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What made you say FUCK today?

Trying a free-weight incline fly instead of cable (cables were in use). My chest can take the weight I had; my rotator cuff and wrist, not so much.
That one person in the business who seems to think that I'm only employed to serve him. Fuck off.
I feel like I don't know the lyrics to our concert because they kept changing to the day after the rehearsal.
Half the choir is sick
@Saber Her endurance while 🐎 riding 4 sure 🔥
Talking to the same end-user four times in 30 minutes about doing a very simple login task...especially when they have the very-clear user guide in front of them at the same time. And the end-user is supposed to be an IT technical resource.

Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them.
This job. I just want out. I’m done. Time to start job hunting.
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