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Post Your Face!

If you'll remember, I was doing a thing where I put on different makeup for everyday I work in October. These are the highlights:









And the Grand Finale! A Werewolf! Yes, on October 31st, I went to work like this.





Folks loved it! ^.^ They brought in candy and presents and wanted to pose with me for pictures. If there was any doubt that I am loved by my customers and coworkers, this erased all of it.
PhantomSentinel said:
Wow Rudolph! :eek: You look sooooooooo cute in all the pics! XD All I did in Halloween was going to work wearing a Rammus hat from League of Legends :3
On my university campus, when I visited the LoL club on the 31st, I saw a couple hand-in-hand walking around as Ashe and Tryndamere. It was so cute!

Quin, those are amazing! I thought I was good at makeup (I was a deer for Halloween 2k13), but you just blow my mind away with how awesome those designs are! Very well done ^_^
darkangel76 said:
Quin!!! You look fantastic!!! I sooo totally love it!!! <333 *gives all the snugs*

Thank you! ^^ And thank you guys for your comments! *snugs dark*

You totally made me think Walking Dead! And my favorite reluctant warrior too. Good job!

BMR has the best looking bunch of writers I've seen. :D
Rudolph, your pics made me think of this awesome photo shoot I did with feathers attached to my face. Here's a few of the pics. I hope you enjoy. :)



This last one I had to crop it. Same photographer and same logo. But if I didn't crop it, it could be NSFW. So... Yeah. Lol.
Omfg Rave as someone from Texas who sees cholos all the time your costume was on point, lel. #10outof10
Rave, you are adorable. :)

I curled my hurr last night in my sleep. Woke up with a headache from laying on the curlers. But it was totally worth it. ;)

Tehe, thanks Rave!

Yes, and I got them on an amazing sale at PINK! c:
Everybody has such pretty eyes. :heart:

This is like..the latest picture I have. I just figured I'd share just because it's been a little while. Also to show off my bow...I like hair bows.

Beautiful Disgrace said:
Everybody has such pretty eyes. :heart:

This is like..the latest picture I have. I just figured I'd share just because it's been a little while. Also to show off my bow...I like hair bows.


So. I'm quoting you just cause. But jeese! I actually forgot how fucking cute you are. And that is NOT a bad thing. When I use cute and adorable it's not the same as when others do. Because I genuinely love cute/adorable it's like a weakness of mine.

But oh mah goodness! You're so pretty and cute. You have the cutest smile.

Ok. Well. Imma stop before I make you feel weird lol!
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