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Forbidden Desires ( loneiysong & CrimsonMaster )

Spring moaned and leaned her head back. When he raised her legs she began howling in sweet pleasure. She came several times and blushed feeling his seed fill her up. In the time they spent together, the following weeks, he learned she was a medicine woman of sorts as well.

When the fight with the arapahoe chief arrived, she took the knife he was to fight with and uttered a soft song over it to bring him luck, to bring the eagle and sun spirits wisdom and strength and agility. Handing the blade over, she kissed him.

After the fight, she ran forward and pulled him away from the unlucky spirits of the dead. She kissed his lips and smiled. "No I have nothing to pack, I place is on you." She said her English showing its need for brushing up. "I must heal you." She lead him to the tepee but let him wrote to his wife that either of them had yet to talk about. She then went to dressing his wounds and changed as she shook a rattle made out of a tortoise shell over him.
The next morning came. Thomas, Spring Rain and the troopers were ready to head south. It was the start of spring time. Thomas bid his friend Manuelito goodbye. He gave Rain time to say her goodbyes to those she loved. They mounted their horses and left the village. During the journey south, Thomas told Rain all about Jamie. It was easier to wait until Rain had a better grasp on English. She would know everything there was to know about Jamie. What she liked, what she didn't like. How pretty she was and how sexually bold Jamie was. Thomas spoke of his son George, Maria the maid & nanny, who was also like a family member. He spoke of where his family lived and where Jamie's father & brother lived. When it came to Jamie's mother, Thomas said she was living with the Great Spirit. Thomas knew that Jamie would accept Spring Rain. He just knew it would be a shock seeing him with the young teen. Thomas didn't openly tell Jamie about being given a woman as a gift. He did say that the grateful chief gave him something special which Thomas said he'd share with Jamie.

During the night time hours, when the group was camped. Thomas would tell Rain stories of how sexually activity Jamie was. He said Jamie was a teacher of sexual pleasure. She would have so much to show the young teen. Everyday during the journey home, Thomas told Rain of what her new home would be like. He spoke of the Apache people and the fort they would live in. Thomas & Rain enjoyed sweet sex every night. Soon they appeared on a raise perhaps 3 miles from the fort. From here, Rain had a great view of what would be her new home. Thomas pointed at the large fort saying that was where Rain would live with Thomas & Jamie. The group rode down from the raise and headed for the fort. Grey Eagle and his people greeted Thomas as he passed. The local chief knew a lot had happened while Thomas was away. His son Wolf, had planted his seed into Jamie's womb and it took root. Grey Eagle could see that the Navajo girl with Thomas was also showing signs of having been with the General. It was a good thing that they were an open couple who believed in love & peace. The soldiers on guard shouted that the General had returned and for the gate to be opened. Maria rushed to let Jamie & Wolf know before she ran to fetch George. The bugles sounded as the gates opened and the company rode in led by Thomas.
Rain listened to his stories of Jamie. It was always easy for someone to talk favorably of one they loved. Rain was nervous as a baby bird being forced from the nest. She leaned against Thomas and spoke her fears out loud.

"What of she becomes jealous and sends me away?" She asked Thomas biting her lip.

She enjoyed having sex with Thomas. Greatly. Rain was curious if she would be set aside. She could tell Thomas loved Jamie greatly and wholly. However, rain decided that she would deal with her problems of and when they came.

Jamie sighed leaning against the wall. She was given to sleeping more lately and had developed a cough she couldn't seem to shake. She was wearing a light dress that allowed for the bulge of her stomach. She told Thomas of wolf. But not the pregnancy that she herself had learned about last month. She looked up as Maria came in. Nodding, she stood up and had to take a moment for a coughing fit to pass.

Walking outside, she stood between Maria and wolf leaning on wolf as the hot sun poured down on her making her sweat. George cast worried glances at his mother and clutched Maria's hand tighter.
The company of soldiers stopped in the middle of the fort. Thomas ordered them the care for their horses before placing them in the corral. Thomas & Rain then headed for the house where Jamie and the others waited. Stepping down from Shadow, Thomas saw Jamie was busy while he was away. Any other man would be upset at seeing his wife pregnant with another man's child. Thomas wasn't upset. He flashed Jamie a smile before helping Rain down. Thomas took Rain by the hand and he led her to the porch. After stepping up, Thomas pulled Jamie into a kiss. He greeted Wolf & Maria before reaching down and picking George up in his arms. Thomas then introduced Spring Rain to everyone. It was clear that everyone had questions of some type. Thomas suggested that they go inside and talk about what happened. Jamie appeared to he health, but her cough was worrying Maria. So far, none of her cure all's had worked. Oh they helped to keep it from getting worse, but it just wouldn't go away. Maria went to get some drinks while everyone went into the living room and sat down. Thomas decided to start first. He told Jamie the story of how he saved the Navajo Chief's life and how a gift was given. Thomas took Rain's hand into his while saying she was the gift. He then placed Rain's hand into Jamie's. Thomas said since he and Jamie shared everything, they would share Spring Rain as well. Maria returned with the drinks and passed them around.
Jamie watched as Thomas rode closer. Her heart sank a bit when he went to help rain down instead of greeting her first. She bottled it up as he came to her and she wrapped her arms around him and worried about getting him sick but he kissed her anyway. She kissed him back. She was clammy to the touch. She watched as George excitedly ran into his arms and hugged him close. Tears began to fill her eyes. She was not sure why. Looking up she saw rain watching her and wiped her eyes quickly. Her eyes darted away.

They went inside. Jamie sat in the chair that she was sitting in more often. She coughed a bit into a handkerchief and listened to Thomas' story. "One day my love your heart and bravery are going to be the end of you." She chuckled. When Thomas took her hand and placed it in rains, Jamie watched the girl carefully. Her eyes looked down quickly and away. She tried to withdraw her hand but Jamie gripped it. It was something that Jamie had seen several times amongst her lovers, it was nothing personal just laying out of the Peking order. Rain sighed as Jamie released her hand. Jamie's hand was clammy and rain fought the urge to wipe her hand on her pants. Like around her tribe she wore pants and no shirt but a beaded necklaces. Rain wanted to ask Jamie how long she had been sick but her English still wasn't that good.

Jamie refused the drink from Maria. George put down what he was playing with and moved over to his fathers arms and cuddled in. Jamie began to talk of wolf and the experience she had stopping off and on to cough and smiled taking wolfs hand and Thomas and put them together and grinned. "Yes my love, what is mine is ours." She sighed leaning back and watched him.
Thomas didn't really get it when Jamie said Wolf was his. Having sex with another man was something that never crossed Thomas's mind before. He would have questioned her on what she said, if Thomas wasn't so concerned over Jamie's cough. It didn't sound good and did seem to be getting worse. Thomas & Wolf shook hands, each not knowing what Jamie had planned for them. The concern for everyone was Jamie's health and the baby she carried. Thomas questioned Jamie, Wolf and Maria as to when the cough started? How she was being treated and if she had seen a doctor? The fort had doctors and a hospital. Wolf & Maria said what they knew and what treatments Jamie had been given. The fort's head doctor said Jamie's baby was healthy. This was good news, but Jamie was looking very bad. Thomas didn't want to lose her. He couldn't lose her.
Jamie sighed as her cough was mentioned and leaned back a bit.

"It started late winter. I was doing some foolish shit as I am usually want to do and got caught in the cold a bit longer than I would have liked." She sighed and chuckled. "Maria has been dragging me to the fort doctor but since I am pregnant I really can't take anything that would set me on my feet and wolf has been taking me to his medicine man." She smiled and bit her lip and saw Thomas worry and laughed which quickly turned into a cough.

"Don't worry, a cough isn't what will be the end of Jamie Harper." She reached out and clutched his hand.
Jamie put on a brave face as she acted like everything was okay. Thomas however felt differently. He knew such coughs could be the beginning of the end. Thomas had seen other people with such coughs. The coughs lasted for weeks & months before the person died. It could be the forerunner to something much worse. Thomas believe this was possible. There wouldn't be any welcome home celebration, not until Jamie was health once again. Thomas wanted Jamie back to her old self before that would happen. This was all very troubling for Thomas.
She saw the worry in Thomas' face and then down. Standing up she asked to be excused before she moved to her and Thomas' bedroom and laid down coughing a few times before falling asleep.

Rain looked across at wolf. She wondered if the apache dialect was anything like the Navajo. She have it a try.

"What has the medicine man done?"
With Jamie going to lay down, Thomas took George for a walk around the fort. This gave Wolf & Spring Rain the chance to speak and get to know each other better. Thomas & George left the house. He talked with his son about his adventures in Utah. Thomas walked with George over to the stables where Shadow was kept. The father & son worked to clean & care for Shadow. They fed him and George rode the stallion for a while. Thomas watched his son having fun, but his thoughts were on Jamie and her ills. Something needed done to make Jamie better. At this point in time, even a cough could kill. Thomas watched his son and wondered if Jamie would survive? Losing Jamie would hurt Thomas deeply. Just the thought brought a tear to his eye. He wiped it away quickly, but he couldn't wipe away the pain in his heart.
She nodded as wolf explained. She had dealt with this illness many times in the Navajo lands. She could help Jamie, but she would need a sweat lodge. She asked if there was one nearby? When wolf said there was one in his village, she nodded again. "I will need some roots as well. One sasparilla and one ginger." She looked at him and then smiled when he said he would help. Standing up, she went to collect the things she needed. She then moved to Jamie's bed and sat stroking her hair telling her when Thomas got back she would see to go someplace. Jamie nodded half awake.
Thomas wanted to spend sometime with George since had been away so long. The family would get larger once Jamie had her child. Thomas let George ride Shadow until his heart was content. Once the boy had his fun, they continued around the fort. George always enjoyed watching the soldiers do their work. The soldiers treated George as if he was one of them. In tine, Thomas & George returned. Wolf had gone to arrange for Spring Rain's needs. George went to play while Thomas went into the living room. He poured himself a brandy then stood looking out the window at the fort. Thomas noticed a line of dark clouds moving to the north of the fort. These clouds were moving well away and wouldn't cause any troubles. Thomas however got a chill which ran down his spine. He didn't know why, but somehow Thomas felt a great danger would come one day. He wasn't sure when it would come, or from where. Thomas could feel it like death itself was whispering a warning onto his ear.
Spring came out and saw Thomas looking out at the sky. Stepping forward, she put her hand on his back and saw that he was troubled. She stroked his hair back. "I have treated people with Jamie's condition before. It is very simple to heal. Before the Arapahoes came, it spread amongst my people." She rubbed his back gently and watched him. "I just need your help. When wolf gets back we will need to take her to the apache's sweat lodge.
Something about those dark clouds struck a nerve inside Thomas. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. It was a warning of some great evil. Thomas just wasn't sure what it would be. There was no images, no visions of what would come. Just a feeling from a trained military officer. Thomas jumped a little when he was touched. He was so deep in thought that Rain slipped up behind him. Thomas listened closely when Rain spoke of being able to help Jamie. This was certainly great news. Thomas said he'd help Rain in any way possible. Wolf returned, he told Rain that everything was ready in his village. The things Rain had asked for were there and Grey Eagle had the lodge well heated. Thomas said that they should go. He & Wolf went to the bedroom. Jamie was wrapped in a blanket before being picked up in Thomas's arms. George stayed behind with Maria while Thomas, Wolf & Spring Rain left the fort for the Apache village. Grey Eagle stood outside the sweat lodge as did many of his people. The people were already chanting an Apache healing song. Grey Eagle bowed as Thomas carried his wife into the village. This was Spring Rain's show. Thomas would wait and follow her lead.
She saw the worry in his eyes and knew that she would have to commune with the spirits soon and talk to them about what haunted the deep shadows inside Thomas' eyes. She stroked his face and saw that he was happy over her news. "I will need you to carry her." She said and then as Wolf came in, she blushed and looked at him. She wondered what he would feel like. Apaches were well known for their prowess and stamina. She nodded and thanked Wolf. She went out to the stables to her horse and greeted her and jumped up on it and waited for the others.

Jamie was sleeping and coughing. She leaned against Thomas' shoulder. She remained asleep all through the journey. Her body was hot and she was already sweating.

Spring Rain, when arrived jumped off her horse and came forward and bowed a bit and looked at Grey Eagle. "Thank you for allowing me the use of your sweat lodge, I promise to purify it when I am done and return all that I use in full and then some." She said in the tongue of her Navajo people. She then smiled and walked to the sweat lodge and when Jamie, carried by Thomas, arrived in the sweat lodge. "There is an evil spirit inside her that will latch on to those who are not wary, I must remain in here alone with her." She looked at Thomas and smiled and kissed his cheek hugging him. "I promise to honor her."
Grey Eagle understood Spring Rain's language. He told her in her own tongue that anything she need was hers. The Apache people would help Rain cure their new found sister. In the days since Thomas left, Jamie had been adopted in the local tribe. They saw Jamie as a white woman and as General Harper's wife. They also saw her as their sister, one of them. Jamie was Grey Eagle's adopted daughter. Grey Eagle opened the flap to the lodge so Spring Rain could go in first. He held it while Thomas carried Jamie inside. Wolf entered just behind Thomas and finally Grey Eagle. They listened as Spring Rain spoke with Thomas about Jamie. Leaving his wife in this state wasn't something Thomas was comfortable with. He however had great trust in Spring Rain. Thomas smiled while nodding his head. He would put Jamie in Rain's hands. Grey Eagle told Thomas to come outside. They would sit by the fire and make good medicine together. Grey Eagle left the sweat lodge. Wolf looked down on Jamie before patting Thomas on the shoulder. They walked out of the lodge together and went to the fire. Thomas & Wolf joined Grey Eagle at the fire. There the three smoked a pipe while Grey Eagle chanted. The people of the village gathered around other fires and also chanted. They were calling on the Great Spirit to protect Spring Rain and to help save Jamie's life and the life of the baby she carried inside her.
Spring Rain smiled and when they were gone, she lit some white sage with lavender and began to cleanse the walls and invoked the good spirits chanting softly and soothingly. She then bathed herself in smoke and Jamie in smoke. Kneeling she undressed Jamie. Looking her over she bathed her in the smoke again. She then moved around the fire invoking the power and cleansing of fire. Setting a ceramic pot over the fire, she invoked the purity and power of earth. She then poured water into the bowl invoking the change of body and flow of her body from the river and oceans and rains of the sky. Grabbing the roots she began to shave off strips of sasparilla and ginger off into the water while invoking the power and clarity of the sky and wind. She continued to chant as sweat dripped down both her and Jamie's body.

Taking a stick, she began to stir and crush the roots into the water making a thick tea. Soon it smelt very sweet. Reaching into her personal pouch, she took out a willow root to kill the pain. It would be not easy to purge the spirit from her body but it would be done. She then raised the pot and poured it into a cold bowl thanking the spirits for their gifts of the planet that they bestowed to her to make this healing tea and prayed it would work. Moving over to Jamie, she raised her head and gently poured the warm elixer down her throat. Jamie coughed and gurgiled. She was too weak to do anything. Rain held her and poured more and more making sure she could breath. When she was done, she tied her tightly into the blanket as a young mother would tie her child on a pack on her back when she went to work.

She sat and began to chant as she shook her rattle soon Jamie was shivering and rolling and tossing. Soon she was coughing up the spirit in the form of phlegm. soon she was breathing clear. She untied her and ran a smoking sage and lavender smudging her body and the tent and cleaned and buried the phlegm saying a binding song. She was dripping sweat now. She walked out to the fire to leave Jamie to breath in the cleansing herbs and she sat by the fire and wiped sweat from her forehead realizing that about three hours had passed. She sighd and grinned to Thomas and Wolf. "It is done. She is cleansed...she should be weak for the next few days, but she will no longer cough."
During the three hours where Spring Rain worked her magic on Jamie. The people of the Apache village did everything in their power to fill the area with good and positive spirits. They wanted nothing negative in, or around the village. The people chanted & sang songs while beating on drums. It had been many years since the entire village came together in this manner. They wanted to show their support for their new sister. Thomas waited with the patents of a saint. Wolf & Grey Eagle knew that deep down inside, the brave man was hurting. Thomas's love for Jamie ran deeper than any ocean. It was a powerful & pure love. They shared this love with those around them. Bring those lucky ones into a love very few had even known before. Thomas remained at the fire. He never left for any reason. Thomas believed in his heart that Spring Rain could save Jamie. He hoped that by doing this, it would bring Jamie & Rain closer. Everyone held their breathe when Spring Rain appeared from the sweat lodge and joined them at the fire. They all breathed a sigh of relief when she said Jamie would cough no more. Thomas smiled and thanked Rain for her help. Grey Eagle was very pleased with Spring Rain. He gave her an eagle feather from his hair. Grey Eagle said Rain should wear it in her hair. He then gave thanks to the Great Spirit for sending Spring Rain to them. Wolf added his voice in thanks to Spring Rain. She showed her power as a great medicine woman. This was something no one here would ever forget. Only when Rain said it was okay, would they move Jamie back to the fort. The hope was that Jamie would regain her strength and return too her old self quickly.
She smiled at the great gift that Grey Eagle bestowed on her. She took both of his hands and lowered her head and thanked him for the gift. She took the feather and without waiting, she took a piece of her black hair that originated from her temple and began to braid it. Halfway down, she put the feather against the braid and tied it off with a leather strip. She then moved it behind her ear and then she looked at both Thomas and Wolf and grinned.

"It should be time we take her home. George and Maria will be missing her." She smiled and then stood up and looked at Wolf. He was handsome, very handsome, and it felt great to have the people thank the Great Spirits for her. As she stood, her beaded breast covering jingled and clanked. She stroked her black hair that bore the feather and knew that even though she left her home, she would have a new family. She felt like she cemented her spot in this tribe.

After they returned to the fort, Jamie slept and only woke to eat and sleep more. This only lasted a few days. But after the second day, she was out in her apache dress raising her hands towards the rising sun to be blessed by its first rays.
Thomas was so very grateful for Jamie's quick recovery. Seeing her up and around with that playful twinkle in her eyes made him more relaxed. Thomas was however still troubled by that feeling of an overwhelming evil. Something so terrible that it must be coming from the darkest pit of hell itself. Thomas still didn't have any answers to why he felt this. He checked reports form his area and others everyday. He kept his eyes on the newspapers. Thomas even sent wires to Washington asking it there was trouble brewing. The replies he got back were that aside from what had become normal Indian troubles, nothing major was going on. There were no hostilities with Mexico. The west was covered with outlaws, but none of their active seemed to fit the type of evil Thomas felt. Yet, there was something inside of him saying be watchful of something coming from the darkness. Everything was normal around the fort and in the area. Red Knife was causing trouble with settlers and wagon trains. He would need to be dealt with, but once again, he was hardly a great evil. Thomas didn't speak of his thoughts with the family. He couldn't speak of some great evil coming without knowing what it was. It would make Thomas sound as if he was losing his mind. Hell, he had no proof of anything other then a feeling. With Jamie back to her old self, there was little doubt she noticed Thomas as Spring Rain had. Even Wolf noticed how Thomas seemed to be more watchful as he stood looking out the windows. At times, it seemed as if he was waiting for something to happen.
Jaime had noticed and constantly tried to joke with him or tease him into a sexual act to get his mind off things. Because if one thing bothered her, it was the look in Thomas' eyes. Because when he looked like that, there was danger. Big danger. Biting her lip, she tried to even get George to shake him out but nothing was working.

But spring had it in hand. When night fell on the full moon, she took the blanket her mother cradled her in. Spreading it out she knelt and then began to whisper to the great spirit as she shook some beads and bones in her hands and dropped them. She began to read the bones as she saw evil. Pure evil coming. Dread filled her. Getting up, she ran to wolf who she knew would understand the meaning of the bones and beads.
Wolf watched Thomas and the growing dread that seemed to surround this man. He still played with George and made sweet love to Jamie. Thomas spent plenty of time with Spring Rain as well. He couldn't leave her out. As happy as Thomas was, he wore a mask of worry. Every time he saw dark clouds passing by. It reminded him of that bad feeling. A feeling of death working it's way towards the fort. Something unlike anyone here had ever seen before. Wolf went with Spring Rain when she came too him. He looked upon the bones & beads. It sent a chill down his spine, colder then any winter wind Wolf every felt before. He told Rain that they must go see his father. They must find out what this evil was before it came. What Wolf saw was so disturbing, it could destroy everyone. It was a clear sign of warning from the Great Spirit.
Rain nodded collecting the beads and bones and put them into her pocket begging forgiveness of the great spirits for sharing their message. She folded her blanket up and looked up at him biting her lip.

"When should we go wolf?" She asked. Both of them were given attention by both Jamie and Thomas but Spring would be lying if she said that she wouldn't like some time with wolf. She grinned watching him.
Wolf didn't want to waste a moment. He told Rain that they should see Grey Eagle now. Wolf grabbed Rain by the hand and the ran. They left the fort and headed for the Apache village. There was no way of knowing how close this evil was, or when it would come. For all anyone knew, it could be among them now. Hiding in plan sight and waiting for the right moment to strike. Grey Eagle was sitting around his fire with other elders of the village. They also had felt this horrible evil. Grey Eagle expected a visit from his son and Spring Rain. Had they not come, he would have been disappointed.
Rain gasped as she was grabbed and soon they were running. Rain always considered herself fit, but wolf was warrior fit, created and designed to run and fight. Rain however was with child, and not very used to running. When they got to the fire she was panting and sat on the ground covered in sweat. She was out of breath and had a nasty hitch in her side so as she fought to fill her lungs with air she would let wolf tell his father.
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