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Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

Maybe what happened to me was just a small minority, but I have been all across canada on 3 occasions, and each time something negative has impacted me in that city. That said you meet people like those in a city like Vancouver as well, so I guess in a way everywhere has that level of negative and positive. Actually i think the most pleasant place I have been in all of canada was Edmonton. There is nothing to do there but it has one really nice mall that I remember going too as a kid, and again as an adult. ^_^ memories are weird like that.

All I should say is that Family histories are something to be cherished, I reciently discovered a lot of truths about my own family, and it helped to clear up a lot of mystery in my life. So yeah those kinds of self discovery are a good thing.
If you ever have the time and energy to waste, there used to be family registries and histories on the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec's website. I don't know as if it is still around, since all my work these days revolves around cities and not so much families. If it is still around you might be able to find out more stuff.
I'm so happy for you in finding your heritage! *big hugs* I was moved from Montréal when I just a little one. It's great that you have found a piece of joy! :heart:
Was never a fan of family members that decided when they were coming, but not when they were leaving. Double so when you have a full plate of studies, work, among other things!
I know that feeling. I am normally a calm and collected person, but I got really really sick over the long Christmas break, had huge health issues that forced me to change my lifestyle, what I ate, what I did. I had to battle anxiety and expectations with non stop work, and then, during the busies time of the semester, my mother decided to visit, worried about me. She refused to leave because as time went on I got more stressed, but couldn't realize that it was because of her added visit that I was stressed -.-.

Best of luck, hope you get through it with smiles and happiness :)
Takes the time to read back and hugs DA

Hello, sis.

Congats on the new heritage news.

I found out my own back in .. '09-'10 myself.

On my biological mom's side, she had a cousin/family member who was a Holocaust survivor but never told anyone for years. That being said, this relative was Jewish so ... I am too. A small bit but it's still in my blood too.

Thus I technically celebrate [or can rather] Christmas/Hanukkah, though I've never actually practiced the latter. Now that I know this though, I've been considering putting this into practice, per se.

Hope things have been turning out better for ya, hun. You deserve it.

Quelle merveille! Nous sommes maintenant vraiment sœurs de cœur oui? Je pense que nos âmes se reconnaissent mutuellement, peu importe où nous vivons. Il nous amène encore plus près, mon doux ange! *embrasse doucement* :heart:

Once you notice the inner strength, determination and beauty in yourself that I already see, I think you will grow happier bit by bit. You can only be yourself and struggle with what you must, but in the end, always know that you are safe. You are loved, and build from there as a foundation. *the gentlest of hugs* Always be you, for that is the most beautiful thing of all.
Seems like this woman is constantly visiting you! That would be really frustrating to me. I think I'd have a hard time not saying anything even if she wanted to visit for just 3 days. I'd like, try to plan a trip of my own with my kids and leave before she got there and not come back until after she left. And if she got upset I'd be all like, "Oh, we planned our trips at the same time? Weird, huh?" *hugs DA* 20 days is a bitch ass long time. Just remember, you have a place to vent when you need to.
You do NOT sound like the biggest bitch ever at all sweety! You sound like the average person dealing with the average MIL. We are supposed to hate them and the 00000000.01% that do like theirs are very atypical. Vent all you need to! That's what journals and friends are for, right? If nothing else cher, you can rave and/or rant on here as much as you like when she brings you to your breaking point in that special, vitriolic gift that MIL's are born with!

If you like, picture your kids grown up and you having a chance to be a mother in law..... what would do in that situation? Switch the tables on yourself mentally and really think hard on how you would like to be as a MIL. Just food for thought.
Une bise
*offers to share her pillow* I hate insomnia too sweetest. It controls my life entirely and I long for sleep the way a teenager longs for the perfect selfie! :D

N'oubliez pas de toujours garder juste être soi-même doudou. Quand ou si quelqu'un demande plus, vous pouvez être rassurés que vous êtes déjà la meilleure personne que vous pouvez être. En substance, ils doivent travailler sur eux-mêmes et vous avez vu vos responsabilités au maximum. Vous êtes un ange incroyable et ELLE est celle qui doit vérifier elle-même.
Amour toujours,
For a bit of comfort cher, no matter how much it rains,

Jamais. Seul.
That's wonderful!! At least if nothing else, no one can take away the sheer joy of your children and their accomplishments! :heart: Hold onto that amazing pride and you'll get through each day with at least one smile. <3333
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