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The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Luna followed her father easily, although she looked at Alexander for a moment in distrust, before allowing the older man to pet her. She bobbed her head in happiness and then butted her head into his shoulder.

Cleo watched as Brandon walked up to her, and smiled up at him as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, then moved to Artemis. She smiled, and approached Alexander and Luna, watching Artemis as he sidled up to Brandon and then laughed as Artemis ruffled Brandon's hair. She leaned back against the fence, watching Brandon quietly, the love she had for him clearly appearing in her eyes.

Arista chose that moment to spread her wings, and then slid into the air, circling them before gliding down over the forest, a hunting screech escaping her as she disappeared. Cleo took a moment to watch her owl's flight, then turned back to her family.
Brandon followed Cleo with his eyes, but lead Artemis over to Alexander as well. "Do be careful they can get jealous of one another occasionally."

He turned to watch Arista and smirked as Merlin hooted plaintively. "Go on with you then."

Skyfall mounted the top of the fence and walked to his mother and nuzzled against the back of her neck purring happily.

Brandon was forced to step back some as the horses moved in on their grandfather, and he set to stroking their necks and sides, especially their shoulders by the wing joints which often itch.

As he did so Lydia rejoined them, decided to come up to the fence by Cleo and stroke the cat's back as she watched the horses, her son, and her husband. She spoke softly. "I am glad to see you love my boy as much as he loves you."
Cleo leaned back as Skyfall alerted her to Lydia's approach, so she didn't turn when she heard Lydia's voice. She turned to face her, a soft smile on her lips as she nodded.
"I never thought that I could fall for someone so hard. He's everything and more. He also makes me try to be a better person. And I know if he's there, I'll be safe and protected."
She grins and then turns to look back at Brandon.
"It always feels as if my heart grows whenever I look at him..."

Cleo grew silent for a moment, and then turned back to Lydia, "What's your secret? I asked my parents that very same question, but seeing your relationship, it's beautiful. Just like my parent's. And, when this grows into marriage, you'll be my mother-in-law, and I want... Am I babbling?"
Cleo covered her mouth with a hand, and didn't realize there were tears in her eyes, happy tears, but tears nonetheless.
Lydia gently touched the girl's cheek. "That is the secret sweety. I love my children. Adore them more than life. But i love my husband even more. Never lose that. Never let anything take away from your love for my son and you will have a long and happy marriage. Of course I don't know if I'll be any fun as a mother-in-law, but i'll try." She winked at the girl, then nodded toward her son.

"if you can keep him alive that long."

Brandon had summoned his broom and was racing the pegasi around the corral while Alexander had retreated to the fence to watch their speed. Brandon was urging the horses on, and they were beating their wings almost madly trying to best him.

Lydia laughed. "On that score I don't envy you my dear. he gets that from my side of the family. His father's people have always been very cautious...well except his grandfather. But anyway, always very cautious. But my parents had a number of careers and interests. And they instilled a love of adventure in him that we will just have to endure." She laughed again as he began to swoop in and out of the pegasi's legs, jeering them, pushing them on faster.
Cleo smiled in thanks and then nodded as she turned back to watch Brandon's antics. She shook her head and rolled her eyes, before answering Lydia, "That's a tall order, although I will do my best... Of course, he only makes it worse when he tries to do things like that..."

She laughed with Lydia and watched as Luna started moving faster, the gap between her and Brandon narrowing as Artemis tried to keep up.
"That's my girl..." She said as Luna's nose reached the back of the broom, and snorted in happiness.
Brandon turned his head, spotted the pegasus, smiled, blew her a kiss, then spun in air with a burst of speed. he darted through the corral's bar, then back in, cutting around Artemis, then up around Luna, curving over and around her back, whirling her mane wildly, then flicked about, falling off the broom onto her back.

They settled to the ground quickly and he dismounted just as quickly, kissing her cheek and rubbing her nose. "A brilliant flight my darling. Truly brilliant. But flare your wings less in the wind and you'll gain more speed even when flapping."

He nodded toward Artemis. "Also you. Stop trying to catch your opponents. You must just be better than they are."
Artemis snorts at him and Cleo giggles, watching them quietly. Luna snuffles her papa, and then trots over to Cleo, who gives her kisses and praises her flight. She smiles over at Brandon, then notices the time.

"Would you like to join us for tea and a snack? It seems to be that time already." She asks, turning to Lydia and Alexander. At the same time, Artemis ambles over, flicking her hair into the air with his nose as he comes for some attention and pats on the nose. She absentmindedly pats him on the nose and as he snorts, grins and turns to place a noisy kiss on the end of it. He snorts and tosses his head back, wiggling his nose as he canters away, Luna following him as they begin to play with each other, ignoring the adults.

"I think we've been dismissed..." Cleo says as she watches the antics of the pegasi, then turns to face Brandon.
Brandon moved to his lover, stole his own kiss, then scooped her up, ran at the fence and effectively ran up it, flipping in air to land on the other side holding her.

he grinned, kissed her again, then set her on her feet.

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Showing off?"

He grinned yet wider. "yeah. but for her not for you two."

Alexander laughed at that. "And yes Cleo we will happily join you for tea. Lead the way."
Once they got to the rooms, Cleo got the tea ready, and also made quick snacks for them consisting of scones, biscuits, butter and cheese. She placed everything on the tray and, wandless, levitated the tray to the coffee table for the group. She sat down next to Brandon, and smiled at Lydia as she asked her how she liked her tea.

Once she had prepared Lydia's tea to her tastes, she passed her the cup, and then perfectly made Brandon's drink, passing him his cup, before sitting down with her own cup of steaming hot tea, taking a deep sniff of the tea and then taking a sip, sighing as the warmth chased away the chill of the day from her bones. She slipped closer to Brandon, enjoying his warmth, as she asked Lydia and Alexander, "How did you two meet each other?"
Brandon set his cup in air until Cleo snuggled against him, then wrapped about her, and only then took his cup back and sipped it.

Lydia smiled at the question while Alexander grumbled about never having his honey for tea time.

Brandon whispered to Skyfall who jumped down from between Brandon's chest and his mother's neck, vanished into the kitchen, then returned with a large squeeze bottle of honey in his mouth. he jumped up into Alexander's lap, set the bottle in the startled man's hand, then curled and began to purr, his tails lashing happily.

Lydia giggled at this. "Actually we met through his father."

Brandon knew the story but said nothing sipping his tea, and surreptitiously stroking Cleo's side.

Lydia sighed. "His father is a very handson sort. Anyway we were all in London, in the Leaky Cauldron. Diagon Alley was closed for a short time, a few hours, to deal with an unfortunate business with a very ill guard Dragon from Gringotts. Trust me you do not want the details. So im there, 9 years old, eager to prove I should go with my older brother, when this mad old bat comes sailing out of the upper floors and lands right in my pea soup."

Alexander was rubbing Skyfall's belly. "It was his own fault."

Brandon snickered, but mimed an innocent smile at his father's glance, sipping his tea again.

Lydia's eyes danced. "This spindly little tosser comes running down the stairs yelling 'Dad Dad!" She beamed at her husband who bit savagely into a scone. "It seems that the elder Mr. Krissin, and his younger brother were having a bit of an all-out. And Alexander's uncle somehow triggered a Banishing spell and they both went the opposite direction. brandon's grandfather into my soup, his great uncle out the window into Diagon Alley. of course i tried to help the poor fellow, but he was very upset. And covered in soup. He meant only to fend off my aiding hankerchief, and instead knocked me from my chair. Alexander was furious. Bawled out his father and actually threw water in his face. Mind you Alexander was only 9 himself at the time. Brandon's grandfather is still a powerfully built man and strong as a Hippogriff. In those days he was even more fit. But he was so shocked by Alexander's words he didn't blast the boy to bits, but instead apologized to me, helped me up, and formally apologized to my family and me again."

Alexander grumbled something and Brandon smirked. Lydia laughed and leaned over kissing his cheek. "And we've been mad for each other ever since. My hero."

Brandon smiled. "Dad still says she tricked him into getting married though."

"i did not!"

Brandon hid behind Cleo as his mother threw a scone at him, then made it circle around and land back on the tray. Brandon peeked around Cleo's neck. "See? Can you doubt it?"
Cleo listened quietly as she spoke, and then grinned as her story got more and more hilarious. By the end of it, she was laughing, a tinkling sound as she felt Brandon slowly caress her side.
"How adorable. That is so sweet."
She heard Alexander grumble, and turned to look at him as Brandon spoke. She laughed as she felt him hide behind her as his mother threw a scone at him.
"Please. If anything it was the other way around. Just like you tricked me." She answered as she turned to look at Brandon and grinned, sticking her tongue out at him as she teased him.

She turned back to Lydia and Alexander, and asked, "How much longer will you two stay?"
She looked over at the clock on the fireplace mantel and noticed it was already 5. She smiled at them sweetly, "I could make dinner, if you'd like to remain for that. I have steaks marinating in the fridge, and was going to pair it with grilled asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. We have enough. And I'm sure your little ones would like to join us as well."
"We are staying to see the Quidditch game. Dumbledore has offered us special seats but we'll be sitting with the Gryffindors. Apologies Cleo but we wore the red and gold when we attended here."

Brandon kissed her neck. "Your dinner would be amazing as always dinner but isn't my turn to cook?"

Alexander arched an eyebrow. "You learned to cook?"

Brandon wriggled his hand. "Little bit. Cleo has been teaching me some of her skills. I can make breakfast now though."

Lydia looked at Cleo. "Can he?"
Cleo nodded and answered, "Of course, I think this time I'll join you two on the Gryfindor side. Remus has been asking me to sit with him for awhile now, and I have to cheer for Brandon."
Cleo tilted her head out of the way as Brandon pressed a kiss to her neck and smiled, nodding at his words.
"True, it is your turn, I can easily bow out to allow you to cook."
She giggled as Alexander asked about Brandon cooking and nodded.

"It's been a hard lesson, but he has been learning quite well. Eventually, he'll know how to boil water. I still don't understand how he can be so good at Potions, and yet find it hard to cook..." She said, teasing her mate as she grinned at him and then stuck her tongue out at him.
He kissed her tongue and growled. "Hey i had to study." He kissed her again, then sighed, grabbed a rod overhead and slipped free of her with an easy tug of his body.

Even his parents were impressed by this, but he took no notice. He scooped up Skyfall, took a happy nuzzle from the cat then placed him on Cleo's lap. He kissed her again, then went into the kitchen. He cooked very quietly, and within an hour, while Lydia asked Cleo about the room, it's decoration, and her son's clear training to behave as Cleo wanted, and Alexander grumped, Brandon came out of the kitchen with a large tray with four plates filled with a very fine pasta dish, along with three bowls of raw meat.

He handed the plates to his parents, then Cleo, then gave Merlin and Arista their meals, and lay Skyfall's on the table. The cat mewed and jumped up to start eating while Brandon poured tea for everyone before sitting and digging into his own meal. It was a red sauce rigatoni dish with strips of chicken, melted cheeses and some other goodies.

Brandon ate quickly and quietly and his plate refilled itself three times before he slowed beginning to pick at it.

Lydia arched an eyebrow. "You've grown my son."

Brandon looked up. Alexander nodded. "At least an inch in height, but several inches in the chest, arms, back, waist, and especially the legs. Both bigger but leaner...." He looked at Lydia. "You must be feeding him well."

Brandon shrugged. "Her food at least rivals the elves of Hogwarts. I would say surpasses but they have spoiled me far too much."
She giggled at his growl and then kissed him again before watching as he slipped away from her, enjoying the flex of muscles pass he moved away. She grinned to herself, knowing he was all hers, and she was all his. After the game she would have to reward him greatly.

Skyfall came to rest in her lap and she kissed the top of his head as he meowed happily at her. She smiled as she was kissed yet again and then smiled up at Brandon as he headed into the kitchen.

Cleo responded to Lydia's questions happily. She explained how Hogwarts had a special bond with her, since her first year, and that she was almost never late. With the two women conversing and Alexander grumbling here and there, the time it took for Brandon to finish cooking seemed to pass by very quickly.

She eagerly accepted the plate, but didn't dig into her food until Brandon was sitting next to her again. She only ate two plates, to Brandon's three, and sat back to relax, stomach full. She smiled as his parents told him he had grown and then interjected into the conversation, "He hasn't just been eating, he's been enjoying the gym, building himself up in strength."
"They have a gym now?"

Brandon nodded. "Dumbledore agreed after several students asked. And it's actually helped alot."

Lydia smiled. "About time people stopped trying to use magic to fix everything."

Alexander smirked. "You still training your combat skills Brandon?"

"yes sir. The gym has bags, a grapple dummy, and a striking post."

"It came with those?"

"Well no. But easy enough to make."

Alexander nodded. "Fair enough."

Lydia looked at Cleo. "And you my dear? how do you stay in shape?"

Brandon smirked. "lots of chasing me around for flirting."

He hugged his lover and kissed her neck before she could react to his taunt. "Actually she does do a lot of running. And climbing. Quicker than a monkey she is."

Lydia nodded. "Well she is certainly in better shape than me." Both males rolled their eyes at this obvious bit of female behavior.
Cleo grinned at Lydia's words, agreeing. Her own parents had made her do household chores without magic while she was growing up. Even their house elves weren't allowed to help with the chores her and her brother had been given.

"My parents always made sure that my brother and I had household chores to do, without magic." She interjected.

At Brandon's teasing, she pinched him, and then smiles ruefully at Lydia. "Rock climbing, and hiking help too. I'd rather get my exercise out in nature, rather than the gym..."
"No way! You have that classic elegance, that I could never attain!" Cleo said, eyes wide as she looked over at Lydia.
"I also wrestle with the little ones, and the team, and several of the boys. And i climb trees, and ropes, and much more." He leaned against his love and kissed her neck.

He also jumped at his mother's words, and started to respond when Cleo did it first. "Mom you have always been a beautiful lady."

Alexander reached over and took his bride's hand kissing it. "Certainly far more beautiful than I deserve. And forgive me Cleo, but my Lydia has the superior figure."

Lydia blinked at his words, then smiled and leaned over and kissed her husband. "Thank you darling. you are so sweet."

Brandon hugged Cleo. "He's wrong but that was mighty clever."
Cleo giggled at their words. It was sweet to see his parents so in love with each other, even after all this time. She tilted her head to the side and watched them before turning to Brandon and quietly saying, "They are beautiful together. You don't see couples like them any more. Although my parents were an arranged match, they grew to love one another. But your parents, they fell in love."

She trailed off as there was a knock on the door. She excused herself, and got up to check who was visiting, smiling as Lily came into view.
"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you. I don't know why I didn't just check your rooms first. But I've been all over the cast... oh... I'm sorry. Did I interrupt?"
Lily blushed bright red as she caught sight of Brandon and his parents as Cleo waited for her to run out of breath.
"Yes, but it's okay. What do you need help with?"
"I need a cute outfit for the game!"
Cleo rolled her eyes, and gave her a couple quick pointers as she ushered her in.
"Lily Evans, these are Brandon's parents, Alexander and Lydia Krissin. This is Lily Evans. She's a brilliant witch, and a good friend of ours."
"Pleasure to meet you both. I apologize again... for barging in on your day."
Lydia looked at her son. "This is Miss Evans?"

He nodded and held out his hand to shake with Lily. "Indeed."

Lydia stood and pulled Lilly into a hug, kissing her cheek. "We've heard much about you. Always wanted to meet you. Brandon you never said how lovely she was."

He shrugged. "never noticed."

Alexander smirked, noting that Brandon's eyes were, of course, locked on Cleo, taking no notice of the stunning redhead.

Lydia sighed. "My apologies Miss Evans. it would seem my son is utterly smitten."
Lily simply grinned at her words.
"Indeed he is. And it's absolutely adorable..." She winked at Cleo, who smiled and rolled her eyes as she looked over at Brandon. She smiled gently at him as the love within her eyes softened her look before she turned back to Lily.

"By the way... why do you need a cute outfit for the game? Do you have someone you want to notice you?" Cleo asked as Lily blushed cutely. Cleo smiled knowingly and shook her head at her. Lily grinned unabashedly and bid them adieu.
"I guess I'll go get ready for the game and meet you in the stands?"
Cleo nodded and then waved at Lily as she said goodbye to Brandon, and then his parents.
As she left, Cleo checked the time, and realized that Brandon needed to get going, if he wanted to get ready for the game.
"Darling, your team will be looking for you...."
He sighed. "if I must. But i need something first."

He grabbed her collar and pulled her into a long hungry kiss, his hands moving up to cup her face. Then he drew back. "It's a start." he kissed the tip of her nose. "Adore you Cleo."

Then he was off.

When he entered the locker room the others teased him about his mommy and daddy, and also reminded him to thank Cleo for letting him come play. He said nothing. Just pulled off his robes and everyone went silent.

They had not realized how big he had gotten. Even the massive beaters on the other teams could not match his size. Potter spoke up. "Bloody hell....alright let's get dressed guys."

Brandon pulled on his gear, and tightened the pads on his chest, braces, and legs. He also adjusted his cup. It made flying a bit uncomfortable at times, but he wasn't about to play a game of Quidditch without one on.

They took the field amid wild cheers. The others smiled and waved, but Brandon just marched om. eyes cold and serious. He gripped hands with the Slytherin captain, their chaser, but kept his grip soft. Until the fool tried to crush his hand. Brandon flexed and the boy flinched, startled.

Then Brandon hopped onto his broom and the team flew a circuit about the pitch before taking their positions. Even mad hat Potter was more restrained today. Brandon nodded, then actually startled everyone by stepping off his broom onto his highest goal post. He whooped then smacked the ring with his broom creating a deep gonging ring.

The crowd of red and gold, yellow and black, and blue and bronze all roared, and even the green and silver were amazed at him as he balanced on the ring. Then did a backflip and landed on his broom and the cheering grew wilder.

Potter laughed and did some fancy flying, the beaters juggled bats, and the chases flew a formation of such intricacy they seemed to be weaving a net behind them.

Brandon nodded. his team was ready and now they were loosening up. Madam Hooch came out, gave her orders through the Sonorus charm, blew her whistle and threw the Quaffle up while the Bludgers and Snitch set off.

Brandon smirked as he idly rolled about before his posts, watching as his chasers got the quaffle, faked out the opposing Chasers, then tricked their Keeper with a fake pass and scored first. Within ten minutes they had scored six more times.

The Slytherins were getting angry, and starting to get dirty. Brandon once again startled the crowd by punching out Bludger's sent his way. Twice.

His parent's were just as shocked as everyone else. One Bludger actually stopped working and play had to be stopped while a replacement was fetched, but not before everyone saw the clear fist shaped dents in it's side.

The team took inspiration from their captain. His beaters were hitting with pinpoint accuracy, and used the new bludger to take one beater entirely out of the game, and also one off each other then right into the mass of Chasers, knocking the opposing Captain out cold. While this went on Gryffindor scored another twelve times, and Slytherin could not get anything by Brandon.

Today his saves were not so spectacular as he only needed to make four. He caught each and tossed the Quaffle out to his Chasers, who were playing brilliantly. They wove in and out of each other, their opponents, and even the beaters and bludgers, and once through the crowd itself for an exceptional double team tackle. And the opposing keep got angrier and angrier leading to more mistakes and more openings.

But Potter was the true star. Even Brandon's actions could not compete with the wild Seeker. He flew through everyone, between and even through the ring posts, along the grass of the pitch, out of sight in the clouds, and in and out of the crowd, the towers, and even into the supports for the stands as he chased the Snitch. Finally when gryffidor had scored their 210th point, he feinted and planted his opponent into the sand below Brandon's goals, then shot straight up, leapt high, and snagged the Snitch. The crowd exploded with cheers, and Potter found himself buried in brandon's arms, then the arms of the others for a floating team hug.
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