This thread will be nuked with extreme carnage and glee

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Aug 5, 2010
Post 1: General Introduction
Post 2: Original Plots and Pairings
Post 3: Fandoms

General Introduction

I am a male looking for women for MxF RP. I do prefer to play a male with a female partner, but on certain ideas of mine I am willing to play a female role. That can be found on my secondary thread. Here, it is strictly MxF and a Futa only if you can convince me (unless noted).

Please do not post on here if you want to RP with me. PM me or use the e-mail link provided instead. I have a strong preference for e-mail and Google Docs, due to ease of access at work. While I can do PM, I am horrible with it. My response time will be slower, plus its easy to ‘loose’ them. And while I might get on here via my Kindle while at work, it is not convenient. (Note then, even if it says I was online, I might just be checking and not really doing anything here! Typing on my Kindle is also way too cumbersome.) OOC planning and negotiation via PM I don’t mind, but keeping up with RPs is harder for me. Threads fall in the middle. Can’t access them at work easily, but don’t get lost in the PM jumble. I NEVER use IM!

I do need ‘think time’. Sometimes I might throw my next post quickly as I already got something planned. But often I like to pick my noggin after reading it. Response time is often a few times a week, daily if I am really into the RP, and at worst once a week if life is being a pain. I try to keep my availability notices in my signature.

My list of favorite kinks are very RP specific, and what may be welcomed in one won’t be in another.

  • I tend to go for multiple characters if possible.
  • A reason for sex to happen, naturally or as a story mechanic, as though it is a fuel. How or what (anal, oral, etc) I don’t pay much attention to kink wise.
  • Not normal side effects of having sex (fantasy and not realistic RP only).
  • If you rather it be more sex than plot, please make it funny.
  • I like virgins of any sort: educated but never tried to naive and innocent.
  • I am not into making others a victim unless they deserve it. So no kidnapping or rape plots please unless its for a good reason and/or leading into the main idea for the RP.
  • I don’t like BDSM except under very specific conditions.
  • I really don’t like massive breasts.
  • Excessive ejaculation or milky breasts are okay, or even welcomed, for non-human characters only.
  • I prefer having pets than slaves for characters I play. Pet being defined as one willing to have sex, but need to be taken care of.
  • In certain cases, playing an asexual will be a bonus.

My characters, in general, are ‘romantic doms’, who like being in control but focus on her pleasure first. While I accept submissives, I prefer to be paired with switches or one that may be a dom in some aspects, sub in others. Female characters I tend to like include any of these traits: curiosity, adventurous but not very violent, ‘cute’. Neither afraid nor addicted to sex (unless I am playing an asexual... love Nympho x Asexual pairings!) but rather see it casually or just part of life. I also freaking enjoy ideas resulting in maximum frustration for our poor characters! Not able to get along yet have to is a good thing for moi.

I tend to average 2-3 paragraphs, though at times I may only do one (say, at the end of the scene and OOC is needed) or a full page. I write what I think the RP requires.

If you want and idea how I write...

  • Male Concubine x Noble Lady - Playing my romantic dom style character. Dropped by her wish, it was running waaaaay too slow for us both. While one of my favorite ideas, its also problematic trying to find the best pacing for it.
  • Fish Tank: Older Technician x Young College Student: - An early version and test run of my ‘Fish Tank’ concept before I posted the idea here. Playing a dubcon style character with another romantic dom on the side assisting him. Assumed dropped by her due to unavailability.
  • Fish Tank: Trans-dimensional beings - Another type of ‘Fish Tank’, involving characters who into more psychological torture and the closest I will do to actual rape/non-con. A human character with Language Barrier is thrown in later. Active.

Character archetypes and ideas from TV Tropes

In general, something for the role of The Smart Guy mixed with either the Hero or Lancer. Also, along with this, The Quiet One and Stoic Woobie. If playing more of an anti-hero or anti-villain (which I like more than plain old villains), having one raised in an evil environment or a reformed criminal.

As for my partner, a woobie or variant, an early story version of a Dark Magical Girl, a Classy Cat Burglar, a hot scientest, or a psycho sidekick. Those who like to play action orientated characters, a mix of either brute strength or a mix of skills.

If you are not familiar with this site, I suggest you check it out! You can get some character ideas or other inspiration from it, including plots and even individual TV, movies, books, games, etc and what examples they have.
RE: In development - do not post

Original Plots & Pairings

Get comfortable, this is a loooong read! I’ve tried to find ideas for as many different styles as possible. Hopefully one might be of interest, but odds are there is something here that won’t match what you are looking for too. If you like lots of plot and little sex, start from the top. If you want pure smut, start from the bottom. I am also very open to negotiations! The male role is first, female second, unless otherwise mentioned: a setting idea, a general concept, or one requiring multiple characters. Ideas that can also be found on my Secondary female thread will be listed in pink. If you want to play one of these, PLEASE state which request thread you are requesting from!

  • March 13, 2011: Added Feral plot idea to (4.4), and Fallen Angel (2.5)
  • April 1, 2011: Added tentacle pet idea to (4.4), Gender Rare (5.6), and Sex Fanatic Zombies (6.5)
  • April 7, 2011: Added a temporary request, along with Annoying Itch (4.6) and Sexual Training (5.8)
  • April 26, 2011: Added Mythical Beast x Bonded (4.7)
  • May 29, 2011: Added Pet of a Pet (4.8)

* - Less desired, maybe played it too much in the past.
** - Just an idea I came up with, no strong motivation with it.
*** - Average desire, some motivation in doing it but not a craving.
**** - More my style, and would like to do it.
***** - Craving!

Current Desires

  • Fallen Angel/Demon (2.5)
  • My newest ideas: Pet of a Pet (4.8)

TV Tropes Ideas

If you have a plot or way to work any of these in, good!

Special Mention

Some of my original ideas I like to call a ‘Fish Tank’. It is a kinda hard to explain but easy to show concept and can be done any number of ways. The concept is this: someone has control over the world surrounding your character, and therefore an extension of his character. This is similar to The Truman Show or Dark City, if you are familiar with those movies. Another way to look at it, think when people get around for pencil-n-paper RPG with a GM. Now make it so its just you and the GM, he may or may not be playing additional characters, and the world around your character is in constant flux. My Fish Tank ideas include:

  • Generic: Only if we must. Wonderful if you have a strong yet impossible idea.
  • Older Technician x Young College Student: Mine put your character into a VR world which may be heaven or hell depending if she loves him or not. Dub-con.
  • Own Private World: Two who are both step-siblings and cousins are able to create their own private place together. Con.
  • Trans-dimensional beings: Your character go to a living hell as she is used by unseen beings as their play thing. Non-con.

Minimal Sex
Contains lots of sexual tension or occasional softcore sex, nothing else.

1.1) Child Choice ***
I PM’ed darkangel76 to make sure this is legit with the rules, and I want to be very specific here. And with my ordering from sex light to pure smut, this ought to be a huge clue.

You will play a single mom with a girl, age negotiable. The RP will begin with me and the child under LEGAL circumstances, and developing a ‘step-dad’ liking for mine. And while the mom is looking for relationship material, she for whatever reason is not attracted to me. It can be anything: age (mom is a high school drop out due to pregnancy? And I am too old?), looks (maybe I have an ugly feature the daughter thinks is cool), personality (better be nerd), or even fear of intimacy or being rejected again. Whatever. Yet her daughter is attracted to him as father material.

I want very little sex (if any!) and overfilling tonnage of sexual tension between the mother and my character as she feels torn. Perhaps mine will sneak in mom’s bedroom and attempt to cuddle, only to be kicked in the face. The child is OFF LIMITS per BM rules!!! The daughter’s purpose is to give an emotional bridge between two character who might as well have a mutual self-afflicted hair-pulling contest. Naturally, I prefer to do this with a single mom who can relate.

1.2) Student x Student **
For those more open to something down to earth, romantic, and less about just sex, I will like an open ended college setting with me being a nerdy character. The first scene will be the first day of a new school year, with you a freshman and me a sophomore or junior. I arrive early with a book in hand, covered up, then you enter, with the class being something my character will be good in and your character dreading. It will move on from there.

I do prefer though it will lead at least to making out sessions or some sort of college drama. Perhaps two virgins very interested in sex but abstaining, pushing but not doing the act. Just no date after date thing. If you want more sex, see the website version farther down.

Sex Light
Plot heavy, with only a little sex on the side.

2.1) Generic Fantasy Setting ***
Female option available.

In a fantasy setting, I tend to play a traveling scholar archetype with superior endurance and intelligence, going to explore unknown regions. This leads to three potential plot pairings.

  • I am older than your character who is assigned to me or willingly becomes my assistant.
  • You are a slave/prisoner of the land I am heading to, under the control of my nation. Alternately, you are an escapee and we find each other.
  • Either we are adventuring companions or I am exploring your lands and you are a native of that land, willing to show me around.

Here is a description of the character I will be playing, further down in this thread if interested. I do have a more detailed plot idea with this character and these pairings in mind, but is abstract enough to fit into (hopefully) whatever character idea you might have. PM me for details.

I also have another fantasy character (still developing as of adding this) in mind. Note he will also work in a steampunk like fantasy setting with guns. If not, he will be more-or-less a battlemage. He is an orphaned ork raised by a male human and female half-ork. His adoptive father keept his family a secret and molded my character to be civilized, hoping he will be mistaken for a reasonable half-ork. Some plot ideas that can go with this is (more may be added later):

  • ‘Evil’ races are captured and put in gladiator style combat for entertainment. Pair me up with a human barbarian or dark elf/drow female (or another reasonable pairing) and lets break out of this joint! OR, your character is given to me as a sex slave. But don’t think this is your typical master x slave pairing. Oh no no no. Give you a dagger and kick you till you fight back I shall! Then we break out.
  • Steampunk: Still more fantasy than sci-fi, more of a fantasy setting with guns or Victorian era mixed in. My ork is a fine dressed, civil merchant who has a tendency for violence when angry. He worked himself up from nothing to middle class but feel the upper class beating him back down. No real plot idea, just backstory. Ideas include being drafted for war, add a generic romance, or secretly funding a terrorist group against the ‘high and mighty’.
  • Instead (or compared to) the last one, the world is going through an industrial revolution, and with that society as a whole. Allies turn enemies and former enemies find common causes. I play the ork as either a knight, guard, or protector of your character, a human or elven daughter of a noble. And war is on the horizon.

2.2) Fish Tank: Generic **
You play whatever the bleep you want. I play whatever the bleep I want. We wake up and find we are not in our normal environment. We head out and find the world is in constant flux. Choose this if you have no freaking idea what I mean by ‘Fish Tank’. Though personally I rather you pick one of my other ones, or understand the concept with what is normally an impossible combination of characters or settings smashed together in massive confusion.

2.3) Alien Planet Setting **
Female option available.

In the most basic form, we both play humans who land on an alien planet and have to survive. Pairing can be anything: cadets, pilot and gunner, officer and civilian just to name a few. It will be more plot/romance heavy, but can be more sex than plot if, say, something about the planet makes us more horny. Or you are an alien addicted to sex and I am the sole survivor. This can also blend well with some apocalyptic setting. Never tried, so no real plot ideas to go with this one.

2.4) Fake Pregnancy ***
Okay, this is more of a “Will you do this for me” request with specific requirements. Otherwise, its more of a 2-star or potential slap on to any other idea we might have. And I think I prefer this with someone I’ve RP’ed with in the past (or you have a really good to read request thread), to get a feel how you are.

The plot goes we are already a couple who don't want children but, while having non-intercourse sex, I tell you that someone created a way to fool a woman's body into thinking it is pregnant. After visiting and accepting a human trial run, you put down all the good, bad, and ugly things of being pregnant. While I want one sex scene to set down the base line very early on, some scenes won't have any sex. The first sex scene will be casual, maybe almost routine. The others will be more playful and teasing, and what some may not consider 'sex' per se. For example, since they never had intercourse, her goofing around with having sperm in her for the first time will be appreciated. And others won't be at all about sex: eating an entire cart of ice cream, emotional changes, etc. I never lived with one who was pregnant and this is one way how I can find out how it is like till I do. As such, I want this to be done by a mom who had all 9 months of it. I also, if you don't mind, like it if your character has small breasts and conscious about it, seeing this as an opportunity for breast enlargement, and a motivator for her to do this. Lacerating kink will of course be a bonus.

2.5) Fallen Angel/Demon (Judeo-Christian) ****
This will be a modern fantasy where my character will be an actual fallen angel from Lucifer’s Rebellion who, now, regrets his decision. Now he is more of an anti-villan, he may still partake in victim-less sins (consensual sex) and sins against other sinners (stealing from thieves, or hurting but not killing those that hurt others while quoting Matthew 5:30). So this is NOT your typical Demon x Whatever plot. Its me exploring the idea of a demon who wish he was still an angel and lessening his punishment in hell post-judgement.

You can play whatever character you want, from a woman in seminary to a hard core atheist; from a normal woman who happens to notice he isn’t human and have a strange code of ethics, to a human/demon hybrid who does not know who she is. My only hard request is real, unfallen angels are NOT used in any way except background material or brief appearances.

There is three ways I can see this play out. In its most generic form, the demon plays his current life like a normal human with a real job, but overnight has no problem acting sort of like a crime fighter. If you rather play a character with ‘issues’, he can be involved with that. For example, you play a drug addict and him a councilor in a therapy environment. My preferred method: he is a drifter with a secret mission involving a rising Protestant preacher, and cross paths with yours the night before.

Addendum: I have a strong preference for e-mail as I would like to mix this with maps and street images.

List of powers:
  • Able to detect emotions, but not the cause or desires, in humans
  • Body shaping/disguise
  • Hyper senses, including ‘Spirit Sense’ which allows him to see those that may be in disguise or under spiritual influence
  • Superior strength, agility, and constitution
  • Does not need to eat, sleep, or use the restroom

Sex Light-Moderate
Sex occurs, but only by needs for the plot

3.1) ‘Fish Tank’: Older Technician x Young College Student ****
Female option available.

Your character gets invited to try out a new VR machine before its release. I play a single man who feels an attraction to her. Using trickery, he is able to get her trapped in his own VR world, then use seduction, subterfuge, and psychological horror in an attempt to get her to love him. Very picky plotting early on, then ease up greatly. I will also be playing another male character who’s identity is spoilerish.

3.2) Language Barrier ***
This is a generic idea where both of our characters don't know what the other is saying. How and why I am very, very open to discussion with. In fact, if you want to add something like this to any of my other ideas, just ask! Note at best I would like to simulate this as best as possible, not having any or very little English dialogue for both of our characters. If nothing else, fake it with Google Translate.

For a pure plot reason to do this, I do have a general idea and will give specifics below. In this case, I will like it if there is a plot reason for your character to seek out sex, wither its because she is a nympho, a cultural expectation, or if you will be punished by one that isn't me if you don't. Mine just too ignorant/paranoid/less sex driven to realize what he got for maximum frustrations. Just some ideas/suggestions for multiple tastes, but focused mostly on lack of communication and culture differences:

  • Real World: After doing a favor for a rich dictator of a third world country, he gave me my own safehouse in his country, and you are part of the package and assigned to serve me.
  • Fantasy: I have done a favor or have to work with your race/culture (i.e. you play an orc/half-orc and me a human, or you a barbarian human and me a civilized human) and you are posted as a servant/body guard/whatever.
  • Sci-fi: A human or alien owns an entire planet, filled with (your character race/species). He has a need for my character, so as part of keeping me around, he taps your character to make sure I am well satisfied.
  • Sci-fi: My character and yours (human or alien) is taken into a spaceship of lizard like aliens. As they themselves don't wear clothes, we are naked and thrown in the same room for study. Sex may or may not be part of it. (Similar to what happens with two characters in Turtledove's World War Balance series)
  • Real World: For a reason you can come up with, a father offers her daughter to me and won't leave me alone or get really upset if I don't accept.
  • Real World: Visiting your country and not knowing much of its culture, I saved your life not knowing such of an act makes the saved on forever in debt to the savior. Now I can't get rid of you!
  • Real World: You are a homeless, illegally in my country, who hopes by offering herself as a pet I won't turn you in.
  • TV Tropes: Accidental Marriage,Indian Maiden, Nubile Savage.

3.3) Western Setting ***
Female option available.

I have a collection of pairings and ideas for a western setting.
  • Generic: I play a newly appointed sheriff and you apply for my deputy after a few years of bounty hunting.
  • Generic: I play a wanted man who is a rising star, and your character wants to join in.
  • True Grit inspired (ageplay): You play a determined teen who’s father was recently killed, and hire my older character to hunt his murderer.
  • Plot idea (submissive): You play a prostitute who recently killed one of your clients (lawman or criminal) in self defense. You run away and find me (whatever the client was not) and offer your services for my protection, forming a master x pet like pairing. Bonus if you play a Mexican with little or no English (Language Barrier).
  • Plot idea (dominate): My character has been informed that [family member/friend] has made himself filthy rich and started his own business, only to be shot and killed. I inherited everything, but not knowing the mystery behind his death or the ‘wild west’, I seek out a body guard. You apply. Bonus if she is a nymphomaniac and me asexual, but not required.

3.4) Fish Tank: Own Private World (incest) ****
Generally I don’t do incest unless its cousins, adopted, or step-siblings, but I’ve developed an idea that requires it. Its quite complicated though, and I love complicated plots! Mostly due to the background and then the other idea that compounds it.

Background: There is two sisters who both fell in love with a man, not knowing her lover is the other’s lover too. Each gave birth, one to my character and the other to your character. (Got that? Same dad, and the mothers are sisters of each other) The father has since disappeared, and the mothers are still ignorant of the fact both of their kids share the same father.

The extra twist: As our characters grew up, we always seem to mesh well. But upon puberty (and BM rules), things started to get weird, as though they can read each other thoughts and feelings within a distance. That eventually lead to a passionate love scene. Then it just got more weird as that resulted in an untouched power. If they both concentrate - it will appear we are sleeping or resting - they can escape together in a world of our creation. It can include ANYTHING either one of them/us want. However, to expand and let it grow, more sex would be required.

And, of course, why we have this ability and who the heck the father is just adds to the plotting. Here is my first post if interested further down on this thread.

3.5) Noble son x Servant *
I play a prince or other noble who eyes a younger servant for my own wishes. She has to comply, though she can be willing, shy, curious, or resisting. Your choice. Romantic or forced, though my character will rather take his time and have slow and steady progress than one that is too easy or hard. Here is how it will begin, from a post later in this thread. I prefer to play multiple characters, making this more on plot than sex, or specifically, a plot heavy story about three very different sons and their concubines. A potential BDSM element may be added, but it involves a humorous - I hope! - character and not the main idea of the story. I have 5 additional characters I can add as bit players for this one. Otherwise, its a 3-star one.

(Down to one star due to EXTREME popularity)

Sex Moderate
Plots about sex, involving sex, but not just sex.

4.1) Slave x Self-Defeating Noble Lady ** or ***
Female option available.

For those of you who REALLY want to be in a BDSM/rape/non-con used/etc here is my compromise. But you might not like it! You play a third (or more) born daughter of a noble from a bastard birth. While you do have the power to order people around, you will not be suitable for royal marriage or have a title. Due to your mixed development of being a noble with zero prospects, you are psychologically deranged and are one of those who is only happy if miserable. You just got your own little mansion/castle and after installing a dungeon... for your own abuse of course... you go out and buy a muscular slave in hopes that he will use you in the most horrible of ways. My character, him, stands dumbfounded. Bonus if you can make this a dark humor RP, raising it to 3-stars.

4.2) Asexual x Nymphomaniac ***
We are employees of the same company on a business trip when our small plane went down. We are now on an island and you lost all of your toys. But to your horror, I have no interest in sex. Frustration and hilarity ensues.

This is just one of a few others you might read here. If you have another plot idea to pair us up, or as an add-on, tell me.

4.3) Conjurer x Ally Spirit *** or ****
Female option available.

4-stars if you will allow some potentially annoying game like stats! If you like playing table-top RPGs then, you might be interested. Or if I play the female and you allow me to keep the stats to myself. Otherwise, 3-stars. Regardless, there will be a lot of preplanning for this one.

This is an Owner x Pet variant. It begins with my character, a conjurer who couldn’t get a real life female companion, creating his ideal woman, played by you. It will follow the typical story line for such stories, with me having more control over you but you slowly become more independent. There will be a mostly vanilla sex scene early on (in my ideal plot, my character loose his virginity with you early on, and something freaky might happen with your character development), but there will be a (negotiable) non-sex plot. It can be fantasy-real world, pure fantasy, or steampunk hybrid of both. So if you have an idea, please share!

I will need to know how you will like to play her, as early on I have more control of your character due to the nature of this idea, along with me giving you a general list of abilities we both should have in our relationship. (The start might be a bit slow for you early on, except acting in character and responding to me) I also like it if sex plays some sort of role for you as a spirit, i.e. orgasms and sperm gives you increased power. I am also open to reversing roles: you a female conjurer and I play your male Ally Spirit. Here is my initial post further down with me as Conjurer.

4.4) Pure Owner x Pet plot (varies)
I am a sucker for these things. At minimum, a generic pairing of a girl who either by choice or by fate/circumstance, become my character’s pet. Plotless, it will only have one star.

  • 2 stars if you make her into a real anthro / demi-human with no 'nudity taboo'. I prefer nekos. She is petite sized with fur all around, and can walk both on all fours and on her hinds, and eat like a real pet animal. No beastality! Not a loli! Which is why I prefer the following.
  • 3 stars if she is more human than animal. She still have some behaviors of one (i.e. a cat) but can eat from the table. Maybe not perfectly. Can speak English, but like a lolcat will be a bonus!
  • 4 stars if she is like my ally spirit above. I have complete control of her initial looks, and she may have different appearances (i.e. pure animal, mixed, and almost human) No way as complicated as the ally spirit idea, though the result can become more plot based.
  • +1 star for multiple characters. This can include the following: me with two pets with different personalities. You as a pet and me playing the owner and another male pet. We both playing a human couple and a pet each.
  • -1 star if you rather this be pure smut. I instead like it be more normal pet adventures with sex on the side.

Option: Any of my 3 or higher star ideas, with me as a male pet and you the owner.

Generic Plot Starter: My character is forced to walk home from getting groceries when he hears your character trying to stay dry. Having pity, he takes yours home.

Feral Plot Idea (2-4 stars): This can be done with any genre (modern in a rural setting, fantasy, or sci-fi on an other planet). Mine move into a cabin or other new home. When exploring his back yard, he comes across a real life, ‘wild’ human. (Or something very similar in another genre) Yours, noticing mine as either different or of the same species, follow out of curiosity, resulting in a owner x pet scenario. Add a star if there is NO dialogue, and if he tries to make her eat and behave like a normal human, ‘taming’ her, with hilarious results.

Tentacle Pet: You play the owner, while I play a small, lovable, friendly, and highly sloppy, demanding, and horny tentacle creature

4.5) Male Concubine x Noble Lady **** or ***
I have two ideas for this one, one very serious and one comical. The first I want this to be focused in exploring a medieval setting where women are socially above the men. My character is technically a professional slave hired by your mother, according to tradition, to prepare your character for her marriage bed. While I am socially below you, since I am an extension of your mother, I am also above you, creating potential drama. The sex will be kinda high, though so will be the plot. Again, this is meant to be serious. Bonus if you also play your mom (I can play your future husband) and any plot idea you want to add to this, i.e. political intrigue.

The more comical version will have you playing a socially demanding but sexually submissive and curious virgin who just reached minimum age. I am still a sex slave, but there is no ritual or anything that goes with my position, and may be placed in awkward positions as I have to obey your orders.

4.6) Annoying itch *** to *****
Female option available.
Your character gets a new disease. It goes in waves. When alone and not naked, she is (usually) fine. But in a public area, with less clothes (showering), in an emotional state, or just given enough time alone, an intense sense of arousal occurs. And if left unchecked, the result could be very powerful, uncontrolled, multiple orgasms. Have to give a speech? Nervous? Even if she is fully clothed, she will break down in orgasmic glory. There is no cure. But there is a short term solution. Sperm.

I play all other characters and dictate how aroused your character is. This can be far, far more sex heavy if you like, with her getting the fever frequently and having public sex. (3 stars in this case) Or LESS sex and less often, as she seeks a man to keep the itch from occurring (potential romance), but I would rather there be more of a reason for it. Perhaps she was independent and successful, and dating is not her element. I myself prefer a combination of the two. 5 stars if the best person for her happens to be asexual. If you like the idea but need to fill in some gaps, I have some.

4.7) Mythical Beast x Bonded ****

I prefer this with size difference and excessive semen. Its is also a compromise to those who like bestiality in a way, which I don’t care for at all, and furs/anthro which I am neutral about. This is a fantasy setting with the following: Humans, Magans, Brutans, and Mythans.

  • Mythans - Giant creatures (10 feet / 3 meters) that are often a hybrid of two animals, like the Griffin who is eagle and lion, only bipedal. Great in both strength and magic, they are all males and the universe seem to create them. However, they are weak unless bonded with a Magan. Composed of about 8% of the population.
  • Brutans - Large humanoids (8 feet / 2.4 meters), great in strength but unable to perform magic. They are violent race that perform raids and attacks against others. Enemy to the Mythans who protect Humans and Magans from them. Males are 12% of the population, and 4% female, who often give birth to several at a time.
  • Magans - Small humanoids (3.5 - 4 feet / 1 - 1.2 meters), they are weak in strength but great in magic. 10% male and 18% female, the remaining 8% often seek out to become bonded with a Mythan.
  • Human - Average strength, mediocre magic. More known for their industrialism. 24% male and 24% female. Boring.

You will be playing an unbonded, unattached Magan female who happen to find a weak Mythan. Having his sperm inside a Magan, and her being naturally capable of magic, she becomes his power source. When he uses his abilities, he need to kick his power source back up by giving his bonded Magan orgasms. Occasionally though, a fresh load of sperm is needed. I have a system in mind, but I can keep track of it on my end.

As of the time of this idea, no real plot idea to go along with it, just the idea and ‘reverse’, if you will, of 4.3 Conjurer x Ally Spirit.

4.8) Pet of a Pet ****
There is several ways of doing this, but here is the jest. Your female character knows of another female character (played by me) from her past. They reconnect and she offers yours to stay with her. What she has not told yours is she is living with an other man (30-35) and is his ‘pet’. She is also far more of a nymphomaniac than his own desire, so he allows her to have a pet of her own. Yours.

There could be sex between just the two women, or the man can use your character too, and a threesome is an option. You can pick. I can play the male as either 1) a nerd type (if your character is of college age) or 2) cold, slightly forceful, but not violent. I also want to use opposites. If you play a busty female, mine will have small breasts. If my female is skinny, the male may have some weight. And so forth. Some examples of what yours could be include a high school dropout / runaway, high school grad seeking to go to the same college as my female, or if you like her to be older, someone who recently lost her job and need to find a good place to live. Feel free to offer you own suggestions. But I want to add one thing. I have seen others with similar ideas to this with one major exception. Kidnapping. This I do not want! I like it to initially be consensual and then a surprise, after which is can no longer be if you like.

Sex Moderate-Heavy
Plots that demand sex to happen a lot, but not all the time.

5.1) Pet Demon x Naive Girls *****
Female option available.

Set in a Magic Academy, some girls (teens, just old enough for BM rules) was goofing/playing with their lessons when they accidentally summoned a demon, played by me. Putting a control collar on him, they both try to keep him a secret while also playing with him. I prefer you play at least two (if not all four), while I am also willing to play all the instructors and facility. They won't have actual sex, though they will be curious about what will happen if you rub that thing long enough. After a while (soon, when we get bored, or whenever) he tricks them and gets himself free, taking revenge and maybe getting the Magic Academy for himself. Excess semen strongly wanted, plus for my escape idea, a 9 hour pregnancy will be included, along with creature sex. And I want this to be COMICAL. Otherwise, this could fall down to 3 stars for me.

Ideas for the girls: A strong leader type who will call the demon a bad boy and punish him like he was a dog or cat. A romantic and sensitive one who will see him as a potential boyfriend. A tomboy who wants to be a prankster and be mean to the others with the demon. An emo who borderline worships him and sees him as her superior, and who answers all questions with the word “Death”.

Example: The tomboy was giving him a hand job with orgasm denial till the other three walk in. She then allows him to go, and he spurts all over the other three, not to mention the rest of the room. The romantic/sensitive cries, the emo asks why it can't be red or black (she hates white), and the leader type starts kicking him.

5.2) Student x Student (Website version) ***
Just like my earlier one, except we get our own place. Mine, being a romantic dom, slowly turn you into a nymphomaniac, and due to money needs, start a porn site with you.

5.3) Brothel***
We both play young adults, with me a college grad in business and you with a strong interest in anything sexual. After getting me interested in starting a brothel together, we find other women... and perhaps men too... to hire and perhaps on the side 'train and practice' with. I do want some plot and not just a sex fest, with characters having real lives. In addition to our main characters, we will take turns playing customers and employees. Can be any setting, including fantasy or sci-fi for non-human or futa characters.

5.4) Sidekick/Assistant x Catgirl Bounty Hunter ***
Partially inspired by Blade Kitten (, you play a catgirl/neko fighter and I am your side kick, with a host of all the non-combat skills your character needs. I will like it so 1) combat makes her horny and 2) after getting an orgasm or my sperm, you are far better at combat. As she becomes more horny, she gets worse and need a 'fix'. And being a fighter, I do NOT want her to be submissive! My role as sidekick is to keep her at her best, and if that means getting used, so be it. And who is our primary enemy? FUTAS!!! I'll be playing them too. Bonus if you have unusual kinks. For example, if you don't mind lactatuion, then I will like futa milk and sperm to do something (say, futa sperm weakens unlike male sperm although it makes you less horny, and they attack with milk projectiles). Perhaps you have a strap on dildo to use against them.

5.5) Ghost x Human **
For those who want what I don't want (bondage, and similar unpleasant things), I am willing for a plot idea with this sort of compromise. A psudo-horror idea, your character leaves to be alone for some reason (I'll leave you to decide) and settle at a place haunted by my character. I can give her whatever secret, or horrible, desires she wants. And being a ghost, she can't really run away from it.

I may ask for a lot of negotiations with this, and open to what you might want with this type of pairing. Also note, there is something I am keeping to myself here and don't want to spoil, my ideal way of handling my ‘ghost’. So if we started and you realize you don’t like this secret of mine, tell me and I’ll adjust. And if you are like me, who rather avoid BDSM, but like the concept of an incorporeal lover, that is also a go!

5.6) Magical Lord x Priestess **
In this setting, communities are ruled by magical beings. Every so often, he needs a new companion. A priestess who will become my willing pet in exchange for increased powers herself is offered. It will begin with your character offering herself and then, after bringing you in, reveal that to become my... lets call it Lord's Companion office for a Priestess... you must have my sperm inside AND my powers go down unless I feed on your character's sexual energy. None of this is known to anyone in the priesthood or laymen. May be played like a Master x Slave/Pet with maybe some psudo-blackmail thrown in. “The crops are failing. Do you want your people to starve? Then feed me!” Or another possibility is we go to war with a rival lord and our relationship is more positive. There is various possibilities here.

5.7) Gender Rare ***
TV Tropes inspired. 95% of men were wiped out, and now men is precious to all the women who are left. I play one of the few men left. But there is one problem. He has one of the following or combination of the following: sexually inexperienced or incompetent, has ED, asexual, or another reason why he is not sexually satisfying. You will be playing many or one main with several in the background. There is additional variations that can move this up and down my list.

  • Women, due to the lack of men or part of what caused the male depopulation, are extremely horny.
  • The men are tagged and are given only to the most elite women, who now holds most of the power.
  • Men have the power to pick and choose women, creating a competition among the various women.

We can also reverse the genders, you playing a rare woman and me the men.

5.8) Sexual training ****

The setting can be negotiable (medieval, modern, sci-fi), but it is not our world. There is several castes and you are a female member of the bottom. (I prefer someone who is weak looking: short and thin) Most of the better looking ones tend to be sent to be slaves, with no opinion in the matter. However, ‘professional training’ is a requirement. Your character knows this will happen, and can be eager, terrified, or curiously ignorant on what is to be expected.

I play initially one of the mid-caste who is given yours to do just that. Optionally, a side female character, which either one of us can play. Later, clients from the upper class may test yours. Eventually she will be given to one of them as their pet. Some options for the lower and upper castes include:

  • Halfling/Any
  • Wood Elves/Noble Elves
  • Neko/Dragon-like humanoid
  • Conjured Spirit/Any (Fantasy, perhaps steampunk. More of a build-and-sell.)
  • Third world country/Supernatural human from the society elite (mild sci-fi)
  • Homeless girl from the street/Rich high society types
  • Alien Race/Any
  • Android/Any (again, build-and-sell)
  • Shapeshifter/Any

Note the ‘build-and-sell’ ones might work as though the trainer is also the higher caste.

Sex Heavy
Sex happens almost every scene, but there is still a plot reason for it.

6.1) Fish Tank: Trans-dimensional beings ****
Who or what your character is does not matter, though do tell me before we begin. Very early on she either gets lost or forced into a place that connects to multiple dimensions, where she is picked up by a trans-dimensional being. And then the fun starts. This is one idea where force/rape/non-con will happen and she has no freaking idea how and what from, though I will like some humor mixed in. Basically a long string of small mini-sex episodes as she gets used as a plaything.

6.2) Alien x Subject *
In the future after humans created their first off planet colony, they discovered we are not alone. They resemble us, but a bit bigger. They did an exchange, and while at least one alien stayed with the human colonists, at least one human (your character) came up with the aliens. Little does she know of their culture and after being assigned to one of them (my character), he begins to use her. May have elements of romance, experimentation, and moderate to frequent use of non-vanilla kinks, including non- or above-human features for the alien (size, amount of sperm, etc) and machine sex if so desired.

Note: downgraded to 1 star since this was requested so much I am no longer interested in it.

6.3) Sexual Sports Entertainment **** or *****
This is hands down the most demanding one I have. It is complex and leads to different styles, so I made it as its own thread here. Use of a spreadsheet will be greatly appreciated! And while obviously sex heavy, plot can be added in. Though doing so could really, really complicate the RP!

6.4) Mad Scientist x New Futa **
For those with a Futa need, here is my offer. In a sci-fi setting (real world like Fringe or as a space opera... is that term even being used anymore?) you are my lover, willing test subject, or a lab rat victim. I rather lean to a combination of the last two, with issues like self-confidence and depression so you are reluctantly willing before the transformation. I successfully give you male parts, while seriously raising your need to use your new tool. Maybe start slowly at first, then you seek out your own victims or willing test subjects. Bonus if we can take this a step further, like the semen in you is a poison if not ejaculated regularly, causing the penis to grow freaking huge. Or the sperm is like a virus, resulting in more futas, resulting in {orgies / me growing my own army of futas / a more plot base RP with a party of futa agents analing male enemies}. I'm open to playing women in this case, since you will be playing with male private parts. Excessive semen will be appreciated.

6.5) Sex Fanatic Zombies ***

28 Days Later zombies, not undead zombies. And instead of eating brains, its (of course) sex. For zombie men, the longer they don’t have sex, the sperm will cause them to turn from normal to sex maniacs. For women, its reverse. The longer they go without a fresh load, the more sex maniac they will be. However, a zombie must have sex with a non-zombie for them to be relieved. We will both be playing two immune to the zombie disease while about 75% of the population is infected. Perhaps two co-workers who are also neighbors. Since these are not ‘dead’ zombies, I can negotiate with their appearance or give quirks for any kinks you have (i.e. laceration, excessive sperm, etc). I want this played as though we are just going through or old, boring lives and all the smut around is seem commonplace. Or the normal ones become sort of like prostitutes, “You can have sex with me if...” sort of dealing.

Pure smut
Non-stop sex. Practically no plot.

7.1) Dark Demon x Nympho Virgin ***
You play a virgin who, starting out, is timid to have sex. She gets lost and accidentally went through a place that has a connection to a different dimension. There she is found by a dark, demon like creature. He can read her mind and can change the environment around her, causing her to unknowingly be in his demiplane. But after taking advantage of her, things begin to change as she finds out she really loves sex. To the dark demon horror, she starts demanding more, and the DD realize he inadvertently created a sex monster and he is now her slave as much as she is his. Can be modern, medieval... whatever is your fancy. Be sure to tell me what kinks you would want with this. I prefer more crazy ones than BDSM.

7.2) Demon x Demoness w/ Others ***
We are both demons. We can be siblings, friends, enemies, or all the above. We both have our own demi-plane in which we share. There we do whatever the heck we want with whomever we want. Besides the obvious human slaves, think of more. Perhaps you have a futa sidekick. I have another NPC in mind. And if we both come up with a character, then lets see perhaps what they will do together. Variety is the rule. As such, we both have to play multiple roles and think up of new scenes. And take turns, I do a scene I want and then you do a scene with other characters, and so forth. Slaves, pets, monsters, professional nymphomaniac demons, items, tools, dungeons, and on and on.

7.3) Tentacle Creature x Futa **
You are assigned to capture a certain monster alive, but then my creature overpowers you and you can guess what happens next. A single, one shot scene and may closely resemble just cyber sex for that reason, hence the low star rating. And I want you to be a futa for a reason. May have a sequel later if you so wish.
RE: In development - do not post


In general, I am NOT a fan of fandoms with a few exceptions.

  • I DO LIKE playing ‘inspired by’ fandoms. Borrowing from other sources or character similar but not exactly like that found in the source material.
  • I do NOT like playing cannon characters. If you really want to, I rather play one similar to him, if I even want to.
  • EXCEPTION: games where the characters or the story line has not been fully developed, allowing us to fill in additional details.
  • Books or movies with huge time or setting gaps are perfect for inspired by material.

ElfQuest ***
Based on the comic by Wendy Pini, I created its own thread due to those who might not heard of it and multiple pairing ideas. Low fantasy setting with the potential for lots of softcore sex.

Lifeforce inspired RP **
This is another complicated one which I made its own thread for. Its a movie involving a sexual alien vampire queen and requires one who doesn't mind being a dom. Subtract a star if you haven’t seen it, add one if you can play a sidekick character too.

Borderlands ***
Female option available.

Specifically, me playing Mordecai the hunter with you playing Lilith the siren. Either play through the original quests except we give these two more character (and recreation on the side), or do something completely different with these two.

Fallout ***
Female option available.

There are several possibilities here.

  • One or both of us being vault dwellers in the outside world
  • One of us being a ghoul
  • I wouldn’t mind being an intelligent super-mutant like Marcus (Fallout 2, New Vegas)
  • As for the fractions, New California Republic (either), Great Khans (you) and Followers of the Apocalypse (you) are okay with me, but not interested in Ceaser’s Legion except as foes, and Brotherhood of Steel is ‘meh’.

Specific ideas:

  • You play a stealth and lock pick style character who sneaks out of her vault, not realizing how much crap there is out there. I play a sniper who show you how to survive.
  • I play a super-mutant and you a ghoul hiding from all those racist smoothskins.
  • You play a Great Khan who lost most of her clan. Beaten and bruised, my character helps nurse you back to health.

Temeraire ***
Massive hugs if you know of this series. One of us will play the dragon’s captain, and the other the dragon and one other character. Or we both play a captain with our own dragon each, with perhaps one more character in each of our groups. Yes, that is 6 characters, I know.

Shadowrun ***
Female option available.

Note I grew up with the 2nd edition and loved the 3rd. Never bothered with the fourth. I only play mage characters, and the Ally Spirit idea actually came from this. Be a combat focused type (street samuri for example), and we are game.

Earthdawn ***
Female option available.

Yep, I am a fan of FASA... if anyone know who they are. Since most are not, I am not going to say much except to say... ORKS ARE NOT EVIL!!! Well, I will play any of the following most likely: Human spellcaster, ork scout, troll weaponsmith, k'stulaami t’skrang beastmaster. I am willing to do also an obsidiman if you play a (very rare) female windling, but don’t expect sex to happen.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Traveling Scholar Archetype description:

5'9” or 10” (176 cm) with blue eyes and brown hair, mid to upper 20s. He has broad shoulders and his body seems to have already been through a lot though his eyes are still alert and his face express curiosity. He grew up hungry for knowledge and later wanderlust as he got older. His best attributes are intelligence and constitution. Once he was mapping a mountain range in the winter just to see if he can do it. Skills he knows includes basic survival (though not expert), cartography, general knowledge of cultures and geography, diplomacy and interviewing, and in combat he is much better with the shield than his short sword. He wears leather armor.

If magic doesn't exist, he also has a bow. If it does, here is the spells he knows.

Magic Bolt – The old tried and true / easy to manage unless I am spewing them like crazy. Can kill a
rat but only daze a strong enemy.

MindLink – Allows me to communicate with another / easy to manage

MindTouch – Offensive MindLink upgrade, allowing me to read another's basic thoughts and
emotions / mild strain at minimum, that only get worse if the target knows of it and resisting (easier if
the subject is willing and I am touching) or I am digging deeper.

MindMeld – Defensive MindLink upgrade, requiring me touch another, allowing any of my thoughts
and feelings to be noticed that I want to share. / Moderate drain, but lessons the more of an embraced
we are (i.e. cuddling).

FarSight – Allows me to see afar, but leaves me open as I can't be aware of my current location. / Low
drain that increases the farther I go out.

FarJump – A spell I am still working on, and a FarSight upgrade. While using FarSight, I can connect
that location with my current one, creating a portal. / Technically it increases the drain for FarSight,
but since I am still working on it, the drain is very high.

ItemHistory – Allows me to detect any information from an item. / Drain low, though it increases for
the farther back in time I go, but decreases for major events when it is used (i.e. easier to detect).

ItemLink – An upgrade to ItemHistory, it allows me to connect to its owner. / Moderate drain that
decreases if I know the person and is recent, increases the farther back in time I have to go (like
ItemHistory), but very dangerous and unreliable if I don't know the person.

Basically, low drain I can handle without problem. At worst (FarJump), I get a mind blowing
headache, a bloody nose, and fatigue.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Initial post for Conjurer x Ally Spirit

The conjuration was a success. On her hands and knees, naked, is the type of woman he always wanted. Having no luck with women in real life, he can now finally have what he wanted. She looks up for the first time. *

Perlento, the conjurer, takes her by the hand and motions her up. He is dressed with a night robe with an undershirt underneath, full of sweat from the attempt to create her. It looks like they are outside on a cliff, but the area they are in seems like the mountain grew around a one story house. The walls look like a typical home and not rock, with rooms going into the mountain as actual rooms and not a cave.

If the cliff side is north, east is what looks like a dining room table. To the west is a chair and couch, with a coffee table in front of the couch. Behind the chair is some sort of portal. The cliff itself has a giant rotating sphere of light, which is just behind her. Past the cliff, farther north, is what looks like buildings in the distance, covered by fog. The sky is dark blue with occasional lighting. There is no thunder.

“What should I name you... my spirit... 'myrit'... how about Myrita?” He walks around her. She right now appears to be a 5'4” young adult woman, b-cup sized breasts, slim and well proportioned, and black hair that reach just to her nipple. “I couldn't decide on a hair color, so I decided that it will be blonde when you are happy, red when angry, silver when sad, and black when in a more neutral emotion.” He smiles as though happy at his forsight. “That way I know what mood you are in just by looking!”

Basic Abilities

This is in addition to any more powerful abilities the spirit might have, and should be considered normal/standard for a relationship like this. These are: [C] for conjurer only, for spirit only, and for both.

Mink Link (Telepathy)

Sense Link (Can see and hear what the other is sensing with their five senses. Does not work
for feeling when touching each other or when acting on another object; that is, she can feel someone
hitting me, but can't feel me hitting another.)

Flight (Being a spirit, she isn't limitied ot the ground. However, she is limited how far away she
is from him)

Summon/Unsummon [C] (Either she can be near him in the real world, or she is in my demiplane)
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Initial Posts For Noble Son x Servant

The last words Perlen's father, the king, told him was: “Yes you may. Just don't let it become like your brother, Adamos.” Nor would he. Instead of using the more polite word, a servant to 'pillow' with, Adamos just called her his slut. And more than one night he woke up others mad that she won't summit like he wanted.

Walking now, after dinner, to find this one he has been eying for some time, he hoped he won't stoop that low. He is King Lanster's third child, and second to the throne as his second child, Deon, was a bastard. Deon got to know a woman outside of sexual servitude before she became the woman he pillowed with. Seeing that, Perlen knew if a woman have positive feeling for you, then the sex will just be better.

Still, this is going to be sudden, and she may resist at least some. She has no option but to realize she is going to have to pillow with him. He just hopes she will like the idea more than her current position.

Perlen saw her. He waved one of the higher ranking servants over. “Do you see her? Tell her I want to see her in my bedroom. I have a proposal for her. A transfer from her current job.” He then turns around and leaves, anxious to meet her alone.

[You will have creative control over the servants, as we both live in different castes. There is also one girl in the family, the king's forth and youngest, perhaps a year younger than your character.]

Second Post (subject to change):

Perlento was sitting in front of his desk, which was in front of the door as she entered. He turned him with the chair around and did one final look at her. His shirt was off, showing the lean muscle he developed due to the required sword and shield fighting courses his father told him to take. Though he rather pursue more scholarly studies.

“I have been informed that my parents have tapped someone to be my future wife. Like all marriages involving noble houses, its political, and while I know of her, I don't really know her. And for this reason, I rather have someone to be my personal servant and companion who I do know. I have been eying you for some time and think I would like you to be her. Note what I have told you is not negotiable. For now on, you are under my command.”

He gets up and goes behind her, locking the door. “However, I do want you to feel comfortable too. And to do that I need to know what makes you uncomfortable.” Returning in front of her, he leans back on his desk. “Please, start undressing yourself. And at any point you feel like you can't undress yourself any further, stop and tell me.”
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

First post of Private World:

Its was early summer when Patrick’s sister and mom moved in. The cousins often meet during the holidays and such, and while growing us always seemed close. In more recent years it seemed like they were getting to be BFF type, almost able to predict what the other might do. Living several hours away was the only thing that kept them separate, though e-mail helped a lot. But it wasn’t the same as being together.

Their lives was also similar. Patrick didn’t knew his father much, as he disappeared when he was very young. Then the same happened to his cousin. Neither knew where each of their father’s have gone, and Patrick’s young mind at least didn’t fully comprehended the impact it made to his mother till more recently. Still single, and with the growing economic difficulties, the two sisters and mothers opt to move in together, as Patrick’s aunt has lost her job. The effect was mixed for him, as it meant both seeing his cousin but not sure how his aunt will be like living with them.

The house though was big enough for all four, an inheritance from Patrick’s great-grandparents. From the entrance hall in the front, to the left was Mary’s - Patrick’s mom - office and study. Being the older of the two siblings, she continued the family business and often work at home, leaving Patrick to find things to do himself frequently. To the right was a room that went through a number of changes, the latest being the bedroom for Patrick’s aunt. A staircase up to the second floor is by her now room. Further in is the living room, which connects to the lower floor bathroom. It is also the way to the dinning room and kitchen, which has a door to the basement. Both the living room and kitchen have their own back doors, with the kitchen door leading to a patio. The second floor contains three bedrooms (Mary’s, Patrick’s, and the smallest of all four going to his cousin), with Patrick in the middle, and the second bathroom.

Patrick himself, a young teen who was already proving himself as a bit of a bookworm and not much into sports, was out on the front patio anxiously waiting for his cousin to arrive. He was dressed with his typical wear - a polo shirt and long pants - but as usual he left his glasses off, putting them on only when going out. 5’10” and fully grown, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, he has the appearance of man with, while not striking, above average looks and average weight.

[Typed much, said little. Just laying down the setting. The background may be a bit complicated, but I don't think playing this will be too much. At least early on. Type out the emotions and thoughts as usual, but they both will know what the other is thinking and feeling as though intuition was telling them. If mine in the other room get mad about something, she will know he is angry, but not why. They do have telepathy together, but don’t know it yet unless/until one actively project a thought to the other directly. Don’t know when that will happen, nor do I want to put it down when. But it ought to be before the love making scene. There is other things, like the building of their private world, but lets hold off on that for now! Including their father. You can make Patrick’s cousin and aunt whatever you want. While the love scene will (obviously) be done when their parents are away, they can have sex in their private world without them knowing after that.]
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Burp, I mean bump, with a couple new ideas.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Kicking it up.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Meow, with new ideas and another still in the oven burning. It may not make it.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Back up, after my Portal 2 spell.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

New idea posted.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

Yesh, its been a month?! Finally off call (I THINK!!!) with a number of dropped RPs, general burn out, a never ending cold due to the temperature unable to make up its mind, misbehaving cats.... Nevermind.
RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

      • So much ... to read. I'm interested, though.
        I just need to ... read everything first.


RE: A Teeming Tally of Thirty-plus Thoughts To Try

One final bump after some more minor add-ins, subtract-outs, and general tag corrections.
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