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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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" Good luck with that..." I paused for a moment before smiling. " Looks like I've found the positive side to not being able to see. You can't tease me." I chuckled and grinned up at him.
I shook my head. "They've done tests that show that people who can't see have all their other senses heightened. So I can still tease you with touch. I'll find a way." I said softly. I thought for a moment. "If your senses really are heightened, then that means you'll feel things more. I wonder if that means sex would be even more pleasurable for you?..." I trailed off, thinking to myself.
I listened as he spoke, frowning slightly for a moment. " Only one way to find out." I let my chin rest on his shoulder gently as I smiled up at him.
I smiled. "Then I can't wait to get you home." I murmured. I reached over and brushed the hair away from her face, and looked down at Paris.
I sighed happily as I felt his fingers gently brushing the hair out of my face. " How are your ribs doing?" I asked.
"Nearly better. All the missions at base weren't very good for them, but they feel better now that I'm home." I said with a smile.
I smiled brighter as he spoke. " good. Wouldn't want those healing wrong, now would we." I muttered softly.
" Oh swanson." I chuckled slightly before lifting my chin and turning my head to the side. " So... What look like today?" I asked.
"What are you referencing to?" I asked with a playful laugh. "Outside, it's sunny and clear. The water is really clear and blue today. The sky is really pretty blue too. There are some clouds in the sky, so it might rain later." I said. "As for how I look today, I look just as handsome as ever. My muscle tone is good today too, probably from being at base. And my old injuries are almost healed, so I must look pretty good." I said, laughing.
I listened as he spoke, laughing softly as he went on to explain how handsome he was. " Are you sure your not over exaggerating?" I teased playfully.
I made a skins smilliar to a puppy whining as he spoke. " Please don't, at least not here." I whinned playfully.
I laughed. "You're really tempting me though." I murmured. I stretched and flexed my arms, brushing her shoulder with them. I grinned, and watched her for her reaction.
(if there's a random word in my response, it's because of the auto correct on my phone, sorry. )

I grinned slightly as he spoke, but groaned queitly when I felt his muscular arms brush up against mine. " You really want to tease me, don't you?"
I bit my lower lip as he spoke. " How about we make a deal. When we get back to the house, you can tease me all you want... After Paris goes down for her nap."
I grinned. "We have a deal." I murmured. I looked down. Paris was yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Shall we go back now?" I asked playfully.
" Can't wait, huh?" I chuckled teasingly before stretching and modding my head. " Ya we can go back now." I answered him as I carefully stood up.
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