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What's a RP craving you want so bad but can't seem to make happen? (SEE PINNED POST)

Hi all, please keep in mind that if you see a craving you're interested in, please privately message the member that posted it. Please do not discuss RP or offer to RP others' cravings in this thread. Thank you!
Honestly, it's my fandom stuff as always. I'm looking for people that I gel with and it never seems to happen. I'm just picky and like fandoms that aren't really getting bites or not getting bites for what I want.

More specifically, I want some Ashley/Leon RE4 Remake RP. Gah, I have been searching for so long
Complex, game-and-mechanic aware, well-characterized, well-written Pokemon. With someone with the same level of passion and knowledge about the series as me.

Gets harder with my own caveats, sadly. (Will not do pokephilia of any kind; would rather replace canons with original characters...)
Dungeons and Dragons, everyone loves the idea of Smut D&D in theory, no one seems to stick it out and see it through.
My fav two fandoms, FNAF and SAMS (Sun and Moon Show) but what little interest I got in other sites involved heavy to nothing but smut, turning the characters human (hell no). Same goes for anything that involves medical. I get it that most if not damn near all medical RP is smut based (not hating) but that's not what I'm interested in.

I love medical mixed in with hurt\comfort or just straight out torture, the white walls, nightmare inducing medical tools, the medical bed. Hell yes.
Dungeons and Dragons, everyone loves the idea of Smut D&D in theory, no one seems to stick it out and see it through.
It's driving me crazy! I've never been able to find a DM to host this type of RP so I decided to start playing as a DM myself.

I put in a lot of effort to write a prompt and character sheet for someone which then of course evolves into writing the story. What do I get in return? Ghosted. :rolleyes:
Hello you beautiful people.

I thought I'd share my own woes! I've been having a heck of a time finding my fandoms too! I've noticed when it comes to superhero thing that a lot of people want bad ends and kinky villains. Where I'm like "But what if Superman was a boy scout one minute and a kinky southern dominant type the next?" lol.
I thought I'd share my own woes! I've been having a heck of a time finding my fandoms too! I've noticed when it comes to superhero thing that a lot of people want bad ends and kinky villains. Where I'm like "But what if Superman was a boy scout one minute and a kinky southern dominant type the next?"

While I am NOT into the superhero thing I've noticed that too and the whole everything has to be bad ends or super kinky\smut heavy with a lot of fandoms. It sucks the horror right out of any horror based fandom. When it comes to many kinks its the same, smut or nothing.
Hello you beautiful people.

I thought I'd share my own woes! I've been having a heck of a time finding my fandoms too! I've noticed when it comes to superhero thing that a lot of people want bad ends and kinky villains. Where I'm like "But what if Superman was a boy scout one minute and a kinky southern dominant type the next?" lol.
Lol sounds like someone slipped Supes a red kryptonite pill
My desire to get Baldur's Gate 3 has filled me with the want, no, NEED to write something inspired by it.

Specifically a romance between a male drow/half-drow paladin and a female Drow. Basically a super happy go lucky paladin romancing an ice Queen and making her realize she's in the wrong
I had this pretty nuanced idea for Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition roleplay that would play one after the other. With my protagonist replacing the Hawke character and my partner playing the Arishok's son and it follows the events of the second game and leads into the Inquisition timeline with Arishok's son being a Tal-Vashoth after his father's death and then becoming the Herald of Andraste. I have so many other ideas for this story, but I either just can't find the right partners or nobody wants to play a Qunari, lol.
Who wouldn't want to play a Qunari?!
I had this pretty nuanced idea for Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition roleplay that would play one after the other. With my protagonist replacing the Hawke character and my partner playing the Arishok's son and it follows the events of the second game and leads into the Inquisition timeline with Arishok's son being a Tal-Vashoth after his father's death and then becoming the Herald of Andraste. I have so many other ideas for this story, but I either just can't find the right partners or nobody wants to play a Qunari, lol.
Who wouldn't want to play a Qunari?!

A lot of people, although I can't really blame them, because of the Qunari personality and their specific lore, how it would affect the character and all that. But still disappointing lol! Attempts I had for this rp in the past had mostly me pulling all the weight and me hitting the wall and losing enthusiasm for the roleplay. This isn't the type of a roleplay that is meant to be GMed.
Dungeons and Dragons, everyone loves the idea of Smut D&D in theory, no one seems to stick it out and see it through.
I always look in the D&D or other tabletop system requests, but I usually have to avoid them. Bad end, non-con stuff is a non-starter. I get why there's mostly that, but icks are icks, you know? I just want to explore dungeons, get loot, get rowdy in a tavern, maybe try casting "Tasha's Pink Tentacles..." The funny stuff.
I always look in the D&D or other tabletop system requests, but I usually have to avoid them. Bad end, non-con stuff is a non-starter. I get why there's mostly that, but icks are icks, you know? I just want to explore dungeons, get loot, get rowdy in a tavern, maybe try casting "Tasha's Pink Tentacles..." The funny stuff.

THIS! I keep running into this with Super Hero stuff and with Fantasy or D&D Esque stuff. A lot of non con stuff. Not that I don't get it but man mutual interest is fun to ya know?
A romantic werewolf rp, with lycan shifters. Can be both alphas or have higher/lower rank that makes yc the new alpha male.
Been reading (and watching) Jujutsu Kaisen lately, and this dude has stolen my heart. Would absolutely love to play against him or as him, but the problem is that I don't really have any canon character I ship him with so it's hard to come up with a concrete plot-pitch. Also the fact that he kicks the bucket quite early on the series (major spoiler for the series) doesn't help the case.

Might have to probably bend my "no OC x CC" rule for his sake, or come up with some AU-idea where I can ship him with someone from the series more easily.
An original character run of a SBURB-like game inspired by Homestuck. The fan base ruined it way back when.
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