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Vampire Knight: Alternate(Kratos+Anjeru)

Where as Seth was surprised by her kiss, she too was surprised by his, but she did not pull away from it, instead she leaned into it. She blushed as he lapped his tongue gently across her lips and she gently returned the favor, before allowing her lips to part. Her tongue then played against his own as the kiss deepened; she could never grow tired, nor weary of this, not with Seth at least. She was addicted to him, every last thing of him, even the taste of him that lingered still on her tongue. She leaned in, her arms wrapping around his neck, body pressing as close as it could given their somewhat awkward postitioning on the bed.
It felt rather good to feel Momo respond in kind to the response he had given to the second kiss that she had begun. His tongue went to great hers but was not quick enough as he felt it brush across his lips before noticing that her lips part. That was when Seth then slid his tongue into her mouth twirling with hers as the kiss deepened. Something told him it was moments like these.. with her by his side, that would never not be special and although they had a lifetime .. of immortality or close enough anyway.. he could never get sick of the one he loved dearly. It was a little awkward how the two were positioned on the bed and so he rolled gently the kiss not breaking his body now resting directly against hers
Momo had become so wrapped up within the kiss, within Seth himself, that she hardly noticed when he situated them to be laying directly against each other. Her lips and tongue moved against his own and she made a small noise into the kiss, this alerting him to the fact that she was enjoying being like this with him at long last as much as he was. When she slowly broke the kiss to look up at him with slightly passion-filled eyes, she blushed softly, realizing they were laying so close together finally. Almost as close together as they had been when they had slept in this bed during the day. Momo was a tad embarrassed, afraid he may find her lacking because never had she thought of herself as desirable. Her hand again slid into his hair as she simply looked upon his handsome face.
Seth could tell by her emotions and actions of how the kiss was affecting her and it made it all the more better that he was not the only one enjoying the actions that the two were taking,. Their eyes looked into each other once the kiss finished before it seemed she realized just how close the two of them were to each other. He saw the slight blush which brought a gentle smile to his face although the slight doubt that he saw hiding inside of her partially worried him a touch before he decided to speak after feeling her hand in his hair "I see you still don't think that I would want nothing else to be different.. and that I can see by the way you look at me sometimes.. that you don't believe what is happening.. or you think your not enough for me.. Just because I am a purebred.. that means nothing when it comes to love.. I love you Momo and nothing is going to change that" He lent down kissing her lightly before letting himself relax onto her body pressing the two directly against each other before he lightly spoke again "I guess we should go speak to Cross soon.."
Momo couldn't help but smile against his lips as he kissed her again, his words having his desired affect on her. It made her undeniably happy, that was for sure. She had wanted this for as long as she could remember, to be with Seth like this. To feel his lips and hands on her, his body against her own. She couldn't stop the blushes though, because she was still nervous, never having been like this with anyone. That night they first had been her first kiss, very first. As the kiss ended, she smiled more and gently touched her finger tip to his lips. "Yes, I suppose we should go see my father before word gets to him from someone other than us," she murmured, though moving away from his body was one of the very last thing she ever wanted to do, especially now.
Seth's word had exactly the affect that he wanted them to have, and it was nice to see them not taking the wrong way or misinterpreted something of which he partially dreaded as sometimes that could make it seem like other things were meant to be said.. and just usually meant issues but this was not the case. And he doubted such a thing would ever be the case. The blushes were cute no matter which way Seth tried to look at it and so they just brought a smile to Seth's face before he thought for a moment noticing that the both of them seemed not to have a want to separate from each others sides just yet.."Hmm about going to Cross.. I could either carry you in my arms.. or we could stay together almost like a couple.. arms around each other.. after all we may as well not hide our feelings that we have, such a thing would be foolish to do.. as feelings like these are meant to be shown.. "
She wondered how her father was going to react to her allowing herself to be transformed into vampire, so that she could be with Seth. She didn't know how much Cross knew about her past though, so he could be very well have been expecting this. Momo smiled up to him, softly stroking his cheek with her right hand, thinking. "I would hate for you to have to carry me, as lovely as the idea sounds," she said with a small chuckle. Really, his carrying her would put this over the top in feeling like a fairy tale come true, but she would feel bad because she had perfect legs capable of walking. There wasn't a need for him to carry her, really. Just a small want of it. She was curious about something though, debating over it silently for a moment. "I have a feeling father is expecting this..." she said with a small smile, because Seth didn't seem worried about facing Cross. That could only really be because he knew her father was expecting it, or at least knew it was a possibility.
Although he was not trying to hint anything about her father Cross.. well even he was sort of used to calling the chairman that when it came to Momo.. it was true that Cross would have been expecting this moment and probably already heard the rumors.. but no one would have confirmed it yet with him and so that would be what Seth and his lover were to do.. A soft laugh escaped him as he heard the small response from what left her lips before he spoke back "Now you would not hate it.. I just think you would feel guilty because your legs are fine.. and can easily walk.. but sometime.. I will carry you, and it will be a surprise. but this time, I think we should just walk nice and close to each other.." The pure blood lightly smiled before he looked her directly in the eyes hearing the response from her beautiful lips. Instead of answering he just pressed his lips against hers to kiss them softly before suckling on her bottom lip lightly nicking it with his teeth but only causing a gentle scratch making sure not to pierce "you will find out soon enough.. even I am not purely sure.. but we both have to find out together.. when you are ready, my love.."
Momo had to surpress a soft moan as Seth kissed her and then continued to gently play with her lower lip. If it kept up this way, she doubted that they would've ended up getting out of bed anytime soon. She was even starting to not want to get out of bed even more than earlier. "Ah, hai, sempai." She said softly, moving out from under him slowly, almost reluctantly. As she climbed off of the bed, she stretched her arms high above her head, not really having the oppurtunity to stretch fully since they had woken up. "Shall we go see my father now then?" she asked softly, holding out her hand to him, wanting to be embraced by him again. To feel his powerful, yet lean arms around her small form. Her eyes were watching his every movement, taking in every perfect thing about him. She really did love him, she knew that. That she had loved him since the moment he had saved her...well, for as much as a little girl could understand love, she had loved him. Even though being a vampire frightened her, as well as being around the entirety of the Night Class, she knew she could do it if Seth was by her side. Though...she didn't think the first night of her in the Night Class was going to go so well, but Seth would take care of her she knew.
Truth was if they did not head to Cross soon, he was doubting if they would get going at all as the bed was reasonably comfortable and he could find himself probably lost within her kisses for a lot longer then what he had this time only stopping because they probably should actually go see the one that Momo considered to be her father. Seth took her hand using it to help himself get up before pulling her closer to him using it to then slip his arms around her to hold her before lifting her up for a moment to kiss at his full height before he slowly lowered her and continued to hold her just a moment longer. "Hmm well after we go see Cross.. I think we will have to continue what we started.." a soft gentle smile crossed the vampire before he slowly let go of her and started to walk opening the door so that the two of them could leave together. Although he knew being a vampire for her was probably a slightly scary experience because of the fact she feared his kind.. it would not take long to become accustom to it, to the point of where she would not fear vampires.. but know how to even deal with Level E's herself instead.
She smiled as Seth took her hand and let her help him up from the bed, but then squeaked gently as he lifted her up to kiss her at his level. She leaned into the kiss and almost gave a sigh of disappointment as he set her back onto her feet and stepped away from her. It didn't last long though as he took her hand, she smiled and linked their fingers together, a soft blush on her cheeks in response to his teasing words. It made her heart flutter nervously, yet happily. She giggled and left the room with him, walking down the steps to the main hall of the dorm. It was awfully quiet. She wondered maybe if the other..vampires had gone to class already. They usually never left without their pureblood leader, but the night before had been a rather...unorthadox occassion. One that wasn't expected to happen, but had. She wouldn't be surprised if the female vampires would resent her and her presence in the dorm. She didn't doubt that that there were others who wanted Seth for their own.
Even her smallest reactions were ones that were pleasant and nice to see, although her face showed that she did not want such a thing to have ended so soon, but after seeing Cross they would have a lot more time left, that was something he guaranteed. Their fingers were interlocked now before the two started to walk. It seemed the vampires were all probably in some sort of meeting talking about what had happened, and the fact that Seth.. the pure blood had bitten a mortal and made her his match. The female vampires at times had offered them his blood instead of the blood of the tablets.. that just were not as good as the real thing, and their had been once or twice he had accepted the offers they gave but, he did not hunger for their blood.. and they found that rather obvious.. but they probably were outraged that a human like Momo.. the guardian of humans for this school was the one he chose.. still if anything was going to be tried, he would stop them.. and that would be that. The two walked together still before Seth stopped them a few meters from Cross's office before pulling her close and lightly kissing her lips "this is it.." he whispered lightly before slowly leading them closer to the office leaving her to open the door.
Momo vaguely caught the sound of Seth's words, blinking up at him as he lightly kissed her. Her eyes traveled to the door of the Chairman's office, her father's office. She must have spaced out; the walk had almost seemed instantanious to her. Thoughts of the dealing with the night class had been prominant in her mind and must have distracted her from her walk with Seth. She smiled softly and nodded, walking to the door with him, stepping inside as Seth opened the door for her.

Cross was pacing behind his desk, arms crossed; fretting almost like a mother hen who had lost her baby chick. When he heard the door click open, he snapped around and made some sort of happy sound, moving around the desk to throw his arms around Momo once she was inside. "Momo-Chan! I was so worried!" he said as he hugged her, before he leaned back, looking her over. "Are you okay, are you hurt? Did anyone hurt you? You never came home." He seemed to be speaking in haste, just anxious to find out if his 'daughter' was okay. After all, he had promised her mother that he would protect her, as well as Seth who was standing behind Momo.

"Ah, yes, I'm fine father." Momo said as she hugged him back, letting the older man hold her for a moment before she stepped back and looked at him with a smile. "No one hurt me..." she said with a smile, turning her head back to look at Seth as she took his hand again before looking back at Chairman Cross. "Seth-sempai was there...he protected me. He said he will take care of me."

Cross blinked and looked at her closely, just now seeming to notice that she looked a little different. And she was holding the pureblood's hand as if they were close. Had Seth changed her? Seth had told him years ago that he had feelings for the small girl, more than Cross could ever comprehend. He'd expected that maybe Seth would tell her one day how he felt. " you mean that...?" he asked, almost hesitant to ask if she had indeed been changed or not.
Seth had expected Cross to have been a little worried, since after all the person whom he was used to looking after had randomly disappeared for quite a while without him even being notified, and yet he felt that if the chairman had known that he planned to turn her that night he would have forbid it wanting her to be human just a little longer. Instead he had decided to take things into his own hands since after all he had full control over the vampire section of the school anyhow.

The vampires eyes watched the interaction between the two before slowly walking closer to Momo , even though he knew she was safe with the chairman, it was starting to become a small habit of staying close. It showed a connection between the two and after all she was bound to him via his blood and he felt no matter what he had to be there for his love, to protect her when she needed it. Seth waved with his spare hand as if to acknowledge Cross his other hand slowly resting on her shoulder as he kept the two of them close still.

It seemed it did not take long for him to cotton on to what was happening and so Seth decided to speak "I will handle this Momo.., Cross.. I told you not to long ago.. compared to my life span anyhow, that I would one day turn Momo.. when I thought she was ready for it.. that day came yesterday and was the reason why she was absent from your presence.. and now that I have said that,.. I want to arrange her moving into the night class so I can protect her better.."

He looked at the chairman waiting for his response to all of that, to begin with he would probably find it hard to believe she was actually a vampire, but if he did actually look at her both of them properly he would notice the bond between their eyes, and the darker shade that hers would have taken. Each vampire had a slight different color of eyes, and each person bound to a vampire showed the same color eyes, of which now both Seth and Momo shared the same eyes, and partially the same blood.
The Chairman blinked behind his glasses at Seth's words and then looked closely at his adoptive daughter. Her eyes were different, he noticed, almost exactly the same at the pureblood's now. He turned and paced away from them, back towards his desk, before returning to them. "I'm not too keen on the Night Class idea. She'd be in much more danger than she was before. Her blood was drawing the vampires, the Level E's, and now that it is mixed with your pureblood, they will seek her out even more." He said as he half seated himself on the desk, a worried expression on his face. "And since you want her to join the Night Class, you're expecting her to move into the Mood Dormitory as well?" he inquired, clearly not very happy with the idea. Seth may accept and love her, but there was no gaurentee the others would. Momo frowned at his words and wasn't sure what to respond, so she turned her head to peer up at Seth.
A soft sigh left Seth before he then lightly laughed "Cross.. you seem to be forgetting something, their is not really any choice in this matter,.. Vampires can't stay with the humans... and you doubt how well I can protect her... I almost feel insulted,.." it was obvious such a comment had annoyed him a little before he spoke once again "Because she has had my blood she also will get a power of her own,.. i intend to teach her to grasp such a thing that way any Level E.. that tries to do anything can be taken out by Momo.. if she has to, although I will be keeping her under my personal protection.." The pureblood sighed once more before walking towards the door "you should know how much I will be trying to protect her,.. and as for the moon dormitory students.. nearly all of them follow what I say, and so in saying that.. it will not just be me protecting her.. this I can promise you.."
Cross quickly shook his head. "Ah, I never meant to insult you, Seth. I just worry about Momo..." he said softly, lowering his eyes. "She's really the only family I have since..." he cut himself off, not wanting his 'daughter' to know that he knew of her past and of her family. He had known her mother and before young Momo had lost her memories of that dreadful night they'd been attacked, he had been good friends with her. Her mother had been his only real family and so when Seth brought the frightened, mute Momo to his doorstep, he couldn't turn her away. He had promised her mother and Seth that he would take care of her until this day came. He hadn't just expected it to come so soon.

Momo turned to Seth and softly grasped his hand before he could leave, looking up at him with gentle eyes. "Please don't be cross with father, Seth-sempai...he's only trying to do his best to look after me, like you." She said, gently raising on her tip toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek, keeping ahold of his hand, linking their fingers as she came back to stand flat on her feet. She looked back to Cross and smiled faintly. "Seth-sempai will look out for me, father...and I still have my duties, so it's not like I will never see you," she offered gently.
Such words had been expected from a person like Cross, it was quite hard to believe that such a person used to be a vampire hunter and yet now he accepted them and wanted the two to try and live in harmony together of which seemed to be working with success using that alternative food that was supplied of which he would not need now, since her blood was more then enough for his taste... a craving for such perfection in his eyes was something Momo was able to supply and in return Seth as a pure blood would continue to allow her access to his own blood when she needed it knowing she probably would not even be able to use different blood,.. the reason his had such a taste, that made a faint addiction.. but on top of that if they managed to get his blood, something Momo would have no issue getting...

Well then a feeling would be created where they would want no over, and the fact that the two had feelings for each other.. everything showed a strong bond to the fact that now he could not do without her blood as a substance, and Seth felt it was the same with Momo. It seemed any slight annoyance that had crossed the pure blood seemed to have completely disappeared from him before his mouth formed words speaking them out after staying silent for a moment to allow his love to speak, his fingers staying interlocked with Momo's. " How about it then Cross..? I can't allow a vampire to be left with humans... and more so I can't allow my love, to be away from me. I am sure you understand.. yes?"
Momo smiled at Seth, then turned to look back at her adoptive father. Really, his concern was heart warming, though unneccessary. Seth was going to take care of her, and her needs. Especially her need to feed on blood. Her craving for blood, her need for it, seemed to only extend to her pureblood love. She couldn't see herself drinking from any other's vein, the mere thought of it turned her stomach. "Don't worry, Cross. I'll be fine and Seth is right," she said softly, "as a vampire, I can't be out in the daylight so it's imparitive that I be put into the Night Class."

Cross didn't want to admit that they were right, but they were. He stepped forward and hugged his adoptive daughter to him, only worried for her well being. He wanted nothing bad to happen to her, not now or ever, and the life of a vampire was a hard one. He let her go and stepped back, nodding his head. "You two are right, of course. As much as I don't want to, I'll have your transcript transferred to the Night Class records. And you can pick up a uniform on your way from the storage closet," he said, affectionately touching the girl's hair before stepping back and going back to his desk. Once he sat down, he looked at Seth from behind his glances. "Just take care of her," he murmured.
It was expected for Cross to worry, yet it was quite unnecessary now since he planned to teach her to use the power she now had access to because of his blood, and on top of that Seth never was going to leave her side from this moment on.. after all there really was no reason for the two to be separated. A soft smile crossed the vampire before he spoke once more " I plan to.." it was obvious that the pure blood was happy that they had managed to get Cross to agree to moving her into the night class, yet even if he had not.. it was inevitable to happen anyhow. ".. and what you said about the daylight Momo,.. with my blood you will be able to go into such a thing.. most noble vampires can.."

Although they would not be seen much in the daylight, at least he had cleared that up before he started to walk out from the chairman's office "Come Momo.. lets get you that uniform and then we shall head back towards the night class.." Seth did not have any reason to hang around any longer but he did simply turn around to face the chairman ".. we should have dinner together sometime.. I am sure if you make something that you can crush up blood tablets into mine and Momo's dish it will be edible for us.." Although he preferred the taste of her blood,.. it was just a kind gesture from the pure blood. After that was said he walked out waiting for Momo to come outside as well so they could go grab her uniform imagining that she would look quite nice in the night class's uniform.
Momo gave Seth a look that clearly read oh, I didn't know that, when he said that they could be out in the daylight. In truth, she hadn't known that. She had never seen the students out and about during the daylight hours. She was glad to know that she wouldn't be confined to the hours of night only. The chairman smiled and nodded to them. "That will be nice. Go on now, Momo," he said and Momo then followed Seth out of the room. They began walking and on the way down the chairman's hall, she stopped by the storage room to find the white version of her uniform that would label her a part of the night class. Once she found it, she laid it across her arm and came back out, smiling and nodding to Seth. They began to walk again, heading back towards the dorms before they would have to go to the Night Classes. This would give her a chance to change and for them to get ready for class. And also for Momo to figure out how she was going to juggles class and her guardian duties.
It was not very commonly known that a noble blooded vampire could actually go out during when the sun was at it's peak, in fact because they were always choosing the time of which night had just struck, it was probably assumed the sun could probably do something bad to them.. but it was more the point that they had class's that actually stopped them from going in the sun, after all they did have to sleep. Well technically some of the vampires did not have to, but Seth enjoyed such times.. that and now he was sure Momo would sleep with him if he requested it since after all, the closer she was to him, the easier it would be to protect her. Just seeing the uniform brought a smile across Seth's face, after all it would make her officially one of his breed, one of his kind and more so it felt like she was his lover more then ever now that even the chairman had acknowledged the fact that she was now a vampire turned by Seth himself, of which he would look after her like he had promised himself, like he had promised Momo.. and also like he had promised the chairman himself. "I heard classes will be delayed a little today,.. it means you will probably have about a half an hour more to prepare,."
(Again, I'm so sorry it took so long!)

"Alright, I'll go get changed then," she said softly, smiling to him, glad to know that she wasn't going to make him late for his classes. Not that it would matter really. He was their leader after all, of the vampires, and he had more than respect from the Night Class teachers. She went with him back to his room, using his private bath to change from her black Day Class uniform, into the white Night Class uniform. She made sure to put her badge, the arm band, onto her new uniform and she adjusted her auburn lockes over her shoulders. It was a moment later that she came from the bathroom, running her fingers through her hair. "I know you probably already know this, but I won't be able to stay in the entire lecture. I'll have my duties as guardian to attend to as well," she said even though she had a good idea he already expected that. "Do you need to grab anything before we go?" she asked, starting to feel nervous again at the thought of facing the vampires as their leader's lover.
(Again, I'm so sorry it took so long!)

Although Seth knew as a pureblood they would not mind him being late for a class since he pretty much had full control over the night class, which included the teachers partially out of respect he tried to arrive on time since some of the teachers were actually more strict then the others and got away with disciplining him to a degree when he was late. They never really pushed the issue though if he disagreed since the pureblood was considered royalty among the race of vampires and so a simple teacher had no authority over him truthfully. "I already knew as such,.." He had to admit he did not mind the look of his love in the night class's uniform since it seemed to suit Momo more then what she had to previously wear. It was good to see that she still wanted to continue her guardian duties since trying to alter those with Cross would have been a hard task. "I have everything I need as long as your with me" He then smiled at her before opening the door "let us leave then.. together for the first time"
She felt a little silly when he acknowledged that he was aware that she would need to stick to her guardian duties. Of course he knew that. She smiled softly and nodded her head. "Yes, together," she said as she walked over to him, taking a hesitant moment to decide if it would be appropiate or not to take his hand or arm. She really wanted to. There was a long moment as she agonized over it, before she decided to go for it. He would tell her no if it wasn't okay. She took his fingers softly inbetween her own and left the room and dorm with him. It felt strange to be leaving in the Night Class uniform, from the Moon Dorm, but if it meant she could be with him, she would do it - especially since she was the same as he now.
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