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Hidden (lady/moon)

"You did grant,you did."she muttered not about to remind him of everything he'd failed to protect her from,but rape,and pregnancy?he'd made sure she was taken care of. Even without really knowing her, he had. And the few snags of memory she had, she felt cherished in them."I'll have to tell papa that its fault I make you dizzy."she snickered a little before nodding easing away from grant,making sure he was asleep before following steve out of the room."he did...and you'd probably help him feel better."she said sounding a little relieved that they were willing to give him a chance. While she'd known they were accepting of both her and james,it was still good to hear."I love cocoa. Papa always made it for me when I was upset." She smiled as they walked into her and james' apartment, starting to make the cocoa."I would like that. He...he can tell me small things sometimes,but I'd love to hear more."she smiled looking at him excited as she waited for the water to boil.

"Possibly. And phil and skye might be having the same changes happening,but because of T.a.h.i.t.i. phil'ss showing such extreme reaction to it..."clint sighed quietly anxious because he had no way to help but be there for him."I'm sure we will..we might be able to figure out more when hes awake.. we might be able to ask him..."
Steve smiled a little. "he risked a lot to keep you safe. i think that will speak quite well to a lot of the people who live here." he admitted. "...i'm not sure how Fitz is handling this though. apparently he's suffered some brain damage from lack of oxygen after Ward tried to drown them." he admitted with a grimace. "he might be hard to convince." he smiled at her. "yeah he used to make me Cocoa too." he admitted. "usually after i got beat up." he admitted. "he taught me how to make it too. mines not as good as his is, but it's pretty decent." he admitted with a smile as he led her to her and James shared rooms. James was having a bad day and was locked in his bedroom and refused to come out. "well lets see..." Steve mused as he turned on the stove and started heating up some water, sugar and cocoa powder. "your father and i met when we where thirteen. he's just moved from Tennessee." he admitted. "he saw me getting beat up and decided to help. they'd just chucked me in a dumpster, it was empty thank goodness. even if it hurt more. he jumped in right after me. it's why he's got such a funny accent. southern belle, meets Brooklyn bad boy meets Russian..." he chuckled and went on to tell her about the first day of school, where three bullies had ended up covered in pink paint, purple glitter and wailing to their mamas. as the mix in the pot began to boil he added milk and set that to heat as well.

Bruce nodded. "a Valid point." he admitted. "except for one thing. Garret." Bruce admitted. "he didn't start doing this until he was injected with the same stuff that Skye and Phil. it was in a report i read last night. that means that there is a very large chance that whatever this is? it's because of the Alien genetics." he admitted as he watched Phil sleep. "which means the chance is high that Skye is going to start exhibiting." he admitted. "it took several months for Phil to have an episode like this, right? so being that Skye was only administered the drug a couple of weeks to a month ago, there's some time before she will probably show signs."
“...I know it will.”Sarah blushed ever so slightly because it pleased her that her father, as weirded out as she was by their relationship, was willing to give him a second chance. Because grant mattered to her. “...Damn. Maybe I’ll talk to him?He might deal better if h etalks about it...”Sarah said frowning a little as she considered the genius who followed tony around like a love lorn puppy, sighing quietly at the sight of the bedroom door, but knowing better then to bother james until he was ready to come out. “....he is a southern belle isn’t he?So dramatic.”Sarah snickered a little at the idea and by the time that they had drank most of their cocoa the woman was sleepily content, having bullied him into sitting on the couch with her so she could lean against him, just needing the cuddling to feel better, after so many years of not having anyone to cuddle when she was upset. “...He’s going to be so annoyed when he knows you told me these...”She giggled a little.

“...Damn. I hadn’t thought of that.”Clint winced sighing softly, looking down at phil, worried before biting his lip nodding. “yea. A few months.”He said shifting to sit down, trying to relax, knowing that the others were brilliant, they’d figure this out.
he offered her a smile. "i think he'd like that." he admitted. "he was the last person to believe Ward was.. evil." he admitted. "i think he's just scared to admit he was right after what happened." he admitted. "you can't really tell he's been. you know, damaged until he get's really excited. then his brain sort of stutters and he starts to forget words and things." he admitted. "Simmons usually steps in before he can get frustrated with himself and calms him back down." he snorted. "i'm going to tell him you said that." he teased. "a southern belle... i'm going to call him that straight to his face next time he annoys me." he admitted with a snicker. it hadn't taken much bullying to get him where she wanted him, and he had an arm around her as he told her stories about himself and Bucky. most of them extremely embarrassing. like the time Bucky had to cross dress to get into a Brothel that was a cover for a Hydra base. "oh, he'll forgive me eventually." "just don't tell stark." James ordered, voice hoarse as he stepped into view, tired but calm once more as he smiled at them. "don't you two look cozy... anymore of that?" he asked hopefully, Steve chuckling. "Microwave." "awesome."

"...Clint?" Phil asked, blinking sluggishly at the ceiling. "what happened? i wasn't shot again was i?" he asked, turning to blink at him. "oh. i was shot." he decided as soon as he saw Bruce. "was it bad? i bet it was bad... i didn't die again did i?"
“I’m sure that’s it.I’ll talk to him...and its amazing he’s not annoying tony. I mean...tony doesn’t seem like a person willing to put up with stuttering every once in awhile.”Sarah muttered knowing that fitz spent alot of time excited around tony. “Go ahead. I’ve called him worse....he gets worse the longer he’s upset. He sounds really southern when he’s pissed...I heard that tone alot as a kid.”She snickered a little sipping her hot chocolate, looking up at James with a sleepy smile when he walked out. “Ahhh...but I’m sure he’d enjoy the idea of you cross dressing.”She teased because it was somewhat easier teasing him about sex, it was awkward, but well, teasing him about tony didn’t see that bad.”Come on. There’s plenty of room here for both of us.”

“No, you weren’t. And no dying. You can’t die on me again.”Clint smiled a little looking worried for him.”You had a episode....”He said looking worried.
he smiled. "Tony adores Fitz. it's not often that Tony finds someone as as smart as he is that doesn't find him annoying. besides, Tony understands why Fitz blanks out. the first time it happened Tony thought he was the one who caused the brain damage." he admitted. "he accidentally made the poor kid pass out." he admitted with a laugh. "Tony adores Fitz." he admitted with a grin. "i bet. i used to get that tone a lot too. after getting beaten up." he admitted. "i always told him that i'd had them on the ropes, but we both knew it was a lie. not that it made me feel any better." he admitted. " told her about that! you swore!" "no, i swore i wouldn't tell anyone in the army." Steve corrected with a smirk. "your daughter isn't in the army." Bucky just cursed at him in Mandarin and went to get his share of the hot cocoa before joining them on the couch with a sigh of contentment.

" saw that huh?" Phil asked softly. "sorry. they don't usually come up on me like that." Phil admitted softly. "they aren't usually that bad either." he admitted. "i tend to know when their coming and i can tell May it's happening. she usually stands guard so i don't hurt anyone. did i hurt anyone?"
“True. He’s a little manic isn’t he?I mean, tony. He’s...”She paused shrugging, not having the words to describe tony before grinning, laughing at that. “Poor tony. I’m sure he was freaked by that.”She snickered amused before studying steve, smirking a little. “I just can’t imagine you being small enough to be beaten up.”She said shaking her head. “I know its true, its just...odd.”She said before smiling at james, tilting her head a little. I am definitely not in the army. Nor is Tony.”She smiled looking amused as james joined them, wondering if she needed to tell him about ward or not, or let him figure it out on his own. “Better?”she muttered resting her head on his shoulder.

“ scared me. Worried Tripp to.”he muttered before sighing, shaking his head.”But no, you didn’t hurt anyone. Just scared us. And probably made it possible for tony to sulk for a week since you’re refusing to let him take a look at it.”
he nodded. "Tony's a hard one to understand and even harder to explain. most people are content with the lie the Tabloids spread." he admitted. "he's un-socialized." he admitted with a grin. "and badly housebroken too." he admitted with a snigger. "i was tiny." he admitted, reaching for his wallet and pulling out an old picture of himself and Bucky at the Worlds fair. "here, see?" he asked with a grin. "i was so pissed off at him that day because he made me go on a double date. both of us going with girls." he admitted with a sulky pout at James who chuckled. "better." he agreed. "the room was freaking me out. i forget why." he admitted. "i was hiding under the bed. again, no idea why. seamed like a good idea, i just can't remember what reason i had." he admitted as he ran his fingers through her hair. "how about you? doing okay?"

he grimaced. "sorry. i guess i should have told you..." he muttered. "why can't Tony look at it?" he asked, confused. "i think Tony would be the best person to look at it. him and Skye working together could probably crack whatever puzzle this is." he admitted. "you told us Tony couldn't have it." Tripp explained from the doorway where he was standing guard. "you pulled a knife on us." Phil grimaced. "sorry. i'm never really... aware. let Tony have a look at it." "and the reason why you never told anyone you had Alien DNA in your system?" Bruce demanded, lifting an eyebrow. "uh..." Phil didn't have an excuse for that one. "...classified?"
“Ah. That is a good explaination for it. Unsocialized.”she muttered thinking it over snickering. Laughing outloud at the sight of the picture, “You were so short!It’s amazing I ended up as tall as I am.”She snickered, because she was somewhere between james’ 6’3” and steve’s 6’6”. “Yes, going out with girls is just so hard.”She giggled a little growing serious looking up at him, “Ah. Well, at least its not now....we’ll blame it on tony. Who knows what he did to the rooms.”She snickered again sighing softly, leaning into the touch as he played with her hair.”....So.Uh.Yea. I’m okay. Sorta broke Grant though.”She muttered blushing, avoiding for the moment admitting what had broken the man.

“Yea, that would have been nice.And you told us not to. Really, really insisted on it actually.”clint snickered a little before nodding.”I know you weren’t. J?” “Already done. And Sir wishes to convey his great disappointment that he was not told sooner about having aliens visiting him. Seems to think he should know if you want to prob him or something....I’m sorry, Agent. He ordered me to tell you that word for word.”Jarvis said, indeed sounding sorry for tony’s dramatics. “Well, so are the two super soldiers sitting downstairs. No excuses, Agent.”Clint teased a little looking worried for him, not sure how to help,but wanting to.
he chuckled a little. "i was short. it was really weird for a while, going from five foot four to six foot six and all this muscle mass.... i kept breaking doors and stuff." he admitted with a chuckle. "and hands. it took me a bit before i could shake someone's hands without breaking their fingers." he admitted. "o offense to you Sarah, but girls give me the willies." Steve admitted. "good idea. it's Tony's fault." James agreed as he sipped his Cocoa. "oh how i've missed hot Cocoa." he muttered happily. "...aren't we trying to break him?" he asked with a blink. "well... broke in a bad way." Steve admitted. "he remembered something traumatic and just cemented the dual personality thing he's got going on." he admitted.

Phil blinked. "oh. sorry." he muttered as he cautiously sat up, wary of any pain. when he felt none he sat up more comfortably and stretched before stared at the wall for a moment before sighing. "tell Tony i'll get the cattle prod if he wants to be probed so badly." Tripp and Bruce both snickered as Clint smiled at Clint. "okay. good point. i should have told you. i was just... scared." he admitted. "if someone was to find out, the wrong people...." he shuddered and closed his eyes. "and i have to keep Skye safe... she's already suffered, so much..."
“Yea I can imagine. Even growing up with it, I got stronger after puberty....kept breaking cell phones and glasses and all.”She shrugged a little before laughing. “It’s okay.”She smiled a little before nodding.”We are..but he’s settled even more into being to different people....”She swallowed hard, rubbing a hand over her face. “....You remember you said they’d try to breed me if hydra got ahold of me again?I...uh...well...”She trailed off for a loss for words for a moment before frowning. “Though it does leave the question, why Grant?Was it simply because he was the person I wouldn’t protest to much over, or is there something about him?I mean, something different.”

“....Sir says that if you send up Winter with the prod, he’d be willing to sit still for the prodding.” “...Only Tony would be willing to endure electrical shock for sex.”Clint snickered a little before nodding, wrapping a arm around phil, pressing a kiss to his hair.”I know. But you’re at the tower now, with some of the brighest people in the world. Trust them to figure something out.”
he nodded. "you'll get stronger again as soon as the Serum peeks." Steve admitted. "you'll be leaping off of ten story tall buildings in no time." he promised, looking amused. "i still break my cellphone." he admitted. "oh... yeah that's not good... is he still confusing you and Skye?" he asked, Skye had been allowed in there, and it was the same problem he had with Sarah. he wasn't sure if Skye was Skye or if Skye was Sarah. depending on which personality he was in, neither girl had any real distinction. it seams as if you and Skye are the defining focus between each personality." he admitted. "...Grant was a child born from Serum induced parents as well." James explained. "it never really activated in him. sure it gave him amazing eyesight, and incredible dexterity and hand to hand but that was it." he admitted. "though his 'serum' was more like the beginnings of the stuff they where using in the Centipede program." he admitted. "so that's probably why." James admitted, sounding a little strained. upset that he hadn't been there to protect her. "if they where... insisting on him... you should have gotten pregnant..." he sounded frightened now and Steve shook his head. "according to Grant, he injected venom directly into... his... well..." Bucky was gaping at them. "seriously?! okay, ouch."

Phil snickered. "i'll make sure to suggest it to James." he agreed, shaking his head. "knowing Tony, he'd probably enjoy electrical shocks during sex." Bruce muttered dryly as he packed up his things, Phil leaning into Clint. "i'm going to talk to Agent May." Bruce admitted. "she'll want your permission but i need to know everything she does about the procedures that you've undergone." he admitted as he studied Clint. "just think. you could be discovering the birth of the universe. or the cure for cancer or something." he admitted with a grin as Phil chuckled.
“URgh. That’s going to be horrible. I had a hard enough time adjusting the first time.”She grumbled before nodding a little. “Yea. In the same conversation, when we talked, he kept switching back and he was aware of what he’d done to me, what we did together, but he couldn’t handle it so he was switching back to me being skye.”She sighed before looking startled. “Oh. Well. That would explain it. If it had worked, it would have been a child carrying four different genetically altered versions...”She sighed quietly shifting, hugging him, “Should have. Seems even with not knowing who I was, he protected me. He...Yea. Seriously.”She shuddered, “I don’t...remember alot...but I remember him being kind. And as bad as it was, the handlers let us have privacy. So it wasn’t totally weird...but...he’s not handling the idea we had sex well...”

“...oh man, the thing with the scissors and pencil was bad enough. I could have lived without the idea of him getting shocked during sex.”Clint whined a little looking up at Bruce, nodding. “I’ll tell May it’s okay. And with our luck its nothing more interesting then tony’s doodles on quantum mechanics or something.”
he nodded. "you'll be a lot more prepared for it this time." he admitted. "so it shouldn't be as bad." he promised. James scowled a little as he considered that for a moment and then nodded. "well. we'll just have to get you both in there. then there's no running away." he decided. "i think he can run away from personality to personality because [art of him does recognize who you are. when he remembers something horrible he did to Skye, he switches to her being you. so we'll just put both of you in the room." he smiled a little a he hugged her back. "he thinks he raped you. of course he's not handling it well." James muttered. "he's always done his best to protect you." he admitted as he shook his head. "it will be okay, you just have to convince him that your not mad at him for it." he hoped.

Bruce groaned and shook his head. "what's worse is the idea that Tony brought up a man the other day who trued to drug him with an experimental aphrodisiac. fortunately Jarvis freaked out at the sight of the needle and sounded the alarm." he admitted. "actually... i still have the drug, i meant to look at that." he admitted. "Tony's 'doodles' usually tun out to be very interesting indeed." Bruce warned. "the last 'doodle' he made helped me get the idea for.... never mind you're already going glassy eyed on me." he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "get some rest Phil."
“Hmmm...we should do that. I’ll talk to skye.”Sarah said frowning a little as she considered that, wondering if she should go look for the genius, but for the moment, to comfortable with her two parents to move. Knowing ward would probably sleep for awhile. “True. But he didn’t....I was forced, but not...”She made a annoyed noise, knowing she wasn’t probably making any of them feel better for what happened before nodding.”I will.”She sighed stretching, relaxing. Because she trusted jarvis to tell her when or if grant needed her, so for the moment she was simply enjoying being with them.

“...Seriously?Am I the only one that thinks tony’s going off the deep in now that he’s not with pepper?”Clint frowned thoughtfully before nodding. “You look into that.”He said even though his eyes were glazing over, helping phil up. “Come on. You are going to bed, and maybe if you’re nice, I’ll tell you a story.”
it was a few days before they could get Skye to go into the room with Ward. she was just too busy most of the time, trying to do so many things. James and Steve where both outside the door and the rest of the tower was watching from the examining room, the large wall screen hooked into the cameras in Wards room. "i'm wondering through if we couldn't find a scientific method to help him?" Fitz was explaining to Tony. "i just don't think this psychology thing is actually a science. sitting down and talking, what good is that?" he wondered. "it's barely a science at all. not like Bio Chemistry or Astrophysics is." he grumbled, scowling at the screen. "it's not like you can unhook his brain though is it? i mean the... uh... the..." he faltered and fell silent, looking a bit upset. those little stutters had been coming more often lately. the stress of Ward not being Evil after all was taking it's toll on him.

he was distracted by Ward sitting up as the door opened, abandoning his book in favor of Sarah who had walked in first before he went frozen at the sight of Skye. he looked confused eyes flicking from one girl to the other, looking as if he wasn't sure which woman was real and which one was a figment of his imagination. "i don't understand." Ward finally admitted, eyes still flicking from girl to girl before focusing on Skye. "Sarah? no.. Skye...." he shuddered and brought a hand up to his head, grimacing. "...out... get out! he demanded, sounding more than a little panicked as he scurried to the far wall, eyes flicking from girl to girl. "why!? why are you doing this!? why are you tormenting me like this!?"
Tony sighed softly as he leaned back in his chair, tilting his head to look at the two super soldiers, knowing they were worried, before looking at Fitz. “If I wasn’t worried about making the damage worse, I’d try rewiring things. And I wouldn’t try telling Bruce psych isn’t a real science. You might meet the hulk up close then.”Tony teased looking a little worried about the genius, tilting his head. “Fitz?”Simmons muttered as she moved to sit next to him.

“We’re real. Two different people, Grant.”Sarah said gently watching him. “Yes, I’m skye. The hacker remember?And she’s the super soldier.”Skye said, though she was calm and easy, the woman was still angry for everything he’d put them through. “We’re trying to help you. This was the lie Hydra told you. They rewrote your past Grant, we’re trying to give it back.”Sarah said ignoring skye as the woman hung back, sarah edging closer. Crouching down in front of him, trusting that even if he caught her off guard, that she was strong enough, and healed fast enough to not get seriously hurt.
he huffed. "psychology isn't science... it's just a bunch of guessing and hearsay." he grumbled. "and we're trusting Skye in there, and Sarah too on that guessing and hearsay." ah, he was worried about the girls. that's why he was ragging on Psychology, and why Bruce wasn't making any comment. "i'm alright." he promised as he leaned into Simmons, taking comfort in her. "i'm just worried." he admitted. "...what if he's just playing us?" he asked softly. "i almost died because i trusted him..." Fitz admitted softly. "what if they get hurt too?"

Grant shook his head hard. "no! it's a lie! Garret wouldn't let that happen!" he protested. "you stay back! just stay away!" he demanded, sinking down the floor. "i raped you! i tried to kill you! you're both not real! you're not real!" he protested, trying to shove her back, wincing when his hands connected solidly with her flesh. pulling back as if she had been the one to strike him and cowered. muttering that he was sorry, so sorry. he had to do it. he had to kill Fitz, he had to hurt Skye, so they wouldn't hurt Sarah. he had to protect Sarah. even when he didn't know who she was, his entire life, all of his betrayal, it had been for Sarah. "...i don't know who i am..."
‘Sorta like horoscopes and astronomy. Just sorta going about it willy nilly,”Tony snickering a little frowning a little. “We are. But if he’s tricking them, I gotta tell you Fitz, I trust Sarah to be better equiped to deal with him then you or simmons.Sorry.” “No its true. If it is...just a play. Then Sarah, or James, would be the ones most capable of healing it, and also dealing with ward...they’ll be okay fitz.”She said wrapping a arm around him, looking worried herself despite her words.

“Garret used you, Ward. You know it.”Skye said watching him. “No you didn’t. And you might have tried killing skye, but we’re both real.”Sarah said eyes so pained, jumping a little as he touched her, not because it hurt, but he’d startled her. “...You are Grant Ward. Great protector.....they named you, but you are the one who claimed the real meaning of your name. Anything you did, you protected me.”She said sounding so pained, hating he’d gone to such lengths, even without knowing her, to protect her/
he huffed. "Horoscopes... nonsense." he grumbled making Bruce chuckle. "...your right. of course your right." Fitz muttered. "no one would ever dare mess with James." he muttered. Fitz was around James a lot, taking measurements and scans of the metal arm and asking tons of questions about it. James seamed to find Fitz immensely interesting. Fitz watched the screen intently frowning a little as he watched. "i feel like we should have popcorn..." Tripp admitted. "this is just as bad as those crappy afternoon soap operas."

he shook his head. "Garret didn't! he didn't! he saved me! he loved me!" he protested, shaking his head. "i didn't! i would never hurt Skye!" he protested, trembling wildly. "never!" he promised, eyes wild. "you believe me, right?! i would never let them hurt her!" he stared at her, panting hard. "that's not my name. it's not! it's not my name! Stop calling me that!" he demanded, swallowing thickly. "that's not my name..." he whispered, curling up and pressing his face into his knees and did something no man would ever willingly do, least of all Grant Ward. he started to sob.
“I’m always right. You should know that.”Tony smiled as he lifted teh popcorn he was eating. “I do have some. Also, if you keep following james so much, I’m going to be both jealous and amused. Might think your flirting there fitz.”Tony teased amused knowing that it was no such thing, laughing quietly. “The soap operas are good.”

“No, he loved what he thought you;d do for him.”Sarah said her eyes said. “I know you wouldn’t, Grant. You didn’t let anyone hurt me.”Skye said her eyes sad, because even if she was angry with him, she also saw how this was killing him. Stepping back as he started to sob she stepped out of teh room as Sarah sat down next to him, reaching out, hesitating for a moment before gently touching his hair, stroking. “Oh grant,I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Grant...”
Fitz chuckled. "you weren't right when you thought a compression compactor would work better than a Compact concentrated air modulator." he stated, looking pleased with himself. "i like James." Fitz admitted. "he doesn't flirt with me." Fitz had well grown used to Tony's flirtatious nature. he still blushed red as a tomato, but he didn't flee anymore at least. "the soap operas are traumatizing." Fitz admitted. "i agree." Tripp admitted before wincing as Ward started to sob. "....well... that's not faked." "no it's not." Fitz agreed with a sigh. "how soon is that room going to be finished?" Phil asked Tony. "i think we can safely say he's not the enemy anymore."

he shook his head. "he loved me. he took me away. he saved me. he loved me! i was as good as his son!" well, no wonder he had been so willing to do what Garret said. his love for the man, coupled with the instinctive need to keep doing as told so they wouldn't hurt Sarah made it impossible for him to deny. not to mention the fact that the mind wipes had fried his head enough that making decisions weren't something he was really capable of. "Don't call me that!" Grant hissed. "it's not my name! it's not!" he protested, even if he didn't know his name he knew Grant Ward was an evil bastard. he didn't strike out at her as she stroked his hair though. he just shuddered and went silent, letting her do what she wanted.
“...I thought you thought everything I did was amazing?Why aren’t you agreeing that I’m amazing anymore?”Tony pouted making a face at the other before snickering. “No, that’s cause he’s to busy flirting with Steve, not that the blond idiot notices.”tony said sounding a little sad at the idea, just a trace of sadness to the words, because he really, really wanted james, had seriously been flirting the few times he’d seen the other man, having stepped back to give both him and sarah time to adjust to being here, but he was still sad that the other wanted steve more then him. Laughing quietly.”They are not. They’re amusing and awesome.”Tony pouted a little at their whining about his daily soap opera watching, usually simply watching it while he worked. Nodding slightly he smiled. “It’s done now. All that’s left is to get him up there.”Tony said quite pleased with the rooms, having trying to decide on what the rooms would involve, having gotten both steve, james and phil to help, but the main concern that was probably a good thing, was it was the apartment across the hall from Sarah and james’, close enough for the man if he should want to visit her, but far enough if he needed space.

Sarah swallowed hard, she hated seeing him like this. Hated knowing that garret had used him, used the love the other felt for him for his own ends. “He took you away, and used you. That wasn’t love.”She muttered flinching as his hissed at her, going quiet, not using his name even as she touched his head gently, trying to sooth him, a half remembered memory of doing this after a mission, of coaxing him into a better mood driving her. “....Hey. How about we get you out of this room, okay?”
Fitz grinned. "you are amazing." he admitted. "i'm just more amazing than you now." he teased before he blinked. "...good point." he agreed. "he flirts with you a lot too." he admitted. "i dunno if you've noticed, but when he's feeling upset he always comes in and plasters himself against you." "i hadn't noticed that, but he does." Tripplett admitted, looking a little surprised as Phil nodded.. "they're creepy." Fitz grumbled. "we'll move him in today then." Phil agreed, looking at Tony. "you've implemented all the safety features? as broken as he is right now, he might very well attempt suicide." Bruce warned. "Having Sarah around will probably help him a lot, but she can't be near him twenty four seven."

"it was... he took me away. they where hurting me. my parents." his memories seamed to be getting mixed up now, but Phil had said that might happen. because just like Phil, Grant remembered being an orphan, raised by handler after handler and finally finalized his training with James. he also remembered with certainty that his parents had been abusive. his elder brother and sister had been too, and he'd done all he could to protect his baby brother who had died. remembered Garret taking him away from his parents, raising him in the woods, teaching him everything he needed to know. he trembled as she stroked his hair, but said nothing until she mentioned leaving the room. "...where am i, anyway?" he asked softly. "not with Shield..." he muttered as he got to his feet, struggling to keep himself together. struggling to function, struggling to be whole.
“Are not.” “Are to. I saw you trying to talk to your coffee machine yesterday tony.”Simmons teased. “That’s cause my coffee machine is awesome.”Tony said before frowning, glancing over at Fitz, blushing ever so slightly, he hadn’t realized that. “that’s cause I’m irresistable. Who wouldn’t want to be plastered against me?”He said looking slightly confused at the idea though, wondering why james was flirting with him to, if he could have steve again. Looking up at bruce he made a face. “I know. And I did. Everything anyone came up with to keep him safe, it’s set. And he has a anklet with jarvis monitoring him to, suicide watch without always being with him. We have everything covered.”Tony said still nervous about it though.

“...You were adopted, milaya.”She muttered watching him nervously, hating seeing him like this. Her fingers twitching a little as she played with his hair. While she wasn’t going through withdrawal as fiercely as she had been, the slight twitching, the stress of trying to help grant, were starting to get to her. The quiet woman starting to show strain as she got to her feet. “Sort of. You’re at Stark Tower, with what remains of shield, and the avengers. And well.. James. Come on milaya, we’ll get you to your rooms, and rest. You have people who want to help you.”She muttered smiling quietly as she gently urged him towards the door, smiling quietly when james opened the door for her.
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