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Escape From Miami - OOC Chatter

I'm thinking I just move Randy to the next day in my next post and just write something brief about cleaning up the bodies and falling asleep somewhere on Miami Beach in like a lifeguard tower or something if that's ok with all else involved
sounds good to me eyes peeled waiting patiently and once the capture/drop off at arena is done Vincent will be on his way back to the safehouse i know that's the other person who is waiting patiently and i been wanting to get my character back there.
oh yeah I still want to do that, I'll post hold up. Then I may be out of service for a day or so..............I'm not feeling so good. I have a headache, a fever and I'm stressed. I need to..........mehhhh stop stressing.
ok Angel lets get you guys over to the death games arena and then your character and maybe randy to can be put somewhere that gets the story moving but leaves room for you to take the break time you need to get feeling better without having to do much posting hows that sound for everyone?

ps. ill let you post what your character is doing and then bring mine into the picture and get this thing moving along :)
Angel just a heads up you called your character Lina by the wrong name. Thought i'd let ya know i almost did that the other day myself when i was going to post for one thing and then and went and did something else first lol. Figured id give ya the heads up in case ya want to give it a quick edit when you get a chance :)
Yeah I think I am gonna hit the hay here too and try to get some sleep. I'll post back in the AM, but I have a raging headache and I am gonna take some zzzniquil to help me sleep so yeah, I'll be on tomorrow. Peace out for tonight though.
That would be good, the jumping. I am thinking that it would really be a good idea for some of the characters, as some have not connected to other PCs yet. I apologize if it seams as if I am making Diana, my one character, out to be a loner. I am really fleshing her out a bit more as her bio may have not had enough clues about her. I will get her connected to someone else's charrie soon, I promise.
I just wanted to say 'thank you' to Krys, Warlock and Angel for doing out that scene at Miami Beach and into the Death Games Arena... seriously, that made a HUGE difference. <3 you guys.
i agree and no need for thanks i was glad to have the story get moving again i think some of last nights posts were very interesting i like how the whole getting the fighter process ended up turning out and i look forward to seeing what happens from here and Vincent will be on his way to the safe house very soon to finally get to interact with your other character at the safe house and i look forward to seeing how they get along. :) story just picked up i think :)
haha it's all good, last night I wasn't tired so I kept myself occupied with playing out the scene. Oh I liked that part, I gotta pull Alexis's hair, but yeah it was fun.
Dark Angel should we setup a NPC for the safe house a servant type guy to get whatever Vincent asks for and things like that or do you think it better to just mention random people who's names aren't mentioned who do little chores here and there around the place.
I apologize for something I was clueless about, and I will do what I have to not to let it happen again. I didn't know I was holding things up, and I am sorry. That is totally on me, and I apologize.

I have basically made it where Evers is stuck on Miami Beach a day behind everyone else. This is my fault, but I am asking for help. I don't just want to drop him in the middle of something, as that may not be a good idea without knowing all the circumstances, so I am reading as much of some things to find a point where him showing up will be viable. If there are any suggestions, I would appreciate the candor of honest ones from all parties that may be concerned.
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