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Last Movie You Saw...

G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra.

Had to finally watch it before the sequel comes out and the wife drags me to see it. It was a good movie, just...not a good G.I. Joe movie. Kind of like the Resident Evil movies.
The Avengers

It was really good and definitely makes me excited to see more films made in the Marvel Universe.
The Immortals

Ohmygawd this is really uninteresting. It's not even pretty to look at(although, I can see where they tried). It falls short on the storytelling and character development. I don't care about anybody fighting. It's not emotional. It's not suspenseful waiting to see who wins.

I've already invested about 2 hours into this thing and if it weren't for that, I'd give up waiting for it to earn and keep my attention.

Actually, the last movie I saw was the same as Rudolph Quin!

I watched the Avengers earlier this morning and, although I'm not really into the comic book live-action films, I loved it. It was amazing.

Hilarious movie, neither Will, nor Tommy have lost their touch, and it answered a question I had kinda been asking since the first two.

Granted, it wasn't the best MIB, or my favorite, but it was a solid addition to the series.
TOZ said:
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra.

Had to finally watch it before the sequel comes out and the wife drags me to see it. It was a good movie, just...not a good G.I. Joe movie. Kind of like the Resident Evil movies.

Just like... X-Men, The Avengers... Any Marvel Movie.

And hell, I liked them, for the reboot class of films, they did a upstanding job and paid a decent tribute to the source material, but even the Transformers films were an epic scale let-down on a "Transformers" level. And that's the thing here, we're not talking good movie or not, we're talking good Transformers movie or not.

If you're gonna do Transformers, for fuck sake do Hot Rod. Hell - Do Rodimus Prime! Rodimus kicked ass!! He killed Unicron FFS!!
I saw Iron Man 3 as well. I left the theater feeling highly disappointed. I thought the movie just wasn't very good, and a very specific reveal in the plot creates a gaping hole. It should have been called: Robert Downey Jr., the Official 007 Parody. It felt as though Iron Man actually had less screen time than he did in the first film, and that's saying something. Furthermore, the antagonist is the Mandarin, but it's hardly even the Mandarin. The confrontation between Iron Man (hardly) and the Mandarin is actually kind of cool looking, but it's almost as brief as one of the zillion one liners that RDJ spits out over the course of the movie. What really killed it was how the Mandarin is finally defeated. If it doesn't leave you rolling your eyes, and/or face-palming, I don't know what will.

The only positive is that it's the first 3D movie I've seen where the 3D wasn't a distraction. Oh, and the trailer for Superman was neat.
Pain and Gain still cant believe its based on a true story.
Just watched Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing the other day. A very good, kinda surreal movie about inner city racial tension (ya know, THAT Spike Lee). Also it reminds me of freshman year film class, which reminds me that I should go watch Run, Lola Run again.
Ack! I forgot I wanted to see the Croods-ty! lol, here Netflix!
I watched Silent Hill-- sucked so bad.
The last movie I saw...... I think it was Small Soldiers. I decided to watch it on a whim since it was my favorite movie as a kid. I still think it's fun to watch.
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