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Mansion of Animals OPEN

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Haru was fighting the erge to jump Trystan and almost rape him right there on the table, and just began eating his salad and looking sraight into the bowl, fearing if he caught even a glimpse of trystan's eyes, he'd lose all control.

When he finished he took a shallow breath, got up and washed his dishes, then ran outside and flew up to the garden.
Trystan was on the couch, eyes closed, arms crossed over his chest. When he heard the English accent call his name, he had to concentrate on calming his breathing. His hands were shaking, and though the blush had faded from his face, replaced by fierce determination, the shaking hands gave him away. He was the only soldier he knew who could act normal with life at risk, but would break down when it came to girls. Soon, his arms started shaking. His muscles were vibrating, begging to move towards that wolf calling his name in that sweet accent... He growled, biting his lower lip hard, but not enough to break skin. Finally, he was able to manage a few, shaky words. "I'm over here." He swallowed hard, adjusting his hat to hide his eyes.
There was a short silence as Tina snuggled further into him, her eyes drifting close as he held her. A faint blush was noticeable on her cheeks as she began to purr loudly, her tail swishing back and forth happily. Her ears twitched slightly and Tina lifted her head to look up at him, her lips curling into a cute smile "So why did you come to the mansion?" Tina asked curiously, her head tilting to the side.
She heard the tone in his voice. It was familiar. It had just now dawned on her what the problem may be. Quickly she ran back to Shasha..."I have to do something about Trystan. It's a wolf thing, and if I don't nip it in the butt now, the poor thing might very well die of a nervous break down." She placed a kiss on her cheek. "Have fun without me, I shouldn't be long."

Eve soon returned back to the living room and grabbed Trystan by the wrist and dragged him up the flight of stairs and into her room. She flicked the switch and pushed him onto the soft surface of the bed to sit, and she stood before him. "You have an amazing sense of self control." She complimented him. "If you can't stand the scent now, then come winter time you won't be able to stand within a radius of four miles of me." She looked into those lust filled eyes. "What are we going to do about this?" She asked casually.
Vince couldn't help but swallow another gulp as he saw her look up at him and her tail wag hypnotically back and forth like a pendulum. The blush on his face was subsiding just a bit, but his heart was racing just as fast if not faster then it was before. He had several thoughts in his head at once and swore to himself that he would piece them together. He opened his mouth for a third time and was amazed as words began to form almost instantly. "Um...Well... Not may people like us where I am from, and I'm a bit of a shy person if that wasn't obvious...I came I guess to see what it would be like to live with others...Like me, both in age and well, hybrids. He said with a slight smile. "Um...How-how about you? Why did you come to the mansion?"
Trystan twitched when she left him, taking a deep breath. It was the wrong thing to do. Her scent was still there. He yelped when she grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him upstairs and into her room. When he hit the bed, he shuddered. "I-it's a side effect of the m-meds," he stuttered out, his breaths turning shallow. "You are a-asking the wrong person. As f-far as experience with t-the girls go, I get a b-big fat zero."

He growled, looking at his shaky hands. Why couldn't he stop shaking? He looked at Eve, his eyes filled with lust, and panic. "What's going on h-here? W-why am I acting like this?" He sounded scared. He knew he couldn't control life, but until now, he never doubted his ability to control himself. He willed his hands to stop, crying out in frustration. Soon his ears were flicking wildly, knocking the hat fromnhis head. He felt like at any minute, he was going to jump the wolfgirl or have a nervous meltdown.
Tina turned her head away and sighed, her lips forming a slight pout "Our parents are ashamed of our behavior so they sent us here so that we would no longer bring shame to the family" Tina said softly, her hands gripping his fur a little tighter, feeling a little angry at her parents and herself for allowing it to happen. "Vince?" Tina asked softly, looking up at him, her eyebrows drawn together in a quizzical look "Could we lay down together?"
"I'm sorry to hear that Tina." He said softly, a frown on his face. He had never wondered what it had been like for others of the hybrid kind. Sure things weren't very good for him but at the same time it must have been a cake walk compared to what others had to go through. He kept her close trying to ease her a little. And then he heard her request. His eyes went to disc size in a matter of seconds as soon as he heard the little words that she spoke. He opened his mouth and felt his heart race even faster, afraid that it was going to explode out of his chest. He tried not to ramble or jumble his words together so he let his mind slow down a little. "Um..S,s,sure we can lay down if you want..." What had he just said?! The words escaped him before he had a chance to think. He closed his eyes and then opened them quickly. "Um..Here or somewhere else?"
Eve watched his primal sense fighting within. For some odd reasons his growl was a bit of a turn on. She straddled his lap facing me. She would have to drown him in her scent. " This house isn't big enough for the two of us to constantly avoid one another." She guided his hands under the hem of her shirt so that each palm cupped the bra that held her breasts.
"It doesn't matter" Tina said softly, burying her face against his fur again before turning her head to look over at her sister and Matt sleeping happily on the bed. "I guess we should let those two sleep... Do you want to go to your room?" Tina asked "Then we can talk and not disturb them".
His room?! He had to quickly blink several times just to think that he was still awake and not passed out on the floor dreaming all this. No girl had ever wanted to go into his room before. He gulped again and nodded. "Uh um...Yeah I can take you to my room..." He said softly his blush returning to his face. He held onto Tina's hand as he led her out of her room. His eyes were still wide as he led her down the stairs to his floor and turned to enter his room. "Um...Well...He-here we are." He said lightly with a familiar awkward chuckle. He made his way over to his bed and sat down. He had no idea what he was doing and let his lack of instincts guide him forward.
Shasha had and idea what was happening and she new that only Eve could deal with it. Shasha finished dinner and helped bring in the dishes ready to help Naga. "What it that bad?" She asked feeling a bit bad. Her and Naga got along alright. When Shasha was too hyper she could get under his skin but that was normal.
When she straddled him, he thought he'd die. He was quite literally drowning in the scent of her. It had, at this close a proximity and at this volume, a calming effect. His hands stilled before she guided them under her shirt to cup each breast through the fabric of her bra. He was still fighting, albeit at this point, it seemed like a losing battle. He could feel his control slipping, and he made a mental note to ask Matt about the side effects of his meds. "Y-you never answered my question." He growled crying out again, except this time it wasn't a cry of frustration. It was a cry of need. "W-why are you doing this?" he asked, his eyes closed, the blush once again coloring his cheeks.
Tina took his hand and smiled, closing the door quietly behind them as they left, making their way down to his room her tail swished happily and she leaned against him. Tina stretched her arms up and then to the sides as Vince sat down on his bed, she yawned softly and rubbed her eyes, her ears twitching curiously. "Your room is nice" Tina smiled, looking around before moving to stand in front of him giving him a coy little smile "What would you like to do?"
Eve's chest heaved ever so slight. She looked him in the eyes and raked her fingers through his hair before resting a hand on each shoulder. Her skirt covered his lap. "I'm doing this to get you use to my scent. If you can't adjust to it in the slightest then we'll have to find another solution"
His blush was still prominent as he watched Tina walk around. In his room no less. He let his mind race, now almost unstoppable as she stood there in front of him. "Th-thank you Tina..." He said with a awkward smile. They were in his room so now what? His mind raced with fictitious scenarios that in no way could ever come true, at least not in his experience. Her question rang in his ears like the sound of a nearby gong and he contemplated what he was going to say very quickly. "Uh um...I don't know, yo-your the first girl that has ever really wanted to see my room...Not that you know I think you want anything or anything like that...Just uh...I don't know, what would you like to do Tina?" His words were fuddled and rambles he knew he was talking too much but wondered with bated breath for the girls reply.
"I was about to rape him, right there on the table." Nagaharu said with a look that said 'yea, worse than ya think huh.'

Kurumu had just arrived in front of the house when she heard Nagaharu's voice, at that moment she made her wings grow and flew up to him saying, "Her Nana, your fag hag is here!" Then when she saw the slightly depressed look on his face added "Why the long dick, Nana?" placing her bags down.
The blood pounding in his ears, made her voice a whisper, but he understood it. He nodded, showing he understood as he took deep breaths. Every breath he took though pushed him closer to the primal edge. "Evelyn, I... won't last m-uch longer." His voice was strained, and he looked as though he was in pain. His hands, on their own consent, started to massage what they had in them. He bared his teeth, his willpower stopping them. "It's not working!" he yelled, starting to panic. He'd never been pushed into a primal state like this before. He knew panicing meant death, at least as far as he knew, but he didn't want to make people dislike him for something like this. He'd had enough of people talking behind his back. He took a shaky breath, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.
Shasha was sitting on the counter now beside him, "Jezz, next time I'll make sure I shower or spray frebreze or something. Next week will be bad because..."

Before Shasha could finish the bat girl entered the house and by how she was talking her guess it was Kurumu. "You must be Kurumu. I heard stories of you." Shasha said her tail flicking.
His animal instincts was astounding. "Who said I was trying to cease the animal within. You need to quell the hunger. Not deny it. You are a friend now and I know what your body craves. " she growled softly and pulled her shirt off. Her tail caressed his leg. She stepped off of him and slipped her bra off. " are you going to deny it or satisfy it. It's up to you." She crawled onto the surface of the bed behind him, laying on her back like a meal and gazing at him with her green eyes.
Tina giggled at his shy nature, her hands taking a hold of his she leaned upwards and placed a soft kiss upon his cheek she then nuzzled her cheek against his. "You're cute" Tina spoke in a cute tone as she moved to sit on his knee "We can do whatever you'd like, I won't object to anything".
"Hey Mumu, what are you doing here." Naga said his mood lifting slightly at the sight ofhis faghag of a sister.

"Yea, I'm Kurumu." She said while shaking the girl's hand then added, "You know how the town is, I just couldn't take it anymore, and I remembered you talking about this place in one of your e-mails." Looking at her brother. Then turned to Shasha and said, "So, you must be Shasha, but before anything else tell me what's wrong with Nana."

(They're on the roof/garden)
"Well me and another person had sex but I guess the scent lingered and set of some hormonal stuff. Sorry I'm terrible at explaining this stuff." Shasha said sitting on the ledge her tail waving. She was an open girl when needed to be.
Vince adjusted himself a bit to make it a little more comfortable for her, though he wondered why she decided to sit on his knee. However confused he was at the way she decided to sit, he was more confused as she kissed him once again on the cheek. He gulped. His mind was in tangles and then he heard her next statement and held his mouth open a little. He looked away for a moment trying to hide the blush on his face. Every single step that he had taken so far was more then any step he had taken before. "Um...Um...Um...Could we...I don't know maybe just lie down and see where we go from there?" He felt like he was negotiating something as his mind reeled to the last thing that she wanted to do. He chuckled lightly and wondered what she was thinking. He laid back onto the bed and his eyes widened a bit before he closed them. He could only hope that he hadn't blown this already.
He growled, the second she moved away his hands started shaking. He shook his head. "Please. D-don't make me choose." His eyebrows pressed together in concentration. "I d-don't know which i-is the right answer." He looked at her, topless and before him, tantalizing him. "I don't know what I'll do," he said, unable to take his eyes off her. He ran a finger through his hair as he slowly moved toward her.

"D-don't let me hurt anyone. For the love of god, don't let me hurt anyone." And with that, he was on her. His lips were heated against hers, his hands wandering, exploring everywhere on her body. When he looked into her eyes though, it was a look of apology, uncertainty. What would set her off, make her moan, scream for more. Even in such a primal state, his priority was his partner. His hands searched now, feeling for sweetspots. His lips moved down her neck, measuring and teasing here and there. He kissed his way down her chest, closeing his lips on one of her breasts.
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