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Last Movie You Saw...

Sweetly_masked said:
I say The Crazies last night, pretty good. Only I was more scared of the military then the murdering crazies.

Reasonable, kill potential infected along with carriers, theoretically no chance of virus spreading, should have nuked first thing though. worry about explanation later.
Big Government stuff, who can really question?
I saw the Machinist this morning. There's still something hot about Christian Bale when he's all skeletonish.
Nightmare On Elm...

Worthwhile. It was amazing. The plot was released in perfect intervals throughout the movie. The crude sex humor is amazing, Freddy's antagonistic persona made you crave more scenes with him. It was bloody, gorey and freaky. I want to say scary, but it's a really hard thing to do to me. It's hard to upstage a classic, but dare I say they've done it?
Religilous which was actually really quite good. While Bill Maher is obviously an atheist with an antireligion slant, I didn't feel like he was attacking religion people as a whole as much as he was attacking the uneducated, and extremists. Really worth the watch, whether you agree with him or not. If you like this and haven't seen Jesus Camp then you need to see it as well. A documentary about the stranger side of goyim.
psych80 said:
Religilous which was actually really quite good. While Bill Maher is obviously an atheist with an antireligion slant, I didn't feel like he was attacking religion people as a whole as much as he was attacking the uneducated, and extremists. Really worth the watch, whether you agree with him or not. If you like this and haven't seen Jesus Camp then you need to see it as well. A documentary about the stranger side of goyim.

Quite good? That all you got Psych? Jews for Jesus segment was fucking genius. That movie was real. It was based off of real shit. That is what made it fucking genius. You cannot make this shit up.

I second that it is worth the watch. Maher, you intelligent man.
xWickedBlackLace said:
psych80 said:
Religilous which was actually really quite good. While Bill Maher is obviously an atheist with an antireligion slant, I didn't feel like he was attacking religion people as a whole as much as he was attacking the uneducated, and extremists. Really worth the watch, whether you agree with him or not. If you like this and haven't seen Jesus Camp then you need to see it as well. A documentary about the stranger side of goyim.

Quite good? That all you got Psych? Jews for Jesus segment was fucking genius. That movie was real. It was based off of real shit. That is what made it fucking genius. You cannot make this shit up.

I second that it is worth the watch. Maher, you intelligent man.
The new Nightmare On Elm Street, it was freeky but not as good as the old stuff, I think the actor wasn't that good for Fred Cruger
Lace you are absolutely correct. My jaw dropped when he had a Rabbi on that denied the holocaust.

The dinosaur museum (that would later make headlines when the owner said he didn't have to pay taxes because God said so) part was just sad on so many levels.

Have you seen Jesus Camp?
psych80 said:
Lace you are absolutely correct. My jaw dropped when he had a Rabbi on that denied the holocaust.

The dinosaur museum (that would later make headlines when the owner said he didn't have to pay taxes because God said so) part was just sad on so many levels.

Have you seen Jesus Camp?

LMAO, and the Jesus reinactment? Though Jesus himself actually put up a good argument...still complete crap however.

No, I haven't. Is it something you recommend? :3 I'll have to see it.
If you liked Religilous then you'll probably like Jesus Camp. It's pretty easy to find on the interwebs...

I was less entertained by this one and more angered at what I would say was nothing more that child abuse on the part of the church being documented. Seems a lot of other people agreed as the documentary led to their being ostracized by many, including parents who hadn't known what was going on at the camp. I think the story of what happened as a result of the documentary is as interesting as the documentary itself.

Check it out, I think you'll like it in a "I want to smack those people!!!!" kind of way.
Aku got me in a Chow Yun-Fat mood last week, and a couple nights ago I was finally able to assuage the itch with a rewatching of Hard Boiled, one of the premier John Woo flicks of twenty years ago. There's nothing quite like cops, good Triads, bad Triads, and varying degrees of ethicalness within even the bad Triads. The leads are great, of course, but they're supposed to be. I would have watched a whole movie about Mad Dog, though. And it seems like half the movie is a running gun battle through that damned hospital on fire. Awesome.
xWickedBlackLace said:
To Wong Fu.

Hellz to the YEAH.
LOVED it. Oh god. I loved John Leguizamo long before seeing this movie. I couldn't stop cracking up at how perfectly he played the role.

Also, I need to watch Religulous again. It's been awhile. Maher's a little too bias sometimes for my taste, but I'm still a fan of his work.

Iron Man 2

Blue Moon, I am disappoint. =/

I felt the ball was really dropped on this one. I'll refrain from details as it's still fresh off the presses, but certain points had the suspension of belief a little too suspended, certain points should have been fleshed out more, the scene able to benefit from a few more lines of dialogue or a little bit more action/suspense/build/whatever, and I felt a few characters or plot points weren't given the intros and/or segways they should have. The movie wasn't bad by any means, go see it and all that, I just think it needed a lot of tweaking. The whole time I kept thinking I would have storyboarded this or that differently.

The inclusion of several AC/DC songs was a nice touch. I was wondering if they could top using Sabbath's Iron Man in the first one; while I'm not a huge fan of AC/DC, they were a perfect fit for each time a song was used.
As_Day_Fades said:
xWickedBlackLace said:
To Wong Fu.

Hellz to the YEAH.
LOVED it. Oh god. I loved John Leguizamo long before seeing this movie. I couldn't stop cracking up at how perfectly he played the role.

Also, I need to watch Religulous again. It's been awhile. Maher's a little too bias sometimes for my taste, but I'm still a fan of his work.

Maher seems that way because he is gunning to prove a point. He does it successfully.

@ Mindful: Soo good. :3 -points to the discussion we had up the page-
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