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Hope of Discovery

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Happy to see Damion go up with Felixia, Luna went down to figure out what was going on. She held her breath, eyes watering from the smoke she looked around. Pipes! Fire in the pipes! This had happened before. Emergency precautions were in place. She scrambled about trying to find it. She looked up, and above her head was the valve. Oh yeah, up there... She jumped up, grabbing it with both hands and swinging her body to turn it. Water was released straight from the ocean, flooding the pipes.
After a couple minutes of CPR, Felixia doubled up and coughed violently. Curling up on her side, and spitting soot out of her mouth, she eventually laid back down on her back. "Wha....what happened?" She mumbled, raising a hand to rub her face, leaving white streaks against black skin.
"Don't worry, You'll be okay." Damion smiles seeing that sees okay. "Just rest up, I'll be right back" he said hand hurries over to the Engine. "Luna, is everything under controll?" Felixia just came to" He tells her.
Luna looked down from where she was hanging, "Hmm? Oh," She coughed, "Yeah, fine. Hey, would you mind turning me?" She asked. For some reason turning it back was harder.
"Sure, no problem" he said sighing with relief. Damion holds onto Luna and begins turing her, causing the wheel to turn as well. "There we go" he said as the valve begins to close. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and mutters, "I need a shower..."
He takes one step to the left and catches her in his arms. "Great job Luna." He smiled and kisses her cheek thrilled that this obsticle is over.
"What was THAT!?" Luna whined, grabbing his face and forcing her lips onto his, shoving her tongue into his mouth, fishing it around savagely and pressing their mouths together before pulling her head away suddenly, "THAT is a kiss. Never give me whatever that was again. Ever." She told him.
Jessica's eyes shot open, coughing as she sat up. Green eyes looked dialated "fuck I need to get.." she growled trying to stand but she failed miserably. Only thing that worried her was the engine at this point in time she promised that it was in good hands "I've failed..." she whispered to herself.
"Y-Yes Ma'am" he said shocked from that kiss. Regaining his composure. He decides to kiss her again. It was just the way she liked it. His lips planted against hers and his tongue entering her mouth so it could attack her tongue.
Loradin, now with pants, was looking over the console in the engine room. 'Its okay, you'll be fine' was all that he could say until he saw Jessica enter the room.."She's fine, just a bit ruffled by the battle a couple of days ago, she lasted through so much more..Haven't you Elaine?" his eyes turned at the last part from Jessica, focused on the core.
Luna returned emphatically and broke off, "Much better. You're not such a faggot after all." She commented, now clinging to him, "Carry me back now please. I'm exhausted." She lied.
She looked at the engine in a sad way "I've failed... I don't even know how they caught fire.. godammit!" she growled banging her head on the door she was clearly upset about the situation she took pride on her mechanics.
Tarot resided in his bed chamber below deck blissfully unaware of the events taking place outside his cabin. For once Tarot was happy he'd grown up with nothing, clothes weren't easy to come by when he was a kid and because of the circumstances he'd had to learn how to sew a long time ago. A faint smile relaxed the drawn lines of his mouth for a moment as he sat cross-legged atop his mattress, a sewing needle held adroit in one hand while the shirt was kept loose in the other. His cloak and coat joined one another in a furrowed pile on the floor near his bed, his hat was off and his messy brown hair feathered outward. His sallow skin was thin and taut beneath his undershirt while his hazel eyes focused sharply on the tear in Cerise's shirt. With the needle poised to strike into the fabric Tarot began sewing. His 'sharp' would float from one end of the fabric through the other end with swift, precise, glides that drew the edges of the gash tightly together. The matching color thread and tight weave Tarot incorporated into his sewing made the seam hardly noticeable, he paused and held up the finished design hoping that Cerise would be pleased with it.

"All done" he sighed

Tarot craned his head over the edge of the bed to drop his gaze upon his own pile of tattered clothing.

"I really should patch my own shirt back up before I close up shop.... eh"

Tarot was too eager to return Cerise's shirt and figured that the battle damage done to his own garbs could wait a little longer. He thought the slash across the torso added a bit of a manly flair to the design anyways. The Galley Master lowered the woman's shirt into his lap and let his eyes travel his own body for a moment. He hoped that if they docked soon it would be in a port with a decent washroom so he could finally clean up. Tarot flipped Cerise's shirt over his shoulder and jumped barefooted onto the floor, wearing only his black satin pants and clingy undershirt as he strolled out to the hallway stroking the stubble of his jawline between his thumb and forefinger.
Loradin walked over and gave Jessica a hug. leaned down and gave her a small kiss. "Its okay, shes had worse done to her...I nearly killed when she was first put in..I'm no mechanic nor engineer, but you...she likes you, have you not heard her call to you in the dead of night?"
He growled a bit at her comment then rolled his eyes. Looking at her knowing that she was lying. "Lazy and horny..." he thought and he soon nod his head. Just for the heel of it, he decided to carry her over his shoulder out of the engine room. "Oh I'll take you back" he said and chuckled.
Jessica thought back to the first night here a females voice calling her back to the engine room "there has always been a voice calling be back here to the engine room I don't understand Loradin.." she sighed looking at the engine. Something about it made her want to jump Loradins bones.
"She's...Special, she is what makes the crew do what they do. come with me, I'll tell you more, but not here not in front of her...and not in front of the crew follow..we need to go to the pander, don't ask just follow."

Loradin held Jessica's hand and took her to the cargo hold. but didn't stop, with a push on a secret panel he walked through an near seamless point in the wall behind was a majestic room, lined with books of all kinds and weapons from all over the world.

"Welcome to the Pander, my personal study and room for pondering. Elaine's power doesn't get here. you can feel it going away now can't you?"
Standing next to him she shuddered it was like a slap in the face "what..the..." she looked at Loradin, the feeling of lust moving away from her core. Jessica took a look around the room before moving to the books looking at the volumes her had of books "Why did you bring me here captain" she asked looking into his eyes. Jessica could picture them without the contacts for a moment. She did not understand how people can be scared of the demon-blood.
Not even suprised at what she was doing, Damion just gave a sly grin. "Control yourself!" he tells her ans slaps her ass hard. He carried her all the way to her rom. and places her on her bed. Instead of leaving, Damion gets on top of the first mate.
"Its the only place that Elaine can't get at. you need to know what she is...Elaine is not the normal steamfitter core, she is one of a kind, and she is also alive. Elaine is daughter of a Succubus, as well as a lightning Elemental, that is how this ship is powered. she is quite powerful, and is her self a demon-blood, but one so powerful, that in her raw state would destroy everything she touched. she met me when we were younger, and asked me for help, this was the only way that i could. Her power is amplified by the hull, making it almost impossible for people on board to resist her, that is why you are always horny. I am not effected because of my own blood and my pact with her, but everyone else is. does that explain why I brought you down here, to tell you this."
She looked sadly at Loradin "The poor girl..." was all she could say. There was an eerie silence that then filled the room. Jessica had nothing to say.
"I would think twice about that Jessica, for it was her that suggested that she put in that form." Loradin walked over with a glass of Rum, and handed it to Jessica. "To good health, and you such. Please you are now the third person who knows of this, and i would like it if my trust could be held, can it?"
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