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Profile Picture


Jul 26, 2023
Are there any specific guidelines for profile pictures? Cans and Cant's?
Copy/pasting this from the rules.
  • 6. All avatars, signatures, profile banners, and status updates/profile posts must be SFW (Suitable For Work). An avatar of only breasts, genitalia, or backsides with minimal coverage is not allowed. Nudity is not allowed, even if covered. These will be judged at staff discretion. Please remember, if you were in an a public professional setting and have to scroll past the image to avoid a coworker seeing it, then it's not safe for work and therefore unacceptable. Custom titles must be SFW, and 'possessive' custom titles (i.e. "[username]'s [blank], owned by [username], etc.) should be avoided.
So, generally just stick with SFW things, and you'll be fine.

And here are the site rules for your convenience.
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