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Jugger82 and I. ^_^

Alana looked back at him and sighed, she hoped that they could get this thing over with as soon as possible. "How are you feeling?" she asked.
Nathan- Fine...just...just fine...

He sighed and looked up again to see the clouds go by, all the while fighting the urge to break free. He knew if he didn't get this thing out of his sooner, he wouldn't be able to control it and whatever it was that possessed him would completely take him over.
Alana bit her lip and nodded, "Cause if you're hungry or anything we could stop at some place really quick," she suggested.
Alana nodded and then smiled back at him, "Alright, if you say so," she said before continuing to drive.
(Btw, if you want, we can start another RP if you're kinda getting bored of this or just to do two RPs. I'm editing my request thread and I'll give you link when I'm done if you want it.)

Nathan sat there in the car still feeling uncomfortable. He could feel the demon within soon start to break through and he began to sweat as he tried to control it. It was slowly slipping out and the demon had a lust for the woman.
(okay, I'll take a look at it. ^_^)

"We only have about 45 minutes left, we'll be there soon," Alana said with a smile looking back at him. "Are you hot? Do you want the air conditioning up?" she asked.
Nathan shook his head.

Nathan- No...I...I want you...I want you so badly right now...

He was surprised at what he just said. The demon was slowly taking over his body again and he couldn't fight it off.
Alana was shocked by his comment but she just chuckled, "Sorry babe, that you can't have at the moment."
Nathan groaned and fidgeted a bit in his seat uncomfortably. He was breathing hard and sweating as the demon fully overcame him. He became silent as he seemed to be unconscious.
Alana watched in shock as he seemed to have some sort of fit and then passed out, pulling over immediatly she turned around in her seat. "Nathan?" she asked biting her lip and looking concerened, "Nathan," she said before shaking him gently.
Panicking she moved out of her seat and crawled in the back shaking him again, biting her lip she sat him up and looked down at his hands. After a few moments of thinking she figured if anything happened she could over power him, sighing she untied him and went to check his pulse.

Storylines are post number 2)

His pulse was fine but he still stayed unconscious. He listened for her every move and imagined what was going on in his mind to be ready to strike out and rape her once more.
Alana wondered what was wrong with him, 'Could he be taken over again?' he thought before looking him over. 'Maybe it was the medicine?' she thought before biting her lip.
Shaking her head she bit her lip before deciding that she needed to get somewhere that she could get him out, turning around she began to climb back into the front seat forgetting about his hands.
(Wait so are his hands tied or no?)

Nathan opened an eye and smirked seeing she was now vulnerable for him to attack. He would wait for her to start driving before he made his move.
(His hands are untied)

Alana got back into the front seat before putting her seatbelt on and then starting to drive again, she wondered if she needed to stop at a hotel or just a rest stop.
(Ah okay just making sure)

Nathan slowly crept up and his hands went around her and began to caress her breasts firmly.

Nathan- I'm back baby! Hahahahahaha!
Alana jumped when she felt his hands on her breast, "Nathan?! No, it's you," she glared looking in the mirror. "Damn it.!" she shouted before looking to pull over but there wasnt' any room. "Let go of me," she shot before pulling off on an exit.
Nathan laughed some more before he squeezed and rubbed her breasts together tightly.

Nathan- So so sooo soft. I want to put my cock between them! Hahaha. Pull over.
"You don't want me to pull over, I'm about to kick your ass again," she glared wondering exactly what she was going to do. Harming Nathan more was something that she didn't want to do at all, she could always just let him have his way and force him back later but that was her pride she was talking about. "Get away from me," she hissed flinging his hands off of her.
Alana let out a yelp and went to claw at the sleeve but she had no choice but to pull over, "Fine." she managed clearly angry. "As soon as we get to this rest stop," she added.
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