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The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Little shocks sent through her chest with each little flick. Her nipple was sensative from his rough play. Even his kiss sent a tingle up her neck. It was a good thing her head was on his shoulders otherwise he would have seen the small shade of pink that glowed in her cheeks when he called her a naughty whore. In Victoria's mind she could picture another vampire comeing by and seeing the two. It was shameful. He was supposed to be her snack and yet the food chain appeared to be in reverse. "AHHH!" Her hips thrust forwards harder onto his member and her head flew back against the wall as a rush of exstasy came over her. His ramming was pleasurable enough for her inner walls but she was caugh by surprize as a stroke of pain shot up her spine. He had suddenly stretched her tiny hole with his entire hand. Both of her walls clamped down on his member and handel. The heels of her feet shifted against his lower back to every movement he made upon her. "Kenny.." She coed out his name in estasy as she took the breif seconds between waves of pleasure to breathe, not that she really needed to. "Y-your such..a bad BoYYY!" she moaned louder than ever. Her hips shifted forwards again as he twisted his hand in her behind. Her body shook and her mind was going crazy with pleasure. She had found her body was becoming more and more sensative. Barely a touch in the right place would send her mind in an erotic haze. This only meant one thing. She was coming really close to her climax. He balls of her fingers clung to his back and her thighs twitched with ever move of her fingers. The vampiress was begining to tense up as she felt the pressure building.
Kenny seemd to be out of cotnrol with hsi movements, in a state of pure pleasure he hadn't compeltly though at all to what he was doing, he just did what brought more pelasure to himeelf and to his captive vampiress,. btu now sudenly as his midn began to clear e realised the overwhelming pressure buildign in his member, by now he would have climaxed twice from all this play, and yet he had not even precummed. His curiousity thogh was blocked out as eh lurched forward slammignteh girl hard to the wall wwith a loud moan his cock explodign with cum right intot eh vampries pussy , his body shakign as his cock kept shootign huge spurts out , breathgin heavy, the boy twiste dhe hand form her anus as he grasped onto a pipe above ththem to keep him from falling, his mind back in his body as the river of cum subsided, he begna feelgint he fatigue fo teh sesion.
Victoria could not hold the pressure in much longer. All it took was one last thrust to set her off. Luckily it appeared to be the same situation for Kenny. In one last large thrust his cum rushed up her pussy setting off a smiliar reaction. Her thin body became stife and in a shack and a cry of exstasy she came over his member. Her body instantly relaxed, slumping slightly under Kenny as her legs uncoiled and her hands slide up on his shoulders. Her pussy was seeping with cum. Victoria was breathing heavily and took a few seconds to catch her breathe before she helped pull him out of her. It was like unplugging a fauset. The moment his member came out a puddle of cum developed under her. "That..was horrible." She joked with a smirk. "The worst sex ever."
Kenny smirked as he saw tthe job he had done to ehr pussy, his shoudlers hunched as his arms felt heavy, forcign a little chuckle as he noded whiel stumblign ot he otehr wall adn slidign down it, to land hard on hsi ass, finaly allowign himself to catch his breath. "I'm so sorry if i'm too good that it began to suck." Kenny chukled out, and gazing up to victoria, slowly lookign voer his body, his memebr twitchign and gettign hard agin just seeignteh damage he had down, all hsi white cum seepign down ehr legs, teh heardcore hickkies on eithe side ofehr neck, an her oen red breast.
Victoria stood there against the wall briefly watching him laugh and look over her body once more. She would be shocked if his feeble little body could handle another round. Despite was his horny little mind thought she didn't think he could. After maybe a minute of rest Victoria got off the wall. "I will tell Anna about the dance as promised." She said simply as she bent down to gather her clothes. As she did so her hickies on her neck were begining to heal themselves and her pale flesh was returning to its more natural color. She then turned to face him as she began to redress herself, not caring if her clothes got dirty from the cum or sweat.
"so you do heal quickly, that's no fun. I spent time and love makign those marks for you to show off." Kenny chuckled otu as he grabed for hsi boxers to get tehm on, he had the saem thought as she did, even if he wanted to go antoehr round he knew he couldn't not liek this. "alright... and you or Cindy are welcom in my dorm any night." Kenny said with a smirk,a eh stood while buttonign hsi pants, bendign quickly to grab his shirt and toss it over hsi shoulder, his body too hot for it rigth now as he let the nigth air cool him down. "just wear somethign nice" Was hsi last comment as he turned to look out the alley way and see if anybody was around, though he figured with how loud Victoria had been, any one aroudn would have alreayd figurd out what had been goign on.
Victoria nodded her head to him but did not verbally speak a reply. She smirked watching him turn and walk away. He would not have any visits in his dorm. She had a feeling part of him realized that but hoped to be wrong. For now, the intercourse was a one time deal. It was a chance for Kenny to get a taste of Victoria and for Victoria to learn about Anna's boyfriend. SHe was in a happier mood now that she was now getting a good feeling about him. This human and forbiden relationship may have been a fortunate event after all, at least for Victoria. It was new intertainment in what was starting to become a dull manor. With the sound of a single footstep Victoria turned away and traveled so swiftly through the night that she was gone within seconds.
'"such a lovely Lady.." Kenny hummed out as he walked back to his dorm for a cold shower and headign off to bed. The next sayd went as normal till his neighbor came up to him int eh halls, wraping an arm around his neck and givign Kennhy a playful tap on the shoulder. "Ya dog you, can't believe mhy neigh bor is such a player" He chcuckled out, with kennys response being a quizical look , givign his neighbor the que ro continue. "I hear dya last night, or heard ya secoond girl. i was buzzed but i know there aint no other Kenny around here, peeked into teh alley way.. tsk tsk tsk... ya "No no.. it's not like that.. it was cin... anne's mother, step mom, grounded her, needed to soften her up, get her to lighten my girls load." Kenny said with a confident grn befoer walkign to his dorm to drop off his stuff and head to the library to study once mroe, as he didnt expect a visit tonight or any night for a while.
Days had passed and Kenny received no reply from Victoria or Anna. However a few days after his conversation with his fun loving neighbor Kenny did hear something. The clock struck twelve and there was a knock at Kenny's door. Two young college students around Kenny's age stood outside the door waiting for a reply. The blond was wearing a short plaid skirt and a skintight v-neck top. The brunette was wearing a red little guchi dress that was inches above her knee in length. Both girls had a coin purse under their arms and long heels on their feet. They looked as if they were going out to a night club or party.
kenny got up with a grogy groan, sliding from his bed, it had ben the day of an exam ande he had been beat from an al nighter the day before leavign him nearly astonished to se the girls outside his room, uickly pulling on pants so as not to offened them b efore pulling open the door, a curiou slook on his face "may i help you two? you probably got the wrong dorm....robert's dorm is next door" he stated as ghe pointed to his neighbors room figuring them to be some kind of sluts
"Who's Robert?" The blonde asked curiously. The brunette spoke for the two. "We were on our way to a party and ended up having car trouble." She explained to him. The brunette looked him up and down then tilted her head to peek into his room. "Do you mind if we chill in you're room? least until our friends arive?" She asked him. The girls turned on their charm looking beautiful and innoscent.
Kenny scratched the back of hi sneck nerviously before noding and steping aside, he d]couldn't say no to these girls pluss he hadnt had much female contact sense victoria and even just beign close to these girls mad ehim week, they were cute, so he pushed aside the question of why they were asking a boy this far intot he dorms and let them in befoer he sat down on his bed. "ALright.. my name is Kenny by the way, i would atlest liek to knwo who my guests are"
"Thank you so much." The blonde smiled as she walked in first. Follow into the room behind her was the brunette. Their his swayed and they appeared confident about their body. The blonde sort of wondered around the room breifely to get a good look around while the brunette closed the door behind her and walked straight over to the bed. "My name is Raven." She told him as she walked over and sat a few inches to the right of Kenny. "And I am her sister Robin." The blond said in a friendly tone as she practically bounced on the bed and sat on the left of Kenny close enough for their hips touch. If he payed enough attention Kenny would realized the two looked identical aside from their hair color.
Kenny watche dthe girls enter his room, his view on the bruentte as she sat down next to him, givign a small smile, freindly while still sly as he nodded to befoer nearly jumpign as the blonde robin bounced down nearly atop him, turnign him slightly red.. with these names the bnoy looked between the two be froe grinning. "well what should i do with such lovely twins while we wait for their rescuer?" kenny aske dcuriously, his stare shfing between he two unsure which to ogle more at.
"Well.." Raven, the brunette, began in a friendly tone. "You can start by stop staring at us like that." She said as if she was offended by it. "Yeah, just because we are attractive doesn't mean you can fantasize about us while we are in the room." Robin said as if the two of them were angry. The two could not hold it in for long. They both laughed at once. "We were only joking." Robin mused after seeing his face. She wrapped her arms around his left arm, practically hugging the limb as she sat beside him. "Seriously though." Raven began. "You can.." Her hand settled on his leg and rubbed lightly over his outer thigh. "you can entertain us to help the time go by." She recommended as she tilted her head looking at him playfully, seductively.
The boy had gone red by their comments,he couldn't beleive how obviously perverted he seemed to them, goign a heavier red now as they laughed a thim befeor breakign as smile, to fix his stare otn eh blonde girl that seemed slightly mroe playful, though his rigth ahdn did wander to Raven's thigh as he spoke. "well, how is one lonely college boy going to entertain such beautiful young women, at eh same time?" Kenny asked his grin growign wide as his rigth ahdn tried to venture inbetweent eh bruenettes legs under her dress to try and feel over what she migth be wearign underneath. Kenny's mind kept goign back to Cindy, how she was his girl friend, but he needed to play a bit, he had to after the nights with her and then in teh alley way witehr her mistress, he was craving sexx and only a few days was drivign him mad, now as two girls sat upon his bed, young and such teases, he couldn't help but go for it.
Both girls smiled and giggled at the same time to his complement. The little guchi red dress Raven was wearing had been slowly sliding up due to the positioning she sat in. Tryly the dress really was not meant to be sat in. The material was too tight and shtort for that. Due to this little malfunction it took very little effort for Kenny to slide his hand underneath. Raven even spread her legs slightly and subtly as if by accident, causing the dress to raise up almost to where her panties began. He would feel something thin and lacey once he reached her panties. Raven's hand began to slide up his leg as his did the same for her. However just before her hand reached his little bulge she slide her hand back down his thigh. "We can play a game" Robin volunteered an answer. "My sister and I love playing games." Raven spoke. "Yes, that way we can entertain each other." Robin added followed by Raven. "And we can get to know you better."
Kenny had been lost in the visualisation of the girls linfgerie when the soft ticklign of Raven's touch snappe dhim out just in tiem to hear robins suggestion makignt he boy smile as he ran his figners over where Raven's slit should be hidign under her panties. "A game sounds fun, why don't you tell me teh ruels , or we can get started, I m a fast learner" he said witha sly chuckle befroe pecking Robin ont eh cheek.
Raven's pussy twitched slightly as she felt his cold finger over the thin material. "We can play truth or dare." Raven suggested. "We can even leave out the truth part if you like." She said. "Or we can play hide and seek." Robin suggested. "Which would you rather play?" Raven asked Kenny as her finger slide over his bulge to rub lightly over the fabric. "Do you know another game?" Robin asked him.
"Hide and seek?" Kenny asked curiously, he had been thinking of sexual game, but this, this was different to him, so out of curiousityhe responded. "How can hide and seek be fun? though if you girls know how to make it fun then sure lets go ahead." Kenny stated eagerly as bhis figners began pressing on ravens panties to rb harder, no insertign, jsut teasign through her soft fabric.
The girls laughed at his curiousity and innoscents. Raven's laughter ended shorter however as she took in a breathe enjoying his tease. She was begining to get wet in her thin panties. "We can make any game fun." Raven winked. "Rule number one." Robin began. "A new rule can be made by any one at any point in the game." Raven said the rule. "The seeker counts to ten." Robin began to explain how to play. "And the other two hides. Then the seeker goes out to seek as in the normal game." Robin explained. "Whoever the seeker catchs first loses and gets to be the next seeker." She said. "However once someone is caught the seeker gets to choose which item of clothing the loser has to remove." Raven said with a smirk. "Or he can choose something for them to do." Robin added.
Kenny's grin widened at eth last part his fingers presign hard to begin insertign the fabric int toeh girls pusy as he spoke. "so where do we play? unl;ess you can find good hiding spots in my lil' dorm room?"
Raven gasped surprise he would try inserting so soon. Her thighs closed slightly before she caught herself from closing them all the way. "The dorm room will work." Raven spoke as she remembered that they had mentioned a friend comeing later about the car, this meant it probably was not a good idea to leave. Robin stood up anxiously to kiss him on the forehead. "You are it." She said as she skurried over to light switch and turned it off. "Since its a small room we need a little more of a challenge." she mused.
Kenny chuckled and removed his hands formt eh bruuennets legs as he stood and walked slowly to the door itn eh dark," this tis to make sur eyou don;t senak out with anything, TEN!" THe boy began countign down form ten slowly as he faced his door, wonderign if the girls would actualy fidn any sopots for him, if anythign he would expec tehm to want to eb caught.
The girls giggled then he could hear them shush each other as the scurried to find a hiding spot. The first few rounds probably would not be so hard for him to win. They were both in heels and the dorms had tile flooring. Soon all fell silent and the girls settled with a hiding spot. Raven hide behind the little couch while Robin had slide her little body under the bed.
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