fighting her, and then the Shredder and the turtles got involved. Many of the groups' blood was spilled, and Secris had to watch as his adopting father was about to end an injured Venus' life. He honestly didn't know what to do! But right before the final blow was struck, he shot up, wife awake and breathing frantically. If snakes could sweat, he would've been in a cold one...
The next morning, Venus woke up, a huge smirk on her face. She grabbed her towel and walked out of her room. As usual, she was nearly the first one up. Mikey was still asleep, Don was just stirring. Master Splinter was in the dojo, meditating. Leonardo was up, no where to be seen. Raph was barely up, in the kitchen, looking for something to eat.
"Going to take a shower." She said, and headed to the large shower room. They had gotten a huge claw-footed tub installed, just for her.

She passed Leo on the way in. "Hey sis. We were worried last night!"
"I was fine. No worries. I spoke to Father when I came in."
"Still. Next time..."
"Next time, I will talk to Master Splinter again. Leo, you are my Brother, not my Father!"
"I worry about you!"
"I can take care of myself!"

Of course the two started yelling at each other. In the other rooms, the three who were awake rolled their eyes. Mikey was still asleep.
"Would you two just be quiet?!" Donnie told the two loudly, growing annoyed with there bickering. "Venus, if you're not going to take a bath anytime soon, I will." He told her, crossing his arms as he looked at the two.

"Come in guess, let's not fight. Violence doesn't solve your problems! Except , y'know, the footclan and all those guys." Michelangelo said as he came out, yawning then chuckling at his own joke. Unlike the others, he wasn't so concerned about his hygiene if taking a bath.

"For once I agree with Donnie. Will you guys shut up. You're so loud. How's a guy supposed to get some sleep?" Raph grumbled, walking out himself, looking tired. Seeing Venus, he perked up just a bit. "Hey Venus, where didya go last night?" He asked her. It made sense that Venus wanted a place to get away from these three.
Venus sneered at Donnie, not surprised that he would try to stop the argument. "But I want a bath Don, plus I already said I was going to go." Venus said before turning to look at Mikey. The three rolled their eyes at him and Leo pushed him away. Mikey, of course, just went along to the kitchen to make himself breakfast, which would either be a bowl of cereal or leftover pizza.

Venus at least ate a lot healthier than the boys.

She grinned at Raph. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Out of all of them, she was closest to Raph, simply because they were both hotheaded and loved to mess with their Oh Great Leader, Leo. "I was up at my spot. Had to get away from you two before I did damage."
Out of all of them, Venus was the most bloodthirsty. It was rare the fights that Master Splinter DIDN'T have to seperate between her and her brothers.
"You're spot, huh? If you don't tell us, one of these days we're going to find out where you go. What do you even do up there anyways?" Raphael said to her, curiosity getting the best of him over wherever Venus went where she always managed to elude the four.

"Raph, you just like spying on girls like a creep. That's why you want to find out where she goes." Mikey said, followed by a slap over the head from the tempered turtle he so frequently pushed the buttons of.

"Great, it's like this every day around here. When are you two going to grow up?" Leonardo said, turning away from Venus. As Venus was like Raphael so much, Leo had about the same amount of problems between the two of them. It was hard to get them to work well with anyone else, but they usually pulled through in the end, and he trusted the both with his life.

"Venus, stop arguing and take a bath. A quick one preferably. I don't want to have to go out for a mission smelling like sewage today." Donnie complained, arms crossed and foot tapping. "Especially after being thrown into a dumpster by the new Shredder henchie." He sighed.

"You mean that new mutant we fought? Yeah, he's a nasty bunch of scales. I could've sworn he put a crack in my shell when he smacked me into the billboard. I just want to tie him up in a knot and throw him of a building!" Raph muttered angrily, clenching his fists.

"Uh, guys, c'mon, his name is 'Viper'. I don't make these code names for nothing." Mikey butted in. "Wait a minute, why don't we make our goal today to go find him and whoop his butt! Does he even have a butt?" He added, hoping his brothers would be on board. Of course almost instantly Raph was, and Leo and Donnie weren't too hard to convince either. But they had no clue what could be going through Venus' mind right now, not knowing who she had met last night...
"What mutant?" Venus asked as she placed her towel next to the tub and began filling it with hot water. She filled it with lavender and orchid bubble bath, her normal scent and then turned back to look at her brothers. Mikey of course, went into a detailed description about the male.
"He's tall, and he looks like us! Except he is a Snake! Its really cool!"
Venus stared at Mikey, shocked into silence. Leo noticed, and asked, "What's wrong? Have you seen him?"
"No. Just shocked. A male mutant who isn't my brother, and he is on the enemy's side."
The four males rolled their eyes at their sister. None of them kept her company after she started talking about sex and mating. Her first heat had been doubly hard for all of them, since she turned very flirtacious with them all. Her scent was also too much for them, and they found themselves as hard as rocks.

They finally had it down to a science, she would head off by herself for her Heat, and it was better for all of them.
"The brothers couldn't deny that though many times they looked at Venus as their sister, but sometimes she made it seem like they could be more. But honestly most of the time they kept away from the thought. Raph, however, did feel a bit of a connection , but he knew his brothers' views and wasn't about to show anything more than brotherly love. But he was like the perfect girl for him! They saw almost eye to eye on everything , despite being the most argumentative of the group. But he doubted she would ever feel the same about him, probably just seeing him as a brother...It was weird that he almost encouraged the thought if her being in heat, but he tried to restrain himself from taking advantage of her during that time.

"Well anyways, all of us besides Donnie can go, and he can catch up after his fun bubble time with Venus. Now let's go get this guy! Viper's going down!" Mikey said enthusiastically, flipping over to the exit as Raph and Leo just walked, following him.
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