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A Hunter and His Prey (Alexandria94 and Josu_T)

Leovin didn't really pay attention to her reaction. He focused on other things while she debated with herself about what she should do. When she got up and left he shrugged. He was fine with letting her just go to her bedroom. He didn't have any desire or need for her that night. He just wanted to relax. The next day he would likely do something with her. So the rest of the day he spent relaxing. He made himself dinner, then spent some time in the back yard, getting fresh air. There was a fairly large back yard with tall fences around it so no one could see inside if they were in a position to see it. Though there was some distance between them and other houses. He really wasn't worried about people seeing them there unless they left the house. There was a garden that was run down. It certainly needed work. There were a few other things to do in the house too to make it look nicer. He figured he could take his time with that or Olivia could if he decided to ask her to or if she simply wanted to.
Olivia wondered what the rest of the house looked like, since it was fairly bigger than the first place they had been in. Getting bored of being in the room all by herself for hours, she got up, stretched, and stuck her head in the living room. When she didn't see Leovin a part of her was sad about it, but the other part was glad so she could roam the house freely. She wondered through the kitchen, and back through the living room. She didn't go in any closed doors because she didn't want to anger him if one was his bedroom. She wanted to go outside, but wouldn't dare to it on her own. Sighing, she moved around the back portion of the house and her mind wondered back to Leo, as it always did. She wondered if he was going to be rough with her during sex, she knew she would tell him about the orgasm thing from now on but she didn't know if he would believe her or not. She didn't even know if she could have sex with him freely again, a part of her was so scared of his touch.
After a while it was starting to get dark outside and Leo decided to go inside. He entered through the back door and started toward the bathroom so he could shower before bed. When he saw Olivia looking around he stopped. He thought for a moment before speaking. Then all he had to say were three words. "Good night Olivia." He then walked to the bathroom and closed the door, but didn't lock it. He didn't want an extra thing to deal with if something happened outside of the room. He needed fast access to all the doors except the ones to the outside which were always locked and could only open with his key. He undressed and stepped into the shower. He had seen his neck in the mirror and for the first time he saw just how well his neck had healed after what she did. He smiled weakly and let the water run over his body. He sighed and relaxed, taking his time washing himself.
Olivia sighed when all he did was speak the three words. She wished with everything in her that they were a different three words, but she knew if she wanted that it would take a lot of time, and an even longer time of trust building. She watched him as he disappeared and knowing there was another bathroom through a door in her room, she left. She supposed that she also needed a good hot wash off considering how tense her muscles were. When she undressed and stepped in the shower herself she moaned and when that happened her face flushed. The moan made her think of Leo as it did every time, and she wished she could just have sex with him without having the complications, and that was an idea came to her. What if she was the one to give her the orgasm while they had sex, going by that she wouldn't need his blood.
Leo finished his shower and dried off. He then wrapped his towel around himself and carried his clothes to his bedroom. Once in his room he dropped his dirty clothes in a laundry basket and grabbed a pair of underwear, putting them on for bed. He hadn't been thinking about the pleasure problem for Olivia. He wasn't too worried about it. He figured that it was her issue and that she likely wasn't going to enjoy anything he did to her anyway. It wasn't as if he was going to be making love to her. He still thought of her as his slave and that wasn't going to stop, no matter how much she complained. He climbed into bed and turned off the lamp that had been providing light to the room. Then he relaxed and let himself start to drift off to sleep.
After an extremely long and relaxing shower Olivia finally made herself get out when the water was getting cold. She didn't feel like doing much of anything. While it was true that her emotions were back on, she still needed something to make her feel. Slowly walking from the bathroom through the door and into her bedroom she sat down on her bed. No light had been on and she didn't feel the need to turn one on now. Lying back in the bed she tried to sleep, but it wasn't going to happen. Tossing and turning for just a little longer she rolled onto her stomach, flipping the covers over her ass so nothing would show but maybe a little side-boob. With one leg bent slightly she wrapped one arm around a pillow and before she thought about the need for sleep she was already in a deep one.
Leo fell asleep soon after, his body relaxing completely. He slept through the night peacefully and in the morning he woke feeling refreshed. He had been dreaming of Olivia as a human, but he didn't remember them after waking. He got dressed for the day and left his room to make breakfast. He really wasn't sure what he was going to do that day, though he was fairly sure he was going to have sex with Olivia at some point. He wanted to make it clear that things weren't going to change a lot. He was still going to have sex with her and at least for a while he wasn't going to worry about making her cum.
Olivia slept soundly and didn't wake up for quite a while after Leovin did. She honestly wanted to forget about everything going on and just sleep for a little while longer wanting the world to go away. That got her about another half an hour of sleep before she figured that going back to sleep completely wasn't going to happen. Sighing loudly in annoyance she got out of bed, and walked over to the dresser. She quickly got out a black set of panties and a bra, some jean shorts and regular t-shirt before walking to the door. As much as she wanted to go out and spend some time, any time with Leo she couldn't. Her fear of him wouldn't let her and she was so conflicted on his subject than she ever had been before in her entire life.
Leovin went through his morning normally, taking his time with things and just relaxing. He wondered about when Olivia would emerge from her room, but he wasn't expecting her. After a while he made his way out to the back yard again. He left the door open and walked barefoot on the grass. He took deep breaths and enjoyed the fresh air and the morning sunlight. He felt an amazing sense of freedom there. He could do anything he wanted. He was in charge and in control. He knew that Olivia had to be feeling the opposite, but it was too late to change things now. He couldn't kill her and he couldn't release her. He couldn't tell anyone either otherwise they would both probably end up dead. They were stuck together, but he wasn't about to let a vampire have a chance to betray him. It didn't matter who she may or may not have been before she was turned. His resolve was steady. He had to stay in control of her. But he was hoping she would cooperate and make it easy for him. He stayed outside and pushed the thoughts of her out of his mind. After a while he just lay there on the grass, staring up at the sky.
Olivia walked back over to the clothes she had sat out, deciding to quickly dress just in case Leovin was to come in. While she was afraid of him she knew that he could do what he wanted with her and that made her shiver. Even against her better judgement she wanted Leo, and she hated herself for it. Sighing, she figured she would be just as scared outside of the room as she would inside of it so she quickly ventured out, closing the door behind her. She wanted nothing more than for him to trust her but she didn't know what she could do to make that happen without listening to his every word, and while that would surely build up trust, she thought it would do it in the wrong way. She wanted a mutual thing not to be his slave. When she walked to the glass doors she saw him, sitting there and looking up at the sky so peacefully.
As much as she wanted to join him she sat down in one of the living room chairs instead, waiting until he came back in before she would talk seriously with him.
Eventually Leo got bored and decided to go inside. He got up and brushed himself off. He walked back into the house and closed the door behind him. He made sure his feet were clean before going all the way into the house. Then he went to look for Olivia. He figured they could do something together. Not sex right away, but eventually. He found her in the living room and smiled at her. He was in a really good mood at that moment. He dropped down into a seat, leaned back and looked at her. "How was your first night in your new home? You seemed to sleep for a while. That's a good sign. The beds are definitely comfortable. This house really has all we could ever need. I'm going to have to find a source of blood for you, but that will happen. In the mean time we still have enough to last a while." He paused for a moment, then sat up properly. "So, what should we do now?"
Olivia was almost bored while she waited for him to come back inside, she whistled for a while, thought about the childhood they spent together, which led her to an idea that she would discuss with Leo when he came back inside. Thankfully she didn't have to wait long and when he came in and sat down so close to her a slow smile creeping onto her face when she noticed he was in a good mood and decided to use this to her full advantage. She turned to him and took a deep breath, wondering why her fierce fear of him had suddenly disappeared. "My first night was well, thank you, I hope yours was the same." She took another breath, this one deeper than the one she had previously taken since she would need it for what she was about to propose. "I want to make a deal with you. I know you don't particularly favor me very much but I figure this might be fun, in a way. How about today, we forget about me being what I am and you forget about how much you dislike me and spend it together." She took a pause, the handsome face staring at her making her blush. "We spend it like a normal pair of people would, we can do anything I promise to behave and that you can trust me. If you like it at the end of the day then you have to try and see me as me from now on and not as a vampire. If you don't then you can kill me, or you can hand me over to the people you work for, or whatever you like. I promise to go and do willingly."
She hoped he would take her up on it because she couldn't go on being so afraid of him all the time and constantly thinking something was going to happen to her.
He held his smile as she explained that her first night had been a good one. He was glad. But then she started to discuss a potential deal they could make and his smile faded. He stared at her and shook his head slowly. After a moment he spoke up and answered her. "I'm afraid that really isn't something I think would be good. You see, you get all the benefits there and I get nothing if I end up not enjoying the day. I am not going to kill you, no matter how upset I get with you. I also can't turn you in. If I do it would mean that I would get in trouble as well. There is nothing else I can do with you either. So what kind of deal is it? I give you a chance to earn something you want and if it doesn't work things just go back to normal or you will let me do anything that I could have done already, only you wouldn't fight it or complain. Does that really sound like a deal that anyone would make? No. If I end up not enjoying myself, I need some kind of compensation that I didn't have before and I don't think you are in a position to offer me anything."
Olivia took that chance and when it backfired on her the only other thing she could think of doing was to tell him the actual reasoning behind the deal she wanted to make. "I suppose that's true I'm not in any type of position but to be honest I just want to spend the day with you. I don't want to be insanely scared of you all the time, and I don't want you to hate me. I didn't think you would do it if I just asked so I had to so I think of something with awful consequences. Since that didn't work I'm telling you that actual reason and it scares me by itself. If you don't want to see me all day, I'll go in my room and I'll save myself the embarrassment of this conversation." Her face was red from blushing as she looked away from him and down to the floor instead.
It pleased Leovin to hear her admit the truth rather than trying to come up with something else she could try to offer him He listened to her as she explained herself and he spent a moment thinking about it. Then he smiled at her. "Well, you are in luck Olivia. I do want to spend the day with you. I only have a little longer before I have to start hunting again. I want to be able to trust you before I leave. I am not sure what we can do, and I think there may be a couple of things I want to do later today that you might not want as much, but I'm sure we can come to an agreement. You don't have to be scared of me. Now, would you care to suggest what you had in mind to do? I still don't know this area very well, so suggestions will help me figure out what our options are." He looked into her eyes and waited for her answer. He wasn't completely sure she would agree since he had implied he would be expecting sex later that day, but it was better to mention it rather than forcing it on her later.
Olivia easily inferred his implication and it made her hands curl tightly around the edge of the couch. She knew that her body easily responded to him, she even had a reaction to just to mere thought of him having sex with her again. She was glad that he wanted to spend the day with her, but she didn't know what they could do. Since she wasn't allowed to go outside, it created complications. "We could watch movies, I suppose. I could make you dinner. Uhm, do you have any board games? I could probably kick your ass at those." She paused for a second and her face turned a little bit more red, her mind wanting to turn the conversation towards what else was bugging her in the back of her mind. "Have you ever heard of a cure" She asked him, not wanting to bring up the actual word. She swallowed in nervousness and looked up at him, her nervous hands still gripping the couch.
As she made suggestions he started to think about them. There were certainly options and it seemed she wanted to stay inside for the day. He was about to answer when she asked something else. He was surprised and looked into her eyes. She looked honest and genuine, but he still wasn't sure how much he could trust her to be truly honest. He still felt that vampires could be very manipulative. He sighed and shook his head. "I've never even heard rumors or that any one has been working on it. Your kind certainly don't seem to want a cure, and if they did I think most would be scared of immediately dying of old age if they did find a cure. My kind aren't so worried about curing your kind as we are about protecting innocents by ridding the land of...them. So as far as I know, there is no cure. Now, let's focus on today. We can watch a movie and then play some games and you can cook dinner tonight." He tried to forget she had even asked about a cure.
It made Olivia sad that they didn't know of a cure, when he was finished she brought her legs up to sit underneath them, whispering lowly: "I'd like the cure." After a few moments she looked back at him and wondered about the movies. "Well, what kind of movies do you have? Surely you don't have many because of the move." Being so close to him was still making her nervous and her heart was starting to pound a little harder, hearing it behind her ears. She watched him, constant feeling like he was going to spring on her. Even though she wouldn't admit it, though it might be obvious, she still wanted him to have sex with her.
Leo was glad to be back to the conversation that he wanted to have with her. He thought about her question and it wasn't the move that caused him not to have many movies, it was the fact that he was a person who normally travelled everywhere all the time and he didn't carry many personal belongings. So he didn't own movies himself. But he did know the tv had many options and he smiled at her. He turned it on and then started to show her their possibilities. He went through all the different genres of movies until he got to the adult movies. Then he simply glanced at her and showed her those as well, holding a straight face. Once he'd given her a quick look at all the options his eyes met hers again. "So, I don't have a lot of movies personally, but these days cable programs let us have access to a lot. Did anything catch your eye? Or is there a specific genre you would like?"
Olivia didn't know what she had wanted to watch. She was just going to let him choose and when he started to flip through the channels she thought he was just going to pick one: until he landed on the adult channels. When he glanced over at her she couldn't look at him, knowing her body already wanted him only made her blush that much worse. Her hands were still gripping the sofa, trying to keep both her mind and body focused on something other than him. A part of her thought he was doing it on purpose, that he could see what she so eagerly wanted from him, but she would never ask for it, even though waiting until later that day would absolutely kill her.
"You can pick something, uhm, I haven't watched movies in a while." She told him, wondering if it was a good idea or not to let him choose.
Leo had seen her react to the list of adult movies, but not in the way he had expected. He looked at her again and started to think about it. He tried to make it look like he was just thinking about what movie to watch though. Eventually he smiled and leaned back in his seat, slowly going through the list of movies until he came to the adult ones again. Then he simply picked one and got it started. He chuckled softly and looked over at her as the opening credits started to show up on the screen with flashes of some of the scenes that were in the movie. He was barely even looking at the screen though. "So Olivia, what do you think of this choice? I think this is a movie that fits your mood quite well at the moment, don't you?" His gaze roamed over her body and he felt himself starting to get hard.
Olivia's first reaction had been correct. She knew she should have said something, anything and gotten him to choose a normal movie that normal people watch, but instead he picked that. As the movie actually started she looked at the opening credits and when they flashed scenes, not-so-innocent images flashed in her own mind. They were mostly of them having sex, both some of them doing something to the other, but others popped in there about his fingers and what they had done to her the first time that had actually had sex. It made her squirm a little in her chair and his question didn't help much. "I, don't think anything because I don't know what you are talking about." She told him, trying to keep her body calm but with his gaze on her it caused her nipples to throb through her shirt and bra.
He saw her shifting a little in her seat and her expression said enough to him. She tried to deny it, but even her voice told him that she was horny. He grinned and moved to sit next to her. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. The arm around her kept her against him with his hand on her side. His other hand rested on her thigh. "Come on now Olivia, you need to learn to be honest with me. You know that you can't lie about this sort of thing very well. I'm guessing that you're already dealing with some moisture between your legs and some nice hard nipples. But if you don't want to answer, let's just relax and watch the movie." He smirked as he turned his attention to the screen. The actors in the film were attempting to establish some kind of plot and story for the film, but they weren't great at it. After about five minutes it was clear the first sex scene was quickly approaching. He made sure that Olivia couldn't pull away from him, though he didn't make her look at the screen. He turned up the volume to be certain she heard everything in case she wasn't looking.
Olivia thought for sure that she would be able to handle the movie and ignore most of it, she thought that she might even be able to ignore Leovin for the most part: until he moved right next to her. The way his hands touched her seemed to shoot electricity through her and she had to quickly bite her lip to keep from moaning, her body already so sensitive to every touch. His words made her aware of just how horny her body was. She could feel how wet she was already and the movie caused her to think nothing but thoughts that only made everything worse. She tried to ignore it, but about fifteen minutes into the movie her clit was throbbing so badly it was starting to hurt, she knew he was playing this movie to get a reaction out of her, but she didn't care, she would give him exactly what he wanted.
"Leovin, I can't take it. Fuck me." She said in a rushed, hushed voice and quickly flipped herself onto his lap to straddle him. Her hands slid up into his hair and she pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
It didn't take long at all for her to start reacting and Leovin knew he had her. Of course he already had her before the movie even started, but there was no way she could deny it now. When he felt her move on top of him he grinned and her begging words had him hard for her already. As she kissed him he returned it, his tongue invading her mouth. His arms wrapped around her. One pressed on her lower back and got her hips pressed against his so she could feel the growing bulge in his pants pushing between her legs. His other hand started to loosen her clothes, but didn't pull them off yet. Once the kiss ended he looked into her eyes with a smile. "I'll give you what you want Olivia. I'll fuck that needy little pussy. But let's try it this way. I'm going to fast forward to the next sex scene in the movie and we are going to copy everything that happens in it. I've never seen this movie before and I don't know what is coming next, but I think that makes it more fun." He reached over and grabbed the remote without even waiting for her to respond and he started to fast forward through the movie to find the next scene they could use.
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