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Dragon's Hoard - OOC

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There. Sorry if it was little quick or I didn't write much for you. I will do a proper post Monday
Thanks for posting, I know how busy schedules can get. Perhaps Lizzie could encounter our new ranger as she makes it to the woods? If desired and allowed I could write a little encounter for Margaret with some minor minions. Otherwise I will await Monday's post. I think we are off to a good start.
Perhaps the dragon has one or two 'former' virgin's (without the warriors in the background) within his treasure trove? Not sure what you had in mind but I am open to suggestions with the DMs permission of course.
Well tick tock Clock...let me know if you have a particular craving. The picture was only a suggestion.
I like the idea :)

Now I have a small question, I don't want to come across as impatient, but after SystemDrake's last post describing Lizzie's (TheAnnoyingNoob) interaction with Thorin, I just wish to know if I can post my character's trek to the mountain. Or should I await a post from Lizzie before posting?

Believe me I have no issues waiting on the talented TheAnnoyingNoob, Just don't want to hold up the game from my side.
Thanks for the compliment! Feel free to post. I've been a bit busy IRL the last few days, though things should be back to normal by tonight.
I figured you meant a ginger warrior so I stuck with a smallish girl wizard. I will leave the boy's part to the DM. I let the other two run free, they can be hunted down in the cavern or meet the other's outside the cave if anyone desires a go at them. Otherwise they can just escape...
There we go. I've really got to the point I'm going to need all of you to post a location before your post. It would really help me write faster and make sure I don't miss anyone in any area.

Sorry to those who don't have much to do at the moment. Hold tight and I'll get you into the game as fast as I can.

I'd also be interested to know how much plot you are willing to have. I imagine the dragon will have lots of missions and quests he needs done. It will be more like classic D&D except you're working for the evil dragon and your rewards are more sex instead of gold. For those of you who don't care about plot it can be all smut for you. The plot might take a little while to start first we have to get through all this.

I'm really enjoying it so far.

Also. I'm not trying to step on your toes. I'm not going to take control of your characters. When I say something about being changed making you think something or whatever I only mean that is what it is trying to make you think. Those are like thoughts trying to get into your head. Things nagging at your character's mind. You can chose to fight it or give in. Please don't think I'm trying to control you. I wanted to make that clear because I've had people get mad at me for stuff like that. And if I ever do too much please just let me know and I'll fix it.
Gonna be honest, I completely forgot about posting the location. I'll get it in next time.

As for the plot, I'll go with the flow. Either way I'm enjoying (and expect I will continue to) things as well.
ha ha yeah so did I, that why I edited my last post

Also I'm in for plot and quests AND smut as well. Also enjoying myself too
Good for plot between the smut, been enjoying this thus far and sure it'll get better.
I'm all for plot and quests between the naughty bits. Just thought I'd add my 5 cents, though its problem only worth 2.. :)
Well, is it just two of you left around? Duxt and Kuro.

So what do you want to do? I don't really feel up to running this with only two. Maybe do you want to set up some solo games over pm or something?
I'm still here, I was hoping for something from Clockwork to answer. I could write a little something for Calista but she has pretty much been used up until the dragon breeds her.

I am open to other ideas and venues, I don't really see how this differs from a group RP as we aren't really rolling for scores or anything.
I don't think I did poor Lizzie any favors when I suggested she run...sorry!
I'm still around too, but was kinda waiting for BergKatze to show up or just anything else to happen
Yes she is a sweetheart, which is why Calista fell for her. As I recall I still have a rogue and a cleric I think it was on the run, if need be they could join up with Lizzie so she has some company.
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