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New College Club: Alt Lifestyles


Old Dog, New Tricks
Aug 24, 2013
Idea credit goes to @Amykun as a variation of this idea is on her request thread and after some discussion we thought it might make a great group idea. This will be a smut heavy, young adult group focusing on college aged students joining a school club focused on safely exploring alternative sexual lifestyles such as Polyamory, LGBTQ+, BDSM, etc. The club hasn't been well publicized as the college only allowed it after a threat of a lawsuit for infringing student rights based on Judeo-Christian morality. So they have reluctantly allowed students, under the guidance of a couple of faculty advisers, to start this club on school grounds. It is open to all students 18 and over, in fact the school has insisted that ALL students must be eligible, so freaks and geeks are encouraged.


up to 2 characters per writer
limit of 2 adult faculty advisors
18+ for ages
human only
realistic faceclaims

We can kick it off once we have one or two more interested players with enough mutual kinks to make it work.

If you are interested, please post a faceclaim, very basic description to include age and gender presentation along with kinks and limits.

Any questions, just ask below or PM me.
I'll start with a student and may add a faculty advisor if needed.

Xavier Rollins
Hetero (Bi-curious under the right circumstances)
Joined more out of curiosity about BDSM and a bit of a dating drought while busy with classes and a job.
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Huh, this could be a lot of fun. Don't think I can handle another group RP right now. But hopefully this gets going and I can contribute a new member for the club later on.
@Red Day Sure, looking forward to it. We need at least one more to get things going as a group though, so hopefully there are a few adventurous lifestyle types out there wanting to join us.
Alrighty here’s what I’m thinking:

Nathaniel (Nate) Breyman
Age: 19
Hetero, Male
Nate is joining out of mostly just curiosity about the club. After all, he’s single and it’s college. When else is he going to try this stuff? He’s not familiar with BDSM or Polyamory, etc. but there’s probably something there for him he hasn’t discovered yet.

If anyone’s wanting a slightly more nuanced character arc to explore with him, I had this idea that maybe he’s just joining because he thinks it’ll be an easy way to just get laid, and only discovers along the way that maybe he actually likes some of this stuff? Could be fun to explore that journey, but I can keep him simple if there’s more interest in that.
I am thinking of adding a second character for myself but I don't know who yet
Three's a group, so we can get started. But more are very much welcome. I've started the Character, OOC, and IC threads so we can get started.

@Amykun and @Amante you can go ahead and post your characters in the character thread to make us official.

I'll write an actual start hopefully tonight yet.
Maitland Moore
Age: 46
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, essentially the slave labor of higher education. Maitland had an affair with the Dean several years ago so he discreetly offered her the job of faculty advisor for the controversial club. The Dean had found Maitland to be quite open minded and flexible, just what this club needs, in his estimation. That and no one else wanted the job thinking it career suicide.
Welcome @LeaT it will be fun to write with you again! Please post Maitland in the character thread when ready.
Welcome to the club @LeaT! Glad to see Maitland making a reappearance of a kind haha
Thank you all, I look forward to this, it sounds fun. I have a few posts to catch up on my other groups but should be able to delve into this soon. This idea seemed to speak to Maitland's particular appetites so I wanted to get my name in there.

If anyone’s wanting a slightly more nuanced character arc to explore with him, I had this idea that maybe he’s just joining because he thinks it’ll be an easy way to just get laid, and only discovers along the way that maybe he actually likes some of this stuff?

I wouldn't be afraid to be nuanced and sexy all at the same time.
I’ll gladly take you up on your interest in the idea, we should discuss more details when you’re available!
I'm around, I'll be getting caught up on my posts tonight and this weekend. Maybe we should switch to OOC or PM though, whatever you prefer. That goes for any of you that want to discuss possible interactions and ideas.
This sounds fun as well and in a way it reminds me of an unofficial little club me and my twin brother helped start back when we were at university. Ir really just began as a small group of friends with similar interests and fantasies getting together in a basement.

Would it be too weird if I played a pair of dizygotic twins with very few boundaries between them for this.
My basic ideas for the twins is that they are both non-binary pansexual and poly-amorous. The afab twin leans more towards the masculine and the amab twin leans towards the feminine. They also have, as stated before, very few boundaries between them, romantically and sexually.

The amab twin, let's call him Leo/Leonora, usually dresses in feminine clothes while the afab twin, we can call her Molly, dresses and acts much more masculine.
@MsBloom I love the twins idea! Do you want to have them show up 'late' and risk Matty's wrath? They of course need an official character post but it doesn't have to be real comprehensive.