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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

He looked at her. "Well I will stand up for you with it. And your mom likes me so it may just help." Jake smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "I'm hoping they see how important it is to you and how happy it makes you. I saw that."

"I'm happy with Max too but he is technically your dog so I can see him wanting to stay home and cuddle with mom and not go run." Jake scratched behind his ears. "But I'm hoping he remembers how he likes his ears scratched and will want to run with dad."

He nodded at her, "Yeah babe. I thought about that. I just thought it would be nice to be able to run with him. Maybe take both my boys on a run." He gave Max a look. "I think you'll have fun baby shopping. This boy is going to be most stylish kid in Vegas." He smiled and kissed Adri's cheek.

"Hmm an Explorer? We can look at them both. See which I like the best. You could always drive whatever I get if you need to. I even thought of the four door pick ups."
"All they will see is a lot of exposed skin. They are Catholic, Jake. If I lived with them they would have kicked me out by now. I shouldn't be living with you right now. They probably think I am still a virgin which they will continue to think until I am married. Possibly even after." She rolled her eyes.

She smiled when he kissed her cheek, "I'm sure he will be, Jake. Don't expect to use that running stroller anytime soon. Newborns aren't supposed to be out anymore than they need to be. That's why you rarely see them when they are first born."

She thought it over, "Are we going car shopping tomorrow too? It's going to be a very long day. We can always put off shopping for a new bed. It's not like we need it now."
Jake smiled at all the exposed skin. "Babe...the accepted me and the things I've done and I'm not their child. They don't have to accept me. They could tell you they forbid you to be with me. Not that they would really have a say, you are an adult. But it is something they could have said. Give them a little credit. But I get the 'exposed skin' being an issue. I don't like all these guys drooling over my girl. But you are sexy, very sexy, and at the end of the day you're sleeping next to me." He looked in her eyes a bit. "I'm excited to go out tomorrow and show Vegas this secy woman is mine." He kissed her deeply.

Jake knew she was right, but he just wanted to be ready ehen they could. "I know baby. I just want to be ready. It will be easier than going out with him to get one."

"No no baby we have time on the car. Let's check out beds." His phone rang and it wad his mother, he groaned. "Hey ma. What's up?"

"Jake I need to tell you something. Something about your father, now that you'll be one yourself." There was a paus3 and he looked at Adri. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me..."

"What is it?"
She smiled when he called her sexy and kissed him back. "We will see what they say on Sunday. It's my brothers that might have a bigger problem with it." She shrugged her shoulder, "I guess we will see. I will try to stay optimistic."

She nodded her head, "I guess. Or she could be brewing a Hulk like creature and have a massive baby that doesn't fit in standard strollers." She teased. "Let's get what we need first and then get what we want. Okay? We have a lot of stuff that we need to get its already going to expensive as hell. You need to ask Layla what diaper, baby wipes, rash cream, laundry detergent, and what ever she is going to use for him so it's all the same brand. And then add that to your list."

When he picked up his phone, she went back to her offers. It was going to be a pain in the ass to reply to them all but she would figure it out. She was starting to see why Jake had an assistant. He never had to write emails to these guys, that was her job.

She glanced up when she felt Jake look at her and she raised her eyebrows questioningly.
His mother got quiet, "Mom...What...?"

"Your father didn't just stay away Jacob. I wouldn't let him be around. We had marriage issues and I kicked him out. I found out kn that time he slept with someone else. So to punish him, I made him stay away." Jake just blinked trying to process what she was saying. "He tried to see you and Amy. A few times. Well a lot but I refused to let him."

Jake looked down as a whirlwind of emotions happened. "You let a man...." He grew angrier by the minute. "You let a man beat the shit out of me and Amy...and there was a man, our father...trying to see us? Is that what you telling me?"

His mother started crying and apologizing. "If you want his name I can give it to you."

"What woman keeps her kids from their father because of a mistake and make us think he didn't want us..." He got quiet a moment. "You will be lucky if you meet your grandson. Send me my father's information and if I want to talk to you...I will call you." He hung up and went to get up.
Adri listened to Jake's half of the conversation and sat up straight. It didn't sound like he was getting the best news in the world. She rubbed her lips together and waited for him to hang up. She didn't know what to say. She had never been in that situation and she felt like he might need some time alone before he opened up to her so she let him leave.

When he came back, she gave him a hug and kiss. "I love you." She said softly and looked into his eyes.

"I want to make you feel better but I don't know how." She admitted and put her feet flat on the ground. She put her hands on his waist and looked up at him.
Jake went outside and sat for awhile. He was trying to process everything his mother told him. And he didn't understand why now? He called Amy who was livid. They both yelled a bit and then cried. He felt this wasn't news you tell over the phone but who knew when he'd be back home anyway.

He went back inside and found Adri. When she gave him a hug he just hid his face in her shoulder and cried a little. It wasn't a sob, just silent tears falling down. Jake was full of emotions he didn't know how to explain. He found out he was going to be a father, then when he thought his entire life his father was non-existent because of his choices, to find out it was entirely wrong. He gave her a kiss back, but it was a bit weak.

His eyes found hers and he loved her so much for wanting to make him feel better. "Can I just explode for a few minutes to just get this all out. You don't need to say anything or even understand cause I don't and please..." He closed his eyes. "Please don't get mad at me for what I say."
Adri rubbed his back when she felt her shirt getting wet. She knew he was crying and she did what she could to comfort him. This was why she stayed with him. No matter how much of a meat head he was, at the end of the day he was her handsome man that needed her. And in some ways she needed him too.

She took s deep breath when he wanted to explode. "I can't promise I won't get mad but I will listen." She wouldn't bring up anything he said today. He had bigger things to deal with right now.

"Go ahead." She said softly. "Explode."
Adri gave him a fair answer so he gave her a nod. He didn't know where to start now that he could. "Just know when I'm not upset I'm thinking more clear about things..."

"I feel like I have zero control over my life right now. I found out I made a stupid decision and now there is a kid going to be coming into this world because of it. It's not just affecting my life but a lot of other peoples and I feel horrible about that. I think how it is affecting you is the one I feel the worst about. That and my future son. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I fear that his mother and I are just going to fight his entire life no matter how much I try to be civil." He just shook his head a bit. "Then there is my mother...well you met her and the piece of work she is." He let out a frustrated noise. "I swear her fucking goal in life is to just fuck with mine. She waits until now of all fucking times to tell me that my whole life everything she has ever told me about my father was a lie. I thought this guy just chose not to be around. No she fucking told him not to come around because of a mistake he made while they were separated. Separated! Not together! No! Separated. Fucking get over it for your fucking kids." He was beyond mad and so angry he could punch something so that was why every other word was coming out as the f-bomb.

"But no she couldn't do that but as his punishment she had his kids think he wanted NOTHING to do with them, when this whole time he had tried and tried to see us. Amy said she told her that he wanted to fight for visitation, but he didn't have any money to and she'd threaten him because of his choices he made in his life." He looked down and started to tear up. "I know nothing about him or his family, my family. Maybe I wouldn't have been so fucking angry my whole life. Maybe I would have had someone in my corner while I fought before you came along. But instead she let us stay in that house...and get beaten. Beaten by a freaking monster...How do you do that Adge? How do you let your kids get beaten when a man that loves..." He broke down and started crying. He was quiet for a few minutes. "My whole life I thought both of my 'fathers' hated me. And here the man who's blood actually goes through me would have done anything to see me. And she...." He shoo k his head with anger. "She wouldn't allow it because of her own selfish reasons." He sniffed and looked away shaking his head. "Now that I'm going to be a father...." He stayed quiet a minute until he could speak again through the tears. "I can't let him ever question, or worry whether or not I love him. And with her fighting me on the damn last name issue...I know...I just know she's going to be difficult and I swear as you and God is my witness I will fight her if she tries to keep him from me or use him against me. My son is not going to be a pawn or bargaining chip. None of my children will ever feel this way..." He shook his head and put his head down as he cried. Jake felt stupid for crying and being so upset but he finally was getting a lot of his feelings out.
She really thought a part of his rant would be aimed towards her being difficult about raising his son. She thought about why he would be so adamant about bringing his son to live with him. Before she didn't think about the childhood Jake had. She just thought about herself and their future children. She couldn't let him think he was doing it alone. As long as she was by his side he wouldn't be doing it alone. She was making things harder. She could show Jake what a real family was by accepting the baby in her life. She didn't have any other choice.

She moved over to where he was and rubbed his back some more. She kissed his arm and thought about what to say. "Baby, who knows what would have happened if he was allowed in your life. There is a chance that we wouldn't be here right now. You would be a completely different man. But it didn't work out that way. You have a chance to meet him now though. You have a chance to create a new relationship with him so take it. Don't dwell on what could have been, move past it and create this relationship you wish you had."

She kissed his upper arm and sighed, "I don't know what to say about your mother. A part of me wants to tell you that some relationships should be cut from your life but that is your mother. She messed up but she could have gone your entire life not telling you that he wanted to meet you. She told you now and she should have told you sooner but you have to take what you can get sometimes."
Jake didn't want her to think she was trapped in a relationship with him because of him being a father now. Or well soon. He wanted her to stay because she wanted to and couldn't imagine life without him. That was how he saw his future, only with her.

She always knew what to say and how to say it. She was absolutely right about not knowing what could have happened if he knew. "You think I should reach out to him then?" His eyes shifted to hers. He shook his head a bit trying to wrap his mind around it. "Babe...I don't know if I can right now. I'm trying to figure out how to be a father myself not try to contact my own...." He felt a bit overwhelmed at the thought. Yeah part of him wanted to meet him and see what he was like, but he just felt like now was the worst time.

"I don't know what to do about her either. This kind of crap is why I've distance myself to start with. Why I didn't call much or even tell you about her for awhile." He shook his head. "I don't know if I want my son around her. I don't want him hurt like I was. Yeah she could have never told me but she shouldn't have kept my father from us. Is it bad that I think my son is going to feel more love and support from your parents then my own mother? That's pretty sad actually."

His hand ran through his hair. "I don't know what to do babe about anything right now. Amy wanted to know if our invite is still available."
Adri nodded her head, "But I don't want to see you get your hopes up and have this guy be a douchebag as well. I hope he's not. I want to believe he's not but there's a small chance that he is. I want you to have the perfect relationship with a father figure. It would be great if that figure was your actual father." She looked down, "Call him, meet him. Do what you feel you need to do."

She thought about it, "Why don't you forget about your mom for a little bit. Just distance yourself from her even more. When you are in a place that isn't so crazy you can decide if you want to forgive her or not." That was one piece of stress off of his plate. It wouldn't stop him from thinking about her but hopefully he would give it time before he made a choice that he may regret.

"As for your father, I think you should try to connect with him. He might be a good help. All of the things he missed out on, he will tell you and you will know to be there for things with your son. He could be full of advice for you. He could help with the baby. Who knows what he could do." She said softly.

"She knows that it is. I'm guessing she is coming down soon."
Adri gave perfect advice. He could contact his father, see if he would meet up with him now and they can share everything and see what could happen. She was right, maybe he could be a big help with him trying to be the best father himself. As for his mother, she was also right, time to move on and let her think about the crap she has pulled. He gave his girlfriend a huge hug. "Thank you baby. It's all good advice."

"Nothing is set about her coming. She wanted me to talk to you before she just came out. She didn't want to intrude, especially right now. I think is the push she needed though to get the hell out of there babe." They had plenty of room for her to stay until she found a place but it was also a timing thing and he didn't want to throw that onto their already full plate right now.

Jake let out a sigh. "Let's let Max out and go upstairs. I'll start a fire and we can just lay down. My head is killing me right now and I'm done thinking for today and I swear if my phone makes another noise I'm going to toss it against the wall."
"I try." She smiled at him, happy to help him out.

"She can come down whenever she wants. It's your house and your sister. We have the mother in law suite by the pool that she can sleep in if she wants to stay a while." Adri scratched the back of her head, "That's its own little apartment back there so she can live out here until she is ready to go back. If she wants to go back."

She picked up Max and let him out to pee. She came back with him in her arms and walked upstairs to Jake starting the fire place. "Or...just spitballing here but instead of throwing the phone when it makes a noise, maybe you can just turn it off. If it's important they will call me. It's that simple." She took his phone and let it charge but kept it turned off. She took a quick shower and then got in the bed. She let Max on the bed and he sniffed and crawled around before finding a spot on Jake's side of the bed. She picked him up and had him try again he laid down in the crook of her legs.
Jake gave her a big tight hug.

"Correction Adriana. It's our house. We signed the papers together." He gave her a look. He didn't mean it as a legality that it was theirs but more of it being their 'home.' "Maybe she will want to move out here. I'm hoping."

Once Adri grabbed Max to go out he went up to get the fire started. "Babe...the way my day is going, that damn phone will ring while it's shut off with the battery dead." He gave her a look. Once the fire was going pretty well he got up and got undressed to crawl in bed. He moved to get comfortable and when she grabbed Max when he laid next to him, he gave her a look. "Really? He finally picks me instead of you and you won't let him lay with me? Maybe he realized that dad is having a rough night and wanted to cuddle..." He said her playfully. "Guess that just means I have to cuddle with you." He laid his head on her shoulder with a sigh. "I love you."
"He wasn't picking you. He was taking over your side. If he was a small dog, he could lay between us all night but he is going to be a big boy so he needs to be down by our legs. Plus, you do you really want to smell dog breath while you are sleeping?" She smiled at him and moved closer to Jake.

"You can cuddle with me anytime." She said softly and rubbed the back of his hand. She closed her eyes and listened to the fire roar.

"I'm sorry for making you feel bad about your son. It just sucked knowing you were having a kid with someone who doesn't even matter. I wanted to be the one to give you that. I'm not 100% yet but I am getting there. I want you to know that you won't be raising him on your own. As long as we are together, you have my help. Even if it means staying up all night with him so you can get sleep for a fight." She squeezed his fingers and sighed.

"That's what I signed on for when I became your long term girlfriend."
He thought about making a joke about waking up next to her and smelling her breath every morning but he didn't. Instead he just smiled at the thought of his own jokes going through his head. She was being way too amazing to even joke.

"Promise? Anytime huh?" He kissed her head and snuggled closer.

"You didn't make me feel bad Adge. I get it. I understand why you were upset, or still are upset. I'd be upset too. I mean I am upset too. I'm upset at myself for not being more careful." He smiled when she mentioned getting up with him if Jake had a fight. He squeezed her hand back and caressed her hand with his thumb. "Thanks baby."

Jake looked up at her. "Well I'm hoping to have you sign on the dotted line for more than just my assistant or girlfriend." If only she knew he already hand things planned and in the works to ask her.
She thought about it, "Some times... depends on how I feel." She chuckled.

"I mean the actual night before the fight. I'm not going to let you get your ass beat because of lack of sleep. I'm not going to let that happen." She smiled. "you're going to be a champion baby. My champion." She yawned and moved closer to Jake.

"I think if we can survive a baby, a puppy, and family then we can survive anything." She said sleepily and started to fall asleep.
Jake chuckled. "You are rude." He tickled her side a bit.

He pulled her closer and kissed her neck. "That still means a lot." He smiled at her. "You damn right I'm going to be champion. Failure is not an option." His thumb caressed her hand. "I like the sound of me being your champion." He smiled and kissed her head.

"We can babe. I don't think it will be easy but I know together we can. We just gotta fight, but not with each other but together. And luckily your boyfriend fights for a living." He held her a little while she fell asleep. His mind wondered a little before it finally let Jake sleep as well.

In the morning he stayed in bed with Adri a bit before getting up and attempting to see if Max would go for a run with him. Jake threw on running shorts and a muscle shirt. He left Adri a note, "Your boys went for a run...well hopefully. I'll make breakfast after my shower if you can wait. Love you." He let Max out to do his business before taking off out the front door.
Adri didn't wake up until well after Jake had left. She got out of the bed, expecting to find him in the gym but he wasn't there. She made her way to the kitchen and saw his note. She made a cup of herbal tea and went to her office. She replied to some of the offers she knew she wanted to do. She also posted a morning picture to Instagram. She decided to download snapchat and give it a try. She was well on her way to becoming a social media star.

When Jake came back she finished her email and went downstairs. She was going to give Jake a hug but he was sweaty and thought better of it. She gave Max from fresh water and let him drink it up and catch his breath.

"How far did you take him? I think he's going to be out for most of the day." Which was a good thing since they would be out most of the day. "Maybe he should start running with you in the mornings. And my idea worked. He slept all night but he did move around a little bit."
Jake came back and looked at Adri. "I don't get a hug?" He chased her around the kitchen playfully. "Oh come on baby...I want a hug. Please?" He laughed a bit then finally stopped. "Kiss? I promise i will keep my distance."

He grabbed water and drank it kind of quick. "Uh we went about a two miles. It was a slow two miles but it was something. I thought that was good for him. I think with training for him he can go some good distance. And it is probably a good idea to wear him out." Jake kissed Adri's cheek. "I'll go shower and get breakfast started and then we can get on our way shopping." He gave her a smile before going up to shower.

His clothes got tossed in the hamper and he climbed in the shower and put on jeans and one of his Affliction t-shirts. He came downstairs and started making some omelettes for them both. Max was already passed out on the floor. "How many baby gates do you think we need? I figured we could use them to keep Max places too." Once the omelettes were finished he put them both on their separate plates and sat at the bar to eat after grabbing some orange juice.
"No, Jake. Stop!" She ran around the counter until he stopped following her. When he asked a kiss, she leaned over the island and puckered her lips, this way he couldn't pull her into him and get her all sweaty.

"I am sure they were very slow. I have a very curious puppy." She smiled at Max and nodded to him going to take a shower. While he did that, she picked up Max and took him to her office. She finished sending the emails for the offers she wanted to do and then looked over the other offers and tried to figure out which ones she liked best.

When breakfast was ready, she went downstairs and Max sleepily followed her. He collapsed on his bed and she sat where her omelette was placed. "I don't know. One that we can move around to different rooms. Maybe a couple to block off the kitchen when we want him in there. And an extra one for whatever reason. And two more for the stairs, one at the top and one at the bottom." That was all the places she coudl think of for now.

"Did you call, or text, Layla and ask about the brands she is using?"
Forgetting he didn't feed Max before their run he got up and fed him and let him eat so they could let him out before they went shopping.

He took a mental note of how many they would need for the kitchen and then the stairs. "I saw online they have some you can open just by stepping on this lever. That would be nice if we have our hands full. Which with a baby and a puppy we will." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

Jake groaned at her asking about Layla, "N o. I forgot with the crap with my mom and everything." He pulled his phone out and sent her a text. "Is it bad I want to kind of do everything more natural with him? Like we try to eat healthy. I want him to use more natural soaps and lotions and that kind of stuff. But not really my decision is it? He could also have allergies. I hope he's not one of those kids who can't certain foods and has to live in a bubble."
"We won't be carrying Max for much longer though. The second the baby is in the house is the second we stop carrying around Max like a baby. I think the latch is safer because Max is going to weigh as much as us and if he puts enough pressure on the lever he will open the gate." She smiled at him.

"We can do everything natural but she would need to do natural as well and she may not be able to afford it." She shrugged her shoulder, "That's a good idea though. We can look into soap and lotion and baby powder and whatever else we need."

She laughed a little bit, "that's a rational fear to have but it's also a very rare condition so I don't think you have anything to be worried about." She smiled at him and shook her head.

Instead of sending a list of what she was using she took a picture of everything she had and sent it to Jake. She had Johnson and Johnson products, Huggies for diapers and a plain jane baby formula. She didn't put too much effort into looking for certain brands. If it was in her price range and had good reviews, she bought it.
"I will see it when it happens. That dog is your baby so you will carry him as long as you can pick him up." He gave her a look with a smile. "Baby they all have latches. The lever ones you can still squeeze and pull the latch or use the lever. I don't know if Max would be smart enough to figure out the lever."

"If I'm paying child support she can use that to buy the natural stuff." Jake was a bit worried she would want way too much money for child support. He was also curious how they would figure out how much he would pay since they offer different amounts for different fights as well as endorsers give him money. He hoped she'd be civil...

Jake smiled and gave her a look for laughing at him. "It is a legit fear. I'm not going to want my kid living in a bubble. Go climb a tree. Go ride your bike. I don't want Bubble Boy." He laughed a bit before kissing her cheek.

He showed Adri her picture of items. "How does she know he can have this formula? What do you think? Stick with this until we talk to her? Or just try not to start a war?" He got up to put his plate in the sink and got more orange juice.
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