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Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

Chet sighed, adn stood up, following Esther, knowing that it would only cause trouble if he didn't. The moment they got tot he hall, he was talking.
"I just write shit sometimes. When I'm pissed off mostly. Helps me calm down you know? This?" He pointed back and forth between them as he paused. " exactly why I didn't want to read that. But hey, at least I'm not failing now, right?" He grinned a bit, though there was a bit of mockery to it. He was, after all, only sixteen.

Alex led the group, no one really being too heavily into the game, all of them a bit on edge after that little recital. Alex trusted Chet. He knew the guy was a bit...weird, but that he wasn't...dangerous. At least he seriously hoped that he knew him well enough to be sure of that. Or it was going to be a very strained moment for the club.
Esther opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to the punch. So she listened and nodded her head. She understood all of that but there was still some worry. “I understand Chet, but if you’re pissed off and you write about what I assuming was murder being described in that little bit you read, it’s only natural for people to worry a little bit. So I want you to answer me honestly because I’m only asking and talking to you about this because I care and quite frankly, just a little bit worried.” She began. “Is everything okay with you, at home, and just in general?” She knew he was bullied a little bit. A lot of that went around and that could be a factor as well. She wasn’t asking because she was ready to send him off to the nearest shrink available. No, she was just asking because it was her natural inclination to do so and if something happened and she knew about it beforehand, well that’d be one hell of a damper on her conscience.

"And for the record, I never was going to fail you. What kind of a teacher would I be if I did do that?" She smiled a little bit, if anything to alleviate some tension from all of that.
"What kind of teacher? Like my last English teacher back west, Miss Franklins. Who did fail me in a moment almost just like that." Chet said with a bit of bite to his voice. He sighed "Look, sorry for snapping. Not your fault. But teachers have been fucking with me for a long time, okay? Not your fault. Not your problem." He looked away again. "Look, I just moved away from where I was born. Small town. And now I'm still getting used to this...pit you guys call a city. And as my mom has pointed out more than once, I'm being an angry teenager. Cut me a little slack on this one?"

Alex pointed to Kip.
"Guys I got it! He's a drunk teenager!" He declared. They all laughed, and Kip actually sat down as he did so.
Esther sighed softly and cringed inwardly. Ouch. Not because he said anything against her. No, because teachers actually treated students like that and did things like that. It made her ashamed and always made her wonder why people even became teachers if they couldn’t just do the damn job properly. It wasn’t that hard! “I’m sorry Chet. That’s the kind of shit I don’t like.” She grumbled, referring to his teacher back west. “Angry is understandable. I’ll cut you some slack, most definitely but if ever you just need to talk or vent to someone and you don’t want to talk to your mom, your friends or anyone else, my classroom is always open, okay?” She wouldn’t push him but simply let him know that she was there, so he knew he had an outlet of some sort. “Now, let’s go do some charades okay? Have fun and please don’t tell anyone I am condoning underage drinking.” With a roll of her eyes and a smile, she put her hand on his back and steered him back into the living room to join the rest of the students. Perching herself back on the arm of the sofa, she watched them. Good, the tension died. Crisis averted!

She heard drunk teenager and was immediately standing up again. "Who's drunk? Who is driving and who is not driving?!"
Alex laughed along with teh others, and handed a flask over to Chet, who slugged out of it. Alex gave him a swat on the back to let him know that they were all good. Chet smiled, and sat down.
"Kip is drunk! And so is Danni! And we are all taking a cab home, right guys?" Alex asked. The group all cheered in agreement. "We always do! Fridays anyway!" Alex stood up, and caught his balance.

"Okay guys, before you drink too much that you don't remember this, I got a speech." Alex said. The others settled in, and looked at him. "As of today, you guys are going to need someone else to run this thing, because I'm stepping out."
"What? Fuck, it wasn't what I read, was it?" Chet asked, looking shocked.
"Huh? Fuck no man, I was going to do this at the end, but...well, we got ahead of ourselves."
"I don't knkow what to say." Kip said. Alex smiled.
"Everybody drink?" A groan came, and the flasks went around. "Look...that short I sent in to Bantam Books? They took it." Cheers came. "And I signed a contract to write twelve more. So I don't really have time for much else besides my work now."
"Least we still see you at school!" Danni pointed out. Alex sighed.
"I don't have time for much else besides work." They all seemed to pause, letting that sink in.
"You're...dropping out?" Sarah asked.
"Basically...yeah. I got a short a month to write, and if half of them do well, They're talking about pushing me up to a novella. My writing is taking off. And...I need to focus on that, since I don't think they'll let me wait until the school year is out." He looked at Esther. "So...thanks for being my teacher up until now?"
Esther sighed softly, rubbing her temple. “I suppose that is a safe way to get home. As long as neither of you are driving. And if your parents ask why you come home drunk, I know nothing.” She warned them all. She wasn’t about to go back on probation for this, or worse, be fired.
Sitting back down, she took a sip of her soda and her brows raised as Alex declared he had an announcement. She listened and her eyes widened. Then of course, the flasks were sent around and she took a mild sip, not too big but not small either, before passing it on. Then the rest followed on Alex’s little ‘speech’ and she was left speechless at the end. “You’re leaving?” She frowned. Of course, she was so proud that one of her students was going off to bigger and better things but leaving his education behind for it? But hell, if she was in his shoes, she’d probably do the same just to be able to venture into the big, bad writing world. Esther ended up smiling and bounded up to give him a hug. “If you promise to come and visit and don’t forget us little people, I suppose I can be proud.” She teased, no doubt proud regardless. One of her students. Well then, she felt like she just garnered her biggest achievement ever. “It was a pleasure having you in my classroom Alex. And thank you for not being a ‘Donnie.’”
Alex smiled, he couldn't help it. The words just wouldn't stay in. He said them quietly though, not letting the rest of the club hear him.
"That would have been illegal ,and I didn't want to put your job at risk. But the nights not over, and the rules have changed...Esther." He winked at her, and took a hug from Danni and Sarah. Chet just grinned at him, and Alex raised his hands.

"Okay folks, I'll promise you this. When I get some time, I'll still come back to the club, hang out. Maybe give you guys an advance reading on some of my new shorts. And once I've at least got a novella to my name..." He nodded to Esther. "...I promise I'll come back to the class, and let everyone know what a good teacher I had." The club all cheered him on. Chet reached into his backpack, and grinned as he slid out a bottle of rye. "The hell did that come from?"
"Oh, I've had it all day. THought we might need to top up the flasks a bit. Unless Miss Martin would like to give us a few glasses to toast the new friggin' author with?" He asked.
That took her off guard a bit. She didn’t need a dictionary or the world’s best literary icon to interpret exactly what Alex was talking about. Her cheeks flamed just a tiny bit and she was even more robbed of words than she was when he made his announcement. So if anything else, she offered a smile and patted his back before awkwardly—a little bit—pulling back from him. She made to go sit back down but something told her to stay standing. And the bit of alcohol she drank, and the lot she downed from that one flask after Chet’s presentation, started to kick in.

She smiled at Alex as he made his promises and nodded her head, raising her soda can in honor of him, at him. What shocked her even more—as if this night hadn’t been plenty of shocking—was seeing the bottle of rye that Chet produced from his backpack. She couldn’t help rolling her eyes and rubbed her temple once more, nodding her head. “I cannot believe I’m condoning this.” She muttered before roping Sarah to help her bring glasses out so they all could ‘properly’ toast Alex in his good fortune and talent.

As the glasses were poured with alcohol, she took a glass for herself and raised to Alex, leading off with a toast. “To Alex, our new ‘friggin’’ author. Best of luck to you in your new endeavors and please, don’t let me catch a thousand grammatical or spelling errors. I’ll hunt you down personally and make you do lessons all over again.” She grinned, teasing him. “To Alex!”
"To Alex! Cheers!" Chet called, raising the glass.
"Cheers!" Kip and Danni called together. Sarah raised hers.
"Staryov!" She called. Everyone blinked. She blushed. "It''s...Russian. Shut up and drink!" SHe knocked the glass back, and the others did the same. Sarah gasped, downing the entire glass. The others had been alittle more conservative, and Kip went to make sure Sarah was okay. Tears in her eyes, the girl looked to be trying to keep herself from coughing. Most of the club chuckled. CHet's...writing ppiece was largely forgotten by them by now.

"Thanks Miss Martin. For this. It's nice to be able to have them do some kind of send off." Alex said calmly from beside Esther. "And trust me, no one here would ever dream of telling anyone what went on here tonight. No one will be giving you shit for this." He assured her. He wanted to say more, make some kind of gesture, but he was calling up short. James, when he talked to Alex at all, had always been so full of advice on picking up women. Alex had largely assumed that James had been talking out of his ass. But now...he wasn't so sure.
Esther smiled at them all and she took a hearty sip of her drink. She swallowed and made a face, coughing a little bit. She really wasn’t a hard liquor person so she didn’t care that she couldn’t swallow it like a champ. She hated liquor but hey, if it was all that was going around, why not? She wouldn’t mind being drunk. It was Friday after all. And drunk people were funny. For a moment, she was alarmed for Sarah, wondering if the girl was going stop breathing or something but thankfully Kip helped her and Esther stopped thinking of all the excuses she’d need to say if they had gotten caught because they called the ambulance. She wasn’t really enjoying the prospect of spending the night in jail.

Glancing to Alex, she smiled and leaned into him, nodding. “Of course. I’m glad I could accommodate.” She said softly. “I really am proud of you Alex. It’s almost my third year of teaching since I graduated and I already have a student who will make a big name for himself. I can see you work and be like ‘Yeah, I taught him once upon a time.’” She giggled.

“Miss Martin, I think I’m gonna need to take my brother and Sarah home.” Danni said softly, placing her empty glass down. She wasn’t nearly as sloshed as those two, and when Esther looked at them on the couch, she realized how right Danni was. Otherwise, Kip and Sarah were going to christen her couch. “Yeah, that might be a good idea.” She laughed a little nervously as she stood up, calling a few cabs. Others were gearing up to go home. She didn’t exactly want her students spending the night. That was not something she would enjoy explaining to their parents.

Esther covered the tab for the cabs and was soon seeing off pretty much everyone. Walking back into her apartment, she shut the door and turned, surprised to find that Alex had hung back. “Oh, I thought you had gone too.” It took about an hour for three cabs to come. Not the car ones but the van ones and somehow about twenty students were able to fit in three. She paid each driver a hundred to get them all home in the right place and in one piece. In that time, her bit of tipsyness turned into just being a bit buzzed and she started picking up empty glasses and the empty liquor bottle, rounding to the kitchen.
Alex smiled, lifting a set of glasses and carrying them into the kitchen.
"Yeah, I'm always the last one out. I handle a lot of the clean up. Usually because I'm one of the only ones sober enough to do it. Must be my family background showing through." He said calmly, shaking his head. He'd drank a fair bit, but didn't seem to be suffering any ill effects for it. He ran a few thoughts through his mind. He had a card he could play, and James had always said that it would win him more success than any other thing he could do. But...didn't that make it manipulative? And wasn't that wrong?

He was starting to give himself a headache. He set the glasses down, and grabbed the bottle of rye. There was still a good amount left in it, an he poured a shot, and slammed it back. Maybe he just needed a bit more liquid courage in him. He knew he should have raided his dad's collection. Or, really, just asked. He'd have gotten some good stuff.
She laughed and set the glasses in the sink, starting to rinse them out. “That gives you a leg up over me. I hate liquor. But I won’t turn down alcohol and the way I rationalize it, it is Friday after all. But a bottle of wine is usually enough to get me to a really happy place. Two bottles? I’ll be upside down the invisible chandelier.” She grinned, turning slightly to open her dishwasher and pulled the top rack out where she started lining up the glasses. Turning to him, she saw him slam back another shot and leaned her hip against the counter, crossing her arms over his chest. “Easy there Stephen King, what’s your hurry?” She teased. Esther had been waiting to use that one for a while now.
Alex put a hand over his heart, as though he'd been given a bullet to the heart.
"King? Oh, Miss Martin! Esther! I didn't now you hated me that much!" He said with a dramatic shake of his head. He didn't note it himself but his voice was shifting just slightly. There was a bit of a lilt to his tone now, sounding...almost like he was suppressing an accent of some kind. He held up the bottle, and looked at it. "And this? Isnae bad, but it lacks the right bite of a proper whiskey." He stopped, as though processing the other words she'd been saying.

"WIne is it? Dinnae think you for a wine drinker. You always seemed a little more...hard edged. Like you might like a bit of a bite to what ye drink." His tone was slipping, and he was barely starting to actually notice it. That shot had put a little bit of a buzz in his head. He wasn't lying when he'd said that his family line made him a bit hard to get drunk. Maybe more than a bit.
She noticed it though and her head tilted. She prided herself in being one to catch accents. Maybe not be able to figure out where they originate but she knew the difference between an American accent and a non-American accent. What could she say? She loved them. And his…
Esther stopped listening to really what he was saying and was only following the accent. She wasn’t exactly sober enough to hear words. Just accent and with a voice like his…

“What is up with people hiding their accents? First James and now you? What are you afraid that girls will bend over or backwards for you?” She snorted, moving to him. “Sorry, you lost my attention on anything you were saying after that spilled out.” Seems alcohol helped them both loosen up. His tongue loosened up and so did hers. Apparently. Among other things…
Alex put his face in a hand.
"Nae, joost...find it draws more attention than I want most a' tha time. Me parents were both from Dublin, and bunch of family came over wit' 'em. So I learned tae speak mooch lak this." He shrugged, the effort to suppress his accent gone entirely, and running in full bore now. It was thick, and rolled off his tongue naturally.

Ye might be saprised lass, at joost how meny folk fixate on one tha' talks lak this. Got on me nerves when I was younger, and learned to keep it under control, such as it is. Though a few drinks in me, and oot it comes. Or ye know...when it happens tha' a pretty lady calls me on keepin' me accent away." He winked at her as he said the last. he was starting to think that James might not be entirely full of shit at this point. And at this point, she had asked him about it after all. And all was fair after all...
It would have been a difficult task otherwise to try and hide her grin. But she tried nonetheless, ending up biting her lip just to do it. “I suppose I was just shocked. Don’t worry, I won’t be fixating on it. Although if I stare at your mouth…it’s not really my fault.” She shrugged, as though not at all apologetic about it because she really wasn’t. She also might be flirting a little bit, just a little tiny bit! No harm, no foul and it’s not like he was a child. He was of age and technically not going to be student anymore. But of course she wasn’t thinking of anything more than a little bit of shameless flirting. Of course not…

Moving to the fridge, Esther rubbed the back of her neck as she opened it with her other and produced two chilled bottles of water. Turning to Alex, she slid one his way. “So, do you only talk this way then you’ve had a bit to drink or are you going to start talking like you from now on?” She asked this while resting her back against the counter. Standing helped a little bit and taking a sip of water helped a lot. Quenched her thirst a little bit and moistened her dry throat. That and well she didn’t really favor the taste of alcohol on her tongue and after that last rye, this water was blissful.
Alex quirked his eyebrow, and grinned a little.
"Talk lak me? I only evar talk lak me. Or did ye mean more akin tae talkin' lak a bleedin' Irishman?" He asked. Notign the effect that he was having, he did slide around the island with a bit more...liquid grace than normal. Which might have had something to do with the liquid courage he had in him now. He lifted the water, and knocked back a little.

"Och, nae, not much plannin on talkin' lak this tae often. Folk stop thinkin' tha' ye be talkin' 'boot anaethin' useful, and joost tha' ye be talkin' a'tall. Words stop meanin' anythin' important. See, lak the way you keep starin at me mouth. Ahm sure half a' whot ah've said has joost flown right past ye lass. Hasn't it?" He teased, quirking his eyebrow again. He fought the urge to say something more, to push the boundaries a little. Gods, he was not nearly as good at this as he wished he was. He should have taken advice from other people, more than just James, made sure he knew what he was doing. The words came out anyway. "Or be thar another reason ye be starin' at me mouth lass?" He asked her with a smile. In his mind he was going completely bonkers, expecting to have her toss water in his face, and toss him out the door by his belt loop.
She smiled a bit of a shy smile and shrugged her shoulders a bit. “You say bleedin’ and I say—“ She cut herself off and instead took a hasty sip of her water. She needed to stop or at least push him out the front door. If he kept talking the way he was talking with that accent, goodness, she wouldn’t be able to resist anything. And she had to stop thinking this. Sure, he wasn’t going to be her student anymore but technically, right now, he still was.

Okay, being called out for that—even though she did sort of set herself up for that one—was a bit embarrassing. Enough to make her cheeks color red and she cleared her throat. “For your information, I totally heard everything you said and it processed. I could repeat it all back to you. But no, there’s obviously no other reason I’d be staring at your mouth.” And of course, her sight betrayed her and fell to his mouth before she turned away. She felt flush. “It’s hot in here.” Quickly, Esther walked away from him, careful not to bump shoulder or graze him or basically touch any part of him as she walked passed him and walked to the thermostat. The temperature of her apartment was at 68 degrees and she just stared at it, trying to act like she was doing something, when really she was biding her time. Why wasn’t she telling him to get the fuck out?

Because you want him to stay, slut. She inwardly cringed. She was so mean to herself.
As Esther seemed to move (flee?) past him, Alex wondered what his move, if any should be. While her back was turned, he looked at the rye, thought about pouring a shot, but then just took a slug out of the bottle. He chased it with water to keep the taste from being too prevalent on his breath, and took a steadying breath. James had told him a few things. A few pointers on how make a move. And right now...he was starting to think if he didn't do one now, he was going to lose what little was left of his nerves. He advanced quietly as she stared at the thermostat.

It was obvious that she was looking at the thermostat, and trying to make it look good, but he knew very well it was not overly warm. But she'd made the statement, and now he was going to try and use it to his advantage. He carefully slid his arms around her midsection, and put his mouth close to her ear.
"Tae hot fer ya lass? Ye dinnae hafta toy wit' tha' to find ways tae cool off." He murmured in her ear. The turtleneck was a bit of a problem to his plan, but he slid a hand to the neck, and slid it down a bit. He placed a careful kiss on her neck, fully expecting to get a knee in teh crotch for his trouble. This was it. His fleeting moment of fame and glory in his own mind, before the painful impact. Live gloriously. It was all one could do sometimes.
For some reason, her heart started beating faster. Okay, she knew why, but at the same time, it shouldn’t be beating so fast. He was a student. She kept repeating this in her jumbled mind. He’s your student. He’s your student. With an Irish accent. No, he’s your student. But that mouth…No! He’s your—oh fuck it. Well that didn’t help one bit. She wanted to slam her forehead against the wall in frustration. This was forbidden. This was bad. Really bad. He had to go home. Okay, she resolved that once she decided that the thermostat was good, she was going to have to break it to him. He had to go. Now.

That took her by surprise. She hadn’t been expecting that. She liked his arms around her, and she even liked his mouth by her ear. She could feel his breathing, his voice and his accent and his tone all reverberating deep into her belly. Oof, what a turn on. Her eyes closed and she swallowed hard, trying to keep her breathing not so erratic through her nose. She didn’t want it to be blatantly obvious that he clearly had an affect on her but he did. “Alex…” She said his name in an almost admonishing tone but she betrayed that conviction because her body leaned back into his and her hand moved over his arms around her. “…we shouldn’t.” She tried to resist him but was clearly failing. That and the obvious fact that she hadn’t pushed him away or even tried to.
Alex felt her hand on his, felt the way she leaned back into him. It was...oh, quite the opposite of what he'd expected. He wasn't a crumpled heap on the floor. In pain. And she hadn't jumped away from him like he was on fire, which was the other thought he'd had. He heard her speak, heard what she said.
"Och aye lass. We shouldnae. Not a'tall. Ye should joost...step from me, and walk away. It'd be safe. Proper." As he finished speaking, he leaned over, and slid his teeth along the back of her ear. "But...think o' it lass.' they say the sweetest o' all the tha' forbidden." He whispered to her, his hand sliding just under the bottom of her shirt, tracing a finger along ehr stomach slowly. He kissed the back of her jaw.

By the Saints, Cu Chulain, and great Dagda's bones, what in the shitting shit did he think he was doing?! He was more than tempting fate now, he full on mooning it while singing a ditty. The level of risk he was taking was huge. But then the level of reward he was coming in on matched it. Easily. And he had to admit that he was having a hard time even thinking of passing this up.
She drank in his words like it was the most beautiful poetry, the kind of way a woman might swoon from how a guy sweet-talked her. Right now, Esther was drinking up his words, swooning from how he was talking to her, oh so dirtily. It was forbidden, totally wrong and if it got out, she’d be a ruined teacher for life, she could kiss her career goodbye. She’d be out begging for a job that paid half of what she currently made just to be able to do something rather than nothing. But as his lips kept teasing her skin, as his touch enflamed through her and burned a desire deep inside of her, she stopped thinking of all the ‘What-if’s?’ except for one. What if she never got the chance to just do the most naughtiest thing of all? Aside from boning three different guys in one day.

Esther suddenly turned in his arms, slowly but suddenly. Her eyes met his gaze and then drifted down to his lips. She was practically panting right about now, her heart pounding insanely and staring at his mouth, her mind was screaming for her to kiss him. So she did. With a small tilt of her head, she leaned up and closed the gap between them and their lips. Her arms moved up and wrapped around his neck and she made the kiss go from a tentative touch to a more…aggressive, passion-filled…French kiss?
Alex felt her turning around. Well, here was the knee. The hit. It was all coming apart. After all, he'd spelled out that they should very much not do this. It was insane to even consider that she might be doing anything besides oh, but then she kissed him. Wow. Well, that was...not how he'd thought this was going to go at all! But he managed to recover from his shock, and return the kiss. That was good, he was starting to think he might actually have a bit more of a chance than he'd been thinking, but probably not as much as oh wow, and now there was tongue. Holy shit, tongue. Wow, um...yeah, he was doing what he could to make sure that he could reciprocate the gesture, and the passion that she was putting into it made him...really think that James might have been onto something. Cheeky fucker.

Alex felt his arms come up around Esther by themselves, focused more on the kiss, and letting instinct take over him right now. One hand was between her shoulder blades, and he shifted to get closer, turning his head slightly to make sure the contact didn't break off. His other hand went lower, sliding under the cloth of her shirt, and running along hte small of her back. Wow, she was...really soft, adn smooth, and holy shit he was making out with his (ex?) teacher! He was waiting for the moment to end, adn sit up in bed, realizing none of this was happening, adn he'd just been having an excellent dream.
He was right about finding other methods to cool off. And when it became clear that her taking it up a notch or two wasn’t off-putting to him, by means of him kissing her back, Esther knew she could do something that was so not Esther Martin. No, she’d probably be tearing a page out of Mallory Joyner’s book of seduction. The alcohol helped a lot otherwise she wouldn’t ever dream of doing what she was about to do next.

Parting her lips from his, Esther looked up at him, marveling in the feeling she got from that kiss alone. Then again, he did butter her up quite nicely when he approached her from behind. So for that, she was going to reward him with more than a kiss. Definitely A-plus-level work. She stepped back from him, out of his arms and taking her own back. She set her bottle of water down on the ground and then her hands came to the hem of her wintergreen turtleneck, puling it up and over her head, revealing the bra she wore underneath holding up her breasts, a nice amount of cleavage spilling from them. Dropping the turtleneck to the ground, she stepped away from him completely, turning down the little hall. Once she was outside of her bedroom, she stopped and looked at him over her shoulder. Her hands came up around her back to unclasp her bra and pulled it off, letting it fall to the ground, therefore making quite a statement before opening her bedroom door and walking right in, the gesture screaming for him to follow.

Once inside her bedroom, she took her shoes off and stripped her jeans and panties off. From there, she descended upon her bed and laid out, full frontal and nude for him to walk in on. Holy wow, did I just do that?! Looking own at bad nude self, she couldn’t help the grin on her face. Yeah, you did. And the final gesture? She pulled her hair free from the messy bun it was in, wavy locks spilling over one shoulder. Come and get it Alex.
When she stepped back from him, Alex let out a breath, sure that they were done now, that it was over. She'd come to her senses. After all, he hadn't said anything else, and the accent seemed to be the thing that was swaying her. Then she set her water down, and when she stood up she was Holy Mary Mother of God her shirt was off. And now she was...walking...away...

Okay, that made sense, she was probably changing, or something. She'd had a few drinks, and had been saying it was hot, so a lighter shirt might be in order but Jesus assraping Buddha on flaming hill, she'd just taken off her bra, and slipped into the room down the hall. His eyes went to teh shirt on the floor, the ra in the hall,and he had the urge to flee in a blind panic. This was Esther. His teacher! And the idea of this had been so enticing, but now it was...intimidating. He could practically feel a hand slapping his head. Then he pounded the heel of his hand into his head, and half scrambled after her. His shirt went flying in his haste, though he skid to a halt, pounding back another slug from the rye, and another from the water.

It was a bit of an awkward hop to gt his jeans off, leaving him in just his boxers, somehow sure that this was all just a joke at his expense. He was about to discover some kind of orrible fate by falling into this trap. Miss Martin was secretly settting him up, and there were few better ways to bait someone like him that with bare skin. He pushed the door open, and had his eyes almost fly out of his head. Esther. Was. Naked.

Okay, that pretty much settled any possible interpretations of what was about to happen. He paced forward, body and mind on autopilot at this point. Her hair was over a shoulder, and a more perfect tableau of temptation could not be conceived of. His knees reached the bed, and he knelt on it, before laying on his side, and sliding close to Esther. His heart was thunddering in his ears. Of, this was happening. It had to be happening. He leaned forward, and kissed her, a bit tentatively at first. But with a bit more confidence as he settled into it. His hand came to her side, running up the bared flesh. With a kind of gentleness that was a combination of sweet and nervous, his hand wrapped around one of her breasts, squeezing.
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