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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Okay, okay. Yeah, I was. I kind of miss it sometimes. Those were the golden days." Megumi moved over to the counter and started to take out her cutting board and a good knife.
"They were something," Mel admitted, watching her move. "Didn't think in a million years that the girl I knew back then would be some dainty housewife now," she mused. "I still don't know what you see in that guy."
Megumi was quiet for a moment as she began to chop the vegetables for the soup she would be preparing. "He was stable." Megumi started as she frowned a bit. She always felt bad for leaving things the way she did with Mel. "He was the only person who could get me to want to settle down. He was..the only guy who had ever been brutally honest with me and I respected that, but most of all...he bested me in a fight." She had never told Mel this story, or anyone really. Mainly because she felt like it was a bad reason to leave her girlfriend in the first place.
"...That's all?" Mel said dryly, elbows resting on the counter. "If I fucked everyone who beat me, I'd probably be pregnant about ten times over, Megumi. That's all it took? Beating you?" She couldn't argue the reality: he was stable, Mel didn't know what the shit she was doing until Megumi was gone anyway.
"It was the way he beat me, Mel. This was before he was actually good at fighting...when he was smaller than what he is now." Alaric hadn't focused on his physique until Megumi had gotten pregnant. He wanted to protect her and Mei. "I...was completely overwhelming him. However, he kept getting up. No matter what I did. The way he beat me...well he was smart about it. Even though he didn't know much about me, somehow he managed to find an exploit my weaknesses. The things he said to me, Mel. It was like he had been friends with me all my life and I never even knew. I rejected him, denied everything he said...but still he persisted, and he never stopped the entire fight no matter how..hard I hit him. I lost it...I got sloppy, and he managed to hit me so hard I passed out. When I came to, he just smiled down at me and promised me the world. Even after I nearly killed him in anger. It was just..a really emotional fight."
"Uh huh," Mel said faintly. "So you left all the gutter trash to go with the handsome rich boy, mm? Suppose I can't blame you, there wasn't really anything back there for you." That sounded like the kind of romantic mess that Megumi'd get herself into. She was an almost hopeless romantic at heart, she always talked about deep connections and all that. "As long as you're happy."
"You know I don't like it when you say that. You and no one else I was with was trash. I was no different from all of you other than the fact that I came from a family with money, but... But I am happy. So happy that...we're trying again." Megumi confessed with a faint smile. "And I think we succeeded. I don't know for sure but, the last time I felt the way I do now was when I conceived Mei. Don't tell her though. I don't want to tell anyone unless I'm sure.."
Mel arched a curious brow at that. "...Meaning, what exactly?" she asked with a tilt of her head. Wait, where was she going with this?
"...Again?" Mel murmured, brows raised. "Wow, really? Isn't that a good thing?" It was a good thing, right? Yeah, she thought it was a good thing. Maybe after a bottle of whiskey she'd really believe it, but ah...old demons never let go, right?
"Yes, it is, Mel! Gosh, you're acting just like you did before when you found out I was pregnant with Mei! I guess no matter how much we change we're still the same, huh?" Megumi laughed a little and then moved over to her, moving up to kiss her on the cheek. "I really missed you though...I'm glad you decided to stick around Turuga for a little while..."
"...Yeah, well...Jana needs a Mom around," Mel mumbled. "...And it's nice to see you too, Megumi. I guess I have been gone for a little too long, the first cut is always the deepest, after all."
"What do you mean by that?" Megumi asked her as she looked into her eyes. She really didn't seem to happy for her. Maybe she really did hate Alaric that much? Or maybe it was something else.. "What's wrong?"
"What do you think I mean by that?" Mel said dryly. "We were dating, remember? And then you go off and fuck some other guy because he beat you in a fight? That kind of hurt when I was a teenager, you know. But what was I supposed to do about it? You seemed happy."
Megumi frowned and then took both of Mel's hands. "I..know. I'm sorry. Back then, I was in my own little world. I didn't think much about how you felt...I didn't really start to until you just..kinda disappeared. Then I realized how I had treated you and I felt really bad. Mel...I still love you..and you're still every bit as attractive to me as you were back then. Being with you wasn't a phase, I want you to know that. I was just a stupid kid who didn't know how love really worked..."
"Well, not much we can do about that now, Megumi," Mel reminded, somewhat politely. "I love you too, but that's about all it will be. You've got a husband, and another kid on the way," she trailed off faintly, thumbs rubbing her hands. "Don't worry, as long as you're happy, I'm happy."
"Are you?" Megumi asked softly before looking away. "After all these years, you never did find someone else, did you? I've always..wondered about that. I know that settling down wasn't really a priority for you, but I always thought it would just come around naturally..."
"No," Mel said easily. "My line of work doesn't exactly give me time to explore my options, as it were." she smirked. "I have Jana, if that's all I have, well, then that's okay too. That's why I'm sticking around."
"Well then maybe you'll stick around long enough to find someone yourself. In the mean time though, I'm here for you...we can drink tonight, like we used to! My tolerance is just as low as it was before though." Megumi laughed and then went back to tend to dinner. She wasn't sure what else to say or do. She knew she wanted Mel, but she still loved probably wouldn't be fair to her...
Mel glanced at her a moment, eyes narrowed in thought before she moved closer, leaning next to her a moment. "...Sure," Mel smiled easily. Fuck it, enough whiskey and she'd forget what she was going to do. "But I want you naked and with a bottle of whiskey, so I can drink it off you."
Megumi laughed a little. "Yeah? Well I guess that's how we used to drink back in the day, I don't see why not." She smirked. There was no way they wouldn't be all over each other tonight..even if there wasn't any alcohol involved. She was sure Alaric would probably not like this, but at this point? He should have realized that nothing would ever come between their marriage. Even a fling with an old girlfriend.
"Not the way I plan to drink it," Mel said idly, giving Megumi's rear a firm squeeze before heading out of the kitchen. She'd better start on that buzz, otherwise the guilt would make the sex less fun.
The girls were up in Mei's room..a very luxurious place that was probably three times as big as the rooms in Central. Her bed was large enough that they could easily fit another two or three people there, and it had those canopy curtains that every little girl dreamed of. The closet was huge, could easily be a separate room in of itself. Then there was the fact that it was a master bedroom, and the bathroom had all the stuff a girl could need..including a whirpool tub.

As far as the things to do...there was a TV and a stereo system..two things Mei rarely touched considering her large collection of books in the corner.

"Dinner's almost ready, mom says.." Mei told Jana and Kuki as she stared at her phone. Not a single peep from Komoku. But she was too scared to text him to see where he was. She didn't want to be clingy, but she would be lying if she didn't say she was worried about him. She was already making a habit to play with the metal ring on her necklace instead of her was clear something was bothering her.
"Uh huh," Jana said faintly, while Kuki admired the long string of books with an almost envious jealousy. "Everything okay, Mei?" she asked, sitting up on her bed. It was nice to relax, well out of their uniforms, Jana had settled into a loose tanktop and a pair of sleeping pants. It had been a long time since she had felt like she could really relax. she was starting to sound like Mei...
"..Well it's just that Komoku said he'd come over but he's not here yet. I'm just worried about him..because he has broken ribs, and we still haven't found the other half of people trying to put an end to DC." Mei answered truthfully. She knew he could hold his own, but he did get beaten up pretty bad, and she felt like it was kind of her fault for letting him have his fun playing with Daichi alone.
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