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Mx Any historical fantasy, but make it gay - new plots + pairings

The Visibly Queer One

fluff & smut dealer
Feb 19, 2024
somewhere gay, like California
Not gay as in 'happy', but queer as in 'fuck you'.

Welcome! I'm going to try (emphasis on try) to keep this thread streamlined, as I am known for going off on tangents if given even half a chance. We'll see how I do.

I've been writing and role playing off and on for nearly twenty years, which is a bit daunting to reflect on, and my interests are constantly in flux. One constant for me is romance - I'm always here to write people falling in love and all the tropes that go along with it. The plots and settings tend to shift over time, though, and at the moment, I'm looking for historical fantasy. These stories can revolve more around the romance or they can be more focused on action and adventure but either way, flirting and love must happen eventually. I'm going to list off a bunch of pairings and as I have story ideas to go along with them, I'll put them down below.

Before we get to the fun bits, though, I want to emphasize that I almost exclusively write as FtM transgender men. Some will be tall, some will be small, some will be butch, some fem, some slender, some buff - you get the idea. One reason I'm big on historical fantasy is that I'm a fan of diversity. Not all of my characters will be white, neurotypical, and without physical disability.

*Recently, I've been writing in third person, present tense. Let me know if that's a problem for you.

Any roles I especially want to play will be bolded. Anything with a * has a further plot bunny listed below.

Greek demigods on a quest, possible poly trio
Roman legionnaires, specifically *commanding officer x soldier (mxm)
Sea monster-hunting pirates, a la The Sea Beast but without the heartwarming ending
Pirate captain x First mate
Pirate captain x Prisoner
Pirate captain x Noble
Arranged marriage between princes* (mxm)
Egyptian Pharaoh x royal magician (probably mxm)
How to Train Your Dragon-style Norsemen, but grittier and more violent
Porco Rosso-style seaplane pirates x bounty hunter
1920s/50s lounge-singing siren
(like, an actual siren, from the sea) x film noire private eye (mxm, I have a specific fem character I want to play) bit maxed out on this one lately
Knight x Noble* but with a twist
Victorian-era vampire x blood bank
Greek/Roman god x human
Anything with the English aristocracy. Basically Bridgerton, but make it Queer.
Feudal or Edo period Japan. Give me gay samurai
Wild West. Cowboys, miners, priests, and prostitutes.*

A young, sheltered prince, destined to be wed in the coming days, slips out of the castle one evening to take this last chance at freedom. He seeks out a well-known inn that he's overheard the maids talking about, a tavern richly decorated and full of the most beautiful company in the kingdom - available for a price. He doesn't realize what he's getting himself into until it's too late, which is about the time his father's captain of the guard comes in on his weekly night of respite in the arms of a buxom young woman.

Our prince slips away unnoticed and takes refuge behind the nearest unlocked door. The room appears unoccupied, which gives him just enough time to catch his breath before a voice from the shadows steals it away again.

'Why, hello there.'

Our prince is confronted by a striking man, attractive in his own way, and then mistaken for one of those beautiful companions this tavern boasts about. He finds himself playing along in a desperate bid to keep his secret and very nearly convinces himself that it's real when his body begins to react to the stranger's advances. Even after he manages to slip away, the memory of those lips follows him into the night.

Our prince thinks he's gotten away with this little adventure, maybe even feels rather proud of his daring escape, right up until he meets his husband-to-be: the man from the brothel the night before, dressed in full royal regalia and walking beside his father, the king.

So I have a lot of ideas for this, ranging from political assassinations to unintended kidnappings, but I'm hoping to play my sheltered prince against your rakish counterpart.
This plot was lifted almost verbatim from someone else's thread so if that was you, I do apologize for stealing it, but you never responded to my request and I really want to play it out lmao

Every year, the king holds a tournament for all who think themselves capable of entering. The winner earns a spot amongst the royal guard. The losers? Death by combat. This year, the winner will be assigned to protect the crown prince. It's an honor, to be sure, especially since that means earning the favor of the someday-king.

Men and women come from all over the kingdom to compete, but this year, there's a special applicant as well as a special prize: a minotaur. It's controversial, their kingdom was only recently annexed, but one such creature has decided to prove himself worthy in the eyes of the people. Perhaps he has his own reasons.

As laid out by the original author of this prompt, the minotaur isn't meant to have any special infatuation with the prince, he just wants to prove that his people are as worthy as anyone else. But the prince finds himself enamored with the warrior's honor and dignity and goes to see him before and after his bouts, trying to understand this beast who is no mere beast. In time, the minotaur wins his place among the guard and the time spent with the young prince leads them both down a path of affection that they never anticipated.
This idea is rather loose at the moment because it should largely revolve around your character. You, ideally, play a person who has risen through the ranks of the Roman legion to become pilus prior. He's driven, he's talented, he's a brilliant tactician - think Odysseus, but without the crown.

I play his subordinate, but they're more than just comrades in arms - they're friends, and have been for some time. MC was once just another provincial hoping for an opportunity to prove himself worthy of citizenship; YC saw him fight and decided that he would be useful, so he brought him on to serve in the legion proper, directly under YC's supervision. It's been years since then (we can decide how many) and now, they're close friends, although the line between commander and subordinate still remains.

When YC is promoted to pilus prior, he brings MC along with him - or maybe even debates whether or not to do so - and we get to enjoy the way tensions flare and sinews stretch taut.
He's young for a preacher. Handsome, too - at least, all the girls in town seem to think so. They all seem to be paying a lot more attention in church since he came to town, too. But he's never been much of a ladies' man. He's charming, but reserved, as a holy man ought to be, and keeps his preaching for those who stray into his flock.

Folks say this town could use a little salvation, especially since that madame moved into the old inn and made it something less... savory. All kinds of seedy types have been hanging around lately. "Gentlemen and Ladies of the night" they call themselves, but we all know what it really means, and the clientele they attract speak for themselves. Respectable folks do well to stay out of that part of town.

And then, one Sunday, somebody crosses to the other side of town.

A young man turns up in the back of church. His dress and manner are reserved. He's dainty, even pretty, and it's strange to think that someone like him could cause a fuss - at least, until the whispers start. Soon, they aren't whispers. The reverend (YC) finds himself interrupted mid-sermon by shouts and accusations as someone who calls themself a lover of God points a finger and calls this new member of their flock a wolf in sheep's clothing, and in no uncertain terms: whore.

Our young reverend intervenes and calms the crowd, reminding us all that it is not our place to throw stones - judge not lest ye yourself be judged - and insists the new visitor not be cast out for seeking his own salvation. The service continues, but one can't help but wonder what happens when the young preacher asks this jezebel to stay behind to speak privately.

So, assuming you've seen something you like so far, here's the boring bit: rules. I don't have many hard and fast rules, but I've got a handful of pet peeves and hard no's.
- Do not use slurs to refer to my characters. Terms like 'cuntboy' and 'tranny' are not welcome. I'm happy to discuss the vocabulary used for genitalia etc etc and will not bite your head off but please, a little respect.
- I tend to write several paragraphs per post, generally upwards of 4 solid ones, and I'm looking for a partner who can give me a good back-and-forth. I don't like purple pros and useless word frippery but I want content I can sink my teeth into.
- I can generally reply more than once a day, but I need a minimum of one post per week, particularly at the start of a story, or I totally lose my connection to the characters. I'm sorry about that. The neurodivergence can be a killer sometimes.
- I don't have a smut-to-story ratio, but I'm a big fan of both.
- Please be an active participant when it comes to both writing and planning. It's no fun if we don't work together!

Some merits of writing with me:
- I'm friendly! Let's chat! I'm happy to share my discord and memes! We can also keep the chatting to a minimum, but some ooc conversation is always welcome!
- I will happily listen to you gush about your characters! Tell me all about them!
- I like making pretty pinterest boards to represent my own characters!
- I love humor and I strive to put it into all my stories, regardless of plots!
- I've been told I'm a pretty good writer! It's all subjective, of course, but I write full-bodied characters and always strive to work with my partner to create something we'll both enjoy.

I don't have an f-list at the moment but here are some abbreviated lists!
Favorite kinks: rough sex, public sex, biting, scratching, marks of ownership, creampies, excessive cum, breeding and pregnancy (situational), watersports, incest, strap-ons and toys, BDSM, DD/lb, oral sex (esp giving), throat and skull-fucking, hair pulling, breath control, collars and leashes, fetish clothing, drugs and alcohol, monster fucking, squirting, anal, frotting.
Hard no's: scat, vore, sexual gore, rape and non-con.

If it's not on the no list, you can feel free to ask about it, but please don't spring any super niche stuff on me in the moment. Communicate!

If anyone is specifically looking to write PWOP, I'm down with that. Hit me up and we can work something out. Fair warning, though: I'll almost certainly want to be the receiving party in that partnership, or the physical bottom. I'm happy to switch in most situations but I can't be the sole top in a smut-focused story, it burns me right tf out.

That's all for now, folks! I hope to hear from you soon. Hmu if you want to swap discords!
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