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What made you say FUCK today?

TTRPG session We had today.

Final session of the game, meeting the BBEG, setting up for the climax of the story, and through a combination of the GM playing the BBEG well and dice rolls, my character - who had been intended to have her moment to shine - was instead reduced to being a fifth wheel that essentially took no part in the Final Battle.

One of my cats isn’t doing well at the moment.

Also with work. I am tired of calling distributors for them to have a nasty ass attitude with me when I’m trying to get help. Hung up on that bitch so quick.
Just got hit with an eviction notice for failure to pay rent and still haven't paid the two car notes either(y) mega fuck
Dumbass who decided to reverse in the middle of traffic. Legit almost had a heart attack. 🙃
My phone managed to fall behind my mattress by the headboard in an awkward place I couldn't easily grab.
Definitely staying up a full 24 hours to finish grad school applications. I may or may not have forgotten there are only 28 days in February ;; Don't procrastinate!
A dog just shit in the middle of the store earlier, like right in the middle of my path; bro, why even bring them to any store that isn't for pets????
Getting dragged into a little spat between two colleagues by my Team Leader when she asked me to make sure one of them was okay.
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