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The Next Generation of Lost in Space: Kinks D/s and Aliens - Underway but Always Room for More


May 3, 2014
We are underway but always have room and openings for more.
  • Artificial Life Form
  • Active Male Players (Dom or Sub)
  • Escaped or captive alien slaves
  • Any gender interested in a scene leading to tentacle sex type play
  • Plant/Human hybrid - hermaphroditic

The story's various scenes play out in our sub-forum so there are lots of opportunities for a variety of ideas to play out. You don't need to be up on every scene to play, this is an ongoing community that develops over time and everyone can contribute.

You can review the Character Thread (Photo Face claims preferred, some exceptions for aliens/artificials), for further inspiration.

A more detailed summary is at the top post of the Main IC Thread .

  • Set 100 years since original story so basically a new story line with all new characters.
  • Dystopian setting with rival factions (Maledom vs Femdom with an Alien threat looming)
  • Plant like Tentacled Alien added, creating a human/plant hybrid options for characters.
  • Options for aliens, but keep power in check (under discussion)
  • Open to all genders and orientations including NB character types.
  • Kinks and character types - Character Thread Started (Look don't touch until you have introduced yourself here please.)
Initial Summary:
One Hundred years ago, an attempt to save the human race from extinction on a dying Earth went horribly wrong. Of the 75 families selected to seed a new colony, only 4 survived, crash landing on a habitable moon in an uncharted system. Desperate not only for their own survival but for that of their species, they embarked upon a forced breeding program to diversify the genetic make up of their all too fragile colony. Now a new generation of colonists, children of those initial survivors are coming of age. Will they continue with the same dedication to survival, or will they choose a new path for themselves? Did such narrow genetics and the temptations to push science too far, too fast change the species? Where they truly alone on that moon?

This will be an expansion and partial reboot of our ongoing Lost in Space Group played out here on Bluemoon. Please introduce yourself here and we shall invite you to the OOC discussion. Feel free to ask questions here as well, we don't expect you to have a character concept yet, just an interest in the idea at this point. The various Lost in Space shows are simply a theme, we are not playing cannon and you need not be familiar with the franchise to join.
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Great! Looking forward to see what happens. If either want to discuss potential links feel free to hit me in PM.
My knowledge of Lost in Space is very, very limited, but I’d love to do another sci-fi play with you @LeaT ! Count me in!
We are getting close to a start, so if you are still interested, please jump into the OOC thread and make up a character.

Anyone else is invited as well, the structure will allow for late comers but we are getting going by the end of this weekend.
We are getting close to a start, so if you are still interested, please jump into the OOC thread and make up a character.

Anyone else is invited as well, the structure will allow for late comers but we are getting going by the end of this weekend.
So ready!
We are underway but always have room and openings for more.
  • Human colonist
  • Escaped or captive alien slaves
  • Any gender interested in a scene leading to tentacle sex type play
  • Plant/Human hybrid - hermaphroditic
We are underway but always have room and openings for more.
  • Human colonist
  • Escaped or captive alien slaves
  • Any gender interested in a scene leading to tentacle sex type play
  • Plant/Human hybrid - hermaphroditic
  • Artificial Life Form
Soooo. I don't know where your story is at. Searched for an IC thread for the "Next Gen" version of your group but couldn't find it.
But I was curious about the role of an artificial lifeform. I have a "female" Android I could work over to fit the setting, if you think that idea has viability.
They are combined in the same sub-forum. So it is spread out in a number of different threads, each having the "Next Generation" prefix to differentiate it from the original. By the way, nothing is canon to Lost in Space so don't worry about that.

I've had a little interest in the role but that was a while ago and haven't heard anything since. So I'd love to hear about your idea for an android.

For our story, the bulk of the characters are human but there has been an alien ship crash with no survivors. Two rival groups are coming to the crash site in hopes of rescue or salvage and possibly gaining an advantage over the other. So finding an alien AI along with whatever else they can salvage is a plot point we would like to include. The AI would emerge in this thread (the first few posts are a little weird as originally there was going to be some survivors but that got scrapped).
They are combined in the same sub-forum. So it is spread out in a number of different threads, each having the "Next Generation" prefix to differentiate it from the original. By the way, nothing is canon to Lost in Space so don't worry about that.
That is a lot of sub-forums! How do you keep track of what's going on? lol
Also, I think I only watched part of the first season of the new series, so I wouldn't know what's going on anyway. Tbh, I've probably seen more of the classic series than the new one. But don't remember much. I DO remember the 1998 movie, though!

I'm just a sci-fi nerd. So I'm willing to give a lot of space sci-fi settings a shot.

I've had a little interest in the role but that was a while ago and haven't heard anything since. So I'd love to hear about your idea for an android.
This is the character in as she appears in my archives. But I'm obviously going to make changes to her background and such to fit her into the setting. Mayhaps you could advise or have some ideas to that end?

Kasey (1).png
•Model: KA – 53X.5L4V3.TNA /Ambrix

•Serial Number: 02 - 182017 - MNL84

•Moniker: Kasey, Kas, K, Kay-kay

•Personality Matrix: PROG/DEV (Married to AI)

•AI Mainframe: Ambrix ser1 PROG/ADA

•Height: 155 cm

•Weight: 82 kg (unskinned)

•Skin: AngstyF6

•Date of Manufacture: (pending on setting)

Created by the Mursen-Teirs Corporation, Kasey is currently assigned to the starship (your ship name here).
  • She can be on rental to the captain, as android upkeep is actually quite expensive and usually requires specialized facilities and technicians. Mursen-Teirs regularly maintains their models between assignments so that they are in optimal condition at the start of their duties.
  • Kasey can be owned by the captain and be a regular and permanent part of their crew. If this option is desired, then Kasey may not necessarilly be in the most tip-top condition. Think of her as being a very expensive piece of equipment to maintain, and that cost is weighed against the upkeep and supply of the rest of the ship and crew.

The android serves a multitude of functions for the crew and is even uploaded with a bank of medical procedures. She also is programmed with personal firearms affinity for security detail. Additionally, Kasey possesses a mechanical aptitude both in general and specific to the ship. Her data bank also allows for an abridged index to a wide array of catalogued flora and fauna from a multitude of planets. Core functions such as navigation, dock loading, and commercial vehicular piloting are all standardized capabilities. Kasey also has programming for Military class piloting, but it is not apparent on her registry. As per specific orders of the captain, Kasey has been programmed to be able to cook meals of fine dining upon request.

Her outward appearance is that of a female in her late teens (18/19?). However, Kasey is well over thirty years old. Her adaptive AI allows her to learn from every experience she has. Thus, the android has a wealth of knowledge and experience gathered from her various assignments throughout the years. This AI system is unique to the Ambrix series, in effect giving each individual android model the ability to grow their own personality matrix. In truth, many models of this generation have been recalled because of issues arising from their unique AI. The error has been dubbed the
Rogue Variable,Variable and is the instance in which the android's personality matrix clashes with their failsafe protocols. This causes erratic and unpredictable behavior, as well as a blatant disregard to orders given to them. Not every model succumbs to this glitch. But because of the risk of a full recall in future models, Mursen-Tiers ceased the Ambrix AI project on further models. Kasey's persona is a bit snarky and crass but overall agreeable in her social interface. She has yet to exhibit signs of the Rogue Variable.

Kasey is fully skinned over her android frame, and is mimicking of human form in extensive detail. She was modeled after Caucasian traits. Her synthetic dermis is light and soft, and shows freckling. Her skin is also laced with an internal mesh that can alter its temperature, and can withstand temperatures from as low as -170 C to as high as 1200 C without temperature control. Kasey's dermis is also embedded with environmental receptors that function in the same basic means as nerves. These "feel" sensations such as hot and cold, and pain and pleasure. Other sensors abound in her core, allowing her to take readings of her surroundings that would elude a human. Standard skinned androids exhibit hair and that can be grown through the expenditure of a protein block. Upgraded models sport colorful nano-tubes within the strands that allow for a variation of colors to be changed at will. If left to self-groom, Kasey usually leaves her hair in shades of pinks, purples, and even a transitioning spectrum. However, she will readily change her hair to the standards of her current assignment if necessary.

Kasey's core frame is comprised of a titanium alloy. The rest of her body is hi-grade polycarbonate and other synthetic polymers that emulate the texture and pliability of cartilage, fat, and muscle tissue. Her model's structural integrity is such that it can allow Kasey to be used for heavy industrial application if needed. However, her fine motor workings also give Kasey the ability to undertake tasks requiring surgical precision. As an android, Kasey has heightened levels of strength and endurance. It should be noted that Kasey's frame will disintegrate her skin if applied to extreme work conditions. In other words, her metal skeleton will tear through her skin when enough exertion is applied.

The android's activity is limited only by the wear of her parts and battery life. The latter of which is a third generation Nucleo-gel fusion generator. Under normal output, this powerplant can provide energy to Kasey's systems for a duration of over twelve years before needing to be recharged. This duration is lengthened considerably if Kasey "sleeps" between her active tasks. Her powerplant itself can effectively last forever if not damaged by outside elements, and otherwise never needs replacement.
For our story, the bulk of the characters are human but there has been an alien ship crash with no survivors. Two rival groups are coming to the crash site in hopes of rescue or salvage and possibly gaining an advantage over the other. So finding an alien AI along with whatever else they can salvage is a plot point we would like to include. The AI would emerge in this thread (the first few posts are a little weird as originally there was going to be some survivors but that got scrapped).
Err... I never said it would be an alien AI. Sorry if that was misunderstood. Your leading post didn't specify that.
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I saw the word "Amazonians" and I'm wondering about that now, LOL.

The Amazonians is a misandrist faction on the moon where the original colonists landed in their Jupiters after the destruction of the colony ship. Only a dozen survived. It is now a century later and the colony has grown and divided into three factions, a male dominated faction, a female dominated faction, a neutral faction. There are also a few independent farmers and a hive of plant-human hybrids as well as a couple of crashed alien ships about to be explored.
Well, unless they do enjoy getting beaten and kept as breeding stock or being used for hard labour in their mines and fields.

However those in the male dominated faction often challenge the Amazons, either to raid them for breeding slaves or simply for the hell of it.
That is a lot of sub-forums! How do you keep track of what's going on? lol
Most players are only active in one or two threads as we play out various scenes, but you can be as involved as you like. We preface our posts with WHO is writing, WHEN it is taking place, and tagging WHO is being addressed or mentioned so they know to respond. This setup avoids the frequent group problem where one person's absence brings the whole thing to a halt. We can write scenes between 2 or more players in the group at different locations or even at different times.
Also, I think I only watched part of the first season of the new series, so I wouldn't know what's going on anyway.
It is not necessary to be up on any of the series or movies. Especially in the Next Generation as it is not at all canon. We just used some of the imagery in the original generation but the colony 100 years later has regressed to almost Victorian era technology.
Err... I never said it would be an alien AI. Sorry if that was misunderstood. Your leading post didn't specify that.
That is true, I did not specify alien AI as there is a human origin option but would be less technologically advanced than Kasey. However, much of our concept of aliens is that the same beings that 'seeded' earth with humans did so in other parts of the galaxy so many, but not all, alien species are fairly humanish. So Kasey could be fairly consistent with what you have but just based on another society.

All versions of Lost in Space had 'the robot' as did our originals, though that 'character' never really got developed to their full potential. But a human AI would need to be repowered and essentially rediscovered and would be much less biological looking, try googling Boston Dynamics for a basic idea of the technological level of a human AI in our story. The original colonists launched in 2046 so there will likely be advances over the next 20 years but a "Kasey" level of technology would likely be beyond their grasp.

The original robot was being altered by a somewhat sociopathic Dr. Smith character so once a human AI were repowered, it might have some surprising sub-routines mixed in with their otherwise utilitarian programming.
Wonder what made them hate men so much.

A forced breeding system that was to ensure the continuation and genetic diversity of the Human species as the survivors realised they would soon be the last Humans left in the universe. Add that the woman who founded the Amazonian faction was, up until that moment, a gold star lesbian, now forced to allow a man to breed her in the old school way since they did not have the option of IVF. On top of that you can add that quite a few of the male colonists took advantage of the situation as much as they possibly could.
A forced breeding system that was to ensure the continuation and genetic diversity of the Human species as the survivors realised they would soon be the last Humans left in the universe. Add that the woman who founded the Amazonian faction was, up until that moment, a gold star lesbian, now forced to allow a man to breed her in the old school way since they did not have the option of IVF. On top of that you can add that quite a few of the male colonists took advantage of the situation as much as they possibly could.
Yeap, that would do it. Funny how when the survival of the human race is at stake, we tend to lose sight of what makes us human in pretty much every sci-fi story ever. And in this case, 'what makes us human' would be antithetical to forcing a lesbian to be impregnated the old-fashioned way.
That is true, I did not specify alien AI as there is a human origin option but would be less technologically advanced than Kasey. However, much of our concept of aliens is that the same beings that 'seeded' earth with humans did so in other parts of the galaxy so many, but not all, alien species are fairly humanish. So Kasey could be fairly consistent with what you have but just based on another society.
I mean... I guess I could also do some kinda alien species if Kasey is entirely a no-go in her form/function. But I wouldn't know how to integrate an alien concept into what's already going on. Especially because I'm not really certain on what you had in mind for a wider universe-spanning alien lore. Are their multiple species of aliens? Do they interact with one another? Do they war with one another? Are their factions and uprisings? I guess I'm leaning with the whole space western notion for that. BUT it might not fit unless your narrative for the planet everyone is on is in some far-cast and relatively ignored corner of the galaxy or something.

IF I was to go about the alien species route, I'd probably make some kinda wayward warrior type, either being exiled from her people for some egregious crime or otherwise sent on some kinda bloody pilgrimage to claim her territory in the galaxy. Either way, a very aggressive and very war-like creature. I have an aesthetic I was working on with Heroforge but had kinda just left it alone for a while cause I had no reason to finish it. But if you think I can work that in, I can finish up the render and you can tell me what you think.

All versions of Lost in Space had 'the robot' as did our originals, though that 'character' never really got developed to their full potential. But a human AI would need to be repowered and essentially rediscovered and would be much less biological looking, try googling Boston Dynamics for a basic idea of the technological level of a human AI in our story. The original colonists launched in 2046 so there will likely be advances over the next 20 years but a "Kasey" level of technology would likely be beyond their grasp.
Mmm... yeah, I'm not really that interested in RPing the clunky, box-chassis kinda robot. So I think we can drop the human AI notion in that case.
The idea of them being in a somewhat remote part of the galaxy is desired. In this "Next Generation" phase we DON'T want them to be part of some intergalactic trade route where aliens are coming and going all the time. That might be the case in some future version of this group but not yet.

The humans on our colony largely believe they are the only intelligent life in the galaxy and are about to learn otherwise as they explore the first crashed ship. So that alien species is something of a clean slate other than their names, Gaianesians and that they are unknown protectors of humans as they are genetically related. It was originally based upon the feminist race which as far as I know is a creation of the person authoring this story. A player, not the author who has since withdrawn had made these suggestions so they aren't really required to be followed to the letter.

We have taken names for two of our alien races from that story, the already mentioned Gaianesians and their foes the Slavers of Aghara-Penthay. I think this society would likely be capable of a AI like your Kasey and the hair color would even work. She just wouldn't be human based but very similar and you don't have to be canon with the Gaianesian story but are welcome to use as much of it as you would want. The humans might not even realize she is an AI until either something happens or she tells them.

We have set up that there was a short battle between this first crashed ship and the second ship which is not yet known to the colonists.

That second ship's story, with the slavers, is just starting and you can glean some background from @xavierrol 's first post in that scene here. If you would like to be part of the crew or cargo of slaves on that ship, you could introduce your own species or borrow from an established franchise. We would collaborate with Xavier out of courtesy of course but there is a definite desire to have some other alien species represented.

I want to encourage creativity but please recognize my constraint of this being a largely human story but with the introduction of aliens. I don't want the aliens to become the overwhelming driver of the story as much as the sort of 'first contact' flavor I'm trying to layout here. I want our aliens to have depth of character, but they are in the minority and while they may have some advanced technology, it isn't enough to just have their way with the humans outright.
Ah, I love that story. It's entirely possible that the player that withdrew and the one who introduced me to that story are one and the same. Although I'm already on the track to being part of another group, system RP I will definitely have this one "on deck" so to speak.
Ah, I love that story. It's entirely possible that the player that withdrew and the one who introduced me to that story are one and the same. Although I'm already on the track to being part of another group, system RP I will definitely have this one "on deck" so to speak.
What every girl wants to hear, that she is 'on deck'!

Just kidding, enjoy your system group.