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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Adri moved her hand down and patted Oak’s butt while pacing. She kissed Owen’s cheek, “Sweet dreams buddy.” She said softly and watched Jake take him up.

When he came back down she was still paving, “I think she’s down.” She whispered and stopped moving to check which was a mistake because almost immediately she started to cry. Adri went back to patting and pacing.

“Six weeks.” She told Jake. “They’re supposed to regress when they’re at six weeks. Remember that three days all she did was cry?” She asked him as if he could forget. “I think it’s happening again. This is how it started last time.”
Jake gave a small face when she started to cry. He walked over and kissed Adri's cheek. "Let me take her. You've been trying awhile. Go sit babe and relax a bit." Jake didn't want Adri stressing out or getting frustrated that Oakley wasn't sleeping.

Jake took Oakley and laid her on his chest. "Alright baby girl. I know you're fighting this, but you need to with us here kiddo." He paced and bounced as he patted her butt. It seemed to calm her and get her closing her eyes.

Jake looked at Adri. "If she is getting back to that...we definitely will need a date." He whispered. "If this doesn't work, she's going in her swing next." He grabbed her pacifier and stuck it in her mouth thinking she may be good with that since she's not getting a bottle.

Oakley slowly started to fall asleep but Jake kept moving just to be sure she was out for good.
Adri handed her over and sat in the couch. She watched Jake bounce her. “It’s like she knows when you stop.” She said, keeping her voice low and calm to aide in putting her to sleep.

She looked at Oliver who was sleeping soundly and then back to Jake.

“When she was like that before she hated the swing. She just wanted to be held.” A few hours of sleep would be nice.

“Let me know when you want to switch off.” She said softly and pulled a blanket over her legs.
Jake watched Adri. He smiled at her. She was an amazing woman and even better mother. He was beyond proud of her. Jake leaned over and kissed Adri. "Go upstairs. Get some sleep. I got this. I love you. I throw some ESPN on or a movie. I trained for this." He joked and smiled.

"Go on mama. They will need food in a couple hours. I can wake you then." He told her as he kept holding and bouncing her. Jake did it for an hour watching TV. Then when she was good and asleep, he tried sitting down with her but still holding her.

He put a movie on and sat in his chair rocking her, still patting her. Jake held her as they both fell asleep in the chair.
“I love you too. I’ll be down in a few hours.” She told him and got up to take a shower and go to bed. She felt like she smelled like milk and diapers. She came down stairs and took Oliver, “He will be awake before her.” She explained and took him upstairs and set him in the bassinet by the bed.

She climbed in bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow. She woke up two hours later to Oliver fussing. She got his diaper changed and everything before she fed him. They went downstairs and she smiled at Jake and Oakley asleep on the couch. She took a picture and sat on the couch, careful not to wake him up.

She scrolled on her phone until Oliver was done, then she burped him and sat with him until Oakley decided it was her turn.
Jake only woke up when Oakley started moving and fussing. When he saw Adri and Oli, he smiled. "Hi...when did you come down?" He yawned and sat up to hand Oakley over. "Is he done?"

When Oliver was done, he took him and yawned again. "Did you get some good sleep?" Jake rubbed Oli's back as he leaned back again. He was pretty tired. "I don't think she slept very much. I don't know why... Your mom may regret watching her if she is fussy the entire time."

Jake looked around for something to drink but didn't want to get up and possibly wake Oliver up. "Is there any water by you? I'm thirsty... These guys wear me out..." He gave Oli a kiss on the head and wrapped his blanket around him.
“Not too long ago. This woke up. So I came down here. I figured she’d be up soon.” She said softly. “Yeah he’s done.” She was downstairs long enough to feed him, burp him and change him. Now he was back asleep and Adri traded with Jake.

She flipped Oakley around and fed her. “No. I feel like right when I was about to get good sleep he woke up. She looked for her water but she left it on the counter.

“Plenty of milk, no water though.” She told him with a smile. “Do you want to eat next? I don’t know if there will be anything left.” She teased.

“I can get it when she’s done.” She rubbed Oakley’s cheek and watched her.
Jake held Oli while Adri fed Oakley. He let her get some sleep and offered to get up with them and feed them from milk she already had pumped. She needed her sleep more than he did.

In the morning, he made calls to get the process started for them to get moved in. He would help move their more personal stuff but they could get it done fairly easily.

After the calls, Jake got Owen when he woke up. Jake turned on Bluey and snuggled with him on the couch. When the babies woke up, he grabbed them too. It wasn't long before the four of them were snuggled on the sofa waiting for mama to wake up but wanting her to get her rest.
Adri came downstairs while they were watching Bluey. “Good morning my loves.” She said and kissed each of her children on the forehead, the Jake who got a kiss on the lips.

She sat on the couch and Owen moved over to lean against her. She rubbed his arm and kissed the top of his head. “Are you ready for school?” She asked him and tickled his sides. “Let’s go get dressed and brush your teeth, hm?” He climbed off the couch and Adri got up after him. They went upstairs and she pulled out his uniform. He liked to dress himself now so after they brushed his teeth, he got dressed and they came back down.

“Are they okay?” Adri asked and looked at the bundles on the couch. “Still asleep or just vibing and laying there?” She smiled.

“O is ready for daddy to take him to school, right bud?” She asked and kissed his neck.

“No. Mama school.” He said and wrapped his arms around her neck.

She rubbed his back, “Daddy usually takes you now bud.”

“No.” He started to cry and throw a fit. She kept rubbing his back. His screams were extremely loud and high pitched. Her ear was ringing. His scream scared or woke up Oli so Oliver started to cry. Which made Oakley and suddenly the quiet house was the loudest house on the block.

“Okay. It’s okay. I’ll take you.” She said softly and rocked him back and forth. “Remember how we talked about screaming?” She asked. “You can’t scream when you don’t get your way.” She said softly. “That scared the babies.” She tried to unwrap him so she could look at him but he held on tighter. Acting out was getting more and more common with him but she knew it was because of the big changes and she was trying to give him time.

“Can you tell the babies you’re sorry?” She asked and he said no and kept hugging Adri. “You’re going to have to before you leave.” She sat back and held Owen in her lap while he sat with his big emotions.
Jake smiled and kissed Adri back. "Morning babe." He watched Owen with Adri. He could tell Owen missed time with her. They knew it would be an issue.

"Oak is just watching everything. Oli is out like a light." Both babies had their pacifiers in their mouths so they were content...for now.

When Owen started to get upset, Jake tried talking to him but it was quiet to not wake up the babies but then it was too late. Jake sighed and tried to soothe both babies. "Shhhh it's okay. I know brothers loud." Jake looked at Owen. "Buddy you can't scream like that. You need to use your words. If you want mommy to take you, you have to ask her."

It took a bit but the babies started to settle down but it wouldn't be long before they'd want fed. Jake looked at Adri with a look before smiling a little. It was hectic but it was their little family.
When he calmed down, Adri sat him on her knees. “Can you apologize to the babies now?” She asked him and he rubbed his eyes and nodded his head. She helped him off her lap and he walked to the babies and said sorry. He placed gently kissed on their bellies and came back to Adri.

“Thank you.” She gave him a big hug and kissed his forehead. “Next time, just let me know you want me to take you and I’ll take you. Okay?” She smiled. “Let’s watch Bluey until it’s time to go.” She let him sit on the couch and lean against her again.

Adri reached over and put her hand on Jake’s shoulder. Around 8:30, she got up to put some clothes on and then came back down to get Owen.

“Are you going to be okay?” She asked Jake while she grabbed Owen’s backpack, that had spare clothes and underwear if he needed them. “Are you going to the gym when I get back?” She asked and gave him a kiss goodbye.
Jake had Owen come give him a hug and kiss bye but be careful of the babies. "Have a good day buddy. I love you. Be good."

He gave Adri a nod. "We will be fine. But if you wanted to bring me a coffee home I won't be upset about it." He joked and kissed her back. "Yeah. I gotta go to the gym today. I figured it would be easier this morning to go."

While Adri was gone he fed both babies from milk she has already pumped. They both were also changed and hanging out in their bassinets that moved slightly to help soothe them. Jake watched ESPN while Owen was gone and did some checking on the documentary. They needed to film a bit of them to include their wedding and marriage life. He'd need to ask her when she wanted to do that. It was exciting it was almost completely edited.

When Adri returned home, the babies were content and Jake was just chilling with the dogs. Max laid by the babies.
Adri dropped Owen off without inicident and came home with a coffee for Jake and a tea for herself. “I have the babies if you want to go to the gym.” She told him, but first she grabbed her laptop to send some emails for her brand launch and potential jobs.

When Oli started to cry she put the pacifier back in his mouth and rocked him gently. He calmed down but he didn’t go back to sleep. Oakley was still asleep so she let her be with a baby monitor on her so she knew when she woke up. And Max stayed with her.

Having a baby in her arms while she was trying to pick things up to pack, was difficult so she wrapped him to her chest and grabbed the photo albums they had to take and set them on the counter.

When Oakley started to cry and she unwrapped Oli and set him down and picked her up. Keeping them both happy until Jake came home.
Jake asked Adri how it went and thanked her for the coffee. He got up and changed before giving her a kiss bye to head to the gym. "It will be a couple hours. I'm gonna lift then have a training session. Call me if you need me to cut it short." He kissed the babies bye before leaving.

He told told John how Oakley was having trouble sleeping and he suggest to take her for a drive the next night she had issues. It worked with his son. It was worth a shot. He texted her after hour two of being gone to let her know he was done and gonna be heading home. Jake normally did that in case she needed him to grab anything on the way home.

Jake got home and found Adri and the babies and gave them all kisses. "How was it while I was gone? What can I do to help?"
“It was fine. One wakes up and the other goes to sleep. I was trying to get the photo albums packed up. Or at least off the shelf. As long as I’m moving she’s happy.” She told him and gave him a kiss.

“Did you shower at the gym?” She asked him. “If you can starting putting these books in there, I’d be grateful. I’ll start packing the toys O can’t live without. And you might need to pick him up and put him on, if he wakes up.” She patted Oak on the back gently when she moved around to keep her asleep.

She put some soft music on to listen to while they worked. “So I got an email about a job opportunity. A Netflix show is looking for a new host. It’s called First in Fashion. It’s fashion designers competing for money. It would take about five weeks to film, thirteen episodes.

“But I can’t be away from them that long. So if I took it we would have to move down there for a bit. It starts filming in three months.” She told him. “How would you feel about that?”
Jake smiled when she mentioned she had to stay moving for Oakley to be happy. "Luke suggested the car for her if we get desperate." Jake kissed her back and nodded to showering at the gym.

He started grabbing the albums and was being careful with them. He listened to her talk about the Netflix show. It sounded cool but five weeks would be too long for him to be away from the babies too. "First, where is down there? Where is filming? And second, if you're taking our babies, I'm going too." He chuckled. Jake did the math. "I can train anywhere. I'd like to be back home for the documentary premiere. That's my main thing right now. I won't have a fight till after that. I'm still cutting and training. I need to make sure I'm happy in my weight to take a fight."

Jake looked at Adri. "If you want to do it, let's do it. I'm down babe." He smiled. "Worse case...if I need to film the show. I can go as I need to. But hopefully I'll be good."
“You think she’d like that?” She asked Jake. “Owen hated the car seat as he got bigger. I’m open to trying though.”

“LA.” She clarified, which was like a second home to them now. “And since we are a party of five, we will rent out a house for a month and a half and then come back to the new house. It’s in three months, so the doc will be out. My brand will be launched. It will be a good time to be out there.” She said.

“It is a little more public than we are used to though. Paparazzi is everywhere out there. I did some research and they make reflective scarves that screw with cameras and over expose them and make the pictures unusable. I was thinking maybe we get some of that fabric and we can make car seat covers for the babies and like a scarf or something for Owen. Something that easy to put on and take off. Just to keep them out of public eye.”

“And since your doc will tell the world that they exist, people will be fighting for a picture of their cut little faces.” She rubbed Oakley’s cheek and smiled.

She switched a baby voice, “Because they are the cutest little faces. Look at those cheeks. Oh my goodness I could eat you up, I love you so.” She kissed her forehead and looked at Jake.

“So yeah. We need that fabric.” She said switching back to her regular voice.
Jake shrugged about if Oak would like a car ride. "Baby she runs to the beat of her very own drum. It's hard to say." He told her.

"LA would work. If I have to film, I'll be there already. I say yeah. Let's do it." Jake was supportive. They could go as a family so it made sense to him. Jake listened to the scarf and fabric idea. I want to read up on it but yeah, sounds good to me. It's worth trying."

"It will be nice getting through the documentary and the brand launch. Then we can go to LA and have some fun while mama works." He chuckled. "I like it. I'll be probably training but it's not a big deal. I have guys there and here."

Jake listened to her talk in a baby voice and normal voice before he smiled and tried not to laugh but couldn't help it, he cracked up. He blamed it on lack of sleep why it was so funny to him. "Do you not love me so?" He teased.
"Awesome. I will let them know I'm game. I have to get the contract to my lawyer and they need to reach out to my stylist for some things. It does kind of suck that we just finished the house and have to leave. But I'm excited for the new opportunity." She smiled.

"And it's easy now that O isn't in real school. He might need an LA preschool though. He does like playing with kids his age. Even if he's learning bad traits from them." She frowned and shook her head. It was part of growing up. And they were lucky to have such a peaceful baby and toddler stage so far.

Adri smiled at Jake, "I love you cause you give me fat babies." She kissed Oak's forehead.

"Fat, fussy babies." She walked over to Jake and kissed him.
Jake thought about it and sighed. "Yeah, it does suck. I'm never gonna get to use my own gym..." He teased and was dramatic. "It just means longer time I'm away from you and the kids..." He smiled a little.

He looked at her. "How easy is it to get into a preschool out there? Babe those things have waiting lists here. We should get the twins on one now." He joked but as also kinda serious. They did have long waiting lists.

"You just called our kids fat Adri." He chuckled and shook his head. "Owen's thinning out. I have hopes these two will too." He kissed her back. "They are fussy cause they are needy like their mom." He teased. "And hungry. Like their dad." He shrugged.
“Probably not easy. But he needs something. Maybe we put him in a sport camp sort of thing in LA. You want him in karate right? Might be a good time to start.” She said. “Or T-ball. Or both.” She shrugged her shoulder.

“I did. Because they are fat. Did you see Owen’s rolls? He didn’t even have a neck until he started walking.” That was partly her and her mom’s fault. He was so tiny when he was born. They had to fatten him up and give him the best chance possible. They got a little carried away.

“These two will be breast fed, but I’m sure they’ll be just as chunky. I like thigh rolls on babies. They’re so cute.” She smiled. “And look at her cheeks. She’s going to be my fat baby.” She told Oakley. She switched her to her baby voice, “You and your brother. Huh? You going to be my fat baby.” She kissed her forehead and smiled at Jake. “The girls have decided.”
"Good idea. Or jiu jitsu. I do think one of those would be good. He could work on using that energy in positive ways. I think it's good at a young age. The gym I'll be at may be able to do it. Then he could come with me while I train and get his own class with other kids." Jake suggested and shrugged.

Jake shook his head. "He wasn't born that way Adriana Daniels." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Do not blame that on me and you liked his fat rolls."

He looked at Adri, smiling and rolled his eyes. "The girls are outnumbered...just remember that. 3 to 2..." He grinned and walked over to give Oak a kiss on the head. "She is our needy girl. She has to be held all the time. I'm not gonna lie, I'm taking it cause there will be a time she wants nothing to do with either of us."

Jake went back to packing up some of the living room stuff. "Should we announce everything at the documentary premier or do we do it before?"
“He would love working out with you. He wants to be just like you.” She smiled. And it would be cute to put them in the same outfits.

“I had to do something Jacob Daniels! He was tiny.” She argued. She had no guilt about fattening up her son.

“We are four to four. I count the dogs.” She smiled.

“No. We are adding that last scene to it right? With our wedding and pictures from the birth and everything right? I think that’s all that really needs to be said. And we can end it on that. It’s all about our future from there.” She smiled.

“Do you think Dana will announce a fight after?” She asked. She still wasn’t his biggest fan, after defending the ref for not calling Jake’s last fight. “Did you invite him?” She also asked. “I just need to know if I need to get my punching hand ready.” She joked.

“Did Bisping respond to comment about your previous drama?” She raised an eyebrow and laughed. “Do I need to go punch him again?”
Jake couldn't help but smile. "It's crazy and scary we have kids and they want to be like us. It's a lot of pressure to be someone they look up to and be proud to be like. But I'd love to teach him things. It would be easy too to bring him with me. Let him do his thing and then we come home together. Then you'd just have the babies. No extra stops. No looking into preschools or anything." He shrugged.

He couldn't help but laugh. "I know! I know." He shook his head and smiled at her.

"No no. They do not count. If they do, I'm getting my dog!" He smiled.

"I was thinking of a cooler way to end it. I do want to do that. But since we start with the future with the family, I want to do a cool shot with the family. Even if it's just a photo or something. Either us at the beach. Or all walking together with the strollers. Or a cool action shot. I think it would be cool to be in our new living room, us sitting together, you in my lap. Max and Owen running and playing. Maybe the babies laying somewhere we have their faces hidden but they are there. What a normal moment in our house would be like. But before that have small shots of the journey. Me back home. My first gym. My first fight. First championship. You and I. You and I and O. Then us getting married. Another Championship. Like quick glimpses too that moment. Then if Dana wants to call me, how cool would it be to have that be how it ends. Us in that shot in the living room. My phone rings...'Dana White.' On my phone. Black out."

"I did invite Dana to the premier yes. I invited a lot of fighters. You will need to behave Mrs. Daniels."
“That would be cool. We would have to do something at the house. We can’t control the beach. Next thing we know TMZ has the twins’ faces on instagram getting millions of views.” She rolled her eyes. “I think what our life looks like now would be cool though. What would really be cools is just us starting off on the couch and then as the camper pans out Owen is screaming and playing with Max. The girls on the couch and then keep panning out the twins in the bassinets. And then zoom into your phone and Dana is calling.” She offered. Same basic idea as his.

She rolled her eyes, “I’m very well behaved. He’s the one that slapped his wife in the club. He’s the one that put money above his fighters health. Someone should tell him to behave.” She argued and raised her hands.

“I’m not getting into it. And now that I’m not pregnant and don’t have to stay minimal stress, when I get in front of that camera I am going lay him out for the world to see and I’m not holding back. He knows how I feel. I’ll do my talking head and that will be that.” She said simply.

“You’ll probably cut most of it. But that’s fine.”
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