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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Wallace shooting the girls almost without warning was not what Evie expected but the fact that they stood their ground after Renee went down was maybe even more of a surprise. As the door was being kicked in, Evie was stood next to Kim's bed. She leaned down and whispered to her semi-conscious friend to hold on. When Wallace came in a and told the girls to stand aside, Evie began to move her way between the girls towards him, but she hadn't made it that far when the first shot ran out quickly followed by the second. Evie saw Renee go down and immediately changed direction to go towards her. Her curse directed at Wallace was drowned out as a pretty well organized mob of women made their attack. Evie reached Renee as the sounds of calling and screaming and breaking wood filled the air. The girl had been hit in the shoulder. It was messy and was probably going to take a shit load of care to get it right, but it probably wasn't life threatening - assuming that they could get out of here. Assuming that Tom and James were on their way. Evie grabbed a damp towel from the nearby bed and pushed it hard against Renee's shoulder. "Hold that there." Then the next shot rang out. Evie spun around. Dee Dee was on the floor holding her leg. Evie grabbed another towel and scuttled across the floor as the fight was continuing almost over her head. Her ribs were killing her, but she needed to get across to Dee Dee. And as she did so, she heard the sirens. Lots of sirens. Suddenly she was filled with hope and it drove her on through her own pain. She wrapped the towel around her thigh and tied it tight making Dee Dee cry out. "Sorry... but trust me... you need to keep that there. Just hang on. I'm gonna get you out of here. The Calvary has just arrived." Evie was smiling. She scuttled back across the floor towards Kim and took hold of her hand.

"Hang on girl. Just a little longer." Then Evie heard Tom's voice. "Hang on." She pushed herself up off the floor, groaning a little, her hand wrapped around her ribs. The girls were stood around smiling, laughing, a couple of them were crying. Evie looked around. 'You're going home... thank you." Then Tom and James came through the door, hesitated for a moment and then spotted her and covered the distance between them in just a few strides. She leaned against him as he put her arm around her. She nodded.

"Kim's in trouble." Tom looked over.

""Medics are on the way. We'll get you two to hospital."

"I don't need to ... but Kim..." James headed over to his partner and knelt down on the floor at the side of her bed. "Can't let you go anywhere on your own can I?" Kim struggled to open her eyes and there was the hint of a smile on her face. But she didn't have the strength to say anything. As James took hold of her hand, she gave it a weak squeeze.

"That wasn't a suggestion Evie." Tom said.
The CHP took control over the prison. Their helicopter which Tom called for landed inside the fence. Kim was rushed out to the waiting chopper. Tom told Evie that she should go long and keep an eye on Kim. This would also give Evie the chance to get her ribs looked at. It was possible that at least one was broken, but only an x-ray would tell. The CHP did background checks on each of the prisoners. Medics came to run checks on their heath. Once they knew who was who and everyone was cleared medical. Each of the girls was sent home. Renee, Leann & Sally stayed long enough to help the CHP find all the dead bodies. Jessup, Wallace, Alvarez, Rosewell, Captain Kohler, Sergeant Henley and 18 other guards were being held on charges ranging from murder to neglect and damn near everything in between. They were all now on the other side of justice. Each one was looking at long prison terms. Downieville was free from the terror that hovered over the town like a black cloud. The towns people wanted to honor the MCU for their work. Any such activity would have to wait until Evie & Kim were able to be there. James met up with Cindy before he & Tom left. They shared one last cup of coffee. James told her that he had some vacation time coming and he'd like to spend it here. Cindy loved that idea and said she'd be waiting for her. They shared a kiss before James climbed into he jeep. Tom pulled out and headed for home. " You know back at Jessup's house.......I wasn't sure whether you were acting or not. " James said as he looked at Tom. " It's not important for you to know........It's only important for me to know. " Tom replied with a chuckle in his voice. James just shook his head.

Kim spent a week at a hospital in Sacramento. She was suffering from severe dehydration & malnutrition brought on by the food poisoning. All of the girls were suffering from the same aliments, even Evie. For the first few days, Kim was fed by IV. As her strength grew, she was fed normal food. Kim never dreamed hospital food could taste so good. In time Kim was strong enough to head home. Once back in LA, Kim took a couple of vacation days to recharge her batteries. Kim & Evie hit the beach and even had a girls night out before they returned to work. The girls night out was a real treat. Kim invited Renee, Leann, Sally & Cindy to Los Angeles for those same couple of days. Evie, Kim, Renee, Leann & Sally had been through a lot in that hell whole. They came through it together and formed a special friendship. The girls in Building D took a stand for Evie & Kim. They were willing to lay down their lives to keep them safe. This was the bond that formed that friendship.

It was the first weekend in October. On that Saturday the 5th at 10 am a new class was graduating from the police academy. Alyssa Reed was part of that class. Tom & Evie hadn't told Alyssa their plans for signing over Evie's apartment to Alyssa. They were waiting until the party later in the day for that. Everyone would be there dressed in their best. Tom, Evie, Jack, Steve, James, Kim, McWilliams & Marty Deeks were wearing their dress blues. For Deeks it was the first time he was in his dress blues in many years. Some changes had been made to the ranks of some of those people listed. For their actions in taking down Jessup, Wallace and helping to shutdown that prison farm. James was promoted to Sergeant 3rd class. He now wore three stripes up and one underneath. Evie was promoted to Sergeant 1st class. She now wore three stripes up. Kim was promoted to full detective. Her uniform showed two stripes up. A number of special guests were seated just behind the officers watching the graduates. They were Rick Reed & his girls, Cody Allen, Nick Ryder, Murray Bozinsky, Doctor Jenny Lee, Sam Hanna, G. Callen, Kensi Blye, Eric Beale, Nell Jones, Henrietta Lange & Rusty Malone.

Police Commissioner Fernandez & Chief Beck stood on a stage along with the Mayor of Los Angeles, all the Police Commanders and station Captains. One by one the graduating officers were called up on to the stage where they received their badges. Alyssa's nerves were going nuts. She had grown up on the streets of Chicago. Learning how to steal, turning tricks and doing things best left unsaid. Now she was about to become a Los Angeles Police Officer. Months and months of hard work was about to pay off. Alyssa owned so much to Evie & Kim. They helped her in so many ways and were still helping her. " Officer Alyssa Reed. " Chief Beck called out Alyssa's name. She walked up the stairs at the side of the stage. Her uniform looked prefect. Alyssa stopped where the Chief stood. Chief Beck pinned her badge onto her shirt then saluted her. Alyssa returned the salute. She then faced the crowd looking on and saluted them. Tom become choked up. He had missed so much of Alyssa's early life. Things would have been different for Alyssa growing up if Tom had known about her. But Tom knew you couldn't live in the past. He would always be there for her now. Alyssa would always know that her father loved her no matter what happened. Tom was very proud of Alyssa. After each officer had been called up and received their badges. They reformed into their platoon for the parade. The graduating class marched passed the stage saluting their follow officers and guests.

Once graduation was over, everyone gathered around Alyssa. They all wanted pictures with the newest member of LA's finest. Everyone headed over to Malone's for the party. Rick had limo's standing by that would take everyone to the party and then home once the night was over. Rusty had closed his place for this special day. Letting his friends use his place for the party was a small price to pay. There was plenty of food & drinks of all kinds. Rick even hired Def Leppard to play during the party. He knew this would please Evie to no end. Meanwhile..... on that same day. A raid took place in Hawaii. The Five-0 team along with HPD got word about a new drug house. The place was surrounded by HPD before the Five-0 team kicked the front door in. A firefight started by ended quickly. Two suspects were shot and three more were taken into custody. Among those taken into custody was Maxwell Turner. After running a background check on Turner. It was found that his name was really Edward Travis a former LAPD detective who was wanted on murder & drug charges in Los Angeles. Steve McGarrett the leader of the Five-0 team was pleased by this catch. He made sure that the LAPD was notified that Travis was in custody and would be sent back to Los Angeles early in the coming week. The news of Travis's arrest would be great for Tom & Jack. They were at one time close friends with Travis. Tom & Jack were also the cops who had to investigate and ultimately dig up Travis's dirty deeds. As it turned out someone from the station called Malone's with the news. Soon everyone at the party had heard Ed Travis had finally been caught.
The party at Rick’s was nothing like anyone expected it to be. Everyone involved just expected the usual party which followed each of their successes over the years. Whether it was breaking a case, whether it was a promotion, or a commendation, they all usually finished up at Rusty’s, they usually had the place to themselves although no-one minded if there was the odd civilian in their midst and usually Rusty just ordered in a ton of pizza. But they didn’t have quite so much to celebrate in the same night; the last time had probably been James’ promotion to Sergeant, Tom’s promotion to Lieutenant and Evie’s conferment as a full detective. Now… there was James’ promotion, Evie’s promotion, Kim’s conferment and Alyssa’s graduation. Add into that Steve and Kim getting back to work both having made full recoveries. Everyone was enjoying themselves. Uniform jackets were now hanging open, ties were loosened or in some cases off altogether. Evie had been teasing Deeks on the fact that he was back in blue, asking him whether he was going to jump ship and join NCIS formally. Steve and James’ were having fun with what McBride was going to report once he heard about Evie’s promotion. Evie was in the middle of a full-scale rant about him and his questionable talents when Rick came and tapped her on the shoulder and said he had someone he wanted her to meet. She turned around and came face to face with Joe Elliott. Behind him was Rick Savage and Viv Campbell. Evie was stunned. As a teenager she had had posters of these guys covering her bedroom walls. She had driven her father and brothers mad by playing their music at a considerable volume. Evie wasn’t the type to be a screaming, fawning, fanatic though; as shocked as she was, she still managed to stay relatively calm, shaking hands with them all as Rick introduced the rockers to his extended ‘family’. Steve had no idea who the guys were until Rick explained. As soon as he mentioned Def Leppard, Steve groaned and then apologized to the band explaining what they had had to put up with and then he and James saw the perfect opportunity to embarrass their sister further particularly in respect of her teenage crush on Joe Elliott. Eventually the band went up and did their thing and then as a last act, Evie found herself being dragged up onto the stage. The opening bars started up and Evie found herself performing a rendition of When Love and Hate Collide live on stage with the band. Evie had a pretty damn good voice and the song went down well with everyone. The long kiss from Joe amidst a crescendo of cheers and whistles at the end went down very well with Evie too. It ended when Tom, who was taking everything in good humour, walked on stage, tapped Elliott on the shoulder and pulled Evie away.

As Rick was saying good night to them and thanking them, news of the events in Hawaii was making its way around the bar. With the band going, the party was all but over. With Malone’s almost empty, Tom, Jack, his children and the NCIS crew sat around a couple of tables as Tom and Jack retold the story of Ed Travis and his betrayal of them and of his badge. Evie had been maybe 19 at the time Travis had made his escape. There was now one more thing to celebrate and Jack called a toast for Detective David Mitchell, the cop Travis had shot and killed. They agreed that once they got the details from 5-0, Jack and Tom would go out to LAX to pick him up and bring him in… home… back for the trial he should have faced a long time ago.
Tom & Jack had always been close friends with Ed Travis & David Mitchell. Back when Evie was still young, the four uniformed officers hung out together at Malone's. Ed always seemed to ahead of his friends. He was first to become a detective and he was the first to become sergeant. When people thought of the prototypical good cop, they thought of Ed. However, Ed had a darker side which only grew more darker as time passed. Tom, Jack & David noticed this, but always passed it off as Ed getting older & grumpier. Ed seemed to become more preoccupied with what others had and how much. When answering a call from someone who had money. Ed always took the time to point out such details as the artwork, or gold candlesticks in someone's home. Over the years, Ed's preoccupation with other people's wealth gnawed at him like a cancer. He was busting rich crooks who he knew would get off lightly with the right lawyer. Money was power and power meant you could do what you wanted. Ed always boasted that one day he'd be living in the lap of luxury. Jack would always tell Ed, "Not on a cop's salary." These words Jack spoke only added to Ed's lust for power & wealth.

Ed had always been a good looking man. He was 5'9" tall, weighted 180 lbs and had dark hair which was already receding when he joined the force. This however didn't impede his getting women. Ed was always popular with the ladies. As time passed, Ed noticed more and more how easy it would be for a cop to earn extra money. It made him wonder why more cops weren't doing illegal activities? Sure, some cops took bribes, but that was chump changes compared to what they could make in other areas. The cops had all the best street connections when it came to drugs & weapons. Plus there was a never ending supply down in the basement at the Central Station. The property room at the Central Station is were all the drugs & guns removed from the streets ends up. Those items are kept there for use in trials against suspects. Millions of dollars in cash is often kept there. 10's, if not 100's of millions in drugs & weapons are also stored there. The police had their own supply warehouse and no one was using it. Ed finally decided that he had to make himself rich. He came up with a plan to start using the drug dealers he was busting and put them to work for him. Ed started out small and for years no one knew what he was doing on the side.

The years came & went. Ed's bank account was getting fatter with each passing year. Everything was kept hidden from his friends. Not even Ed's closest friends, Tom, Jack & David knew his secret. By this time all four friends were detectives and Evie was away attending college back east. Things started turning against Ed on the day one of his dealers was busted. Ed knew that the man wouldn't keep his mouth shut, so Ed decided to shut it for him. While the man was sitting in a holding cell. Ed slipped in unnoticed and kill him. In those days cameras weren't all over like they are now. But David Mitchell who was Ed's partner began to notice some odd behavior. Ed would disappeared from the robbery/homicide squad room and make phone calls on the public phone. Sometimes it was the public phone in the lobby. Other times it was a public phone down the street, or even acrossed the street. The department never cared about it's personnel making, or getting private calls while on duty. It just couldn't become a habit. Ed never made any private calls from his desk phone. One day while running the required safety check on their unmarked police unit, David found Cuban Cigars rolled up and stashed under Ed's seat. David knew that only Ed could have dropped them there. The questions were. Where did Ed get them and why was he carrying them around? David never asked these questions. He was to afraid of the answers he would get. Ed & David had become like brothers, in the same way Tom & Jack did. 2 weeks had passed since Davis started to wonder about his partner. It was then while out on a date that David saw Ed taking an envelope from a man who Ed once busted for drugs. David couldn't be sure, but he felt it had to be money. This meant that at least Ed was taking bribe money and at worst Ed was taking money from the sale of drugs.

During their off hours, David started tailing his partner. He was keeping logs and taking pictures. As the days passed, it was becoming clearer that Ed had become a dirty cop. Still David held out hope that his friend could turn over a new left and change his ways. David decided not to tell anyone else what he found. On a dark night in an alley behind a liquor store David confronted his partner. The two men talked for a while about what David had suspected all along. Ed admitted to being dirty, but wasn't about to change his ways. He was making to much money and was going to retire a rich cop in a few more years. David knew he had no choice. He told Ed that he'd be turning him in if Ed didn't stop this madness. Ed then acted like he would stop. He even started to cry, but his tears were only an acting job. David said that it was getting late and they could talk about this more in the morning. He then turned and started walking towards his car. Ed pulled a 9mm and shot David in the back. The gun Ed used was one he picked up after an armed robbery. To police it would look like just another cop killing by a street gun. Ed put on another great acting job when Jack called him and said David was dead.

Jack & Tom had been given David's death to investigate. Ed knew how good they were and beat them to David's apartment. He ripped the place apart looking for the evidence which David had on him. Ed never did find the logs, or the photos. By the time Jack & Tom reached David's apartment, it was clear that this wasn't just another cop killing. Someone had been here looking for something important. Jack & Tom just didn't know what yet. Ed was starting to feel the heat. He decided on making a quick getaway when the time was right. A few days after David's funeral, the a detective from the Narcotics Division called Jack with questions about Ed. Word had reach narcotics about Ed's operation. It may have started out small, but over the years it grew. It had grown so large that it was no longer possible to hide it. People were whispering on the streets about the dirty cop who was selling drugs and was now selling weapons. When the street people were questioned, each of them described Ed Travis to a "T." Captain Charlie Warren who had been the Central Division Commanding Officer at the time, told Jack & Tom to expend their investigation and check out Ed Travis. Jack & Tom searched anything and everything that belonged to David Mitchell. They found a key which fit a safety deposit box at a local bank. After getting a court order, Jack & Tom searched the box and found David's logs & pictures that he took of Ed and his dirty deals. There was now enough evidence to believe that Ed killed David to keep him quiet. Plus as luck would have it, Tom found a homeless man who watched the two men talking and saw Ed shot David in the back. It ripped the guts out of both Jack & Tom to think that their close friend was not only a big time drug pusher, but he was also a killer. To make matters worse, that killing was of another close friend of theirs. Gone where the days of friendship, good times and laughter. Jack & Tom had no choice but to bring their friend to justice. A warrant was issued for Ed Travis, but Ed got word of this. He skipped town and head for Mexico, just like he planned on doing. Once in Mexico, Ed just seemed to disappear. Ed stayed on the run for 8 years until he was picked up by the Five-0 task force. Not being one to wait a chance, Ed used the one phone he got to call LA. Ed set in motion a plan that he came up with years ago. This plan was made just in case he was ever caught.

Ed's people in Los Angeles knew all about the mole inside the LAPD. In fact, once Ed found out this news, he used this mole to keep tabs on how close the LAPD was to catching him. The LAPD was never close to tracking Ed down, so he was living an easy life in Hawaii when the Five-team busted him. Ed was still up to his old trick selling drugs which is how he ended up getting caught. It was just before 8 am Tuesday morning when Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett along with Detective Sergeant Danny Williams & Lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly led Ed Travis into the Honolulu Airport. McGarrett had planned on taking Travis to Los Angeles himself. But Lieutenant Catherine Rollins just happened to have a day off and invited Steve to the beach with her. The two had been dating for sometime now and things had been so crazy they hadn't spent a lot of time together. Chin Ho said he could take Travis to LA and be back in no time. Hawaii was one hour behind LA in time. The flight would take about 5 hours so McGarrett figured Chin would be back before nightfall. It all seemed so easy. Chin would keep Travis with him and meet Lieutenant Reed & Sergeant Taylor at LAX. After the paperwork was signed, Travis would be turned over to the LAPD's MCU.

Everything was set by the Monday before. Jack however wasn't pleased when Travis would return on Tuesday. A case Jack & Steve had worked on was coming up for trial starting Tuesday. Jack had to be there in court. James also had the day off since Cindy decided to stay a few more days after the girls night out. Kim was left at the office manning the squad room. Tom decided that he & Evie could pick up Travis at LAX. The information Tom received was that the plane would land at 2:45 pm LA time. So he & Evie weren't in any rush. Chin Ho was told just the names of the two detectives meeting him. He was never told that one should be a woman. Chin's flight touched down just after 2 pm. After making in through security Chin finally met with two men who flashed LAPD badges. An important detail such as the MCU having special LAPD badges was left out when Chin was told who he was meeting. There was no way that he or anyone else on the Five-0 would know that the MCU carried badges with those letters on them. Everything seemed on the up and up when Chin met with Reed & Taylor. However things turned against Chin when Travis acted sick. Chin and the fake Reed & Taylor rushed Travis into a nearby restroom. Once in there Chin was jumped by the fake cops and knocked out. Travis was now freed by these men who worked for him. Tom & Evie reached LAX just before 2:30. They were expecting to wait a while even after the plane landed. Evie noticed while checking out the board of incoming flights that the one they were looking for had landed already. Tom & Evie went to the security area where they were told Lieutenant Kelly was at the medical station in the airport. There was a bad feeling growing in Tom's stomach by the time he & Evie reached the med station. Tom & Evie walked up to where Chin was sitting. He was holding an ice pack on the back of his neck. " Lieutenant Kelly?.......I'm Lieutenant Tom Reed......This is Sergeant Evie Taylor......We're with the MCU. " Chin looked up upon hearing the voice. He just shook his head after seeing the letters "MCU" on their badges which were being held out for him to see. " Really? " Chin's reply wasn't a question. It was just the fact of learning the MCU carried special badges that become clear too him.
As they walked through the airport, Evie was struggling to see how something so simple had gone so wrong. On their arrival... Practically all morning the sense of anticipation...almost excitement in Tom was plain to see. This was one of those cases that cops had in their careers; every cop had one defining case. Something about the victim: maybe it was the fact that it was unsolved; maybe, like Tom and Jack, it was the one that got away. Now the one that got away had been got and it didn't really matter that it had been another force, another department, another state. All that mattered was that he was being brought back and was finally going to stand trial for his actions nearly a decade before.

But then Evie had seen that the flight had landed early. Not just a few minutes early, but so early that it had arrived almost before it had taken off. Something definitely wasn't right. But maybe they'd just got the time wrong. Maybe they had just been given the wrong time. The information from the security centre then suggested that this wasn't simply a matter of a mistaken landing time. Evie and Tom made their way through the airport purposefully; in truth Evie struggled a little to keep up with a Tom in full stride. Seeing Kelly at the aide station confirmed that this almost certainly wasn't just a mistake. Tom introduced them and They all shook hands. Evie asked what happened. Chin explained what happened once he'd landed and then put the same question to Tom and Evie. Evie explained the information they'd been given and then apologised. It seemed pretty clear that something had gotten messed up at the LA end and Chin had suffered as a result.

"I imagine you're going to want to get on the next plane home?" Evie asked imagining how she would feel in a similar position.
The back of Chin's neck hurt like hell, but he was feeling much better. Chin was disappointed that this simple transfer didn't go as planned. And even though he wanted to return home, that just wasn't possible. Travis was no longer in custody and the transfer papers couldn't be signed until he was. Chin was still responsible for Travis until someone in the MCU signed for Travis. But no one in the MCU could sign anything until Travis was placed under arrest by them. " Travis is still my prisoner......So if it's all the same to you......I'd like to stick around and help take him down again. " Chin said while looking from Evie to Tom. " We'd love to have you join us.......Welcome to the MCU. " Tom replied while shaking Chin's hand again. The three detectives walked out of the airport while Chin called back to Hawaii on his cell. He told McGarrett everything that happened after landing in Los Angeles. Steve wanted to fly there with Danny to help out. Chin however said that he hooked up with the real MCU and they could handle the case. Steve asked Chin to keep him up to date on what went down.

Steve believed this whole mess was certainly caused by a mole inside the LAPD. The Five-0 had to deal with their own mole inside HPD not long ago. Tom, Evie & Chin all climbed into the unmarked police car and headed back into town. Tom however decided to turn around and head for his boat "Wave Dancer." This was a bit surprising at first to Evie, but Tom explained that he wanted to switch cars and use Evie's mustang. It was less likely to be spotted as a police car. While driving to the boat, Tom made it clear that he believed a mole was working inside the LAPD. He pointed out that this was the second prisoner transfer that the MCU was on that went sour. Ether someone was a bumbling fool, or someone was trying to hurt the MCU. But Tom knew that it could also be a personal attack since both mission were worked on by him & Evie. It all made perfect sense to Chin. He told Tom & Evie about the mole which was working inside HPD and how that man caused them all kinds of trouble. While switching over cars, Tom called James back to work. Tom promised James an extra day off after Travis was in custody. He also promised to pay for Cindy's extended stay in Los Angeles.

After the car switch was made, Tom, Evie & Chin returned to the Central Station. James had already beaten them and was waiting. Once everyone regrouped in the MCU squad room, Tom made the introductions. " Lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly......Five-0.......This is Detective Sergeant James Taylor and Detective Kim Gonzales. " While shakes were underway, Tom explained that Chin would be joining the team until Travis was caught. Kim being the tease that she is, couldn't resist leaning over and whispering into Evie's ear. " He's cute......Don't you think? " Chin smiled at Evie & Kim whispering to each other. He then asked what their first move would be? The MCU squad room looked a lot like a normal police squad room. Each of the detectives had their own desk with a computer on it. Only Tom had his own office where as each member of the Five-0 team had offices. Tom said they were going to hit the streets. He wanted his team to talk with every snitch they knew. Tom believed that someone out there must have heard some talk about Travis. " Let's go out there and shake the trees and see what falls out. " Tom said then he added that they should lean on people if they had too. He didn't want Travis to just slip away like before. After hearing Tom give out his orders. Chin moved closer to where Evie was standing. " Tom isn't by chance related to Steve McGarrett....Is he? " Chin kept his voice hushed as he spoke.
Evie laughed softly as Chin’s question. She looked across to Tom and then back to Chin. She shook her head. ‘Nah. I’m pretty sure there is only one Tom Reed in the world and from what I hear, McGarrett has his own unique reputation.” They were all about to head out of the office when the phone on Evie’s desk started ringing. She ducked back over to her desk and picked up the receiver. After identifying herself, she listened for a moment and then looked up back towards the group near the door.

“Tom. Wait a minute.” She carried on with the call, although her half of the conversation was little more than a series of acknowledgments. Tom walked back into the main office towards the desk with the others following a pace or two behind. Evie scribbled down something on a piece of paper. Tom cocked his head to one side and read what she had written; ‘Wells Fargo. 1200 Wilshire.’ She put the phone down and looked at him.
“That was Steve. There’s been a bank robbery. He’s down at Wells Fargo on Wilshire now. Thinks we might want to get down there.” She saw Tom looking at him a little puzzled. She smiled. “Steve says the description everyone is given sounds a lot like Travis.” Tom drew himself up a little taller. They weren’t doing to need to hit the streets and lean of people… at least not right now. “Let’s go.” The five of them quickly left the office. Tom, Evie and Chin headed for the Mustang; Tom drove and Evie climbed in the back rather. James and Kim headed for James’ car and the two vehicles made the short distance to Wilshire. When they got there, there were maybe half a dozen black and whites across the road; there were a couple of EMT trucks there and a couple of unmarked cars. Tom pulled in behind one he recognized as Steve's and James pulled in opposite. The five of them climbed out of the car, showed their badges to a uniformed officer who then let them into the crime scene. Steve saw them walk in and he headed over.

"Afternoon. I think I have something that you're gonna want to see." He waved Tom forward as he start to head into the main area of the back. The five of them followed Steve.
Tom was ready to hit the streets when Evie's phone rang. Before Evie answered her phone, the ring seemed very urgent. Tom and the others waited while Evie wrote down some info. It wasn't long before she filled everyone in on what the call was about. The two cars raced to the scene, by the time they reached the bank, the place was crawling with police officers. One of the police officers keeping the crowd & press back was Alyssa & her training partner Sergeant Pete Malloy. The crime scene tech were already there and it was their information that made Steve call Evie. Tom was however puzzled at why Steve was here? This was robbery not narcotics. There was no doubt an explanation which would answer Tom's question. Steve guided everyone into the bank where Greg from the crime lab was kneeling on the floor. He looked at and smiled as the group closed in. Greg had always had a crush on Evie. It was something he didn't want everyone to know about. Greg could be quite shy at times. But he never hid his crush from Evie. Greg could be very bold when Evie was alone with him. Even though that didn't happen very often. Greg did hold on to his dream that perhaps one day, he'd get the chance to fuck Evie. Every guy has to have a dream.

Greg stood up welcoming Tom and the MCU team. Steve asked him to tell everyone what they found. Greg cleared his voice before holding up an evidence bag. In this bag was a pack of matches from a downtown club called 666. Greg told everyone how he dusted this matchbook for prints and got two different finger prints. One he said belong to Ed Travis which he then pointed to his laptop sitting nearby. The other print belonged to a drug dealer Travis once busted. His name was William Mathews. Billy as his friends called him did time for drug dealing. Greg stated that the rate of oil decay from those finger prints showed that both men handled the matchbook with in minutes, if not seconds of each other. Tom asked how much money had been taken? Steve replied $75,000 in used bills. Tens & Twenties. He then added that Travis wasn't stupid. A teller was shot for trying to slip in a dye pack. Tom's next question about where they could find Mathews was answered even quicker. Greg just handed Tom a piece of paper from his note pad. It held the current address where Billy Mathews was living. " Let's roll! " Tom said after looking at the paper. As the MCU team & Chin were leaving the bank. Members of the press were shouting questions. One of those shout at the MCU team was Brent McBride. Alyssa just glared at McBride after hearing his voice. " Shut up vulture boy!........Can't you see that they're busy!......Or are you that blinded by your own ego!? " McBride glared back at Alyssa. He wasn't sure, but she looked very familiar. McBride was a little to far away to see her named tag, but he would remember her face if they met again.

As the two cars carrying the MCU team & Chin pulled out. Alyssa continued with her work. Every once in a while, she'd look over at where McBride stood. Not long after her father left, Alyssa saw McBride handing an officer some money. This officers then whispered something into McBride's ear while pointing at the bank. Alyssa had heard about officers taking money from members of the press, but she never expected to see it happen so soon after joining the force. She turned her head for a moment looking the other way. Alyssa then looked back to where McBride was standing, but he was now gone. She tried looking for McBride. Alyssa walked up and down the long yellow tape, but he was no where to be found. She wondered if she should call her father, or Evie with this information? Alyssa knew that she should at least tell Sergeant Malloy what she had seen. Perhaps 5 minutes after McBride disappeared, Malloy came up and said they had been released from the crime scene. On the way back to their patrol unit Adam-12, Alyssa told Malloy what happened with McBride and the other officer. Malloy told Alyssa to write it up in her report after their watch had ended. They climbed into their unit and went back on patrol.

Tom pulled the mustang over after they reached the rundown apartment building Mathews was staying at. James pulled in just behind Evie's car. Chin couldn't help but noticed that the mustang was Evie's car, yet Tom was driving it. It all seemed so oddly familiar. It was almost like Chin hadn't left home. Greg had a picture of Mathews on his laptop along with his finger print. So everyone knew what Mathews looking like. A car came screaming out of an alley which ran beside the apartment building. Chin pointed out that Mathews was driving. Everyone jumped into their cars and the chase was on. " This is L 90 in pursuit of a green mid 90's Dodge Neon heading west on East 8th street!......Possible 211 suspect from Wells Fargo Bank inside vehicle! " Tom spoke loud & clear into the police microphone. It wasn't long before Alyssa's voice said that Adam-12 was moving to cut off fleeing suspect. The chase continued on to West 8th street and ended shortly after that. Malloy had turned the patrol car sideways blocking west 8th street from reaching west 8th places. Mathews turned his car to hard and wrecked into a parked truck. He jumped from the car and started to run as Tom & the others pulled in.

Mathews didn't get far as Alyssa took off after him. She jumped into the air. Placed one foot on the trunk of a car and launched herself at Mathews like a missile. Alyssa hit Mathews so hard it made everyone groan out as if they felt the pain. Mathews ended up face down in someone lawn with Alyssa on his back. " Damn!......She's good!......She reminds me of my cousin Kono. " Chin said as Malloy walked up to where Tom and his team now stood. " She's a chip off the old block. " Malloy was smiling then slapped Tom on the arm. Alyssa yanked Mathews to his feet as he was yelling for someone to save him. Mathews felt Alyssa was nuts. " We'll take him downtown for you Lieutenant. " As Alyssa spoke, Chin was able to read her name tag. He looked at Evie, but before Chin could ask his question Kim spoke up. " Yep.......That's Tom's little girl. "
As they walked over to where Greg was, both James and Evie looked at Steve, the same question on both their faces. Steve shrugged.

"This is my bank. Just dumb luck that I called in on my way home. I'm parked a block away. Walked around the corner just as the bad guys were disappearing around the far end of the block in what looked like a brand new black SUV. And then, turns out, there is a narcotics angle to this anyway." As Steve finished his explanation, they reached the spot where Greg was kneeling. They all looked to Greg as he climbed up off his knees. Evie noticed his look towards her; she returned his smile. She suspected that Greg had somewhat of a crush on her although they hadn't spoken or seen each other since the Ripper case and Greg was certainly not Evie's type. So she was polite and friendly but that was going to be as far as it ever went. They listened as Greg handed over the evidence bag to Tom and explained about the 666 and the prints and about Billy Mathews. A few minutes later, the MCA team were on their way to the address provided by Greg. They had all just gotten out of their cars when Chin spotted Mathews. In the end three police teams were chasing him down and so it was only a matter of time. and when Alyssa eventually made the arrest with Chin looking at her and Kim telling him who Alyssa was, Evie just gave a little smile and a shrug.

"Give it time. The MCU will just need to be the two of them and the rest of us will be pushed back to the 'everyday' policing we came from."
It wasn't long after Mathews's arrest that Travis got the news. This information came over his cell phone. Travis knew that a mistake happened somewhere. Mistakes weren't allowed to happen because they threatened the larger plan. Travis told his men he had a job to do. He said this while placing a gun & silencer into his coat. Travis then thumbed through his fake LAPD ID's and found one. This also went into his coat. Travis's men thought his was crazy. He really planned on going into the Central Station and shooting Mathews. Travis knew that he could get in and out easily. He knew what the police would do and where Mathews would be. Once at the station, Alyssa & Malloy took Mathews to interrogation room C. He was cuffed to the chair and left for the MCU team. Tom, Chin, Evie & James were just coming in as Alyssa & Malloy were leaving the room. Kim wasn't there because Tom asked her to dig up information on this Club 666. Tom entered the room first followed by the others. James stood against the wall at Tom's right. Chin stood against the wall on Tom's left and Evie stood beside the door. Tom started in with questions about Travis and where he could be found. Mathews had nothing to say about Travis. He did however demand a lawyer and said how he would sue the police department for allowing that she-devil on the streets. Mathew claimed that Alyssa hurt his shoulder during the arrest. Tom however didn't stop with the questionings. He continued to ask about Travis and told Mathews he'd be doing time on that bank robbery. Nothing Tom said worked on Mathews. He just kept asking for his lawyer. When it became clear that this was going no where. Tom, Chin, Evie & James left Mathews. As they walked down the hall, Tom asked James to stop have a uniformed officer take Mathews down to holding. Chin asked what their next move would be as they rounded the corner heading for the MCU squad room. Tom stopped for a moment as Kim came up with a file in her hand.

Kim told the others that Club 666 was a dance/strip/sex club. Heavy on the S&M side. Kim said that the club was legit, but it had been raided by Jack & Steve about a year ago. As if on cue, Jack appeared from an elevator. Just around the corner and down the hall, Travis popped out from a stairwell. He looked down the hall before entering the interrogation room where Mathews was sitting. Mathews was happy to see Travis and thought that Travis had come to save him. He soon found out that Travis came here to kill him. Using his pistol with the silencer, Travis fired two shots striking Mathews in the head both times. Travis just left the room when the officer who was coming to get Mathews entered the hallway. James had rejoined his team mates as Tom was telling Evie & Chin that the three of them should check out this club 666 tonight. Suddenly the uniformed officer flew around the corner. He told the others that Mathews was dead. Everyone ran back to the interrogation room. There was Mathews still sitting in the chair, but his head was laying on the table and blood from the wounds leaked out forming a circle. " Jack.....Lock down this building!.......James get some uniforms and start searching everyone who's visiting today........Kim pull the security footage of this room......Find out who was here! " Tom was already pretty sure who killed Mathews. This was just the type of cold blooded stunt Travis would pull.

Travis made his way down to the garage while Tom, Evie & Chin joined in on the search. As Tom had thought, footage showed Travis in the room and firing a weapon. Once in the garage, Travis slipped into some coveralls and took an LAPD tow truck. He wasn't stopped since Travis had an LAPD ID. No one even took notice of Travis since he acted so cool. Like he belonged there. Travis calmly pulled out of the garage and into the street as the garage was locked down. He pulled his cell phone out and dialed a number. " I took care of Mathews.....He won't be speaking with anyone......Yeah I did it right in the police station......Yeah that will piss off Jack and Tom. " Travis said with a laugh.
The lock down of the station achieved nothing and in truth there were probably few people who thought it would; but it had to be done. Just in case. If you had the balls to come into the station, shoot a witness and then walk out, chances were he knew exactly how long he had to get out fast and smooth. James had checked every visitor who was still in the building but that gave nothing either; Travis hadn't exactly signed in and taken a visitor's pass, but again it was about doing the basics; covering things off just in case. Plenty of investigations over the years had fallen apart or taken years longer than they should have because someone missed the obvious right up front. The security cameras also showed nothing. Well nothing of use. A cop... someone in a cop's uniform had walked in. Matthews' body language clearly seemed to show that he knew who had come through the door. The 'cop' had pulled a pistol in a smooth action, aimed it, fired it twice, and then left. He hadn't hesitated. He hadn't lingered. The video didn't seem to show him saying anything. He had simply pulled the weapon, fired and left. And then disappeared. The truck had been found abandoned under an overpass about 40 minutes later.

Now everyone except Tom, Jack and James was sitting around in the MCU drinking coffee. The coroner's van had come and taken away Matthews body. Evie and Chin had pulled Matthews' file and then pulled every other bit of information they could find on him. Alyssa had come up to the MCU looking for her Dad when her shift had finished and was waiting for him to come back in before asking if he wanted to have dinner with her and Rick. James suddenly came through the door noisily and he walked straight over to the TV that was attached to the wall in one corner. He switched it on, picked up the remote and turned to the local news channel. The image of Brent McBride came into focus. He was stood outside the police station main door, reporting about how someone had simply walked in and shot someone and then walked out. His hyperbole was extreme even for McBride. Alyssa reported what had happened outside of the bank and what she had said.

"You need to be careful Alyssa. There no need to draw attention to yourself for no good reason; McBride doesn't need an excuse, believe me." Alyssa opened her mouth to comment on how McBride deserved it and in truth Evie didn't disagree; but Evie's concern wasn't for McBride. Either way Tom came in told Evie and Chin that they should head out to the club, apologising to Alyssa and telling her that he would take a rain check on dinner.

Thirty minutes later, Tom was pulling up outside Club 666. Outside, it was nothing really. A simply sign over a doorway. The three of them went through the open door and up a flight of stairs. There was another door at the top. Here there were two bouncers. Tom showed his badge and the bouncers simply let the three of them through. Both bouncers smiled to each other as they watched Evie as she walked past them and into the makeshift lobby. There was a desk where customers would normally pay an entrance charge and cloakroom and then a set of double doors. The three of them ignored both and walked though. The first thing that struck anyone walking in there for the first time was that it was red. The seating was all red leather; the lighting was predominately red neon. All of the girls who were carrying trays of drinks from the bar around various tables were all dressed in tight red PVC shorts and cropped tops. At one end of the big room was a stage... a large T-shape. At each end of the T's cross-bar there was a pole and at that moment there were two girls dancing. The T's vertical came out into the room and at the most extreme end, there was another girl stripping. Tom headed over to the bar which was at the opposite end of the room. Chin and Evie followed. The music in the room was too loud for them to say anything, but at that moment, there was nothing to say.
After passing the area where people normally pay to get in. A girl leaped from behind the counter and gave chase. Just before Tom, Evie & Chin entered the club, the girl was stopped dead in her tracks. She was yelling about them not paying the cover charge. Her yelling stopped when Tom flashed his badge in her face. Tom opened the main doors and walked in followed closely by Evie & Chin who flanked him on the left & right sides. Tom noticed the bar, turned and went towards it. Once there he again flashed his badge asking the bartender about new customers? The bartender just shrugged his shoulders. Tom then pulled a picture of Travis from inside of his coat and laid it on the bar. This didn't help since most of the customers didn't come to the bar. Tom gave a disgusted sigh while tucking the picture back into his coat. He looked around, but it was hard to pick out just one person in the crowed. The club was packed. Some people were watching the girls on stage. Others were eating and still others were dancing on the huge dance floor which sat on the far right of the club. " Let's fan out.......See if we can spot Travis......But be careful......Travis won't hesitate in shooting at a cop. " Tom said to both Evie & Chin before he moved out on his own. He had hoped that by splitting up it would be easier to find Travis. This was a risky move because it put everyone alone. Chin headed towards the right side of the club where the dance floor was. surrounding the dance floor were a number of tables. Anyone of which Travis could be sitting at. Tom went to the left leaving the middle area to Evie. Going along the middle would bring Evie right up to the stage. All the private sex rooms for the customers were on the left side where Tom was heading for. Tom didn't know how many rooms there were, but they needed to be checked.

Travis was there not far from the stage watching the girls dance. He was however in disguise and it wouldn't be easy to spot him. It didn't take long before one of his men, a man named Tony Becker noticed Chin. In his black pants and Hawaiian shirt, Chin stood out. Travis told his men to play it cool. They could always grab a hostage if any trouble started. There was a lot of women around who could be used as a human shield. It certainly wasn't beyond Travis to pull this tactic. Travis would do whatever was needed to escape. He'd even set the building on fire just to get away.
Evie walked slowly down the middle of the room. It wasn't a straight line; there was no central aisle. In moving broadly through the middle, Evie weaved in between the tables, left and right, looking at each one. Some had large groups around them... maybe a group of young men out on stag nights; others perhaps had only one guy. There were few women in the place - excluding those who were on the stage or who were walking around serving drinks. As she approached the stage, something caught her eye just to the left of the stage. A man dressed in black pants and a black shirt leaned over the shoulder of another man who was sat down, his back to Evie. She moved around a little just as the man who was sitting down turned his head and looked across the room. Travis! Evie followed his gaze and saw Chin, moving much as she had been, in between the tables. He wasn't looking in her direction. She looked back at the table. Travis was still looking at Chin but was talking up to the man who was still bent over his shoulder. He was also looking across at Chin. Neither man seemed to be particularly panicked and neither of them looked as if they were about to suddenly jump up and start shooting... at least not at that exact moment. Evie looked across in Tom's direction. Her timing was good and her gaze met his. She moved her look back to the table and Tom's followed. The man just behind Travis was moving back upright. Evie moved a little closer. She was holding her breath as she inched closer. She could see Travis still eyeing up Chin, thinking about his next move, wondering whether to sit tight and hope Chin didn't see him or whether he should just ease himself out of his seat and head to one of the rear doors. Then Evie saw the unknown man look at her, saw his hand tap Travis' shoulder just once. Evie's heart jumped into her mouth for a moment and missed a beat. Almost as if it were in slow motion, she saw Travis turn to look at her, saw his relatively expressionless face suddenly show signs of recognition. Evie was a little surprised as she saw a smile emerging on his face. He began to stand up. Evie's hand began to move up... up towards the inside of her jacket... towards her Glock. Her mind was already racing. This was not a good place for a gun fight. The chances of someone other than Travis getting hit were high and if Travis had no problem in shooting a cop, collateral damage wasn't going to give him any reason to give up.

As Travis focused on Evie, Tom was able to move in a little closer. Chin by now had also seen what had gotten both Tom's and Evie's attention. He shifted his direction a little. And then from somewhere behind Evie, a woman carrying a tray of drinks moved passed her, moved in between her and Travis, blocking her view of Travis. Suddenly Evie knew what was going to happen before it did. The girl with the tray was smiling - a false smile which was barely reaching her eyes. She reached Travis' table, bent forward a little, taking each glass one at a time from the tray and placing them on the table. Then she jarred... the tray fell from her hand, crashing into the glasses that she had just put down. Then she looked as if she were falling, but it wasn't falling... she was being pulled back, pulled back by Travis, pulled closer to him. And then Evie saw the gun being brought to the her head as she screamed. One scream drew the attention of the surrounding tables. Evie was pulling her glock. Tom had pulled the dessert eagle. Out of Evie's sight, Chin had done the same.

"Let her go Travis. You really don't want to do anything stupid here." Evie called out as she aimed the glock at Travis.
Joining Travis at his table were Tony Becker, who was standing slightly behind his boss. Hershel Phelps sitting just acrossed from Travis and Stuart "Stu" Hall who was standing a few feet between Travis & Hershel. Having Chin strolling through the club may not have worried Travis, but his men were very concerned. It was bad enough to be messing with the LAPD and possibly bring the MCU down on them. To have the Five-0 team hunting them would only make things worse. His men were worried as hell, but Travis was very calm. He always had an escape plan. Even after spotting Evie, Travis wasn't a bit concerned. As the waitress came into view. Travis saw the chance he knew would be there. Tom was moving up the left side heading as quickly towards Evie as he could. Chin closed in from the right just slightly to Evie's left. The waitress cut in front of Evie blocking her & Chin from a clear shot on Travis. Seconds later, she was being held tightly against Travis's chest. " Ah little Evie Taylor.......My how you have grown......I see you followed your old man into the family business. " Travis said with a chuckle in his voice. He pressed his pistol at the woman's head while keeping a firm hold on her. His eyes shifted just slightly towards Chin. " Lieutenant Kelly?.......I would have thought you'd be back home by now. " As Travis spoke, Hershel grabbed a woman from a nearby table and used her as a shield. The crowd was still in the area. Many were by now standing to see what was happening down by the stage. " I still have papers on you Travis. " Chin replied as Tom slipped past the inner circle of those looking on. Travis's head snapped over after seeing the movement. " Well this is like homecoming......My old buddy Tom.......I see you're still shunning your daddy's wealth and serving the masses. " As Travis continued to speak, Tom aimed his weapon. " I wouldn't do that Tom old boy.......We both know what a great shot you are......But my men are well armed and there are so many targets around......You would get me.....But at what cost to these poor on lookers? " While Travis was speaking, Tony & Stu pulled Mac-10 machine guns from under their coats and pointed them at the crowd circling the area. People shrieked after the weapons were pointed at them. No one dared move for fear that they would be cut down while trying to escape.

" We didn't come to talk Travis......Just lay down your weapons and raise your hands in the air! " Tom looked around assessing the situation. Travis just laughed while shaking his head. " Still the same old Tom......Ever the good guy.......Always the hero who saves the day......But sadly that won't be today. " Travis pulled the hammer of his 9mm back. The click made the woman in his arm jump. " This is what will happen.......First you....Evie and Kelly will place your weapons on the floor.......You'll all raise your hands and back away.......We'll be leaving by the fire exit and you'll do nothing to stop us.......This club and a lot of people will pay dearly if you do. " Travis watched Tom's eyes carefully. A few seconds ticked by before Tom let his Desert Eagle go loose in his hand. He slowly lowered himself down and placed the weapon on the floor. As Tom was starting back up, he told Evie & Chin to do the same. Travis told his men to move which they did. Tom yelled for Travis to let the women go! Travis said he'd let them go once they were free! Tony & Stu reached the exit door. They were quickly joined by Hershel & the woman he had. To cause some panic, Tony & Stu fired their Mac-10's into the ceiling. Screams rose up from the on lookers. They started to run for the main doors. Travis moved towards the door where his men were. He did so backwards always keep the waitress between him and trouble. " I've got a big score tomorrow......After I make a little shopping trip I'm leaving town again.....It's been real nice seeing you again Tom........Oh and Evie......Give your old man my best......It's to bad he didn't make this reunion. " Travis's men slipped outside while he was speaking. He quickly joined them as the door slammed shut. Tom grabbed his pistol and gave chase. From inside the club, Tom could hear the sounds of gun fire coming from the ally. Tom & Chin were able to force the door open and they along with Evie rushed outside. Two officers from a black n white backup unit Tom had ordered were down. It was a good thing that they had been wearing their vests. The officers were both wounded and would live, but Travis had made his escape. Tom was disgusted with how this turned out. He lashed out by kicking a garage can.
Evie stared at Travis, Glock drawn and aimed directly at him. It had been a long time but she remembered Travis. She had known him as a good friend of her dad, as someone who had been regarded as a good cop...a good man. No-one could have predicted the last time she had seen him that one day this would come to pass. The woman looked terrified. Staring directly at Evie, her eyes full of us she'd tears. She was holding on to the arm that was wrapped against her and in many ways it looked as if she was holding on for dear life. Her feet were on the floor but she was being pulled back and to the side and but for Travis behind her she would have been falling over. Evie was conscious of people getting up around her. Getting up, looking over, seeing guns drawn and then moving away. At the same time, they weren't moving too far. Many of them were still drawn to the live drama playing out in front of them and they needed to see what was happening so they could tell their friends -and maybe the press - all of the details. They had been there. Seen it all.

When Tom told her and Chin to lower their guns, Evie threw him a quick look. It wasn't that she thought it was a bad call - there was little else they could do in the circumstances and maybe trying to take Travis down like this, in here, had been the mistake - but she just wanted to make sure she had heard Tom right. Tom didn't do this very often. When she heard the click of the desert eagle as he unlocked it and saw Tom starting to lower himself down, she looked back at Travis, hesitated for a moment as he looked directly back at her expectantly, and then lowered her own weapon. She hesitated again and then slowly crouched down -still looking at Travis, seeing his grin widen - and placed her weapon on the floor.

Then things suddenly became a little chaotic. The hail of automatic gun fire, the shower of plaster from the roof, the screams as people finally decided they needed to be somewhere else. But Evie saw Travis backing away towards the door, saw his friends disappearing through it. Almost as soon as they had disappeared, Evie dropped and picked up her Glock. Tom and Chin were picking up their own weapons and all three were quickly heading toward and through the same door. The sounds of gunfire heightened things a little more but by the time the three of them arrived it was all over. Evie moved to the squad car, checking out one of the patrol officers. One round from the MAC-10 had caught his upper arm. Evie pulled open the first aid kit in the car. A minute later she was securing a large dressing around the wound and then tying a tourniquet just above the wound. She looked over as she heard the noise of the garbage can being kicked. She understood his frustration, looked over at Chin who showed the same understanding look.

"What the hell is the 'big score' tomorrow?"
Tom had no idea what the big score was. It was hard to tell when dealing with a man like Ed Travis. While still at the scene, Tom received word that a black n white picked up the two hostages a few blocks from the club. At least Travis let those women going without hurting them. They had served their purpose and couldn't hurt Travis, or his plans. Tom, Evie & Chin returned to the Central Station. There was little sleep to be had on this night. After rejoining James & Kim, the team set about tracking down Travis's men. It was doubtful that they would find any of Travis's men, but finding out who they were could lead to clues. After getting sketches done up for the three men. Their faces were run through the computer. The computer didn't take long in nailing down the three men. Each man had a rap sheet longer then Tom's arm. All of them had pasts linked to Travis. By morning, Tom had secured search warrants for each apartment belonging to Travis's men. With three apartments to search, Tom asked Jack & Steve to join in. They were happy to help out in the hopes they would take Travis down.

Jack & Steve went to Hershel Phelps's apartment while James & Kim were given Tony Becker's place to search. Tom, Evie & Chin went to East LA where Stu Hall lived. The building manager was rousted from his bed and handed the search warrant. After getting the master key, Tom, Evie & Chin headed up to apartment 203. They knocked on the door just to see of anyone was there. After not hearing anything, they entered. Tom wanted this place turned over. While the MCU was busy doing searches all over town. Travis & his men were getting ready for their big score. All four men were waiting just outside Captain MacDonald's house. Once the Central Station's commanding officer appeared, they jumped him. Travis & Mac knew each other well, but Captain MacDonald wasn't please to see this old friend. This was the first time Travis let someone outside of his inner circle know of his plan. At first Mac refused to help, but changed his mind after Travis threatened his wife and family. Travis & his men joined Mac for a trip downtown. They'd use Captain MacDonald to get into the storage area where the LAPD kept weapons & drugs. Travis knew that no one would question why Mac wanted in. He was the only one who could get in without having a reason why.

Mac pulled his car into the lower garage and drove to the far side. The five men got out and walked over to a normal looking door. It was nothing special, just a door made of metal. Mac knocked on the door and a small opening about head high slid open. A pair of eyes looked out from the other side. A voice greeted Mac with a hello. It wasn't odd to see Captain MacDonald coming in this way at this time of day. Once in a while, Mac would often take this way in since it was a back way to the offices upstairs. Travis's men had found out this fact from the mole inside the LAPD. The door opened and Mac was pushed inside. Travis & his men quickly took control over the property room. They knocked everyone out before tying them up. So far everything was going as Travis had planned. His entrance into the LAPD property room went off without a hitch. Getting out would be even easier since Travis had planned an exit which very few knew about.

While Travis was beginning his big score. Tom, Evie & Chin were busy turning Hall's apartment upside down. They had been searching for about 10 minutes, going through everything. Chin grabbed a book which was laying beside the bed. He opened it to the page which was marked by a piece of paper. The book wasn't anything important, just a sci fi book. The paper on the other hand was. Chin noticed writing on one side. He removed the paper and dropped the book on the bed. It was some kinda of note which had the words "Downtown Lockup & Big Score" written on it. Chin ran out into the living area where Tom & Evie were searching. He showed them the note. As though they were speaking with one voice, both Tom & Evie said Travis was hitting the Central Station. Evie explained to Chin that all the drugs & weapons taken by the LAPD ended up in the property room at the Central Station. Cops called it the "The Downtown Lockup." After exiting from the building, Tom did a hook slid acrossed the hood of his car. This was a move which would catch Evie by surprise. She had never seen Tom do anything like that before. It did however saw how badly he wanted to catch Ed Travis. Tom asked Evie to call her dad & James and fill them in. While Evie was doing that, Tom called dispatch and ordered the Central Station to be locked down. But he also said that no body makes a move on Travis until he arrives. Tom didn't want Travis to knew that they were on to his plans.
Evie threw a dirty look across at Tom as she climbed into the car and she kept the look going as Tom climbed in opposite her. Tom looked at her and his expression was an innocent looking ‘what?’ as he turned the key.

“Don’t ever think about doing that across the hood of my car. I’m not paying to get the dent taken out. And at your age, one of these days you’re going to break your hip doing that.”. Evie turned her head and looked forward whilst Chin chuckled a little in the back. Tom simply slipped the car into gear and the car lurched forward as he put his foot down hard on the gas.

It took maybe 15 minutes for Tom to get the car down to the lockup, a journey that would have normally taken maybe twice that long. The blues and twos screamed out over the streets as Tom swerved the car smoothly left then right then left again, moving between cars and trucks and sliding the car around the corners. When Tom finally pulled the car to a stop a block away from the lockup, James and Kim were already there talking to Steve and Jack. A SWAT truck was parked in the alleyway between the blocks and then team were already climbing out and checking their weapons. They all gathered at the rear of the SWAT truck while Tom and the SWAT commander agreed their tactics. A few minutes later, the two of them joined the group and Tom gave everyone their instructions. There were three entrances on the ground floor. At the rear of the building was a fire escape which went up to the roof. The SWAT Team took the roof. James and Kim took the fire door on the ground floor. Jack, Steve and Evie took the garage entrance whilst Tom and Chin took the staff entrance.

The garage was big and empty. There was nothing to it other than a few oil stains on the floor and a couple of trolleys for loading whatever was being delivered onto and wheeling it through to the main store. The staff entrance was equally uninspiring. A front desk where cops and lawyers – or lawyer’s clerks – came to sign property in and out and a door behind it. James and Kim were entering a short corridor which them opened up into the main store. The main store room was cavernous a few thousand square feet filled with rows and rows of steel shelves. On each of the shelves were hundreds of numbered boxes, each of them containing evidence associated with that particular case. Two rows at the one side were reserved for the bigger store boxes. Large caches of guns and drugs were logged in here. As Jack, Steve and Evie opened the door from the garage, their torches spilled into the main store room and the gun fire opened up immediately. Each shot echoed around the building, with the bullets either ricocheting off of metal or punching through into boxes.
Tom & Chin went around the front and entered through the main doors. They checked in with the desk sergeant who told Tom the building had been quietly locked down. The next stop for Tom & Chin was the basement where the property room was located. Tom & Chin had just arrived at the front desk when the gun fire started. Harry the officer on desk duty opened the door letting Tom & Chin into the office. Tom & Chin cleared the 30 feet from the main to the rear of the office quickly. Two uniformed officers were standing guard at this door. Tom & Chin stood ready with their weapons. One of the officers unlocked the door which leads into the storage area. As the door opened, a burst of gun fire sailed into the office. Everyone hit the floor while bullets sank into the wall. Tom, Chin & the two officers rushed into the storage area returning fire. Jack, Steve & Evie had taken up positions at the far end of the room. Tom & Chin were closer to where Travis was. The firefight became more intense over the next few minutes. Travis & his men had come under fire from two directions in the room. There was no longer a need to continue the fight. Travis ran for an old maintenance door behind him. He yelled for his men to hurry up. One by one each of the men followed Travis into the doorway. Tom & Chin were hot on the heels of Travis. They reached the door and found a set of stairs going down. Taking great caution, Tom & Chin moved down the stairs. They found themselves in a maintenance area of the Los Angeles Subway.

When the subway was first built. The city planned on having a stop right at the Central Station. The plan was to move the property room and make that area into a visitors area. This plan was dropped when the city ran low on money. This door into the station was largely forgotten by most in the LAPD. However it was something that Travis remembered. As Tom & Chin reached the bottom of the stairs, they came under fire again. Travis, Phelps & Becker were on the subway tracks. Hall remained on the platform shooting at the police. Travis & his men ran for a subway maintenance truck which was parked on the tracks. Since the plan for a stop at the station was dropped. Subway trains didn't use these tracks. Hall suddenly realized he was being left behind. The truck was now moving away. Hall made a break to catch the truck. Chin ran after Hall and tackled him. As Chin was placing cuffs on Hall, he looked up in time to see Tom leap from the platform and start running after the truck. Seconds later, Jack, Steve, Evie, James, Kim and some uniformed officers appeared. Evie looked around not seeing Tom anywhere. She then asked where Tom went? Chin stood up handing Hall off to a couple of officers. He pointed down the dark subway tunnel. " Ummm.......He's giving chase on foot. " Steve looked down the tunnel and asked if Tom happened to put on his cape this time? Chin looked at Kim who just said it was a long story. Everyone headed back up to the property room and back out to the garage. Jack told everyone to get in their cars. He knew Tom would find away to let them know where he was going.

Through a great stroke of luck, Tom beat Travis to the street. Tom popped out from the subway 4 blocks from the Central Station. The truck Travis & his men were using appeared from the subway tunnel and it turned into the street. They were just a half a block ahead. Tom saw a motorcycle officer had a car pulled over just down from where he stood. He ran for the bike yelling to the officer that he needed the bike. The officer looked dumbfounded as Tom sped away. Tom grabbed the mic telling dispatch where he was. He figured by now everyone was in their cars. " Dispatch!......This is Mary 16......Suspect vehicle is traveling south on San Pedro Street! " Tom yelled into the mic. His voice was heard loud and clear over the radio. Steve looked back at Evie who along with Chin joined Jack in his car. " I hope that bike has training wheels. " Tom's voice came back on the radio saying that the suspect vehicle was making a run for the 10. The 10 was the nickname for the Santa Monica Freeway. " We gotta get ahead of them. " Jack said as he turned the steering wheel hard left. An LAPD helicopter called out to Jack. " L 40.......This is Air 10.......We have suspect vehicle traveling west on the 10 with Lieutenant Reed on a police motorcycle giving chase......We suggest you intercept suspect vehicle where the 10 and 110 intersect . "
Steve was sat in the passenger seat with Jack driving. Chin and Evie climbed in the back. Almost before the doors were closed, Jack put his foot down the and car lurched away from the curb. Jack was worried; partly because Tom was on a police motor cycle - a big Kawasaki - and he was no biker but mostly his old partner was out there on his own going after Travis. The fact that the helicopter had eyes on him made Jack feel a little better but the helicopter couldn't provide him with any practical back-up when they all came to a stop. Jack wanted to make sure when the chase was over, he was there too. As Jack turned a sharp right, the rear wheels clipped the curb hard and kicked out; it took a second or two for Jack to correct and then correct again as the rear started to fishtail.

"Dad!" Evie said quietly; a gentle warning to be careful.

"I don't need a kid in the back seat telling me how to drive Evelyn." Jack snapped back. Steve threw a look over his shoulder to his sister, who met his gaze. They both knew that Jack was worried and nothing was going to make him slow down. Evie looked somewhat uncomfortably across at Chin who seemed to sense the atmosphere which there was now in the car. He looked back at her.

"Dad?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah. Didn't you know. The Taylor family has pretty much infiltrated the LAPD since....arrghhh... since 1926." The car scream around a hard left corner with the rear fender bouncing off of a parked car, jolting Evie and Chin hard.

"Never been four of us in at the same time though." Steve said through gritted teeth as Jack squeezed the car through a gap that wasn't quite there. Steve's wing mirror was suddenly ripped from its holdings. "Might not be for much longer." he added. "I'll remember that Steven." Jack piped in. "I was driving police chases when you were still in diapers so don't think that there is anything that you can tell me..."

"WATCH THAT.... Shit... never mind." Steve turned his head sharply to look out of the rear window to see the shopping cart that seconds before was being pushed by a vagrant guy landing hard having been launched skywards by the unmarked Crown Vic ploughing into it. Chin and Evie were also both craning their necks checking that no-one was hurt. Jack threw the car left off of West Olympic Boulevard, passing the Grammy Museum, onto S. Figueroa and then right onto Venice and up onto the freeway and the intersection. All four occupants of the car were waiting, listening to the radio. But in the end they didn't need it. Almost as soon as they hit the 10, a police motorcycle went streaming past them. Jack smiled to himself. He was going to make sure that he reminded his kids that just because he was older didn't mean he didn't still have it. But that could wait for now. The job was only half done.
For the last few blocks, Travis & his men had been firing at Tom. Using the motorcycles mobility, Tom was able to avoid most of the bullets. Normally Tom would be firing back, but Tom wasn't use to riding a bike. He was no motor officer. Tom was dodging the shots, but one found it's target. A sharp sudden pain came to Tom's stomach. He looked down seeing a small red stain appearing on his white dress shirt. Tom looked up, the road ahead had been blocked off by 8 CHP patrol cars. The truck Travis was using for his escape came to a sudden stop. Cops were blocking their way and more cops were coming from behind. Just behind Jack's car, James & Kim along with four LAPD black n whites joined the chase. Phelps & Becker climbed from the truck. They could see that escape was hopeless. Their guns were dropped and they raised their hands. Travis however wasn't about to give up. He noticed a truck haling fruit was almost at the overpass. Travis started running for the side where the 10 passed over the 110. Tom saw this move and knew what Travis was planning. He gunned the bike making it go faster. Just as Travis jumped from the over pass. Tom leaped from the bike as it crashed into the concrete. Both men disappeared falling down to the 110.

Tom & Travis both landed in the back of the fruit truck. Travis was shocked to see that Tom had followed him. The fact that Tom must be insane crossed his mind. Travis aimed his pistol at Tom, but it was blocked. Tom knocked the pistol free from Travis's hand. The two men started fighting. Tom leveled Travis with a crushing blow. Travis however kicked at Tom hitting him in the stomach. The kick landed right where Tom took the bullet. The truck saw someone on the back of his truck. He quickly pulled over and jumped out. Travis noticed Tom was bleeding. He smiled and tackled Tom. Travis began choking Tom while his head hung over the side of the truck. Tom grabbed an orange and smashed Travis in the head. Travis rolled off of Tom holding his head. Tom struggled to his knees while Travis did the same. The sounds of sirens were growing closer. Tom nailed Travis with two hard shots to his head. The third shot was an uppercut which knocked Travis out. Tom lowered his head as a wave of pain washed over him. Suddenly Tom heard people yelling out his name. He heard someone yelling to get cuffs on Travis. Tom slowly climbed down from the truck. He turned to see an angry Evie yelling at him. Tom however couldn't hear her words. It was clear that she was pissed and Tom knew why. The last thing Tom saw was Evie's eyes flashing over like they were on fire. Then suddenly everything went black.
When the chase came to a halt, the four occupants of the Crown Vic exited the car almost before it had stopped. Evie was watching Tom and Travis as she ran towards where the truck had stopped, Chin backing her up. She saw Travis look left. She saw Tom look left. It was a subconscious action for her to do the same. She saw the fruit truck and quickly spun her head back. Travis was already running for the side wall of the overpass. "Oh you have to be fucking kidding me... Tom... don't you... " She heard her own voice in her head; she looked at Tom, saw the bike lurch forward.

"TOM! NO!" It was a pointless call. Tom couldn't have heard it but even if he had, Evie knew he would take no notice. She kicked harder in her run. She saw the bike crashing, saw Tom being propelled... half jumping, half flying, through the air and over the side. Something inside her made her change direction; she had to get down onto the 110 and other than going over the side which was definitely a bad move, a car was the only way of doing that. She ran to the black and white that was at the back of the road block - a car that wasn't blocked by cars behind it. The driver moved out of the way quickly and she climbed in. Just as she was pulling away she was conscious of Chin sitting in the passenger seat next to her.

"Are you sure your partner isn't related to Steve McGarrett?" Evie slammed her foot down on the accelerator and the tyres squealed.

"I don't know. Is McGarrett an arrogant son of a bitch who thinks that he's a one man police force and doesn't believe in the concept of back-up or procedure or not leaving your partner to pick up the fucking pieces."

"Yeah.... that sure sounds like McGarrett."

At any other time, Evie would have laughed but right then she just needed to get to that fruit truck. She hadn't seen it pull over and in her head it was now steaming down the 110 with the driver oblivious to what was going on behind him. Behind Evie a stream of other cars were pulling out of the road block. Jack and Steve and gotten back in the Crown Vic. James and Kim were behind them and two or three black and whites and CHP cars behind them. Almost as soon as Evie hit the 110 she saw the truck stopped a short distance ahead. She saw Tom punching Travis again and again. She pulled the car to a hard stop and climbed out just as Tom was climbing out of the truck. She stood for a moment looking at him. She didn't see the red stain at that point. Evie saw Tom standing up. He was smiling, his hand wrapped around his middle, as he watched Travis getting picked up off the back of the truck and escorted away by James and Kim. He turned around and saw Evie walking towards him. He loved the way she walked. His smile broadened a little as he let his gaze draft up and down her curves as she crossed the open space between them. She wasn't smiling.

“You stupid son of a bitch. What in God's name do you think... You could have gotten yourself killed… TOM!" She saw him starting to fall and broke into a hard run to close the distance between them. She was never going to make it before he hit the ground hard. As he fell his jacket flapped open and Evie's brain registered the blood. She knelt down next to him, picking up his head and his shoulders, pulling him onto her lap.

“No…! NO! MEDIC! I need some help over here.” Steve heard her call. He turned and almost immediately started to run, followed by Jack. From further away, a paramedic heard her and pulled his bag from the back to the EMT truck. By the time he go there, Evie was reaching down and applying pressure to an obvious wound on Tom’s right hand side. His shirt was soaked red and the blood was seeping through Evie’s fingers, partly from the wound itself, partly from the fabric of the shirt as she squeezed it. She looked up, panic in her eyes. Steve, Chin and Jack just stared down for what was only a second to two trying to work out how they had gone from a successful arrest to this. The EMT pushed through them and was quickly on his knees at Evie’s side. He pulled a dressing out of his bag and started to administer emergency treatment to stop the blood flow. Moments later the ambulance itself pulled alongside them and it wasn;t long before Tom was being loaded into the back of it. Evie climbed inside with them, the doors were slammed shut and the vehicle pulled away.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack, Steve and Chin, James and Kim all walked into the emergency room. They were quickly directly to a waiting room. Looking around for a second or two it didn’t take them long to spot Evie, sitting on a chair at the far side of the room, leaning forward, her elbows in her knees and her head resting on her still blood stained hands. It was the same room she and James had waited in when her father and Steve had been in here only a few months ago. Jack and Chin walked over to her while Steve disappeared into a nearby bathroom. Jack came to a stop immediately in front of his daughter, who – on seeing a pair of feet appear on the floor immediately in front of her – looked up. She looked tired but she saw the question and the fear on her Dad’s face.

“He’s gonna be fine.” She smiled and stood up. “Would you believe he is currently getting an appendectomy? He took a bullet and… it didn’t hit anything vital.” Steve reappeared with some damp towels and quickly picked up on the conversation. He handed them to Evie who nodded a ‘thank you’ and started wiping her hands off. “He went down when his blood pressure fell too low. Fluids. Blood transfusion. He’s gonna be fine.” The tension suddenly disappeared from Jack’ face and he gave his daughter a hug.

“Did you call Rick?” James asked. Evie nodded. “He’s on his way.”

“Coffees all round then?” Kim said.

“Look. Tom’s not going to be out of theatre for another hour and then it will be some time after that before anyone can see him. Why don’t you guys go home? Get some sleep.” After some discussion, Kim, James and Steve agreed but only on condition that Evie would call them if there was any change. Steve and James both offered Chin their guest room and in the end he took up James’ offer once James had mentioned Steve’s continuing ‘physiotherapy’. Jack wasn’t going anywhere though. He was going to waiting until he had seen Tom for himself and he wasn’t going to leave Evie. In fact if he had gotten his way, she would have been going home as well, but the first suggestion of it was closed down so quickly that a second suggestion never came.

For the next hour Jack and Evie sat drinking coffee and talking; it had been quite a while since the two of them had sat down and just had a conversation. Rick arrived and brought fresh coffee with him and then Jack and Evie filled him in on the case and on Travis. Finally an OR nurse came in and said that Tom was out of recovery and in a room down the corridor and able to see them – one at a time. Evie and Jack insisted that Rick go in first. It was another hour before Rick came out, saying Tom was as he always was when he was in hospital – grumpy and demanding. Evie let Jack go in next; Jack had just wanted to see that his old friend was okay. He wasn’t in long and then Rick took Jack home with the promise that he would be back in the morning.

Evie walked into the room; the lights were low and Tom was lying with his eyes closed. She walked up to the side of the bed. She smiled as she looked down at him and reached for his hand. Wrapping his with hers, she leaned down and kissed him softly on the mouth.
Alyssa didn't get the news of her father being shot until after her shift had ended. She & Malloy were on patrol in another area of the city. They missed the radio traffic about the chase because of being on their own call. Alyssa was just finishing up their watch by writing down the time they pulled into the garage. A fellow officer came over and asked how Alyssa's father was doing. She just shrugged and said okay. The officer looked puzzled at Alyssa's reply. Malloy looked around taking notice how other officers were gathered. This was all to familiar for Malloy. He then asked what was going on? The officer realized that they hadn't heard the news. He said Lieutenant Reed had been shot while chasing down Ed Travis. Alyssa's eyes flew open wide. She dropped the log book which she had been writing in and ran for her car. The officer yelled out which hospital Tom was at. Her car was parked outside the main garage area. Alyssa jumped in, fired the engine up and pealed out of the parking lot. Using the same driving techniques she leaned for hot pursuits, Alyssa reached the hospital quickly. She jumped from her car and ran inside.

Tom was already in his room when Alyssa arrived. Jack & Rick were in the hospital's cafeteria which Alyssa ran past on her way upstairs. Alyssa reach the floor and found her father's room. She opened the door and stepped in seeing Evie sitting in a chair next to her father. Alyssa was still dressed in her uniform. The only thing missing was her hat which was laying on the front seat of her car. Alyssa slowly walked into the room. She joined Evie standing beside her. Tom was laying quietly in the bed resting. " Will he....... Alyssa's voice trailed off. The sight of her father appearing so weak and helpless was overwhelming. Whatever happened after Evie entered the room, Alyssa missed. It did appear that Evie had been in the room for sometime. A half full coffee cup was sitting on the bedside stand. Alyssa looked down at Evie waiting for her to say something. " I'll be fine once I get out of here......I hate hospital food........I need a chili dog with the works and a beer. " Alyssa's head snapped towards the bed. Tom was laying there looking up at her while smiling. " I'll see if I can fill that order. " Alyssa said as a smile appeared on her face.

" Not for a few days. " Another voice came after the door opened. Doctor Jennifer Lee walked into the room carrying Tom's chart. She walked over to the other side of the bed. " You'll not be eating that way while under my care Thomas. " Jennifer made a few notes on Tom's chart as she spoke. She then looked down and said that made 8 bullets she's taken out of Tom in his 18 years on the force. Tom looked at Jennifer while saying it was 17 years, three months and 24 days. Jennifer shook her head while saying Tom had a few more days of bed rest. After which he could eat all the chili dogs he wanted. Jennifer made a check of Tom's vital signs before leaving the room.
Evie looked up at Alyssa and shrugged, then smiled. "Like the man said..." she groaned a little as she pushed herself out of the chair. "... he's gonna be fine. I'll leave you two alone." She patted Alyssa's arm, nodded to Jennifer, and then left the room leaving Alyssa with her father. She walked down the stairs not really with any clear destination in mind. As she headed past the cafeteria she decided that she would get a fresh coffee and was a little surprised to see Rick and her Dad still there. She walked over and asked if either of them wanted a refill before she went to the counter and got herself a large coffee in a disposal plastic-cardboard cup. She went back to the table and sat next to her Dad, yawning as she sat down. Seeing the question from both of them, she smiled.

"Alyssa is with him. Figured I'd get out of the way." She turned and looked at her Dad. "Can I come home with you. Get a shower and some sleep there." Jack smiled and looked at Rick. "Sure. If you cook your Dad dinner." Evie laughed. "How about Chinese take out and beer?"

"You paying?" Evie nodded. "Seems like a good deal to me." Jack asked if Rick wanted to join them, but he thanked him for his offer and politely declined, saying that he would stay with Alyssa and Tom and with that Rick got up said his goodbyes and headed back up to Tom's room.

"You not staying?" Jack asked Evie not entirely sure what was going on. He had expected Evie to want to stay. Evie shook her head.

"Tom's fine and ... I don't know... I guess I don't really want to get in the way. Alyssa will want to look after her Dad and I think Tom will probably like that so..." Evie shrugged again. "If he needs anything he knows where I am.So... as I don't have anywhere to go now that Alyssa has my apartment... I guess you're stuck with me. Or I could go and stay with Steve if I'm cramping your style."

"And cramp his style instead?"

"Well that would be fun."

"You can stay with me." Evie finished up her coffee and the two of them headed out. They got a cab back home calling in for take out on the way. James called shortly after they'd gotten home and after Jack told him what he and Evie were doing, James picked up Steve and they picked up their own takeout plus beers before descending on their father's place. James bought Chin who tried to insist that he'd get a hotel, but James was having none of it, sure that his Dad would gave no problem with one more guest. Jack didn't. It had been a long time since the Taylors had done this. Back in their old house. Sitting around the TV. Laughing. It had been a while since Chin had laughed so much. Enjoying each other's company. Content that right then, all was right with the world. For all Jack had talked of what he'd do once he had the place to himself, in the end he'd done nothing and his kids all slept in their own rooms. Chin was in the one guest room that the house had. Jack felt like the clock had been turned back 12-15 years, to before Evie had gone to College in New Jersey. He was thankful that even now his kids liked being home...liked being with each other...were still a family.

The following day, Evie and James drove Chin to the airport after Evie had called the hospital to check Tom was okay. Alyssa told her he was fine and that she and Rick were hoping to take him home that afternoon. She promised to call if she needed anything. After the airport, they headed into the MCU. Kim was already in working on a million reports and she was glad to be able to share the load. Evie phoned the hospital mid afternoon but got a nurse telling her that Reed was being checked out and then taken home by Alyssa and Rick. Later she'd called the boat but got no answer. She smiled guessing that maybe Tom was getting his chilli dog.
24 hours after leaving the hospital, Tom went back to work. This was against Jennifer's orders, but Tom was stubborn. Very few could argue with Tom and get anywhere. Evie who was one of those few did get him to accept light duty for the rest of the week. Tom stayed at his desk while Evie, James & Kim handled the case load. This wasn't an easy thing for a man like Tom. He did however do it because it was something that Evie wanted. Tom was surprised to find out that Evie hadn't returned to the boat while he was in the hospital. This puzzled Tom since the boat was as much her home as it was his. It seemed like Evie had gone back to how she use to think when Alyssa was still new in Tom's life. Acting the part of an outsider when she wasn't. Evie had a place in Tom's life and he wanted her there. Just as Alyssa wanted Evie there. Evie made Tom happy and that's what was important to Alyssa. Evie's actions just seemed so out of place. It was almost like she was sending a message that she no longer wished to be with Tom.

Sitting behind his desk day after day with little to do brought doubts into Tom's mind. He was beginning to wonder if his relationship with Evie was over. Was she really his? Was she just holding back her true feelings? Afraid to tell him that it was over. Tom was no longer sure. He watched as Evie, James & Kim came in day after day and filled out their reports. Tom would read over each report before signing them. He never once showed any signs of the doubts he was now carrying. Even Evie's comment she made after Tom slid acrossed the hood of his car made him wonder. Evie had never brought up Tom's age before. Sure Steve & James often cracked jokes about Tom being old. Evie on the other hand hadn't said it in a joking manner. Did she really think of Tom as being old? Perhaps this was the reason why Evie suddenly changed? It was possible that she wanted a man closer to her own age. Tom was beginning to have doubts on many things. Evie, James & Kim worked three cases during the time Tom was stuck at his desk. They closed all three cases without any help from Tom. It did appear that not only did Evie not need Tom anymore, but the team no longer needed him.

Tom was soon cleared and returned to full duty. He however decided to stay at his desk. All he told his team was that he'd remain working at the office while they did the field work. This took everyone by surprise, but since Tom refused to talk about it, no one got any answers. Tom started to think about retiring from the police force. It was something that never crossed his mind before. However things had changed, at least from Tom's point of view it had.
Evie sat in her chair in the office and looked over at Tom who had barely stepped outside of his office in days. The first night Tom had been out of hospital Evie had expected a call once they got in, from either Tom or Alyssa. When it hadn't come, she put it down to Tom almost certainly being exhausted by the time they'd gotten home. So she'd called her Dad and had stayed there again. As each day past, Evie began to wonder whether Alyssa and Tom were pissed that she hadn't called her. On the fourth night, Jack had finally asked what the hell was going on. Evie told him about not calling Alyssa when Tom had gotten neither had called to say they needed anything...that she didn't want to get in the way. Jack had told her to stop being an idiot, to stop making assumptions and to actually talk to Tom.

Now, a day later she was sitting in the office. She'd watched Tom throughout the day. James and Kim both felt that there was something up and both thought that Evie needed to say something. Evie decided to wait until the end of the day. James and Kim said goodnight and wished her luck.

Evie took a breath and pushed herself out of her chair. She walked into Tom's office without knocking and sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the table. Tom had looked up when she had first walked in and then gone back to the file. She waited until he looked up again and she saw the question in his expression.

"So! Here's the thing. I didn't call Alyssa when you got shot. I felt bad and so I thought I'd make amend by giving you two some time alone. You also seemed to like her being in on some of the cases recently. I figured you wanted to spend more time with her than you'd been getting lately. Anyway, I didn't quite expect it would be this long, so now maybe I'm thinking there's something else. You don't come out of this office so the three of us are running around doing the job of four and trying to make sure you get a chance to recover so that you can take responsibility for your team again... Except you don't seem to want it anymore than you want me. Doc says you're fit, says you can go back to normal duty, but you stay in here. I don't believe you've lost your bottle, so either you genuinely don't want the unit or me anymore or you think the unit and me don't want you. If it's the former... Well we need to deal with that. If it's the latter... You're an idiot. The unit wouldn't be the unit without you and if I wanted someone else...someone younger then I would have said. But your not Superman. Being the leader of a team doesn't mean you go off on your own and maybe get yourself killed. If any one of us had done what you did with Travis last week you would have hung us out to dry. In fact you did hang me out to dry when I went after Dad when Simon had him." She eased herself out of the chair. "So, when you decide what you want to do... Maybe you could let us...let me ... know and we can either get back to normal or decide how to move on." And with that she walked out of the office.
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