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How Kinky Are You?

I’m wild, 49, but maybe 57...

Like, which of those wouldn't you allow in?
Not the question, it's which wouldn't you allow and I can't say that for any of them :D
I'd allow all but one, I think.
I think the only ones I wouldn't allow are another partner and duct tape. I just don't find duct tape sexy as a gag or binding thing I suppose.
I think the only ones I wouldn't allow are another partner and duct tape. I just don't find duct tape sexy as a gag or binding thing I suppose.

Technically it doesn't say if there are already two people in the bedroom. It's obviously meant as a third person, but the question 'which would you allow', is pretty vague.

As for myself, only a third (or more) person would be a no.
I've got over eighty, if I counted them right, and most of these are from stuff I've already got in the bedroom.
The only things I wouldn't allow are cane, camcorder, duct tape and sex swing. The first three are hazards waiting to happen IMO and the last is pretty self-explanatory.
Many of them just don't appeal to me (cream, gag). Others do, but can be risky (filming). Maybe 17.

Boy do I feel out of place and totally Vanilla! 🤣
I'm such a sub that what I'd allow is 99 even though what I'd actually want is a 6.
89. Kinky F*cker. Although, I think it’s funny that I don’t find a number of the stuff on the list related to kink. 😂 Like, whipped cream. Vanilla in all senses, and a yeast infection waiting to happen.😬

I say just bring on the collars, ears, and whips! Or hey- even a feather. If you’re into sensory play. 😋
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