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Vampire Knight: Alternate(Kratos+Anjeru)

An exception.. had always been what sort of person Seth was to almost any rules, generally it was said pure bloods were all about power.. and that they would find themselves a highly regarded noble as the one to love.. but that was not him, long ago he had decided on Momo, the day he had saved her.. and even a touch before. He knew of her history a little but it was not worth telling about, that and as a vampire now she would remember if she wanted. His eyes opened briefly just to look at his love as she laid her head on his chest noticing the blush on her face before he heard the response that he wanted to. That was it.. Seth then fell asleep with her within his arms, and the same thing could be said for her.. the day as one would say was rather short,.. as vampire's sleep generally did go like that. Slowly the next night.. with only a few hours of day left actually, he began to awaken still holding Momo, something that brought a smile to the pure blood's lips.
Momo smiled as she dozed off, this her first official night - or rather day - of vampire sleep. It was different, it almost seemed shorter. That didn't matter to her though, as she got to spend that time in Seth's arms. When he awoke in the later hours of the day, Momo was still asleep, curled up in his arm and against his chest. Her blazer skirt had ridden up a bit, showing her now milky pale thighs, her hair spread out over the pillows of Seth's bed. It was an hour or two before Momo had to be up to escort the Night Class Students out of the dormitory to keep the Day Class females out of their hair - even some males for the very attractive female students of the Night Class. She wasn't sure how it would work now that Seth wanted her to stop attending the Day Class. Seeing her among the Night Class Students was bound to cause jealousy, not just among the human students, but the female vampire students as well. She wasn't able to dwell on it just yet as she rested contently in his arms.
Sleep for vampires compared to humans never seemed the same, it always felt short.. something which he had not told Momo only because she would realize herself.. although Seth had awoken before her, he had no intention to let go of her just relaxing still in the bed with her. It was not very often he managed to get to do such a thing,.. and soon he would organize for Cross to get whom he would still probably refer to as his daughter.. a night class outfit, which although this would cause jealousy to form. Seth the pure blood still was glad that he had made the choice to turn her into his own kind, to allow the two of them to be together.. it was obvious she would still have to maintain her duties only to keep the other class at bay, but even then.. Seth would help in anyway he could to lessen the burden. It seemed that Momo's skirt had risen quite a bit but he just lightly tugged it back down a touch before continuing to hold her as he slowly felt her awakening "How do you feel..?"
Momo stirred and she stretched, almost like a kitten, languidly in his arms. Her lashes lifted and she peered up at him with a soft smile of contentment. "A little tired still," she mumured, "and kind of hungry...this burning sensation will take a bit to get used to." She admitted, looking up at him with her very vivid eyes. "Will I have to take blood tablets?" she was curious about that - being a vamire now, she needed blood, but seeing as she was with Seth, a pureblood, it was a likely possibility that she would not need blood tablets. She wasn't sure if she would even want them, since it was only him that could satisfy her hunger. It seemed to be something they shared, an insatiable desire for each other. Her hand rubbed her eyes as she yawned, fangs glinting faintly in the dim light of the room. She would have to talk to father tonight, she realized. Momo was a little afraid of what he would do and say; she was unaware that he knew this would happen someday. Cross had known her mother, and after Seth brought the orphaned Momo to him, he had promised he would take care of her until Seth knew she would be ready. And last night, had been the night Seth had been waiting for. She wasn't aware that her father wouldn't be suprised, but rather supportive, to an extent.
Hearing her statement and then what followed a gentle laugh escaped him as he slowly spoke a few truthful words "Welcome to your first proper day as a vampire.." truth was over the night she would have without even knowing transformed a little.. and the fact she could feel the burning desire for blood just proved that such a transformation had occurred but because of that.. she would need such blood to energize her a little, after all Momo was only just getting used to a vampire.. and those are the stages were blood is important and yet Seth knew she would only hunger for his.. "That won't be necessary.. blood tablets won't satisfy your hunger if you become a true vampire like I allowed you to.." Seth remembered clearly the day that Cross had actually said, that until the day she was ready.. he would care for her, and only on the day that she was ready, would he be willing to allow Seth to be there for her to fully protect and care. He must have known that day was nearing closer, as she came more to an age more suitable,.. the feelings for each other growing more so during that time. Slowly he lent his head slightly to the side "Careful not to make a mess.. just cherish the taste.. but because you are a new vampire.. you will need to eat.. so please Momo,.. take what you need,.. but keep it clean.."
She bit at her lip almost nervously, knowing what he said was true. The feeling of hunger she felt...she knew it was not for blood...not just for blood anyway, but for his blood. The hunger was for him. And he must have known that because he tilted his head and offered his throat to her. Her eyes could see the vessels pumping the blood throughout his body and she licked her lips almost subconsciously. Her heart rate kicked up and she leaned closer, drawing her tongue along his neck's skin, enjoying the taste of him. Her fangs almost began to itch - the urge to bite was so much stronger than the previous night and she knew that it must be because she had finished transforming during their rest. "Seth-sempai..." She whispered his name before she buried her fangs into his neck, closing her lips quickly over the pinpricks since he did not wish for her to make a mess.
He could see the lust for the blood that was in Seth's body, its pureness of the vampire species attracting her to it, her love for him just making it all the better. She probably did not even know that she licked her lips a slight excitement showing within her eyes as she started to move her lips closer towards his neck. A slight gasp left his lips as he felt her fangs sink in after she had said his name in such a tone that had sent a slight chill of almost pleasure up his spine. His hand lightly slid to the back of her head lightly sifting through her perfect hair just holding her close as she started to feed feeling his blood slowly starting to leave. "that's it Momo.. feed up, you need all the energy you can get for today.." He spoke quietly encouraging her to drink until she was getting close to feeling satisfied, although if she did start getting to a dangerous level Seth would stop her... just because the pure blood was willing to let her drink he had to maintain some strength which meant an okay amount of blood left in his body at the time if someone decided to attack the pure blood.
She felt Seth shudder and knew it to be from pleasure because she felt the same pleasure as his blood began to spill into her mouth. She swallowed and worked his neck for a few moments, loving the feel of his long fingers in her hair. After a few minutes of slow, but steady feeding, Momo pulled her mouth from his neck and leaned her head back with a small gasp. Her eyes opened and peered up at him as she subconsciously licked a remaining droplet from her lips; obviously her fear of vampires did not extend to Seth, or herself. As long as she was with him, she had a feeling the fear wouldn't eat at her as it used to. She smiled softly up at him, in silent thanks for the blood, her body still tingling from the experience. Never had she thought that feeding on blood could feel like this, but she knew that this was only because it was with Seth. He was the only person she ever could see herself being with like this - she had let him turn her into what she feared to be with him. That had to show how much she felt towards him. Her hand trailed over his shoulder, before lifting and brushing strands of hair from his eyes so that she could look at him.
The feeling of his blood leaving his neck and becoming one with her stream.. was almost pure bliss, the feeling rather unnatural.. but at the same time, for a vampire it was very much so natural, even though he was a pure blood.. Even as he felt her pull back signaling she was finished feeding, his hand still rested within Momo's hair as if to keep the two close no matter what was to happen. It was true that Seth just wanted to be with her more then any pure blood matter, or pure blood for that matter as well, everything could do what it wanted as long as he had Momo,.. and although people would be jealous of that fact, they had to realize that he made the choice.. quite some time ago to. Nothing like his life span.. but for a human wise.. it was rather a long time.. but when he saw her, the scent of her blood.. the innocence within her, and her personality.. all said one thing,.. this was to be his life partner to spend with.. when the time was appropriate. A faint smile crossed him as she seemed to arrange strands of his hair to make viewing into his eyes more easier, and well, that was something that was true. He could see her easier, and Seth partially lost himself within her eyes.. before faintly speaking "I think Cross knew this day would come.. the day you would become mine.. But we still need to go tell him.."
Momo nodded mutely at his words and smiled again, though this time a touch nervously. Even if her adoptive father had expected this day to come, she wasn't sure she could face him. She got the feeling that he, along with Seth, knew more about her than they let on. They would have to if they expected her to overcome her fear enough to become a vampire for Seth. Momo's teeth tugged at her lower lip for a moment, before she looked up at him from under long lashes. "Seth...can I ask you something before we speak to my father?" she asked softly, her fingers raising to trail the contours of his cheek with a feather's touch. She couldn't believe how easily she had fallen in love with the pureblood, especially since the vampire race had haunted her since that day all those years ago.
The slight change of expression upon Momo's face, was more then just obvious.. he knew almost exactly what it meant,... but that was because he had seen that emotion before. She seemed nervous about such a thing and yet there was something else that he himself was slightly unsure about. Still what ever it was Seth knew he was probably the person that would help overcome the problem or issue no matter what it is. "You should already know, you can ask me anything.. I will love you regardless of what you say" A soft grin crossed his face after those words, it was more friendly then anything before waiting to hear what seemed to be on her mind enough for it to be brought up... It probably had to do with Cross.. and so would be easy to answer, Seth even being a pure blood liked the feeling of her touch, wanting no one elses.. no matter what their appearance or power was,.. Momo was his perfection and the one that he had chosen to be his.
Momo smiled at his words and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, lingering for a moment enjoying it, before leaning back. She grew nervous again and linked her fingers with hers to give her courage. " and you two know about my past?" she asked, looking up at him. During her sleep she had vague impressions of places and people she didn't know, but she couldn't make them out. Something was telling her that the two people she cared for most, Seth and Cross, knew more than they had let onwhile she was growing up. Though...she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to know, but she at least wanted to know if they knew. If...he knew. She loved him, had always loved him, and inside, she needed to know if he knew anything before before that horrible night in which she had been attacked by the Level-E.
He saw Momo's features soften a little and relax just a touch as a gentle kiss took place, but soon after that was ended, the nervousness seemed to strike back and partially Seth could guess what it was about.. mainly if he knew her past.. well that was the hunch, of which if that was the case he would be able to answer.. but he was not going to tell her what happened,.. only because somethings were better off not known. Softly the pure blood took a breath before slowly answering "I do know of your past.. more so then your father does.. Cross only knows as much as I have told him.. and a little he found out on his own.. where as.." he sighed before looking at her directly into her eyes his slightly red gaze, shining slightly as if pleading for her not to ask about it. "You are better not knowing about it.. that is all, trust me..
Momo listened to his words carefully and noticed that his gaze was almost pleading her not to ask him anymore. She wanted to ask further because it was almost torture for her not to know who she really way; though that was debatable, because technically she was still herself, she just didn't know her childhood. Seth looked pained and she couldn't stand to see him that. Smiling reassuringly, she caressed his cheek with her hand and gently kissed him again, simply reveling in the ability to be able to do so. "If you say I am better off not knowing...I can let it go for now knowing that at least someone knows who I really, you look pained and causing you any pain is the last thing I would want," she murmured softly against his lips, her eyes shining with her sincerity. She would likely bring up sometime in the future, but for now, she would let it go because she loved him with everything she was - becoming the thing she feared most was proof of that.
It was obvious that Momo saw how he felt about her past, and so it was nice to see that she for now was not going to ask any more about it. It was probably the reason of that it showed a slight pain to Seth for him to even think about it, but other then that he was not ready to tell her either, and Cross only knew so much.. most things about her past had been erased even if she tried to look them up and so the only person that really knew.. was Seth. Feeling her lips made his mood change back to normal a little more his eyes settling their gaze onto her before once she stopped speaking he gently deepened the kiss his tongue twirling around hers, just the fact that he could do this without getting judged by others.. it was nice to finally have Momo the way that he wanted her,.. as a vampire.. and as a lover. She had already sacrificed quite a bit for him.. to the point of becoming what she feared, but now that she had done such a thing.. Seth had no doubts that she would not fear vampires as much.. and that Level E's.. she would be able to cope with them once he taught her how to use the power that would be surging through her because of his blood that had been given to her.
Momo sighed into the kiss, enjoying it as she gently swirled her tongue around his in return. She had only dreamed about this day for so long, it was almost unbelievable that she was here, kissing him like this. And she never wanted to pull away. She wanted to stay here, with him like this, forever. Vaguely, she remembered a night when he had visited her at her father's.

He had been reclining on Cross' couch, arms behind his head, and young Momo was sitting beside him, resting her head on his chest on her arms. "Sempai...what does forever mean?" Momo had asked. Seth had smiled a little, lifting a hand to gently pet her hair. "Forever is know how when you stand at the top of the field? And you can't see the end of it?" Momo nodded. "It's like that. It never ends." She made a wide mouthed expression. "That's a really long time. Sempai must be lonely living in forever." She had said it innocently enough, but Seth's expression had saddened a little. "Yes, it is lonely."

Momo came back to herself and slowly broke the kiss, laying her head against Seth's chest to listen to his heart beat. "It's not so lonely now," she said with a small smile, wrapping her arms around his waist so that she could be as close as she could manage. Forever, she could stay like this.
There had been a few times where Seth could actually remember telling a few things to Momo when they had been asked, one of them that was easily remembered, was the time where he had explained the meaning of forever,.. the thing was even though she was reasonably young at the time, when he spoke the meaning that he said,.. she seemed to understand perfectly.. including how he felt lonely.. but then again they were almost destined to be together.. that Level E moment, making their fates intertwine together of which from that day, they were to become a part of each other in due time.

When he heard Momo lightly say such a thing as she laid upon his chest,.. it struck him that she had remembered that moment, .. and softly a small smile crossed his own face as he slowly responded in a soft tone, not finding the need to speak much louder since the only one that he wanted to hear his words.. was the one that was in his presence.. the one that he loved. "That you are right Momo.. instead it is perfect.." It was only a few moments of time that Seth had lived, that such a thing had been said, and so.. it felt nice to speak such words lightly holding her still,.. this was something he could easily get used to before lightly sighing.

"We should go see Chairman Cross soon,.. the news will spread quickly within the night class that your a vampire.. so sooner or later he will find out, but best if the two of us tell him or he might feel insulted slightly.. after all you were like a daughter.. no wait you are a daughter to him.." his arms still rested around her form feeling the warmth of her body against his slightly relaxing with it, but knowing soon enough the two of them would be getting up.
"I know," she murmured quietly, listening to his heart beat against his chest. "But I want to stay like this for a little while longer," she admitted. She was afraid that when she pulled away, she would wake up and find out this had all been a dream. She was so afraid of that. Even if her father was upset with her, she didn't want to move yet. Not yet. She had waited for what seemed like an eternity for this day. She wondered if Seth had felt the same as she, lonely and longing for the one they loved to notice you. "I love you sempai," she said gently, pressing a kiss gently on his chest, directly above his heart. "I always have."
That was something Seth had no issue with, really he was in no rush from leaving such comfort,.. where he could just lay here with Momo and partially forget about everything else. Although a life of such long lengths would hold much events, it was times like these.. that were worth living the whole way through and so there was no need to rush such times.. of perfection that would hopefully occur more often now that the two of them were together. Those were the precious words that his ears longed to hear constantly, and hearing her speak once more for a moment the pure blood was silent just for a moment anyhow. "They say.. one like me could have had anyone ... because of my role,.. I would just have to command them to.. but I chose you.. because you are my match.. the perfection I wanted.. the perfection I needed to cure my lonely heart.." he went silent once more before speaking yet again "I am sorry I can't tell you of your past.. but am honored to be able to have you in my future.."
"I'm glad, sempai." She said softly. Momo's eyes shut as she laid against Seth like this - was her past really so horrible that he could not share it with her? She tried vaguely to remember anything from before the night the pureblood had saved her, but all it did was cause her head to throb painfully. What was it that she couldn't remember? What was it that caused her so much distress? His words only made her want to find out what it was that they were hiding from her. The pain only intensified and nearby, a plain old table chair splintered and snapped apart, falling to pieces on the floor. She was unaware of the powers she received from Seth's blood, but they would come into play at times whenever her body and mind were strained. Momo wasn't even aware that she had beelined into the train of thought, it was almost a subconscious reaction to want to know her past. Something flashed through her mind, a large house, but only of the elegant basement. No sunlight. Like, maybe someone had been forced to live there, never leaving, to be...protected? But she couldn't think of from what. Pain splintered through her mind and she gasped, clutching at her head. Each time she tried to dig up something from before that night, this always happened, but it seemed to feel twice as harsh this time. Her hand clutched at Seth's shirt as she tried to push away the memory - if she could push it away, she was sure the pain would fade as well.
Seth had only really just realized what had just been said before lightly sighing just gently. He did not want to tell her the past of which she had forgotten only because he had chosen for such memories to be lost. After all, now that she was a vampire.. she would eventually find out how to reverse the process on her own but for now.. he did not want to trouble Momo with the past that he wanted for her to forget. It was all so brutal.. and well as he heard the chair shatter he just held onto her tightly before lightly rubbing her back. He would have to teach her how to control the powers that she had acquired from his blood,.. otherwise it would, well more could be a little dangerous as emotions only strengthened and weakened power.. but if at any moment she felt anger being so fresh to the feel of being a vampire.. she would accidentally cause what ever was nearby to shatter. Some tragic events had occurred like that before in the past and so Seth had already taken it as his responsibility to look after her and train restraint over the power within her, so that she could still have a almost normal life.. well as normal as vampire could have anyhow. Slowly he spoke just a few simple words â?? You will find out your past in due time.. but for now, just concentrate on what you have now.. and the time that we shall spend together..â? His voice was soft and partially trying to comfort her his arms lightly embracing her rubbing her back as a slight distraction. â??
Momo wondered if he knew what was going on in that moment, the memories trying to surface in her mind. She focused intently on his arms around her, his hands on her back, and his voice. Slowly, it began to fade and the grip she had on his shirt lessened. She let out a sigh and relaxed against his body. "I'm sorry sempai..." she whispered. "Something was just...pushing into my conscious, a image...of a house, maybe, a large mansion almost as big as the dorm.'s like...someone was hiding there. I don't know..." she leaned in closer, "it's gone now though." She, in turn, wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him close. It was like a dream to be with him. He could make the pain fade away so easily. Momo pressed a kiss to his chest, just above his beating heart.
Just the feeling of her starting to relax a little bit, slightly made Seth feel a little better about everything. For a moment Momo just for a moment,.. definitely felt some sort of pain.. or remembered something and all he could do was try to comfort her when such a thing happened.. this time it only lasted for a moment or two but for a while their Seth had memories that kept invading his thoughts.. to the point of, well they were just bad memories.. that brought pain and they were stuck within his head.. but the day he had saved her,.. was the day they stopped. Around her he felt more.. free as such where the pure blood felt at ease with nothing to worry about but still he always was on guard a little just in case something happened.. because he wanted to protect the one he loved.. something he wished he could do against the pain of her past that was showing itself a little. "You feeling okay..?" He gently rubbed her back lightly once more before letting out a small sigh "You had me a little worried there for a moment..
Momo's cheeks tinted a soft red with embarassment. "Ah...I'm sorry, Seth sempai," she murmured softly, lifting her head finally to look up at the pureblood. "I didn't mean to worry you. I'm not even sure where the image came from..." she laughed gently and shook her head. "I'm okay, I think. The pain has faded." Momo smiled gently to reassure him, even as she raised herself a little to press a feather light kiss to his lips. Her intention was to only give him that one kiss, but she found herself giving him another a moment later, not as soft, but a bit harder and she lingered a moment, enjoying being this close to him.
The small tint of red as it crossed her cheeks made Momo almost a little cute,.. the way she spoke following just adding to it, before he heard what was said afterwards. It was probably more likely to be something she was starting to remember,.. about her past more then anything. But he lightly laughed hearing the laugh he heard from her. The soft kiss slightly made him sigh a touch more of happiness then anything but as he felt her come back, with a kiss a little more.. well harder he kissed back rather enjoying it. Seth had not been really expecting the second kiss.. but did not argue or disagree with it at all, no instead he would encourage such a thing before lightly nipping her bottom lip slowly pulling away taking a small breath in the process before his eyes looked into hers and he placed his lips against hers again this time flicking his tongue against her lips.. it was almost because he was partially addicted to her taste, that was what the pure blood thought anyhow.. and so wanted to try a nice deep kiss with her.. like the time that he had first given her his blood..
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