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Mansion of Animals OPEN

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"So he was about to rape someone at some point in time, and just flew up here to calm down?" Kurumu said, hitting the nail right on the head, then faced Naga and added, " Why the hell didn't you, you could've at least give me some type of welcoming present." in a joking tone

"You are such a hoebag, you know that, Mumu?" Naga said slapping his sisters arm playfully, then looked down realizing she still knew him too well.
"You won't hurt anyone...I promise." His kiss swallowed whatever remaining words she might have had. Her breathing grew heavy and jagged. The feeling of his lips dancing a hot blazing trail upon her skin. Her lips parted in a sweet sigh and her back arched as she felt is lips wrap around the soft nub. This time she whimpered. One hand had fingers laced in his hair while the other rested on his shoulder.
Shasha couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Well I already have a favorite." Shasha joked giving Kurumu a smile as she looked at the stars. "Do you want some alone time with your sister?"
He growled, noteing her reactions. He kissed his way lower, down the planes of her stomach, only to remeber she had her pants on. He narrowed his eyes at the inconvenience, quickly stripping her of the offending fabric. He smiled, licking his way back to the wolf's breasts, his fingers rubbing her through the fabric of the panties.
He lavished each breast with attention, suckling on one while massaging the other. His scent comingled with hers, the very same scent that nearly drove him to madness.
"Mabye in the morning, I really just need to sleep it off,I'm just going to sleep up here, kay." Haru said facing Shasha, then added, " mind taking her to her room, lord knows she's tired?"

"Whatever, cocksucker, you mind taking me on a tour in the morning, fruitcake?" Kurumu replied, then looked to the catgirl and said, "I'm in your care." Following her to her room

"Sure, mondo tits." Was all Nana said before lying down on the stone bench outside the garden.

(Imm knocking out so night :) )
She caught the scent of his arrousal. The musk only made the dampness between her legs more prominent. Obediently she lifted her hips to help him remove another piece of clothing. Trystan was flooding her body with a build up of sexual satisfaction. Her hips acrched in a silent plea of hunger. As her hands settled on his shoulders her nails dug into his flesh, threatening to leave him with ten small bruises. Finally the damn broke and she moaned his name. Eyes closed tightly as he watched the sweet shivers of her release.
Shasha lead Kurumu to her room then remembered it was were the twins were and Shasha couldn't remember seeing the twins or the boys after they went up so Shasha thought it was safer just to have Kurumu lay in her room. "Ya I don't remember seeing those twins or the boys so it might be easier to just stay in my room. I'm bit of a Night cat so I won't be in till late." Shasha said

Shasha thought about going to Eve's room but after hearing the sounds coming from the room she thought it might be better just to leave her to do the stuff she needed to do in peace. So Shasha went downstairs and sat in the lounge reading with the news on in the background.
(I'm really sorry to do this to you Mojito, but I've got to go to bed. May we continue tomorrow?)

He smiled at her as she released, his scent becomeing stronger. He slid off his shirt, realizing that she was into this as much as he was now. He decided to get her back, so he copied her, laying on his back, a gentle smirk on his face. "You can deny your hunger, or satisfy it?" He flashed her a mischievious smile, putting his arms behind his head. His toned stomach beckoned to her. He wasn't muscley, but he wasn't scrawny either. His muscles were sinewy, just barely visible, but tempting none-the-less. He licked his lips teasingly.
Evelyn licked her lips at the sight of him taking off his shirt. Her animistic hunger kicking into overdrive. She growled with a smirk of her own as she pounced upon the smart ass wolf boy. She kissed him with a fierce hunger. Her hands caressing the slight contours of his chest. She migrated her kisses to the curve of his neck, nibbling and sucking until she had left a mark to her satisfaction. "I see you've calmed down a bit." She whispered to him before tracing kisses down his torso until she reached the hem of his pants. She threw him a fierce look before working on the contraptions on his clothes until her fingers searched the confines unti she wrapped her fingers around something hot, hard, and length.


Luna dragged the suitcase up the front steps with one hand and a stuffed bunny on the other. Her amber eyes glistened in the moon light as she looked up at the house. "Wooooow!" She said before opening the door, not even bothering to knock or ring the door bell. She dropped the heavy piece of luggage with a 'thud' . "Becky!! Shasha!! I'm hungry!!"
Shasha heard a familiar voice from the landing area. Shasha got up and looked over at the entrance. Shasha then let out a squee that could wake the house. "OH MY GOD!!!!" Shasha ran over and hugged Luna loving to see her.

(Rebecca isn't at the house yet)
Luna's ears twitched at the sound of her sister's familiar little shriek. She hugged Shasha in return with her bunny still in hand. "Hi Shasha." She beamed. "I missed you!! Is this where you live now? Wow It's so big!!" Her eyes gazed at the surroundings as she completely forgot about her suitcase.

( Wow, I forgot that in record time. )
"Ya this is my home away from home. You should have given me a heads up you were coming." Shasha said picking up her suitcase for her leaving it at the foot of the stairs. "Come with me to the kitchen and I'll get you something to eat." Shasha went to the kitchen pulled out some of the left over fruit salad.
Luna giggled and plopped herself on the surface of the kitchen counter. Her tummy rumbled loud like a bear. She blushed, "Geez Mr. Rabbit, how rude." She laughed, blaming the noise on the stuffed toy. "Mmmm...that looks delicious."
"Ya we have some good cooks here which is good cause you know you can't count on me for meals." Shasha said pouring both of them a glass of milk and the sat on the Kitchen counter across from Luna. "Aw, it is great to see you Luna. I really missed you."
She gazed at the food like a kid in a candy store and the milk was gone in three drinks. "Ooooh it's delicious and the milk,'s milk." She smiled with a cute little milk mustache. "Do I get to share a room with you Shasha?" Her ears went askew with curiousity. "Or do I get a room of my own?" You could see her mind wondering which one would be better. She placed the empty bowl in the sink next to her along with the glass.
"Well everyone shares rooms eventually. I'm currently having someone on my room because her room is a little too... crowded." Shasha said smiling at her little sister, "How is Mom and Dad?"
Her legs waved back and forth over the floor and the bunny sat in her lap while she played with her own tail. "Mom and dad are actually quite fussy right now. Mom keeps mentioning something about heat and dad keeps telling me how boys are eeeeevil. And that my tail will fall off if I do certain things. I know that isn't true though. They said they miss you though!!"
"So you are experiencing heat?" Shasha commented taking another sip of her milk, "Well then it is a good thing you came here. It is the best place to deal with those types of issues. So what else is new for you?"
"How do you 'deal' with heat?" Luna thought about her sister's question. "These are new." She cupped her chest. "They came out of no where. They're not flat anymore. And boys won't leave me alone at school, dad got mad and sent me here."
"What is happening is you are becoming a big girl. See dad, great as he is, isn't a girl and isn't like us." Shasha said waving her tail, "So it is hard for him to understand. See I deal with heat by making sure friends look after me. If you want to see how that works wait a week." Shasha smiled at her sister again
"Okay...." She said, still unsure of how this was going to play out. "Can I see my new room now?" She asked in a cute pleading tone. "I'm a whopping sixteen years old. I'm not twelve." Luna hopping off of the counter top and faced her sister with a smile.
Luna carried her suitcase up the stair as she followed her sister. She silently looked at the room at first before sitting at the edge of the bed. "This is cool." She smiled and began stripping her clothes. "I need to get out of these hot, clingly jeans and into something more airy." She slipped on a black skirt and slipped a familiar v-neck shirt on. "Look what you left at home, I've already worn it a few times." She said indicating the shirt. She sighed from frustration when she saw the bra on the floor. She picked up the article of clothing and squeezed it. "These, I hate. What's wrong with going oh natural?" She asked her question as she looked at her own chest without the bra on. The room was a bit chilly and her nipples were one form of indication. "Ugh....this is an anti-perv device I guess." Reluctantly she took the shirt off and began putting the bra back on.
"Ya and when you boobs get bigger it is nice to have support. But I need sleep sis." Shasha hugged and kissed her sister on the forehead, "I love you and have a good night.

Shasha went to her room to sleep.

(I'm still tired from last night so I need some shut eye. Night)
(Good Night ^^ )

"Good night Shasha." She smiled as her sister gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Luna took the time to unpack all of her belongings and get her bed ready before she too passed out.
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