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Bondage Club or Divine Prostitute

What setting would you prefer?

  • Modern- Humans only

    Votes: 55 52.9%
  • Modern- Humans and Furries

    Votes: 24 23.1%
  • Medieval- Fantasy races

    Votes: 38 36.5%
  • Sci-Fi- Alien races

    Votes: 31 29.8%
  • Other (please explain in a post)

    Votes: 2 1.9%

  • Total voters

Filthy Plaything

PBS is my safe word
Dec 9, 2019
not a wine cave, probably
Looking to start an open rp thread for a bondage club, where I play several female characters who are bound for use by anyone who visits. Think a woman bound in stocks, where anyone could fuck her holes. Or another woman with bound by a spreader bar and handcuff so anyone could use her. A nude or mostly nude waitress who has to serve drinks while getting fucked by another patron. A variety of toys and implements would also be available to the patrons, from dildos to butt plugs to vibrators, as well as whips, floggers, paddles. Basically, a sex club that caters to the desires and tastes of the clients, and makes it's employees available in all sorts of ways.

If other people want to play employees, that's fine by me. Male and female characters welcome. I would prefer to stick with humanoid characters, but if others want to be furries or whatever, that is fine too. If I get enough interest, I will set up a character thread for employees, so each player can layout their likes and dislikes and limits. Obviously, this could fit in a variety of different settings, so I am interested to see what interests other players.

I am also willing to play one dominant female character. Particularly in exchange for someone willing to play a group of men who get rough with one particular woman.

My kinks:
Anonymous sex
Bound Sex
Double/Triple Penetration
Sloppy seconds
Running a train on a woman
Rough Sex

Inspirations: (NSFW)
Cumming soon. 😏
Reading back through this thread I gather it was done entirely on Discord. Perhaps we can bring the RPs to threads here and use the colored naming system to show which folks decided to spend some time together. Unfortunately the individuals responsible don't appear to be on anymore. I like the modern day setting and perhaps allow folks to decide on individual themes when they spend time together (e.g., dressing up as fantasy characters). Thoughts? Did the Discord server work out well or no?
I suppose that can be expected from time to time. Real life comes first. It looks like there was a character repository but didn't have as many entries as people who expressed their interest. I did see your name earlier in this thread @TheLadyIsAVamp as well as @Scarlet Dreams so it's good to know there is still a following. Hmmmm it wouldn't be too hard to keep a running tally of customers and staff, or perhaps just staff honestly. Perhaps I could play an accountant of sorts who tracks the business/day-to-days.

Edit: @Scarlet Dreams @TheLadyIsAVamp If it's all right, I think I will try to work on something for this. Rules state that we have to have at least three members interested before one can open up the roleplay. I'll incorporate portions, particularly the original rules, into this reboot. Funny thing is I think I might have been on that Discord server at some point because I recognize the name it went by. I do not desire to be the manager but can be an interim until someone steps forward. Anyway, please consider the below portion as what I can bring to the table for this administratively. Rules and everything else are changeable. This is just an example.

1) Staff has the authority to make on-the-floor decisions regarding etiquette/dress code
2) The manager (TBD) has final say in all decisions
3) If a decision by the manager is in question, two staff members are required to argue the decision
4) Be respectful of the other guests
5) Be respectful to the staff
6) If you wish to watch, please gain permission from BOTH members before entering their scene
7) Be respectful to the staff and understand their personal limits/comfort. If you are unsure, ask. Refer to rule 5.
8) Staff will decide the color font to play in
9) Patrons may approach staff or vice versa as long as the interaction is respectful and comfortable in the eyes of both parties. Refer to rule 1.

10) Once engaged in activity, couples, throuples, quintouples, etc. cannot be interrupted unless discussed. Do not walk into someone else's fun/work
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
1) If you wish to be a member of the staff please notify the Euphoria adminstration (manager/administrator) for consideration and addition to the roster
2) To make locating your partner a little easier, please post an image of your character in your post (ideally at the top)
3) For staff members and patrons engaged in "activities", font colors will be used as another means of identifying who is involved in what scene
𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓯𝓯 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓼
  • Sofia Manager


    Age: 40
    Orientation: Pan
    F-List: URL Link
    Bandana/Scarves Worn Displayed: Purple, Blue, etc.
  • Steven Accountant

    Age: 40
    Orientation: Pan
    F-List: URL Link
    Bandana/Scarves Worn Displayed: Purple, Blue, etc.
    • c999753f665c8943c9e66ebb96ca001c.jpg

      Age: 40
      Orientation: Pan
      F-List: URL Link
      Bandana/Scarves Worn Displayed: Purple, Blue, etcc.
    • ff92f875bbe5e4202bc04079ce12f164--blonde-hair-bombshells.jpg

      Age: 40
      Orientation: Pan
      F-List: URL Link
      Bandana/Scarves Worn Displayed: Purple, Blue, etcc.
𝓘𝓶𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼

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Cool, so there is still interest for the concept? The last one gradually diminished mainly due to a great deal of the people began struggling with heavy IRL-issues (me included; I was an employee but health-issues made me very inactive)

But now that the health has recovered I'd be up for servicing customers again, hehe~

The question is; reviving the same server (which has a lot of rooms and a good format) or make a new one to start with a clean slate?
Hmmm not entirely sure. I would need to look at the server again plus I'm not too familiar with managing in Discord but I can learn. I'd leave it up to you folks as the employees to decide.
Hey, I’m the sole existing admin of the current server. Which is currently mine and @Kaen Lazuli ’s playground (although @Scarlet Dreams is on there too!).

I can admin the server from a technical perspective, I am willing to continue in my staff role as a Hostess and newbie helper, but there are elements I strongly recommend we consider if we want to keep it going.

1) Advertisement here, regularly. Keep the thread bumped, etc.
2) Story and Timing - what I’ve seen happen over about five different games is that it starts, a few people have an interesting bit of story, new people arrive and some pair of… and then everyone is caught in scenes running at different speeds. People will get together separately if they’re enthused for events, but that scene enthusiasm dies surprisingly quickly. I highly recommend a number of people who can commit, do commit to organising group fun, and that people are encouraged to interact IC. I’ve run pretty big online games (100 players online in a text based game) and this is kind of just a law of nature. Sadly, I am currently too ill to commit to do all that myself, I can only commit to trying to help.
3) Setting - We had 2 pretty generic settings last time, but also not generic enough. There was a lot of ‘modern day bondage club taken to fantasy levels’ as well as lives of the rich and famous, but that began to fall down when collective ideas about technology and what is possible (or the supernatural) come into play.
4) Also, what are the rules (and in character laws) of that setting - lines and veils, to use technical terms.

Technically speaking as far as ‘which server’ - the current server needs some tiny updates to be useful again for a group, as well as some pruning of channels and the like, plus potentially changes to keep it in line with the privacy policy we ran if we want to keep that (no lurkers, not because we’re shy, but because it promotes a sense of safety).

I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t think of it right this second!
I don't mind advertising for it and making sure the thread is bumped. I can also keep a running tally of our staff here as I posted above if that is of any help at all.
As 'which server' goes I'm still interested in the idea of rebooting to what's essentially the blank slate server. We could take an element from my 3. response below to help redefine things and make this into a slightly more sustainable project. Aside from pruning channels and altering layout I would suggest a reboot to try and make things fresh again so what we come up with can take a new path and not be held back by both the slightly cluttered and disjointed approach we currently have, and the ownership issue in the current server (owner is an inaccessible account). The previous channels history and server could be set up as an archive.

To run through the elements mentioned above, 1. can considered with a group chat between participants on the intended server 2. could be addressed (maybe not fixed but just with experimenting) by altering the formula to try and hook up a bit more and making it more upfront what people can do and are interested in, 3. we'll need to try and draw lines for (maybe affix a proper fantasy server as a 'sister server'?) and 4. we would discuss in conjunction with the first three points once we have a broad idea of doing the formula. I'd be willing to participate in this process.

What I'd contribute as a conclusion then, is having a modern/grounded server on one side and a more medieval fantasy type server on the other so both itches can be scratched. Importantly, coming up with a concise approach since even my thoughts above are still pretty soupy.
I am open to those ideas as well. As someone who is new a new server would be easier for me. Then again I like the layout of the current server and wouldn't mind helping with the pruning. I can also be a financial supporter and help boost the channel as needed. I have a few suggestions if @EquinoxRoad is interested in hearing them.

1) The first is creating a verification requirement for people entering the server. They can either verify with their e-mail or both e-mail and "I am not a robot" button.
2) An anti-raid device if there is not already one in place.
3) Perhaps some sort of ranking bot that will give folks more and more access to accomplish things like post NSFW images in the designated server.
4) Age-verification

I've only Youtubed a few of these things since I am so new to Discord servers but I am willing to learn and can provide financial backing. Thoughts?
I'm not sure what the necessity of 1-4 is or how it would enhance the content given the server's relative obscurity and being largely based on drawing from Blue Moon and not third parties, and the server really needs the participation aspect - a financial one won't add much to a standard discord server. 1-4 in particular would introduce a great deal of hassle and stifle what little we already get for participation, never mind the invasiveness of some of the suggestions.
I'm happy to join this and assist as I've run several group RPs on discord and am looking for things to get my claws into at the moment?
I don’t feel that people need to worry about those things, if I’m honest.

Stepping back a little from the technical side - a Discord Community isn’t much trouble to setup and manage, they have a quite comprehensive Moderators guide on their webpage, I think instead there’s a discussion to roll back to:

What is ‘this’ - as in, the group/thread/community? It’s been run by two different people, three if you include me - and I wouldn’t do that :)

Through that time it’s gone through three revisions as to the setting and so on, I can’t speak for the jump from 1 to 2, but 2 to 3 attempted to retain some idea of continuity because people wanted to keep characters.

But that doesn’t have to be true, obviously!

I think a better starting point would be - pretty much as Scarlet Dreams says - for people to decide what they broadly want from the group/Community or Communities if there are two servers.

Versions 1 & 2 were modern, V 3 was high tech near future by recognisably modern, call it cyberpunk if you will.

I have a preference towards 3 if I were to maintain my character, but if something else was created I certainly wouldn’t turn my nose up at it. I might strongly consider it, in fact. Whatever the setting (pretty much).

I’ll continue to support what activity there is on the existing server for now - and if you’d like to have a say in that/be there, please just ask - best to contact Leonheart. That’s purely because there are people still on there and there seems to be some increased activity, not out of a desire to shape what ‘this’ thread is associated with or to run it. I don’t have the brain energy :-/
I'm not sure what the necessity of 1-4 is or how it would enhance the content given the server's relative obscurity and being largely based on drawing from Blue Moon and not third parties, and the server really needs the participation aspect - a financial one won't add much to a standard discord server. 1-4 in particular would introduce a great deal of hassle and stifle what little we already get for participation, never mind the invasiveness of some of the suggestions.
Copy, well that's why I asked first How about generating an application section for anyone who wants to be a mod? I also would be interested in joining another server as a customer/member if you generated one @Scarlet Dreams

Primarily what I would find interesting is just a grouping of whomever and whatever everyone would like to play. I'm perfectly happy with the fantasy aspect already in place as well as the futuristic/cyberpunk world. So what don't we allow that isn't already spelled out by Bluemoon rules?

@StylusWrites Please expect a PM from me as soon as I can get to my computer. Will be happy to have you aboard!
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Copy, well that's why I asked first How about generating an application section for anyone who wants to be a mod? I also would be interested in joining another server as a customer/member if you generated one @Scarlet Dreams

Primarily what I would find interesting is just a grouping of whomever and whatever everyone would like to play. I'm perfectly happy with the fantasy aspect already in place as well as the futuristic/cyberpunk world. So what don't we allow that isn't already spelled out by Bluemoon rules?
For me it's an interest and commitment issue, I can brainstorm but I've found it difficult to start or remain in anything new (though I've thought about how a server might work, so it's not all blank). But to humor for a moment.

The only strong limitations outside of blue moon would be Discord TOS, which is considerably more stringent on upper boundaries for extreme subject matter. It's not spelled out by discord but I would make the character minimum 18, full stop. The first idea would be a server based in a 'place between worlds' mansion with a wide fantasy range where anyone from a goddess to a random human can thrive as long as they respect the rules of the plane they're in. I'd like to keep it smaller in scope but I wouldn't rule out a town or something like that. The key would be establishing a theme to participate in, more than just a chat with a side of erp. I'd also thought of something based on elder scrolls specifically since that has a great deal of potential. But binding to a established context will limit the appeal. Then again there's not much appeal to places that try to appeal to every single possibility when you're going for a setting, so maybe that's the way it needs to go?
We did change the rules to ensure no members/characters under the age of 18. Are those ideas for the current server or for the one you've thought about creating because I would happily join that as well :D
Certainly, we accept a wide variety of folks 😀 I will PM you if you're still interested, please let me know!
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