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Opinions on drugs (and their effects)

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Jan 5, 2012
So the origin of this is that (finally) I saw Requiem for a Dream. And I was never even interested in drugs, but this movie totally succeeded in making me scared of them.

So rather than critic -people- who use/don't use them, I would like to ask what are your opinions on drugs. And most specifically, your opinion about their effects.

I have no interest in consuming them in the least (any kind), but I would love to hear people's opinions about them, though. :)
Medically good when used appropriately, recreationally can be entertaining so long as people are responsible, spiritually can be enlightening.

Honestly, I enjoy the altering of my senses through the legal drug alcohol. I wouldn't mind weed if it was legalised and I would dearly love to take acid in my later years.
I always hear these huge stories about it being hard to use responsably and all. I wouldn't be able to say, but I do wonder if it's as hard as everyone says.
The way I see it, it's just like fireworks......A few dumbasses don't know what the hell they're doing and they spoil it for everyone else.

But, I can't say a whole lot, considering I'm not an avid drug user. Now that's not to say I haven't had alcohol or taken a drag from a cigarette; my personal taste is I just don't see the point of doing them as they don't really do anything for me. But for those who enjoy doing them should be allowed to enjoy them.

I say....decriminalize it all. I think they'd be surprised how quickly the 'thrill' of the drug world will wear off.
Not to mention the money that could be potentially made by taxing it.
I think it might reduce casualties and all this drama about traffic if it was indeed made legal.
If its for a medical purpose, then take it as prescribed (correctly). I'm on 3 different medications right now. I know a lot of people are against such medications because its not natural and for cases like ADHD and depression, its controlling you, but sometimes our systems are just wacky and we need help in order to have normal levels or whatever.

As for recreational drugs... I frown upon that and will likely lead to me distancing from whomever chooses to do them... No matter what it is. Marijuana I don't quite mind... though I hate the smell and I hate how people depend on intoxication/getting high to relax or let loose.

This is because I grew up around people who were alcoholics and drug addicts. My family has been dealing with my sisters drug addiction for almost a decade now. They are raising 4 of her kids, have put one up for adoption, and are now trying to get custody of yet another because her addiction and drug abuse has turned into an entire lifestyle that we don't see her leaving any time soon.
I suppose this is kind of strange to me. No one I know from my community has ever even tried drugs. Everything of that I see is basically all in educational things and movies. I have never seen anyone "on drugs" with my own two eyes. Silly I know, but I guess I just grew up in a different kind of place, so to say.

The hard part is controlling yourself... And I think this applies to various things besides drugs.
I am a regular user of Cannabis; I smoke it every day, on my days off I will likely smoke it all day. I cannot begin to explain how much this helps me deal with my depression and my hallucinations, both of which started several years before my cannabis habit (I hasten to point this out as everybody jumps to the conclusion of a link between the two). I have not seen this Requiem for a Dream of which you speak, however if it is anything like Reefer Madness, which is a government propaganda film purporting to demonstrate the results of the use of Cannabis, then I have no doubt it will be lulzy.
The movie is pretty lulzy. The youngens in it get addicted to heroin and end up becoming distributors before things turn south for them while grandma goes crazy from dieting pills.

Honestly, I'd rather watch Blow.
I'm totally against them, because addiction has had a strong impact on my family.

That said, I know that I like the effects of pain killers (vicodin (sp?), and the like). Because I know that I like the effects of those drugs that make you feel fuzzy and loopy and make the room swim in quite a pleasing and entertaining way, I stay away from them whenever possible. But I definitely like the effects and could easily get hooked if I allowed myself to.
Well, I'm a recreational druguser. I smoke weed once a week and it's just to relax a bit, get my mind of the stress. I think marijuana is way less dangerous than alcohol. Alcohol will change who you are and is far more addictive because of the shitty hangover it'll give you. Besides that, Alcohol is bad for your health and makes you fat. ^^

So... In the end, I rather smoke weed than drink beer.
People tend to get fat from drinking because they usually have fast food, which has fattening lipids in it that mix with the alcohol to give "a beer gut," along with the amounts of sugars in it if you drink too much of it. Beer actually isn't that bad for you but when mixed with fatty foods, it can make you fat.

I don't think the hangover leads to addiction. It's the feeling of being drunk that makes it addictive because if everyone had really terrible hangovers, they wouldn't drink as much. It doesn't necessarily change who you are - it depends on the person. Some people are happy drunks because they let go of their stress and problems. Some people are emotional drunks because they can be very withdrawn. And some people are angry drunks because they either are very angry people in general or have a wealth of anger that they don't express until their inhibitions are dropped.

I like drinking alcohol but have no need to smoke weed. I think it smells crappy and the fact that some of my friends smoke until they are completely blitzed out and stupid makes me have less inclination to smoke it.

But people will do what they do. I think most of it is stupid. Smoking anything affects your health just like drinking anything but water affects your health.

I also have a friend who said he couldn't study/really focus on anything unless he smoked weed and he smokes a lot of it. That to me says that he's already changed his brain chemistry by smoking it since he had said before that it wasn't really an issue until he started smoking a lot more weed.

But every person is different. I find that anything is really "addictive" and a "craving" when you go, "You know, I really wanna drink this - or smoke this" when it's all you can think about until you get it.
My opinion has to do less with the drug and more with the people. I'll admit to doing a few different drugs so far and wanting to do more. But as a person I'm generally responsible for myself. I smoke weed on a fairly regular basis and I do mushrooms a few times a year, I drink maybe once a week to the point where I'm intoxicated. The thing is I know my own limits, I will never drink and drive, if I'm too stoned to stand then I'll wait til I sober up more before driving, when I use mushrooms I always make sure there is at least one slightly sober person around or one that we can call if things go wrong.

So my opinion is that people need to educate themselves on what they use before they use it. The effects it may have on you and the side effects it may have. For example: I have issues with my stomach, so I knew that a few days after doing mush I will have a stomach ache, so I plan accordingly. I don't ever go to work stoned, drunk or otherwise.

Certain drugs that I see having more negatives than positives are on my "no-no-not-ever" list, such as: meth, cocaine, heroine, and big names like that. But the casual consumption of acid or E isn't going to kill me so long as I retain my sensibilities.
My opinion is really that only people using drugs can know their limits. As long as they're being used responsibly and the people who are using them aren't hurting themselves or others (and will be respectful and understanding if people aren't so gung ho about it), than I don't care what they do.

Unfortunately, in a realistic situation, people, uh, don't use them responsibly, or they get too hooked and then make really awful decisions, so I think that there should be limits on the really crazy bad for you harmful ones like the Russian drug krokodil (the effects of which are genuinely the most horrific thing I have ever seen). While being able to have personal freedom is all well and good, if you're literally destroying your body and making your skin fall off because of what you're taking, it's really time for someone else to step in and help you, forcefully if need be.
I personally do not care what a person decides to put into their body. It's none of my business. I don't mind until their use affects my life. At that point we have an issue. Yes I've partook in some recreational drugs in the past. But I grew out of it. It was fun when I was young and still finding myself. But became a waste of money once I grew up a little.
Drug use is legitimately the best thing that ever happened to me. The ability to enhance or obscure different parts of my mind or body is fantastic. Anxiety? Smoke a bowl. Working/studying? Nicotine or amphetamine. Lots of physical exertion? Low doses of opiates or muscle relaxers, or amphetamine. Seeking the nature of Truth? LSD, Salvia, DMT, Nitrous, 2-CB, mescaline, etc. Want to deepen and solidify a relationship in ways you never thought possible? MDMA. Need to be confident and talkative for a job interview? Rail a bump of coke.

And so forth.

Hell, even my three 'Will-Nots' have caveats. Crack, heroin, and methamphetamine or drugs I have not and likely will never use - But if I had to fight for my life, I'd smoke meth first in a heartbeat, and if I live to be 80, I may take up recreationally shooting heroin, because who wants to be old and in pain all the time? I'll take high as balls instead, thanks.
I have personally tried multiple drugs. But in my case they have never gotten out of control. I believe that as long as you're making conscious decisions, differentiating between the drug and the rest of your life, you can consume them. I also believe that since some drugs are really dangerous, you gotta fear them a bit, show them some respect. Drugs are not life enhancers. It's not like everything is better stoned. And I have many friends that end up that way, they want to be high every single second. Work, high. Bored, high. Watching a movie, high. Going out, high. At that point it stops being an external element you partake in for a specific purpose, but it becomes central to your life. And that can be very destructive.
Having said that, every couple of weeks or so I meet with friends and we make space cakes and watch movies together. But we don't smoke cannabis, nor do we consume it in a more frequent fashion. Cocaine, crack, cocaine paste, all of those leave you thinking about the drug for a couple of weeks after consumption. I've tried them, and seeing how for a couple of weeks later the idea of taking them again kept popping into my head, I honestly fear them a bit. I've had acid on very special occasions, on safe environments. And it is so alien and wonderful, but at the same time I know of many cases when they took it at concerts, at parties, and then just woke up fucked up in some other part of town. And so again, if you're into it, do it responsibly. Don't be a hazard to yourself or others. As long as you're in control, and you're not hurting anyone, I think you can use drugs.
I grew up in one of the biggest drug-infested cities in the North-East. I've been around almost all types of druggies. And I personally can't stand them.
The reason why drugs aren't legal are a multiple of reasons.

1. The "responsible" factor. Some people are saying drugs are fun when used responsibly. the key thing tho is if you look at the statistics, Not many people ARE responsible with them. Most people get hooked, and end up doing dumb shit like selling all they have for the next fix. They lose their job, then they have to get on welfare/government support. which leads to the common folk/government having to support them. Nether one of those factors want their money being used like that.

2. The country image: The last thing a Government wants on its resume is a long death list from drug addicts, or a country filled with nothing but lazy potheads. It makes the government look bad. It discourages international relations, and Growth. Who's going to want to help a country full of drug addicts? Who's going to want to be allies with a country full of drug addicts?

I especially hate Marijuana, and the enigma of lies around it.
People say its harmless, people say humanity would be better if it was legal. But heres the thing: Society should always be about advancement of the human race. striving to get the best, be the best.
When you see a pothead, do you SEE the best? Do you see a respectable human image? Do you see what the future should look like?
Even marijuana's own rallying cry can be used against it. they often depict pot heads as "harmless" people, who are stoned out on their couches.
Is that REALLY what America needs right now? A country of potheads who'd rather be sitting on their couches stoned off their asses?
Or does America need people actually willing to FIX a problem?
Weed is the very enemy of advancement. It encourages people to be laid back, and lazy. (As their propoganda depicts) Instead of striving for a solution to lifes problems.
Even their chants prove this fact. "Fuck the world, lets get high" Translates to "Who cares about fixing problems, lets just get high and forget about them".
California is one of the highest-debt holders in the country. their in one of the deepest shit holes in the U.S. financially. Weed likely would not save them.
One day in the future, when America is Financially stable, and Not competing against other countries to be the best in the world, they may legalize it to an extent,
But for right now, the Government wants a working class america. An America who wants to solve problems.
Not an America who wants to go home and stuff a bong in their face till they pass out on the couch.
Well Ziros, I'm about to prove you wrong about pot heads.

I am one. I work a fantastic job at my local college, I have a professional certificate and I get paid nearly 20 dollars an hour for my work. I'm 19. I'm one of the most successful people of my age/social group, and I'm one of the biggest stoners. When I'm stoned I paint, I draw, I write, I clean, and I go out for runs in the cold because nothing makes you want to run faster than -40 degrees biting you on the ass. I'm actually stoned right now.

I work hard every day, because I'm not a dumb-ass. I smoke weed DAILY and I'm not vegging out on my couch drooling on my sweater. No, I'm up, making a pot of coffee and about to start my day. One of my closest friends' parents are stoners, and have been for over 40 years, and one is a kindergarten teacher and the other is a the IT guy for the provinces university.

Unfortunately for you you've been exposed to the worst of us. Not every stoner is a lazy asshole-- most of us aren't. But just like any other stereotype, there are those who keep it alive. So feel free to believe that we're all lazy assholes that are bringing the world to an end, but just realize somewhere in the back of your head, you might be wrong.
CyanideDisaster said:
Well Ziros, I'm about to prove you wrong about pot heads.

I am one. I work a fantastic job at my local college, I have a professional certificate and I get paid nearly 20 dollars an hour for my work. I'm 19. I'm one of the most successful people of my age/social group, and I'm one of the biggest stoners. When I'm stoned I paint, I draw, I write, I clean, and I go out for runs in the cold because nothing makes you want to run faster than -40 degrees biting you on the ass. I'm actually stoned right now.

I work hard every day, because I'm not a dumb-ass. I smoke weed DAILY and I'm not vegging out on my couch drooling on my sweater. No, I'm up, making a pot of coffee and about to start my day. One of my closest friends' parents are stoners, and have been for over 40 years, and one is a kindergarten teacher and the other is a the IT guy for the provinces university.

Unfortunately for you you've been exposed to the worst of us. Not every stoner is a lazy asshole-- most of us aren't. But just like any other stereotype, there are those who keep it alive. So feel free to believe that we're all lazy assholes that are bringing the world to an end, but just realize somewhere in the back of your head, you might be wrong.
This doesn't prove me wrong at all. Theirs always some exceptions to the rules. But to go by statistics point that yes, Most are lazy.
And to go by my own experiances with potheads, yes, they are lazy.
Like I said. even in their propoganda, Do you see anything that says "Scientist creates high tech warp drive from smoking pot"? No.
You see potheads passed out with a bong not wanting to do shit. Hell even HOLLYWOOD portrays them as that.
Alot of people I've found who chime in saying weed should be legal are school kids who buy joints with their lunch money, then go smoke it in their garage while their parents are still at work. They don 't really see the dark side of it.
I lived in the Queens City for 6 years, I've seen weed deals go bad to the point where bullets start flying, I've seen kids skipping school to smoke a 20sac.
Hell I was even a dealer for half a yr but got out of it when I had the half-dead looking girl come up to me wanted to buy a dime off me instead of getting food for her and her kid.
I guess people just need to live in the same situation to see things the way I do.
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