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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Jay nodded softly, looking over at Xael and glaring darkly at Eli as he listened Damion’s response.

“She’s pretty amazing… If she left Luna though, she would of worked through it… She’s strong enough.” Those words felt like a lie. While she was his sister, she was also his alpha, allowing that tug on her life line to indicate to her wolves. Biting his lip he looked down to the red head.

“Give her time and she’ll burn through it.” He replied, unable to look up without looking towards her mate. But then, he could hear the man turn and run. Giving him a couple minutes Jay groaned, passing Lunar off to Eli and the siren as he followed the man quite easily.

“What the hell are you crying about? Did you not see what they were going through? You’re sitting here crying when they should be after what they’ve endured.” Jayson snapped, standing several feet away crossing his arms while looking down on the vampire.

"You're an insensitive dick," Xael growled, his despair turning quickly to bitter anger, "I just watched someone get raped, over and over. I had a front seat to all her memories, because you damn well asked. And maybe, just maybe I have a few of my own damn problems. Ever thought of privacy? For fuck sakes!"

He jumped to his feet, anger rolling through him, "How bout you stop stalking me, you ass."

"Gotta follow me around now so you can report to your sister. Am I that fucking useless to her, she needs me babysat?"

He turned and bolted, moving faster than the wolf could, just to get away from him for five minutes and breathe.

Jay shook his head, anger rolling over him. Swallowing it, he squeezed his hands into fists.

“You think you’re the only one who watched that? Or watched someone wade into a pit to save her other half? Well, what about your mate? What happened to her? Oh right, you never asked.” He spat back.

“Yes I am an ass, but I care for my sister. I know what’s happened to her, and I know at the end of the day, yes she said his name, but she reached out for you and called for you the whole time you ran off. I bet you 100 gold coins she’s dreaming of you.” He glared. Spitting, the wolf turned as he watched the man run.

“Pathetic. You mated an alpha? I don’t know what she saw in you, but it has to be something fucking great to get over the fact she needs you and you’re walking away. She’s an alpha, she protects what is hers. She doesn’t babysit. Trust me, I’ve seen her kill her own kin because they depended on her too much.” The wolf spat coldly, looking back as he watched Xael run off. Shaking his head, Jay made his way back to the group.

“How are our two girls?” He asked softly, walking up to Damion and looking over his sleeping mate.

Eli withdrew, unwilling to intertwine with the group as he thought over not only Savannah’s memories, but Jays words. While he was right, Eli didn’t disagree or regret what he’d done, simply shrugging off another damaged girl. It was obvious that she’d been dreaming of Diablos, still uncertain about the situation that had hit her as it had. In the end, Abass and himself did what was best for the clan, and for her strength.


Turning into Ashlin more, Braxton kissed the top of her head softly, his body trying to relax as the tension unraveled.

He gently placed Savannah on the ground, letting her hair fan out. The instant her skin touched the ground, roots grew from the ground and enclosed on her arms and waist, holding her down. Jay jumped back in alarm, as did the others but Damion only smiled, watching as the roots hugged her legs, sprouting a flower here and there.

"Don't worry," he patted Jay on the shoulder, "There's still a lot to know about Savannah. That, for her, is normal. And so are they."

The pack slowly strode out of the trees, heads low. They had never seen the group up close and vice versa. All of them were stalk white, with shaggy fur the rippled as they moved. Their bulky sizes all stood at shoulder length, some lower and some a few inches taller. They looked like polar bears to most, but to Damion he just saw the pack.

Slowly the wolves circled their Alpha, creating a circular pile around her and protecting her from everyone. Andre split from the group, trotting over to Kayden and nudging her. The young girl was going through her first Change in weeks, and Andre looked pleased to see her in wolf form. Adding her to the inside of the pile, nearest Savannah, all the wolves settled in.

"Keeping her warm and safe," Damion smiled, "Wolves loyalty knows no bounds."

Jay nodded, calming as he watched the pack come in to protect her.

“Oh I know…” He mumbled, looking back at Luna as he began to strip. Allowing the heat to morph into pain, the man willed his body to change, whimpering as his alpha’s thoughts where released to him.

“Trust me I know…” He thought. He’d known it all too well, he’d done what he could between both packs, his loyalty to Luna, but when he was needed with the clan, he’d always found himself back there, fighting for them. Trotting over to the girl, he curled his freakishly large form around her, while he had always had a large stature over Lunar in wolf form; he’d never been as stealthy and graceful as she had. Yet in wolf form, his mangy brown stature seemed to meld in with the others. Whimpering softly, the wolf listened in on her dreams, cringing at the pain she silently endured.

Xael crashed into a tree, infuriated with himself, Jay, Luna...everyone. He hit the tree so hard he knocked himself back. Just lying there, staring up at the canopy, Xael finally started breathing, letting himself close his eyes for a few seconds.

"Um...hi," Savannah cocked her head, sitting in a patch of grass with Kayden, both looking confused.

"What's going on?" Xael asked, looking around at the darkness surrounding him, "Am I dreaming?"

"Yeah," Kayden smiled, "And so are we. Savannah and I dream together sometimes."

"I have my tricks," Savannah smiled at the wolf, "But Xael, how did you wind up in my dreamstate?"

"I fell asleep I guess."

They both laughed, and Savannah made room for him to sit, "I guess my mind is still branching out. I've never had someone walk into my mind, it's rather odd."

"That's okay," Kayden smiled, "He's trustworthy Annah. He's my sister's mate, he can't be that bad of a guy."

"Mhm," Savannah shrugged, "Well...welcome to the party."

The chatted, about nonsense until Kayden asked to talk about the hallucinations. Savannah shut her down, saying she wanted to speak about them as little as Luna would want to speak on hers.

"But I wouldn't ask her because I already know hers," Kayden crossed her arms, "Father loved boasting about Luna. Luna does this...Luna did that. He even spoke about her trainer, Diablos, from time to time."

"Her trainer?" Xael asked, learning something else about this mysterious lover of his mate, "What else can you tell me about Diablos?"

Savannah lay back, smiling, "Get comfortable Xael. She has tons of stories...on everything. It's adorable."

Kayden grinned, then launched into everything she knew about Diablos.

Everyone awake resigned to stay one more night, to recuperate. Those who could hunt did, coming back with their trophies, to skin and cook them over the fire Ash and Reyn made. While most slept, Ash, Reyn, Brax, Elijah, and Damion sat comfortably around the fire, eating silently and spectating on the day.

The night dragged on, and eventually they all fell asleep. It wasn't till late morning everyone started waking, yawns echoing across the camp. Reyn rubbed sleep from her eyes, stretching her stiff back from sleeping against a tree. Elijah had been more than irritable the night before, somehow forgetting their time two nights ago, so she had decided to sleep alone. Scanning the camp, she counted heads and noticed Xael was still missing.

"Anyone know where the vampire is?" she asked loudly, making it apparent they were still missing a member from the evening before.


Eventually Savannah, Kayden and him parted, going into thier own dreams. Xael's night was full of nightmares, from Savannah's images, to Diablos returning and sweeping Luna away from him. He woke drenched in sweat, the sun already high in the sky.

"Fuck," he groaned, rolling over and getting up, "I gotta get back."

Waking, the wolf petted Jay’s soft fur, her head curling up into his shoulder as the wolf’s eyes where already on her. Lifting his head from the ground, Luna felt the soft lick on her cheek.

“Morning brother” She croaked, sleep still trying to grip her as her body refused to move.

“I hate to admit… But I need one yes…” She whispered, listening to Reyns comment. “Considering I just lost my mate… I might need one for a while” She breathed, sinking her face deeply into his fur. For now they were fine, but when the group was ready to move on, Jay had offered her his back.

“Probably long gone…” She whispered, fighting off the pain within her heart as she listened to the group begin to awake.

"Come on guys," Damion lifted his hands in the air, listening to six wolves huff and chirp at them, but not one move, "Can I see her?"

Andre shook his large head, then howled, like he was laughing. The others joined in, officially waking the camp up with their noise.

"Elegant," Damion sighed, "So you are going to keep both the girls in your little circle forever?"

Yulen, lying beside Andre nodded with a grin.

"They've taken them hostage," he laughed, walking away, "I'm coming back in five minutes. She better be awake by then!"


A small tongue licked her cheek, waking her. Wide grey eyes met her blue ones as she opened them.

"Hey Kayden," she grinned, petting her head, "Slept well?"

The roots holding her retracted, letting her sit up. Looking around though, she found herself amongst her pack, ringing her. Outside them she could hear Damion playfully arguing to see her.

Come on boys. Time to get our lazy asses up.

Kayden shook her head, jumping into her lap and curling up, content to go back to sleep. The rest of the wolves slowly dissipated into the trees, looking for breakfast.

"Morning," Savannah beamed, feeling amazing as she always did after a long sleep.

Kayden remained in her arms, curled in her lap as she stroked the wolf's back, comforting her, "How's everyone feeling?"

Waking, Braxton kissed Ashlin, grinning softly at her.

“Good morning my stunning beauty.” He purred, looking up at the group.

“Morning Savannah, Pretty good, how about you Ash and Savannah?” He asked, his arms tightening around Ash as he looked lovingly down at the woman within his arms.


Having been up all night, the Halfling watched the group awake, simply shrugging off they’re mornings as he waited impatiently for the group to begin their move today to the next inn.

"Much better, thanks Brax," she smiled, scratching Kayden between the ears.

You need to Change back Kayden.

I can't...I've never done it so soon.

I know, but no one can converse with you in the group except me. If you want to go with your sister, you'll need to Change.

I'm scared.

I know.

The rest of the group were already packed, and looked to be mostly waiting. Holding the small wolf in her arms, she whispered encouragement as Kayden struggled. Finally her body began to shift in Savannah's lap, bones breaking and fur retracting. Kayden let out an unearthly howl at the pain, which turned into human cries as she returned to normal.

"Shhhh," Savannah held her loosely, waiting till the last bone set into place before gripping any tighter, "You're okay now."

The young wolf dashed tears off her cheeks, "Thank you."

"Anytime, now rest for a minute or two."

The young wolf took a minute to rest than collected her clothes and disappeared into the trees to change. When she returned she looked her happy self again, gone the tears or angry pain from the Change. I'll have to tell Luna about Kayden's changes if she does choose to go with her sister...

Her thoughts were broken as Kayden squealed, dancing forward and hugging Xael as he emerged through the trees, barely able to step out before attacked.

"Hey lil one," he laughed, hugging her back.

"Hey brother," she grinned up at him, "Found your way back okay?"

Savannah had fallen asleep before the other two the night before, so she knew they must have spent many hours chatting after she'd left them to chat. Keeping that line open in her head for just the two of them proved easier than she had expected, and Savannah was pretty proud of herself for doing so.

"Kayden," Savannah beckoned, breaking the two of them off from their chit chat, "Let the man see his mate already. You got most of his time last night."

Kayden shrugged and danced back to the demon, letting Xael refocus his path.


Xael couldn't even look Jay in the eye without snarling, so he kept his eyes directly on Luna, who was refusing to look at him. she's mad at me too, he thought defeated.

The only positive greeting he had gotten were from Annah and Kayden. Elijah and Reyn looked grumpy, Brax and Ash were in their own world as always, and Luna was completely ignoring him. Still, he brushed off the awkwardness and strolled up to her, but a growl from Jay stopped him in his tracks.

"What?" he snapped, tired of his throat being attacked every time he stepped out of line, "What now Jay?"

She stretched and kissed his nose, giggling.

"Morning sexy," flashing a smile, her hand skirted up his shirt, "How's my stunning man?"

She felt better; much more so. Her magic was drained from what she could tell, but her body felt fine, even healthy. She moved her hand over his muscular stomach, feeling his abs as her mouth pressed into his, her tongue flickering out to meet his.

"I crave you," she whispered against his cheek, trying to think of the last time they had been alone and realizing it hadn't been for at least a week, probably longer.

"Forget them," she hissed into his ear, nibbling on the lobe.

She listened to the growling, her words caught within her still raw throat as she listened to Jays thoughts.

He pawed and began to stand, only to hear Lunars whimper as her limp body tried to cling to her brother, her fingers tightly winding within Jays fur. While she was awake, her limbs were numb, and walking could prove to be impossible for a couple hours still. Sinking her head into Jays fur, Lunar looked up through the tendrils of soft, lush fur.

“He’s just tired…” She croaked, her voice dipping involuntarily, leading her voice to quit on her. Looking at him hurt, but she could see the hurt across his posture. Silently she watched, her bland silver eyes looking glassy and broken.

"Tired doesn't excuse bad manners," Xael shot at the wolf, then turned to his mate and without warning picked her up.

"We will catch up at the next town," he stated to anyone listening, "Don't follow us. Talking to you Jay."

"Be good," he added as he passed Kayden.

He walked them out of the encampment, glad for once she had no voice so she couldn't protest about being forcibly carried.

"You keep making the mistake of seeing her as fragile," Kayden explained the night before, "My sister is tougher than she looks."

"So am I. But she sends Jay after me."

"Well now that I've told you how Diablos left, do you blame her? She's already had one person walk out."

"I'd never leave her. I might be hurt, I might feel bloody rejected by her, but I'm not leaving until she sends me away."

"Convince her. Not me."

He wove through the trees, getting them hopelessly lost in the woods. Finally he stopped, setting her down on the ground. Extending his wrist, he offered Luna her strength back through his blood, both of their bodies guarded off each other.

"Please drink," he added softly when she hesitated, "I want to talk."

Looking back down at her, Brax’s head tilted slightly, her touch uplifting him and making his eyes roll back for a moment.

“Amazing now that my woman is awake.” He purred, his hand lifting to rest under Ash’s chin delicately, kissing her, his tongue meeting hers and dancing, his body leaning in as his thumb stroked her chin softly.

“How is my alluring woman?” He grinned, pressing his forehead to hers gently. Braxton’s eyes lit up at her words, his hands sliding down to her waist, his fingers slipping under the soft fabric of Ash’s shirt, his head leaning in as his lips wandered down her neck, sucking on tender spots as he leaned her back, softly placing her on the ground as he made his way downwards. Looking up, Braxton grinned.

“Who? You’re the only one here baby” He purred, continuing to make his way down her chest and stomach.

He had had a point, nodding softly before suddenly being ripped from her brother. The wolf snapped, snarling before whining as Lunar looked at him sternly. Lowering his head, the wolf laid back down, allowing Lunar to sit within Xaels arms. Reaching out towards her sister, both broken silver eyes checked with her, her heart buckling as she readied herself. As they gained distance from the group, Xael set her down, her eyes looking up as he forced his blood apon her. Closing both her eyes and sighing softly, she leaned forward, she hesitated, ready for a catch as she opened her eyes to make sure. Looking back at the flesh, her eyes fluttered closed as the wolf nicked his skin, sucking at the sweet, warmth from his veins. Her eyes rolled back as her canines grew in, her teeth sinking into the fresh as she demanded more from him. Opening her eyes, the wolf released his wrist, licking the wound to help close it. Lunar’s toes twitched, her legs pedaling gently before her legs curled up to her chest. Sinking her face into her knees, Lunar’s heart tightened as she readied to hear the worst.

"You barely drank," he spoke softly, watching her curl up, "Luna you need your strength."

She flinched as his voice got an octave louder, due to worry and stress at how thin and pale she looked. Would she listen to Diablos? his brain betrayed him, his mind trickling back to the day before, and his heart restricting. He'd been able to keep calm, through everything Kayden said, through the whole morning. But now, staring at his life and soul, he couldn't do it any longer.

"Luna," he growled, pulling her legs out from under her chin, and dragging her to him.

His lips crushed hers, craving her touch more than anything. Why am I not good enough for you?

His whole body shuddered and he broke the kiss, unable to dash his thoughts away, "Why'd you chose him over me?" he whispered, his control finally breaking, "What does he have that I don't?"

She looked around, suprised that they were no longer in the camp.

"When did you...Brax...ahhh," she moaned, losing herself to his touch, "It's been too long."

She was still weak, her knees buckling at the sheer joy filling her, making her want to collapse to the ground. Finally she lowered herself, with Braxton's help, to the ground, letting him hover over her.

"I'll be okay," she whispered smiling, "Stop worrying about my health and distract me baby."

The wolf bit her bottom lip, opening her mouth as she tested her throat softly.

“My legs work, My arms aren’t shaking… I’m fine” Her voice was tender, not quite there. But then, the tone in his voice caught her, his warm hands melding with her skin as she dragged him out. As his lips crushed to hers, her body reacted without delay, her lips hungrily pressing to his as her hands fled up to wind around his neck. His touch brought the life back to her body, to her bones and the glow back to her skin. But then, she could taste what felt like doubt along his lips before he pulled away. As his words flew out, she looked at him puzzled.

“I never chose anyone over you.” Her voice still soft, but life clung to her words as she looked at him, his strict doubtful eyes watching her reaction.

Confusion filled her. She didn’t understand what he was speaking of. Who was she allegedly choosing over him? Her mate? Her partner bound to her till death. The same man who lit every part of her, who brought the life and the will to her to not only love, but to protect with her life.

The creature grinned, his fingers pulling at her pants as his lips sucked down her stomach gently. His eyes looked up as he quickly removed her pants.

“Too bad, I want to worry.” He whispered against her skin; Braxtons head slipping between her legs as he lapped up her juices, filling him with glee as his tongue played with her pink love spot, his finger slipping up a hole as he played with her.

He wanted to forget everything and lose himself with her, as he could when she stole his breathe away. But that pain, that rip she had caused the day before when she had called out for him and not Xael, it continued to grow.

"Diablos," he croaked, looking down at his hands, " kept calling his name out yesterday."

He chuckled sadly at himself, like he was the joke in all of this, "I'm just a replacement."

Her body arched, her breathe leaving her in one take as her fingers wrapped themselves in his hair, her whole being riding waves of euphoria that he was creating. Her lips parted and she groaned as his finger slipped inside her, making Ash quiver.

"Braxton," she moaned, her voice growing louder with every groan she let out. He worked expertly, pushing her towards climax as she moaned for him over and over, her fingers digging into the mossy grass under her.

"I need you!" she cried, unravelling as his tongue slid in and out making her explode and tears began to stain her cheeks. Pulling his face back up to hers, she kissed him with a passion she'd never felt.

"," she gasped between kisses, surprised by this new emotion rolling through her, as she fumbled with his own pants.

Never leave...please, god, never leave me Braxton.

Both silver eyes widened at his name. Sighing softly, the wolf shook her head. The dream flashed across her mind, all of their faces, even Diablos meant nothing next to the face in the corner. Xaels face.

“That… That is a long story.” She breathed. Looking at Xael, the wolf craned her head up to look him dead in the eye.

“You’re not a replacement, you never have been, you never will be.” She spoke gently, but honestly.

“I had a flash back last night… A flash back that tied in with someone I could never dream to be with.” She stated, as she curled up into a ball.

“Yes he was there, as a memory. But you were tied in as my future, and I can’t begin with how bad the memory was Xael… I never recovered from that memory… I will never forgive what happened to me.” She whispered, pain stroking her at the thought of Xaels disgust.

“I remember calling out for you, and finding Eli in your place… Finding the man who… “ Her voice shook, threatening to break on her without a moment’s notice.

“Finding the man of my nightmares, and the angel I love, witnessing the most…” She looked down thinking of a proper word.

Filthy thing to happen… I called out for you and you shoved me away Xael.” She whispered.

“Diablos was a man who raised me, taught me how to fight. Yes. I loved him because I knew him for 17 years” She spoke. “Yet, You had me the second I laid eyes on you.” Her words sung, looking up at him. “I have long been over Diablos, long. Yet I don’t think you understand the commitment I gave you if your that worried…” She whispered.

“I committed to you because I will never, and have never; met someone with such an amazing heart. I gave myself to you till death.” She whispered looking back up at him. Sighing softly, the wolf sunk her head into her knees.

“I watched my father and another man defile me last night. I dreamt I was left alone to rot and spill blood, and that the one person in my whole life, the one person who is my life, witnessed… Witnessed what felt as bad to me as what Savannah felt in hell.” Her words died off, pain sinking into her words as she bit her bottom lip.
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