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Other Little Things That Bother You

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I'm gonna say people that pester you to RP with them even when you make it obvious you don't want to, for whatever reason. Thankfully, haven't run into that much here, but there have been a few instances that really got on my last nerve.
When I get caught trying to avoid hurting people's feelings and they get mad.

I remember in HS I had a girl messaging me to RP and I ignored her. One day I'm sitting there in the computer lab RPing away when I get a message from her. I reply "can't, in class, sorry" and I hear loudly behind me "No you're not motherfucker!" it was this little asian girl across the room staring and pointing like the evil monkey from family guy.
Being just sick enough for it to bother me. It's like I'm half-assing being sick.
I think I may have mentioned this one before........but people eating my food out of the damn fridge without me asking.

And it's not limited to just food. I hate it when people take stuff of mine without asking and when questioned about it, will respond with "I thought you'd say yes."

Generally, food or otherwise, if someone asks first, I'll be willing to let them have/borrow it. But taking it without asking me can really piss me off.
Pen running out of ink.
My occasional moments of self loathing, leaving me unenthusiastic to do anything.
Group work in college. It's awkward, near impossible to organise, and most of the people on your team are essentially ghosts given how poor their attendance is.
When nothing you've listened to is loud, but then a random video on Youtube nearly pounds your eardrums into your brain.
Watching Rated R with my guy friends...
People who think being "Rick Rolled" is the worst thing that could happen in their day.

Seriously?!?!? That is your "big crisis" of the day?!?!?!?
People thinking they will get away with that "your not wearing green..." thing on St. Patty's Day.

I have Irish in my veins.. no you are not!
People sending add requests, without telling me who they are.
Having panic attacks, and refusing to admit that I have a major problem.

People who will call repeatedly if you don't answer. Seven calls in two hours ... maybe when I didn't answer the first fucking time you'd realize I'm busy with something.
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