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Magical Girl RP~me and Kakure

Zack got home, glad that she didn't live to far away from her. Like her he had been unable to sleep most of the night until early in the morning. His alarm clock went off after a few hours of sleep, but he felt really awake for some reason. He had expected to be tired after his "training" with Alicia. He got ready quickly and ate a peice of toast as he left the house. He took th subway again to her place before walking a few blocks. He saw her standing on the side walk and he waved, his heart once again about to leap out of his chest as he saw her.
Angel turned to him and smiled brightly, waving back before running to his side.

"Sleep well?" she asked, laughing lightly as she walked in pace with him, her book bag held behind her back with her hands. She was back in her school uniform. Short skirt and tight shirt. As usual, she was constantly checked out by people heading to work themselves.
Zack felt a bit of jealousy as people would stare, but he very well couldn;t tell them all to back off without telling the entie world to do the same.

" much," he said admittedly. "How about you?" he asked her. He wasn;t tired, but only a few hours of sleep, he was sure he'd feel it at one point of the day.

(I need to head to class now....ill be back in like 2-3 hours k....see you then hopefully)
"Well, I didn't get much sleep, but I did wake up refreshed either way." Angel replied. She was glad he decided to come so early. School wasn't that far away, but they had a full hour till it started, leaving them time to talk and do other things.

((Ok then, see you later. I'll likely be on still.))
As they walked and talked Zack was thinking of ways to make his 'move' on her. He knew that Angel thought sex was more of a bond making sort of things that friends and even family did together. Should I just oush her against the wall and take advantage of her?he thought. If she was anything like her mom that would be the way to go, but that felt wrong to him. "So, where did you live...before here?" he asked trying to seem like he was paying attention.
"All over the place really. My mom works for some big company, so they tend to transfer her around quite a bit to various places they think they need her. Though, they gave her a permanent position in this town, so I won't have to worry about moving again. Though, moving so much did give me a chance to see alot of the world." Angel replied. When Zack thought about his little.........idea, Angel felt a small warmth grow between her legs. It was small enough so that she could keep her composure and ignore it, but was curious as to what caused it.
Zack listened to her and his heart had begun to sink when she said she moved alot, but it quickly vanished as she said her mother had a permanent position in this town. To him it felt ironic, but it only seemed to strengthen his resolve that her mother was right and they where ment to be. After a bit he decided just to ask her something " similar to your mom," he asked her gently. "I mean...I'm sure you know what we did yesterday."
Angel wasn't entirely sure what he meant when he asked her if she was similar to her mom, but she soon realized it when he knew that she had heard them yesterday. This caused her to blush, but smile shyly.

"Yea, I know. I'm not as..........forward as her, but.......I'm not a whole lot different than her..." she replied, her blush only intensifying. If only she knew what he was thanking earlier.........In all honesty, she would enjoy it.
Zack was once again rethinking his idea, but would it be best to do that out in public? "I see..." he said, already in his mind he could only imagine how she'd be, she was more naive to the subject of sex, so he bet she would be more vocal then her mother.

(Where should he just pin her against a wall and take advantage of her?)
((Well, I suppose he could take her into an alley, or get particularly naughty and pin her up against the front of a building, maybe even window and give everyone a good show.^_^))

Angel nodded. With his thinking about his plan again, Angel felt that familiar warmth between her legs again. Of course, she didn't know exactly what caused it, but was putting two and two together and realizing it had something to do with Zack.
(I like the window idea...maybe an unused classroom would be good...they would be absent for home room and gym?)

As they walked he thought of several ways. Zack would never have thought of such, well dispicible ways of getting to a girl before, but he felt certian that if they where truely bonded in some way or meant to be then it wouldn;t matter if he acted outside of the norm. "Have you know?" he asked her suddenly.
(Sounds fine, and I wouldn't mind them being absent from homeroom because of it. Gym......I'd like to stay. While we won't always play it out, I planned on the perv boys on gym taking advantage of her regularly, since Zacks not actually in the same pe class as her.))

"W-Well........I'm not a virgin, if that's what you were asking..........but I haven't done it alot either." Angel replied. She wasn't entirely lying. She was just lumping the gym class and subway gang bangs as one isntance of sex each, instead of counting the times she did it with one man during each encounter.
(Ok...I just kinda think that normally a guy would be pissed if the girl he liked was...yeah)

Zack noded, well he wasn't a virgin either, she knew that now though. He wasn;t to upset, he almost expected her not to have been, he guessed she had alot more experience then he had from the beginning. She after all was attractive and would have been asked out, Zack was just Zack.
((Yea, I know. I figure eventually he'll hear about the rumors. I'd imagine he won't believe them at first, but happen to walk in on her getting taken advantage of at some point. Since it's basically guys forcing themselves on her and her relenting, he would be able to understand and not accuse of her of cheating or anything.))

" was a my mother?" Angel suddenly asked out of nowhere. She didn't stop to think how much this would embarass Zack. Of course, she wasn't mad. In all honesty, she was just a curious girl and she just wondered....
Zack turned a beat red from embaressment at that " was good," he admitted. "It was my first time though," he said trying to make an excuse, for some reason he thought telling her that her mother was the best thing he ever had was, well not right, but he really had nothing to compare to.
Angel couldn't help but giggle at his embarassment.

"Yea, so I've heard. You're certainly not the first person that's visited my house, only to be charmed by my mother." she added, laughing lightly.
This only made him think more about it, and he was even getting a little aroused as they walked. "Um...your alright with...what I did?" he asked her gently, she didn;t seem upset that he fucked her mom, not once but twice even.
"No, not really. My mom tells me my views on love making are somewhat fairy tail-ish, but I don't care. I see it as a way for two people to take that next step and get to know each other in every sense of the word. I don't view sex as just some pervy way to get some kicks." Angel replied, laughing lightly. She had been called naive before due to her personality, but she never let insults get to her.
"Oh..." he said. "But...what if you actually like...had a relationship with someone?" he asked her suddenly. He was afraid of her going around with guys if they did become more then just friends.
" that case, I'd still be..........somewhat fine with it. I mean, as long as he didn't spend every waking second screwing my mom and ignoring me, I thank I could let it slide." Angel explained.

"But, if you mean what it would be like on my part.............I guess that would depend on the guy really, and how understanding he is." she added, shrugging lightly. Of course, she wouldn't go around fucking guys for the fun of it. She'd likely just be like she was now, resistant at first, but eventually relent.
This began to really make Zack think, he wonered about it a lot. Was it ment to be for them to be together? He was quiet for a bit as they walked as he thought about all of this.
"Did you think what I said was weird?" Angel asked, looking over him, figuring that was the cause of his silence. She was worried that her views on sex might have put him off. She knew that guys liked to keep their girlfriends to themselves, and she had no problem with that. She was just a free spirit that didn't like to be caged.
" be honest bit....but I have a if you had a wouldn't care if he went around and had sex with other girls?" he asked. He was trying to make sense of what she had said.
"Well, not entirely. I mean, if he went around cheating on me with any random girl that showed him any attention, then of course I'd be upset. But, if he has intercourse with a girl, not for sheer pleasure, but due to an unbreakable bond or something along those lines, I could let it pass. Like with my mom. While I have no doubt you enjoyed it, she's really protective of me and my friends and likes to be close to anyone that is close to me. Something like that would be acceptable." Angel replied. She knew he was confused and she was doing her best to explain her view clearly.
"But you would still do that right....with any random guy?' he asked her. It sounded like who ever she chose wasn;t allowed to fool around, but she was allowed to.
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