A Series of Royal Fuck-Ups {darkest_fate&Prince of Smut}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The headline blinked black at her from the other side of her cell phone. The pretty blonde elf chewed her lip, scrolling through the high tech feed, checking updates and the information from her various contacts and handlers. Saiorse Highdaughter, princess of the elves had been managing her own image since she was thirteen, as per the laws of her people. The stunningly beautiful elf (voted the sexiest elf on Earth upon her eighteenth birthday, and some went further, arguing that she was the sexiest creature on the planet) knew how to handle her own social media. She had handlers for Facebook and Twitter, and she'd learned to upload to her own Instagram fairly regularly. Royal dinners had become a minor success, and she tried to help use her own presence to further healthy eating causes. Anything that would help raise the prestige of her people a little further would be of benefit.

The elves had come out a little late into the world. Orcs, dwarfs, the rest had all made the move first. Surprise, humanity, magic was real. They'd come flooding out in the late teens, and now they were every bit as much a presence as the rest of humanity. New conflicts and borders had sprung up overnight, with some races, Saiorse's foremost among them, carving territories out of areas that had belonged to humanity. Fortunately they also brought magics and secrets that came from being functionally immortal.

Small problem with that: elf birth rates had been declining for years. Saiorse had almost been something of a surprise, and she'd been around for a while now. Good thing too: because the elves needed a media conscious leader, and their new princess had slid into that role with grace and style. She'd gone to American schools, first a public institution (albeit a high class one in a large city), then one of the Ivy League schools at which she now attended, working on degrees in sociology with focus on interspecies relationship. Which is why she was now staring at her feed and feeling more and more frustration mounting.

It didn't help that she'd thought this a good idea. Set up relations with the orcs. They were almost as numerous as the humans, and quickly rising fast to become the second largest race on Earth, far, far outstripping Saiorse's people. On top of that, their leader had a darling son around Saiorse's supposed maturity level who also happened to be attending the school. Saiorse's parents and his had made a simple arrangement; they would have a very public relationship which would garner more good will between their peoples and the rest of the world. Some public dates, a few displays of affection.

Small problem: "why can't he keep his dick in his pants?" Saiorse asked the air. She quickly bought a coffee and hurried, tossing her designer scarf over her shoulder. He'd still be in bed; orc did not get up before noon as far as Saiorse could tell (how he was passing his classes was beyond her; she knew he was fucking at least one professor). She could hear her designer, elfish coat and designer, forest green elfish jeans, tucked into designer elvish leather boots, all swishing as she started firing texts.

Couldn't you have at least had a little more discretion? No, she couldn't just yet. "Royal Fuck up" was already the headline. Thankfully, the shop she'd been at wasn't far from where he actually stayed... if you could call it that. She paused, nose crinkling at the sight. The petite blonde elf (several years of classical dance training, three in elfish ranger school, and regular pilates and yoga kept everything tight and trim) stepped lightly, using elfish light step as she entered the building. She stormed in, all but slammed on his door, and began reading, loudly

"Is there trouble in the royal relationship? Everyone knows about Princess Saiorse Highdaughter's very public relationship with the son of the orcish leader, but it seems as if he's keeping not a girl on the side, but several," she turned to all but yell the word at the closed door: "several girls on the side. Reports show no less than three girls... honestly, what do you even do with three? No less than three leaving his domicile in the late morning, as this photog--" the door opened, and Saiorse turned her phone, holding it up, "photograph clearly shows." She arched her brows, blue eyes looking almost aghast. "Honestly, how hard is it to keep it in your pants?" the fey elf demanded, looking about ready to start getting quite physical with him...

Tograth Xuthakug, better known as Tog amongst his friends, barked the order and summoned the girl waiting eagerly at the head of an apparently endless line. This one was a fairly curvy dwarfette, exotically dressed in some sort of lingerie forged out of a finely made chain mail. There were openings in strategic locations and Tog considered which hole he would plunder first, vaguely aware of the other women in line clamoring for him to hurry up in order to get to them sooner. The line stretched to the horizon, full of females of every race, size, shape, and color; all of them waiting eagerly for their turn to fuck Tog.

The Orc Prince was having a dream, of course. He was actually half-awake, but this was a particularly good dream today and he was purposefully lying in bed, eyes closed, and enjoying it as long as possible. The dream could be judged a bit repetitive, he admitted. Another man might have wanted some more plot, but fucking an unending procession of different women put Tog in his happy place. Besides, it was way better than dealing with another day of what had been an increasingly frustrating off-season from football at college.

Jealous classmates might say the dream mirrored reality. Tog had a voracious sexual appetite as befits an orc, plus the added appeal of being a celebrity on campus. Not only was his father Jughor Xuthakug, the Clan King of the Orc Nation, which made made Tog a Prince, but Tog was the Captain and star linebacker of the football team. There was never a shortage of friendly girls of all races and shapes willing to slake what had become a legendary sex drive. Orcs still had a primal, savage nature despite their advancement into the civilized world, and in this time of peace, sex was a natural outlet for their passions since they couldn't chop off heads anymore without repercussions. Tog was a virile, young, handsome (for an orc) stud in his prime, so why shouldn't he just act on his urges, right?

Seizing his mighty rod with two meaty fists, Tog lined up the throbbing tool with the Dwarf's sex. Her torso appeared to be the same length as his cock, so Tog was grateful this was a dream as he started to push into the smaller being. The dwarf opened her mouth and screamed...


What the fuck? Where was that noise coming from? He was in a featureless landscape except for the line of women. An angry voice droned from the Dwarfette's mouth, higher pitched than any dwarf would talk. Those weren't sounds of pleasure or dirty encouragement and the girl's expression changed as he watched in horror, wanton admiration melting into a curl of disgust. The dwarf's ears grew longer and turned into points at the end while her features began transforming as well. Tog felt his manhood softening in his fists as he realized what she was becoming. What the....?

"...Reports show no less than three girls..."


Tog's eyes snapped open and he sat up in bed, heart suddenly racing and a scowl dragging the tusks on the sides of his mouth down. She was here. What time was it... before Noon still?! Way too early for the orc to deal with her wrath. For a half-second he contemplated trying to pretend he wasn't there, or maybe sneaking out of his second floor window and running. Saiorse was petite and slight, but she was a beast beyond her size when angry.

And angry she had been, it seemed, since they had started 'dating'.

Of course Tog had been glad to go along when his father had suggested it. Orcs didn't get a lot of Elvish pussy, them being too pure and having a better handle on their 'base' urges than most races and all that. And of course, Saiorse was fucking hot. That might be an understatement, she was gorgeous, beautiful, arguably even perfect. She'd been voted the sexiest creature on the planet by some online site! Who wouldn't want to date her? Tog had thanked his dad profusely, thinking the old man had just handed him some of the most sought after cooch in the world.

Little did he know the last couple weeks would turn into absolute hell. Saiorse viewed their dating as a publicity stunt, not a sexual relationship. The sexy girl acted like they were an affectionate couple in public, but wanted no part of anything more behind closed doors. What could be worse for a horny, young orc like Tog than spending an evening with a sexy elf wearing those kinky boots and then having her give him a chaste kiss goodnight at her door, or have him sleep on her couch?

Blue balls were a real condition for a man his age and he'd be in debilitating pain if the number of his female admirers hadn't seemingly doubled since he started dating the beautiful Elf. Nothing seems to turn other women on more than a taken man, especially one taken by the sexiest Elf alive. Suddenly, Tog went from doing well with the ladies to drowning in pussy if he wanted it. And damned if he didn't want it after getting teased by Saiorse all day!

"For the record, your high-and-mighty-ness, three is a lot of fun," growled Tog as he flung the door open to glare at the petite elf. The broad chested and thick necked orc was clad only in a pair of Vineyard Vines patterned boxers, which bulged prominently from his still slightly aroused cock. For an orc, he was indeed handsome. His lantern jawed chin had definition and his forehead didn't overhang too severely, making him look intelligent and noble for his kind. The two tusks that came out of his frowning mouth were shiny and white, in perfect symmetry and alignment with each other. He was muscular, even for an orc, and towered over the lithe elf. Only his dark eyes, quick and bright, softened his natural menacing appearance, although even they were steely now as he tried his best to intimidate his smaller opponent. "And three is better than one. And even one is better than NONE, which is all I have gotten from you since we started DATING!"

As soon as he yelled the words, Tog winced and glanced up and down the hallway to see if anyone had heard him. There was a widespread assumption that he was, of course, banging the gorgeous elf and Tog hadn't actively tried to dissuade anyone of that rumor. In fact, it was a bit embarrassing to him at this point that all he had gotten was a kiss and some cuddling in public.

"Come inside, don't make a spectacle that will be in the press next!" Tog said in a slightly softer tone, waving the elf after him as he retreated back into his cave like room. "It's probably not true... whatever you read. But if it is true, it's all your fault anyway."
You'd think that Saiorse might be at least a little intimidated by Tog, given that she came up to about his chest, was roughly one third his size, and probably could've been tossed around by him like a rag doll. Except that given how their 'Relationship" had been going, she was more likely to toss him around. That she happened to be fairly strong for an elf helped, but it was more her attitude: she'd have been called princess even if she didn't have the title.

"Oh yes," she drawled as Tog yelled, "I can't imagine why I wouldn't want to have sex with..." she gestured toward him, "that," though she did let her gaze drop to his dick, then back up to him, raising a brow. The expression said it all: seriously? You undoubtedly had sex last night; I know it; you know it; you know I know it, and you're still rock hard? Of course Saiorse knew about the orc sex drive, who didn't, but that just added more fuel.

"OH yes, we wouldn't want a spectacle," she mumbled, rolling her eyes and heading in. "Goddess, it smells in her," she'd barely gotten a step in, recoiling from the raw stench. She waved her hand under her face, wafting away what she could, though she strongly suspected the funk now had embedded itself into her nose. She looked up at him, then wiggle the phone. "Pictures, Tog. And they've been magically proven to be accurate. See?" she tapped the phone again, letting him see the picture that he'd apparently not read.

"Also, I fail to see how your inability to keep your orc dick in your pants is my fault," she pointed out, gesturing toward said dick. "I'm in this relationship too, but you don't see my name plastered all over the internet. Well," she frowned at the phone, "you do, but I'm certainly not having any fun about it." Which had her flushing. After all: she was hot, elfish, royal, and socially active. Like Tog, she had her share of paramours who thought "boy, I'd love to bang that elf chick" only amplified by "boy, if I could steal one of Tog's girlfriends, I'd be the hottest thing ever!"

She was seriously tempted to say fuck it and just bang one of the pretty elf boys who kept bothering her. But she didn't quite want to stoop to Tog's level... yet. "Oh goddess," she said, looking around, "you do realize that there are literally two sets of panties in here, and they do not look to be the same size," they did seem to share at least one characteristic though: they wouldn't cover shit.
"Another news flash Princess, but you are literally the only one that doesn't seem to want to have sex with... this!" snarled Tog, pointing at his crotch and pumping his hips to have his meat flop in the boxers visibly. He flushed slightly at Saiorse's insinuating stare-- did she truly know?-- and was glad to turn away to lead her into his room.

Inside, with the door closed to prying ears, Tog rubbed his temple before turning to face his smaller adversary. She was on his turf now, his admittedly slightly stinky bachelor pad that probably needed some tidying up, but it was still his territory and that stiffened his resolve. Plus, now that he was awake his head had begun throbbing from one too many drinks last night and Saiorse's unrelenting yelling had only worsened the pain. At least in here the shades were down, so it was nice and dark and made it easier to nurse his hangover. It was long due to have it out with this vexing elf. He'd reached his breaking point. This was it.

"Let me see that," Tog said, snatching the phone from the smaller woman's hand. He glanced at the photo, trying to keep his expression neutral. That had been a sweet tryst, two sexy humans and an always naughty dark elf. He hoped Saiorse had assumed the girl was a dark complexioned human as he knew many of the snootier elves still considered their cousins 'trash' elves. The things that dark haired beauty had done... Tog had thought he was experienced before last night. Stifling the urge to give an appreciative nod at the memory, Tog abruptly tossed the phone onto his unmade bad and shook his head. "They could be friends, coming over to say hello. Perhaps to get my autograph? You aren't the only celebrity in this relationship, remember?"

The words rang hollow though, having used them already for several other rumored liasons that had show up on various news outlets. Then she saw the panties. In all honesty, Tog couldn't even be sure if they were from the girls last night. How had the elf spotted them so quickly in the piles of clothing and other crap that was strewn around his room. Women could be uncanny!

Tog's eyes couldn't meet Saiorse's for a second, before he summoned some indignation. At this point, his only defense was a good offense. How was she possibly making him feel bad? This WAS all her fault. She'd been leading him on for weeks now, deflecting his carnal advances while sucking his face whenever she saw a photographer hiding in a bush. He'd heard it all already ... that she wasn't ready yet, wanted to start slow, not in the mood tonight, elvish girls aren't like orc sluts, let's get to know each other first, etc. She'd felt the bulge in his pants she'd caused after sitting on his lap during a lunch outing the other day. She knew what she was doing to him.

"If you want to actually be in a relationship, not a PR photo shoot," said Tog, stepping towards the smaller girl and staring down at her. His meaty palm reached out and a thick index finger poked her on her breastbone. It was time to lay it all out. He was going to speak plainly, rudely and much more crassly than ever before. "Then maybe you'd realize that the way to keep my dick in my pants is for you to be the one that takes it out."

Fuck, she was attractive. This close Saiorse filled his vision and while he was trying to stare at those bright eyes, he couldn't help but drop his eyes to scan the rest of her body. She was beautiful and alluring in that ethereal way only elves can be. She made everything else in the admittedly shabby room look even drabber in contrast. Her skin was so pale and hair so blonde that she almost seemed to glow in the dim light. And her figure looked like a fantasy come to life, impossibly full breasts on a lithe and toned body that the skin tight elvish clothes hugged to the point of distraction. Perhaps getting this close to her wasn't the best way to keep up his righteous anger.

"I"m an Orc and a male. I have NEEDS. Strong needs. I'm not like one of your light-footed elf boy toys that'll happily eat you out all night and go home to jerk themselves off after thanking you for the privilege," Tog continued, building up his anger again. He tapped her chest again as his other hand went to his crotch, rubbing his thick cock through his boxers. "You want to date me? You want a real relationship? How about you remember I have a cock for once. One that needs as much attention as the rest of me."
"I know for a fact I'm not the only one," replied Saiorse, rolling her eyes. She had a handful of friends who were quite vocal on the fact that, despite the public relations and her parents, Saiorse should drop "that crass orc" she was dating. Because of course even her friends didn't fully realize that this whole relationship was mostly a sham. That was part of the bonus: if interviewed, they'd just talk about the strain of the relationship (which they had, generally unfortunately) and how saintlike Saiorse could be.

Saiorse let Tog take the phone, continue studying the room. She was half tempted to ask if he particularly enjoyed living down to the stereotypes of his people, what with all but wallowing directly in his own filth and all. Her eyes kept sweeping, and she finally noticed him throwing her phone to the bed. Those eyes rolled again as Saiorse walked over to grab it. "Oh yes, I'm sure that's why they were smiling, giggling, and leaving behind panties," she replied, grabbing the phone. She pointed it at him. "And I don't appreciate the obvious attempt at getting me near your bed."

She flicked the phone, checking a few more feeds while he kept ranting. It wasn't until he approached that she looked up, meeting his gaze dead on. He poked her, and her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. He knew she had ranger training, which went into explicit detail on how to kill orcs (and literally everything else, but orcs was what mattered here). There had been a damn report on how well Saiorse had did, how she'd even gone on a few actual missions (there was a scar on her left thigh from a bullet she'd taken during a rescue mission; this had also resulted in her parents freaking out and pulling her from active duty, but it was most certainly there).

Seriously, the needs speech? Saiorse folded her arms, giving him a long, patient look as he kept tapping her. "You do realize that literally every man has said that to every woman throughout the history of history?" she asked, waving a hand. She sighed, looking around the room for another second before looking up at him. "So, to be clear, if I were to relieve your oversized dick of its suffering, you'd stop fooling around with literally everything that has breasts?" she asked, raising her brows. "Oh, and if I do agree to anything, you had better thank me. I'm an elfish princess, you're a slavering orc who apparently wallows in his own filth." So she wasn't quite racist... it was just overall snootiness, really.
"Not the only one that doesn't want me, huh? You must have other frigid Ice Princess friends then?" Tog quipped.

Tog was a high status orc, literally a Prince of his kind, and relative to the brutish stereotypes of his race, had some modicum of manners and self-restraint. This gorgeous, impudent elf, though, was making his pulse pound and rage build like he'd never felt before. Frankly, he'd never been treated this way by anyone in his life, let alone a smaller female elf. His emotions were boiling over into a strange mix of wanting to either throttle her, or rip her clothes off to have his way with her. Maybe both, if she was kinky? Dimly, he knew she was likely more capable than she looked at defending herself from physical and sexual assault, but right now, standing next to his bed, she looked like a delicate fawn that he could just seize and toss onto his pillows.

"If every man has said that to every woman, then it must be true then? You agree your holiness?" answered Tog, tusks curving up in a smug grin as he matched her crossed arms with his own now. Reluctantly, Tog knew it was probably best not to have his hand too close to those tempting breasts right now. Head still throbbing and mood still volatile, the burly orc almost didn't fully comprehend her next question. What was that, was she proposing something? His instinct, of course, was that she was pranking him in order to deliver another vicious insult. He was wary now. "Riiiiiiight. To be clear, if you could satiate my needs, which frankly require not only a pretty face but someone who knows their way around a man's body, you want me to agree to not fool around? I'd gladly swear on my Father's axe on that agreement, because I know you couldn't possibly deliver."

Tog grimaced at her last comment, brows furrowing and tusks dropping as his arms uncrossed in anger, hands clenching as if grasping for weapons that weren't there. He couldn't help himself and he roared out in rage, speaking the unsaid thoughts that made their relationship so high profile and notorious to the public. While the press didn't say it directly, trying to be liberal, Saiorse dating Tograth was at the end of the day still viewed as scandalous by the majority of the public. Even taboo.

"And that is EXACTLY why you won't actually make this a real relationship and your offer is all talk. Despite your interspecies relations degree and poster-girl support of non-profits supporting tolerance, you still think I'm a stinking, dirty orc and that you are better than me. Admit it. You just want this relationship to make yourself look good, but deep down you are just as racist and stuck up as the rest of your kind. You really don't think Elves and Orcs can truly get along!"
"We ice princesses stick together," drawled Saiorse, keeping her face at that level wryness. Strange, but she could swear she saw some twitching in his face. Was he... attracted to her? Of course he was. she was a sexy elfish princess with one of the best bodies on the planet: he'd have to be dead not to be attracted. Perhaps that's part of what bothered her: he clearly didn't care that she also happened to be accomplished, intelligent, physically fit, and the sort who literally put her body on the line for other people.

Blah blah, couldn't do it. Saiorse had already started literally rolling up her sleeves while he kept ranting and raving and acting very much like the spoiled child. While he kept going on and on about how she was racist (she wasn't) she tucked away and studied him for a few seconds. He'd about get to "elves and orcs can truly get along" when he'd realize that she was standing in front of him.

Her hands shot down, moving quickly. They reached into his pants, found his dick quickly (not hard; finding, that is, the dick was proving very much otherwise), and pulled it out. "Oh, so it really is as big as they say," she commented with mild surprise, using about the same tone you'd expect someone to use when they stepped outside and found it raining when they'd been hoping for a clear day.

Saiorse spent a moment or two studying it, before looking up at him. Her hand circled it, and she began plying his sensitive hand with teasing fingers. "Let me make it clear, Tograth Xuthakug,' she didn't stumble over a syllable, "I'm quite willing to put in the work to make this relationship, such as it is, function," she began drawing her fingers around, finding his slit. A delicate, perfectly manicured nail teased it. "But you have to promise me that you'll Stop." She clenched him tight. "Fucking," jerked him hard, "around," one last squeezed, before she began holding it lightly in her hand. "In return, I'll help you relieve your pressure whenever you want it,' she paused for a moment, "with a few necessary exceptions. I have to keep up with coursework, and I don't want to be known as quite a slut..." she paused, considering, "well, any more than one would expect for Tog's girlfriend. Understood?"
Damn this sexy elf to hell and back!

Tog had built up a nice head of steam, anger finally overcoming Saiorse's magnetic looks to let him unleash all his frustration about their clearly fake and likely untenable relationship. Sexy creature or not, Tog wasn't going to let any girl use him like some PR prop and expect him to change his ways! He was definitely on a roll, making good point after good point, but why was she rolling up her sleeves and staring at him so cooly? Now she was getting closer to him, when any sane being would be fleeing the angry, brutish orc spewing vitriol?

"Blood and ashes!" gasped Tog in complete surprise as her hands shot with elf quick speed into his boxers. Her small hands found his swollen cock and seized it with remarkable skill and authority. The massive erection he had sported when he first woke up had faded, but his cock was now going from half-mast back to full very rapidly as she pulled it out and into her eyesight for the first time. Hot emotions flip-flopped in the burly orc's body, anger and rage transforming into lust and desire. His pounding heart now fed his cock, which grew in pulsing steps, rising and thickening in the elf's supple fingers. Tog sputtered, his train of thought now lost as he watched the beautiful elf Princess studying his throbbing rod. "Dark Lord save me, what are you doing?"

It was a stupid thing to say. Tog knew it as soon as the words left his mouth, but the shock of Saiorse' change of attitude had left him stunned.

"Uhh... Yeah, it's big and gets even bigger," Tog continued lamely, mind racing to make sense of what was happening. The argument was forgotten, his anger gone, and now the big orc just wanted to make sure that this was really happening and that it wasn't another dream. So difficult to think though, with Saiorse expertly teasing his now fully erect cock. Sure he'd had a raging foursome with three able ladies last night, but he was always horny in the mornings. Really he was horny pretty much all day, but Saiorse would soon discover that if she was serious about her plan. And even if he was tired from last night, it was Saiorse standing in front of him now giving him this pleasure. Truthfully no other woman he had ever been with could compare to her in terms of pure beauty. It was a mighty struggle to put words together as those beguiling fingers moved around his straining manhood. He needed to speak though, she was about to say something. A groan came out, a little moan, then a fumbled attempt at a sentence. "Wat.. you.... yeah, uh huh... mhmmm. You want to... huh?---"

Tog's full name, enunciated so carefully, snapped him back from the distracting pleasure temporarily. He let his black eyes lock onto her blue ones and listened to her speak. A grunt and twitch slipped out as she jerked him, the subsquent squeeze made him groan and milked a drop of pre-cum out of his teased slit. The shock of her first sexual touch was fading, though, and the orc felt like he had his brain back. How could any woman have this kind of effect on him? Was it some elf sex magic? It was a little unnerving to the studly orc who was accustomed to being the person who made others melt in his hands.

"You will be my slut?" answered Tog at first, brain seizing the most interesting portion of Saiorse' proposition to digest first. The thought was a tonic, soothing and calming, and he was able to think through her statement in full. Well shit, if he was fucking Saiorse whenever he was horny, there would definitely be no need to sleep around. Clearly this was the answer and everyone should be happy. His meaty hands moved, gripping the slender and smaller elf's body by her toned butt. Giving that tempting body part a delicious squeeze, he pulled her tight, easily lifting her boot clad toes off the ground, and trapped his raging cock between their bodies. The fierce orc stared down at the beautiful blonde Princess, one tusk curving up as he gave her a cocky grin. "Hell yeah. Saiorse Highdaughter, iIf you keep me satisfied, I'll never have the need for another woman in my life."

Of course, Tog was instantly assuming they'd be fucking shortly and he eyed the bed, ready to toss the smaller girl onto it to seal the agreement.
Watching Tog sputter and protest did give Saiorse some pleasure. After all, he'd been belittling her sexual talents mere moments before, saying that he wasn't quite like other men, blah, blah, all that nonsense. The moment her hand touched him, showing that, surprise, she knew how to work a cock (she was well read, and Tog was hardly her first), he seemed almost to become, well, dumb.

Correction: dumber.

The hand seized the cock as he drew her close. Saiorse could feel his body, could feel his cock, shit, the thing was at least hitting her belly button, if not further. She wasn't stupid: she knew that a woman's body could take a lot; babies came out of it. But still, she had to wonder how girls ended up taking all of Tog in one go. Probably willingly, since they wanted to prove just how much they could serve the might orc chief.

The elfish princess, however, would be something else entirely. She immediately reached for his hand with her free one, grabbed at his fingers, and twisted in a way that was trained to send intense pain and make someone let go. She never released his cock, but she definitely twisted his finger in such a way that he was very likely to release her.

"Let me make it clear: You call me a slut or a whore again, and I'm breaking something," she said bluntly. "I'm your girlfriend," she gave the finger another twist, before releasing it. Instead her hand squeezed his cock. "And I'm talking about relieving pressure, which does not require spreading my thighs." Her hand began stroking him with smooth, rolling motions, obviously wanting to work to start stifling protests that were sure to arise after the whole nearly breaking his finger thing. She even brought her other hand around, reaching down to cup his hefty ballsack.

"Do we have an accord? Or am I going to have to have a very messy, very public breakup where I denounce you for a lout and cause some sort of interspecial incident? I mean, it's your choice," she rolled her hand up, teasing his head. "Either you have a literal elfish princess willing to do this," she gave his balls a squeeze, "nearly whenever you need it, or you spend the next few months explaining to your father how you couldn't stick with just one girl." And she ran her finger along his slit again, demonstrating how this could most certainly work to his benefit.
"Ow! What the fuck?" growled Tog as the little vixen did something to his finger. Orcs can take a lot of pain, spears through their chest, arrows in their thighs, and keep fighting, but whatever elf trick she had done had sent such a shock of pain through him that it overrode what should have been a death grip on her sweet ass. He dropped her and shook his hand trying to get her vise like finger off of it. The natural instinct to shove her away was blocked by the hand that still gripped his throbbing cock. Saiorse's fingers on that sensitive organ had become a perverse submission hold, the pleasure too great to make him risk breaking contact even though she was still tweaking his finger. "Ow.. STOP! Are you fucking crazy?!"

"Ow! Shit, fine... not a whore or slut, got it," snarled Tog flexing his freed hand and wondering how his finger wasn't broken completely after the pain he'd felt. She was rubbing his cock again, trying to distract him. Frankly, it was working and his anger was fading with every roll of her wrist. And now she was rubbing his balls, causing a frustrated sigh. His entire crotch was a warm, glowing pool of pleasure and the pain in his finger was fading quickly with every pump of his shaft.

Damn her.

"An accord? Is it my... mhmm... m-my choice, really?," replied Tog, failing to contain a moan as her hand teased the sensitive crown of his aching rod. It was tough to negotiate with her in this position, tough but rather fun to try. The ball squeeze came next and he gritted his teeth to prevent another groan from slipping out, he had to show her he had some control. He continued, taking a deep breath to try to speak casually, "Well since you literally have me by the... oh darkness... by the balls."

Twice damn this sexy elf.

"Can you just let me speak? No, keep rubbing... mhmmm.. yes... I mean NO, not there, just keep rubbing the shaft," Tog continued, closing his eyes for a second to enjoy her hand working slowly on his meat as he thought about his reply. This was what he wanted, well at least sort of. Not spreading her thighs was a problem as he couldn't see himself enjoying handjobs for very long. Was he a teenager again? Who gets handjobs in college? Did she mean blowjobs as well? That quickened his pulse, but even those would get old eventually. Of course, sliding his green orc cock between those pale breasts would be a distraction for a day or two, but what he really wanted, no really needed, to be faithful was the sweet Elfish pussy between her thighs. But, as her tugging continued, he convinced himself this might work... at least for right now because he definitely needed a release. Black eyes opened and his tusks rose in a smile. "Fine. No sex, but IF you are able to keep me sated, I will not embarrass you with finding an outlet for my... needs... outside of our relationship.

"But, there is more," Tog added, thick eyebrows arching and eyes twinkling. The uninjured hand went to her neck, the massive paw resting on her delicate throat before his thick fingers slid lower. Tracing slowly down her neck with surprising delicacy, his hand went over the ridge of her breastbone, and finally down to surround one of her full mounds until he held it lightly with his thumb and fingertips. He was poised to pull away quickly if she reached for it, but he spoke confidently even as he watched her response warily, "To get off, in this... manner, I'm going to need a lot of... extra.... stimulation. Unless you want to tug me until your arms can't move, that is. That means allowing a bit more access than you have before... and showing a bit more as well. Think of it as starting to build a real relationship. Do we have a deal?"
Was she crazy? Saiorse almost wondered that herself. She sort of felt it, giving an orc a handjob while explaining to him flatly what he was going to be doing to and for her. She could feel him throbbing, and continued to take some satisfaction, very near arousal herself, at what she did and worked. Fingers gently worked. The digits squeezed upward, milking the shaft, wanting to pump blood and other fluids throughout. Below squeezed as above raised, the elf clearly experienced in drawing a man's pleasure. Delicate, light touches mixed with just a bit of harsh. A little squeeze, a roll of the wrist, a mixture in with each word.

Oh, she'd let him speak, when she wanted, when he could actually get in a word edgewise. Of course she had him by the balls: she'd been negotiating with idiots for years, with idiots who thought with their dick for only a few less (even as a young girl, Saiorse had learned that a cute girl could get away with quite a lot with some fluttering eyelashes). She let Tog gasp and groan. She pulled up. Her palm rubbed ,teased. Fingers drew near to almost pinch his head just as he protested. They shifted at the mention, instead drawing those nails back along her shaft. She drew a ring, teasing the sensitive flesh, just pulling her nails before gliding her touch. The hands shifted, the one upon her balls rising as the one above sauntered down, each working against him, feeling his admittedly impressive length and girth. Tog had probably experienced quite a few, but even he'd have to admit that this elfish princess clearly knew what she was doing with her hands (another tactic she'd learned: most men did not last long when a beauty like Saiorse worked them with any degree of skill, but she'd dealt with enough fools who tried techniques to improve her own; Tog might have thought that most guys would not be settled, but by the time Saiorse was done, most had jizzed along her fingers easily enough).

"Perhaps we don't necessarily have to take sex off the table, but it'll occur when I say so," she replied primly. "The... other can occur as you.. .need," she said, giving him another squeeze, as if to suggest that abusing this privilege may result in consequences. the fingers drew about her neck, and Saiorse didn't shift. She'd already shown what she could do if he tried something stupid, so she just kept a wary eye on him.

To her surprise, he was almost tactful and circumspect in his request. "I have to admit that I'm slightly impressed you aren't just grunting for me to show you my chest," she drawled, quirking a half-smile. She rolled her eyes. "If you require a little extra stimulation from time to time, and it doesn't cause any outward blows to my reputation, then I suppose I can't see why not." she let out a wry laugh. "Not like I haven't purposefully leaked nudes on the internet before anyway. I assure you they aren't that much different in the flesh," she gave his cock a squeeze, then leaned up, grinning, "and no, I'm not going to tell you which ones were on purpose. They are definitely out there though," a little mischief flashed in her eyes. That had been her idea: get ahead of it, purposefully leak a little to satiate the hungry idiots and thus make her perhaps a little pervert proof (she was debating doing a classy nude shoot as well, which may be on the schedule at some point).
Perhaps there was some secret Elfish sex magic Saiorse wielded as Tog couldn't believe the state of arousal she had induced in him. Magic enhanced or not, her supple hands worked his cock and balls with as much skill as the stereotypical elf might handle a bow and arrow. Like pulling a string, she built tension in his body, stretching and bending his resolve, and created a dangerous weapon from his own stiff manhood. And now, fully cocked and drawn, her fingers brushed his crown and balls like she might prime the head and feathers of an arrow for flight. She held him taut for release.

And release is exactly what Tog wanted to have happen right now.

Tog had never felt so hard in so many ways. Of course, his cock was hard, throbbing with need and dripping copious amounts of clear pre-cum that drizzled and lubricated the Elf's expertly moving hands. But, the hulking man's body was equally stiff from his effort to restrain himself from moaning and grunting too enthusiastically in response the Elf's skilled ministrations. And now he fought even harder to resist the growing desire to grab the much smaller girl and ravage her in the lusty and rough manner that his natural instincts craved.

The irony is that he normally relished in being hard. Woman sought Tog out to be fucked HARD by him. They wanted to be overwhelmed by his size, to be taken savagely, and used mercilessly. While he could be subtle and seductive, primarily before a woman reached his bedroom, normally his giant cock and intimidating stature was enough to make most women melt. Yet here he was, naked and hard cock displayed proudly before this vexing Elf and she was still not only in control of herself, but using his own strength against him.

"Damn you sexy elf," whispered Tog, admiration creeping into his voice. Orcs were cunning, manipulative, and ruthless by nature, but this petite and gorgeous Elf had somehow gotten him under her thumb in a manner that would make his most evil brethren proud. The womanizing brute felt the first stirrings of a different emotion in his heart, one that was difficult for him to pin down. Maybe something akin to what he imagined a mighty warrior might feel towards an opponent who had cleverly defeated him in hand to hand comment? Saiorse was a lot more impressive than he had imagined and definitely more than the typical "socially conscious" celebrity sexpot that the media portrayed. She was worthy of his.... respect? Tog struggled a bit on advanced emotions, but he clearly had a desire to possess her now that rose beyond simple physical lust.

"Well by my father's axe we have an arrangement, your highness," murmured Tog as his fingers and thumb closed together on the center of her breast to tease the nipple hidden beneath her shirt. She hadn't ripped his finger off yet so he felt emboldened and used that overtly sexual tease to seal the agreement. Hmmm... nudes of her online?! Which websites, there were so many to investigate. "If you think I need to look at porn on the Internet, you've misjudged my skill in bed. And if you give me the stimulation I need, I guarantee you will find sex a more... rewarding solution for both sides. I'm like no man you've ever been with before."

Another groan slipped out, she'd continued working him as he spoke and the well-fucked orc couldn't believe how close to the edge she had him with just her hands. The thrill of this new twist in their relationship, the teasing promise of seeing her nude, and her stunning beauty all had conspired to push his arousal beyond the norm. He glanced behind him, judging the distance to the bed, before turning to lean his tusked mouth down for a real kiss, not the paparazzi friendly pecks she'd given him before.

As his mouth lowered, he whispered, "Now, let's see if you can make me blow like a geyser. I'm suddenly very intrigued and want to uncover the many secrets you seem to hide... including what is beneath this shirt."
Another almost garrulous smile crossed Saiorse's face as he whispered his admiration. She could feel where he truly felt that in between her fingers, his manhood, excuse her, orchood trembling and pulsing against her grip, practically begging to release itself upon her. She kept playing her fingers, stroking, working, twisting, pumping. The hand caressed the entire length of him. Each drop of liquid that leaked, his seeping precum, even the first bubbles of orgasm, she used. His cock soon became slick, spreading constantly with her working hands.

And she heard his command, and nodded. His tongue upon her breast didn't bother her: in truth, she almost welcomed it. She'd been almost expecting Tog to not quite live up to her expectations. The next comment had her letting out a rough laugh. "I may be indicating that's the only way you'll get to clearly see me in the flesh," she replied teasingly. She gave his cock a sharp jerk at that, as if to prove that she wouldn't even need to undress to work him over. "As for being like no man, I'd certainly hope not. I'd hate to tell the press the rumors regarding you are untrue," she replied, giving his cock another rolling twist.

She pulled more groans, and found herself arching up slightly as he lowered his face. She understood kisses :she'd given more than her few. Strangely, part of her almost wanted to kiss him. And no, not in a reward, not in a sort of favor granted upon him, but because she simply wanted to. Some part of Tog... appealed to her. Maybe it was that brash arrogance. Maybe it was his admittedly well chiseled, if larger than average, form. Or maybe it was the massive throbbing tool she could feel pulsing in her hands.

But she pulled her lips close. "Oh, like a geyser?" she said. Instead of kissing, she stepped closer. He'd find one hand drifting lower, seeming to move toward his balls. Instead of massaging them, however, it ducked even lower still. He'd feel her palm caressing him while her fingers went a little further. "Hope you're ready to blow," she said, before sliding a finger up. Immediately she began working, massaging his prostrate from one side while her finger worked over his cock . She pushed and writhed and worked enough that she actually started to almost tremble with the effort. Tog would see in those determined eyes something that went beyond simply accomplishing some sort of accord, something beyond even just proving herself. Saiorse wanted Tog to cum for her.
"Damn you," grunted Tog as Saiorse denied him her flesh, for now. That sharp jerk of his cock sent a wave of numbing pleasure through his mind, threatening to burst the dam barely holding back his orgasm. Was she teasing, or serious? He didn't know, couldn't read her anymore. The Elf Princess was keeping him off balance and Tog felt like he was fighting a nimble opponent on uneven ground, slipping every time he sought firmer footing and unable to strike back.

At least she seemed to desire to kiss him back. There was a dangerous thrill in seeking that intimate touch from this unpredictable elf, a feeling he'd never had from kissing a woman before. At this point, he half expected her to bite his tongue out if it quested into her warm, wet mouth. She seemingly beckoned him though, arching into him and stepping closer. Her chest pushed against the fingers that squeezed a hardened nipple, pinching it through the thin fabric of her shirt. The injured hand, pain now forgotten, crept back to cup her ass.

And.... she wasn't going to kiss him.

Sairose's full lips stopped short and hovered close enough that Tog could feel her breath on his parted mouth. The frustrated Orc furrowed his brows, eyes flashing as he opened his mouth to complain about her teasing, when he felt her hands moving below. The steady pump of her palm on his cock had continued, but the hand on his ball sack moved lower into unfamiliar territory. Her middle finger pressed down on his taint, sliding with unmistakeable pressure as it sought the Orc's ass. Too late he realized where she was headed and before he could push her away or even raise his voice, she slipped that digit into him with remarkable strength and speed.

Tog wasn't a virgin, obviously, but he still had a virgin hole. Plenty of woman had licked and sucked his pucker, but he'd drawn a line at having anything enter that orifice. It was an extremely sensitive area, capable of great pleasure he knew, but it felt a bit wrong for a masculine, studly Orc like him to allow that kind of play. No doubt her Elf lovers enjoyed it, because Saiorse knew exactly what she was doing as she found the hitherto untouched pleasure spot deep in his ass.

Already teetering on the edge, the violation of his only taboo hole pushed the stunned Orc over the cliff and sent him free falling. Newfound pleasure shot from virgin nerves deep inside, mixing with the electric jolts of bliss her rapidly pumping hand was squeezing from his throbbing cock. It was too much to bear and Tog couldn't hold off anymore. Plans of stripping her and playing on the bed were forgotten. The Orc's massive head snapped back and a scream erupted from his tusked mouth, body stiffening as his cock began to pulse in her unyielding hand. The finger on his prostate seemed to find and almost set the rhythm of his orgasm, milking jolt after jolt of pleasure from his primed ball sack and forcing it to erupt out of his cock in the form of liquid jizz.

Geyser was an understatement. Tog could produce massive cum loads and he blasted his spunk out like a fountain, spraying thick ropes of it onto the teasing elf and drenching her front with his hot, sticky seed. Groaning in pleasure, one hand squeezing her ass for support as the other seized her breast, he clung to her as she gave him a monumental orgasm from her talented fingers alone.

"DAMN... YOU... ELF!" was all he could gasp out.
Clearly no one had done this to him before. Likely none of his conquests would've had much of a chance. Tog was used to overwhelming, using his superior size and considerable skill to have his way. Saiorse had seen him attempting it with her (and part of her almost wanted to let him). But clearly he wasn't used to a woman doing things to him, clearly he hadn't expected the social ,well-rounded elf before him to be capable of such things. As if nearly every elf male didn't all but squeal in pleasure when you stuck a finger up their asshole (the old joke of every woman being secretly bi likely applied to the rather feminine elves as well, which Saiorse had come just shy of testing a time or two).

Watching him thrust back, hearing the massive, virile specimen of a man let out a cry of pleasure, and, of course, feeling him pulse, gave Saiorse a shot of pleasure herself. She wouldn't say she was a dominant force in the bedroom: she thought sex required two partners to really work. But she could enjoy what happened. Could thrill as his cock pulsed strongly in her fingers. They kept working. Above dragged even as he erupted. He may have expected her to pause, as his seed splattered near her face, hitting her expensive clothes, getting in her hair. Oh, she was most definitely going to bitch about it, and soon. But for now, she was more determined to see his "pressure" relieved, and she took great pains to make sure he fountained.

The lower hand kept pumping and priming, working from both ends to jerk and pull the seed from the seething mass which lay between Tog's legs. She leaned forward, put pressure, used those talented fingers to just keep moving, working and pulling and outright milking. More and more thick seed floated her hands, and even the confident Saiorse had to wonder if she could handle it. But she forced herself to, to keep going and keep pumping, rolling hand, pulling every bit of seed out of him while he clung.

As he started to finish, she gave his cock a long, low, languid squeeze, pulling his seed out. she held it up, showing him the drizzle between her fingers. She lowered it, smelled him for a moment, extended her tongue, before smiling and shaking her hand free.

"You're welcome, orc," she replied, keeping her voice level. She reached up, pulling out some of the thicker bits from her golden hair, frowning. "next time: warn me before you blow. I'll be wasting a few cleaning spells, since I hardly expect you've clothing about," she was impressed by the thick globs that she wrung from her golden locks. where the hell was he keeping it?

Her sharp blue eyes looked up at him. "Admit it: she said, tapping him with a still glistening hand, "that's enough to more than satisfy you, and far more than you expected," she raised her brows, daring him to admit otherwise. Males did not scream in pleasure when you didn't do a good job. Saiorse knew, but she wanted to her him say it.
Everything was going literally backwards from Tog's original plan. Instead of his green cock sliding into Saiorse's tight Elfish pussy, the celebrity elf had just fucked him in the ass with her finger. What in Darkness was happening? Why had he cummed so hard from just her hands? Would anyone on the football team find out about this?

Magic. She must have cast some sort of spell. Tog scoured his head for any lore that mentioned such an enchantment, but as far as he knew Elf magic was designed to kill orcs, not sexually arouse them and cause orgasms. He'd have to be more prepared next time, the Orc vowed as he drifted back to reality.

And what a reality it was. The gorgeous, blonde Elf looked like a jellyfish had exploded on her chest. The Gucci-adriel jacket and Ralph LothlĂłrien shirt were drenched in his thick, white cum. Splotches even reached almost to her face, pooling below her neck and hanging from her golden hair. That is all MY cum, Tog realized groggily and with growing pride.

"Sweet Lord of Darkness," Tog groaned out as she milked the last drizzle of seed from his slowly softening cock. His breathing slowed to normal and the drained Orc tried to enjoy the brief moment of clarity he always had post-orgasm, one of the few times when sex wasn't foremost in his brain.

Even that moment of respite from horniness vanished, however, as Tog realized that the Elf Princess seemed to have enjoyed her work more than he expected. To his surprise, the beautiful girl was playing with his jizz quite wantonly, almost teasing him with the fruits of her labor. Instead of being disgusted, which Tog would have expected, Saiorse seemingly relished in the feel of his spunk, even the smell. Watching her taste his seed and then smile at him was probably the sexiest juxtaposition of a gorgeous woman doing a dirty act that Tog had ever seen (including in porn which, despite his claims, he did of course watch). Had her hand still been on his shrinking cock, she might have felt a brief pulse of hardening as his body vainly flirted with immediate re-arousal.

"Thank you Princess," replied Tog after her prompt. He realized suddenly that he still held the slender Elf in his muscled arms, one hand on her ass and another cupping a breast. A crooked grin raised one tusk as his fingers experimentally squeezed those two formerly off-limits areas. Damn she felt good. "I think our relationship is improving already. Perhaps you'll give me a warning before you violate my intimate parts and I may actually be able to warn you next time. Oh, and I have plenty of shirts for you to wear. In fact, the paparazzi may blow up in a good way if they catch you leaving in one of my football jerseys.

"It was... surprisingly effective," admitted Tog, trying to give her a casual shrug. Being plastered in his cum should be enough proof for the girl, but she clearly craved some extra validation. He didn't want her to think this would be enough though, maybe enough for now. Seeing her raise her brows he laughed and continued, "Yes, you know how to please a man. Obviously, I was... well drained. Your finger in my ass was a bit of a cheap trick, though, don't you think? I'll be ready for it next time. Yes, yes... you are amazing. Why do you think I let you date me?"

He gave her a cocky wink with his last statement and slipped the hand off her breast. The meaty paw slid down the side of her shirt to avoid the wet mass of his seed, and flirted with the waistline of her jeans at her front. Never had a girl gone to this level of sexual play with him and not been receptive to the burly Orc's advances. It was unfathomable to Tog! She had to have desires, right?

"But, I think you'll be even more surprised by how fast I can recover, and what I can do to you. Surely you deserve a reward now? I can't have you prancing off hot and bothered and finding one those elfish boy toys that fawns over your every step," suggested Tog. He really could recover fairly quickly for a man, especially given the right stimulus. Even freshly drained of cum, he was already trying to find a way down her pants. "What is your schedule like today? Maybe we can just order in food, and get to know each other, truly..."
Thus far, Saiorse had drank a coffee and smelled, not licked or tasted, orcish seed. but, she'd managed to clearly win over Tog. She'd actually started as he thanked her, eyes going wide for a moment. She... hadn't anticipated that. Sure, she'd hoped for it, angled for it, would likely have teased him to get it, but that hadn't meant she'd expected him to just blurt it out like that. The arms were decidedly more expected, right up to squeezing her breasts.

Saiorse nodded to his comment: that had been a little unfair. "you're the one who suggested explosions," she replied, before running a cleansing hand down her hair. Soon it looked as perfectly styled as it had when she'd come in: advantage of having magic. The hand hovered about her jacket, considering. That would take some doing... or she could go along with Tog's plan. Hearing that she'd left here wearing his clothing would increase the likelihood of the paparazzi working for them as opposed to against. Plus Saiorse could play coy about it, tease and suggest.

Ready for it? Saiorse let out a wry chuckle. "You're dating me because neither of us really have a choice," she started, before tapping him. "And if you keep underestimating me, you'll never be ready." She rolled her eyes as is shirt drifted lower, reaching down to carefully pluck it, using two fingers. She did have some yearning, true, but not to the level that Tog insisted.

"I told you," she said, "I'm not spreading my legs for you," a pause, as she slid out of his grasp ,moving lithely, "at least, not right away," her fingers went to undo her jacket, sliding the stained garment to the floor. Her expensive top barely showed any signs of what had just happened. It clung delicately to the light curves, just showing the impressively perky breasts. "I'll want one of those shirts, and a jacket," reaching down to slide her own off. Expensive lingerie covered those impressive breasts, cupping them and showing them in their best light. She glanced down, noting the bits on her pants, flicking some fingers along them to consider..

"There's quite a lot on my schedule today," she said, still working them. "Plus, we have that dinner tonight, remember?" Saiorse met his gaze, quirking a brow. He'd better have remembered the charity dinner they'd signed up to attend.
Tog found it interesting that Saiorse seemed surprised, and maybe even pleased, when he had thanked her for getting him off. He noticed the Elf's eyes widen and felt her body start in his hands at his words. Well, busting a nut was busting a nut and giving praise after sex was a natural response for him, Girls tended to swoon at his slightest compliment given his reputation. Giving some encouragement was also a nice way of getting them revved up for another, dirtier round.

Perhaps the Elf, deep down inside, was a little worried that she couldn't satiate the voracious Orc. Maybe her reluctance to take their relationship to the next level was driven by insecurity? She wouldn't be the first hot girl that Tog had fucked that was terrible in bed, so he knew that many women with her looks were used to not having to learn how to please their partners. Frankly, the Orc was both relieved and now intrigued that she knew how to handle a cock. She had milked him in a way that hinted she had a number of other tricks hidden up her sleeve and the Orc was eager to discover them all. He fantasized briefly, Saiorse's looks combined with the dirtiness of that Drow last night... now that would be a mind bending combination.

"I said geyser.. not explosion," replied Tog, wondering what she would deliver if he asked for an even bigger cum next time. Her next words made him frown, did he have a choice? He hadn't exactly thought about saying no to his father, this being Saiorse and all he was being offered, but somehow he assumed the pressure was more on the image conscious Elf then him. Then again, his father had seemed strangely serious about the whole idea, telling him not to be an ass. Perhaps they were both stuck in this for a bit. "Trust me, I'll be ready next time. How many tricks do you have left, anyway?"

And Tog was grasping air again. How did she move so quickly when he thought he had her firmly in his meaty paw?

Yeah, yeah, something about not spreading her legs. Tog was more focused on her shirt being lifted and those gorgeous, gravity defying breasts finally being exposed. They were covered, of course, in some fancy Eflish bra, but it was still a sight that made Tog's cock twitch despite being spent. Clad in only her bra and those designer jeans, distractedly cleaning flecks of Tog's jizz off her body, she was simply stunning and the Orc momentarily lost his train of thought.

"What? A shirt? Maybe you should just take those jeans off as well, one of my shirts will cover you like a dress," suggested Tog. He sauntered to his closet, kicking off his boxers from his ankles and enjoying his new freedom to show the sexy Elf his swinging meat. "I've got some jerseys, all clean, and a couple button downs that could work. I kinda like you in my jersey actually... try it on."

Tog pulled out the football shirt, number 69 of course, and held it out in front of her. Cut for the larger Orc, but tight on him, it would be baggy on her. She might need to belt it, but the shirt would definitely cover her to mid-thigh, at least. Yeah, that would be a sexy look and spark some rumors about why she had to have an outfit change after visiting her new boyfriend mid-day.

"That dinner, shit. Right, of course," Tog replied, nodding like he had just momentarily forgotten, but totally was going to remember it if she hadn't reminded him. There was something else he had as well, that weekly tutoring session with his professor. The orc flushed slightly thinking about that appointment. Tutoring meant him railing the older woman over her desk for an hour in return for getting an A. Granted, he considered the act as much of a chore as just doing the classwork given she wasn't really his type, but still, Saiorse might consider that a breach of their new agreement. He'd have to think about how to handle that situation. "Yeah, it's cool. I've got some stuff to do as well, but I'll see you tonight."
"I've a whole bag full of tricks," replied Saiorse airily, already flitting out of his grasp. she thoroughly enjoyed teasing, and seeing the burly orc grumble as he couldn't keep his paws on the pretty elf maid almost felt like something out of one of their fairy tales. It kept her smiling even as she stripped, and the expression only made her seem all the more daring, all the more appealing. Her designer jeans painted onto her lean flesh, the bra sculpted to perfectly enhance what was already quite the generous gift from the goddess. Add on the flicking off of excess semen and Saiorse looked every inch the wet dream so many claimed her to be.

She turned, still clad in jeans, as he spoke of his jersey. That made sense, and she didn't mind the overt display of ownership. She was already corralling him in the bedroom; a little reciprocation could go a long way. As she turned, however, Saiorse saw what dangled between his legs. she found herself leaning slightly, catching quite the look with those sharp elfish eyes of hers. Sure, she'd just been manhandling him a few moments ago, but she hadn't quite seen him free. That and she had to wonder about his stamina.

Answer: impressive.

Saiorse fingered at the button of her jeans, considering. She could give in to his request: shuck the jeans, parade around. but it was rather chilly outside, and she hadn't prepped any anti-cold spells (her outfit would manage that). Plus, she wanted to defy him at least a little. Thus a only partially nude elf took the jersey, sliding it on, watching as it fell almost to her knees.

"You want my pants off, Tog," she replied, smoothing out the shirt, "you're going to have to work a bit harder than that," she gave him a wink, only realizing after the fact that she'd just admitted that he could even manage it. She gathered her things, tapping the phone. "You'd better be on good behavior tonight," she insisted. "Maybe I'll even reward you if you do," another wink, and she turned to go, hesitating for a moment before heading out. After all, she had work to do that day, and it would take her at least a few hours to be ready for a night like tonight.
Well, suggesting Saiorse remove her jeans had been worth a try. Tog was already speculating what kind of underwear she might be wearing, definitely a thong he assumed. Same color though, or perhaps different? No, she'd be matching that sexy bra. Dark Lord take him, how had she reduced him to imagining her underwear?!

More interesting, however, was that Tog had caught Saiorse glancing at his large, dangling meat several times as she had gotten dressed. She'd maintained steady eye contact while jerking him off earlier, but now there was clear interest, maybe even desire, in the sharp glances he caught her making towards his lower body. The quickest way to get her pants off was going to be to have her willingly remove them out of need and those short glances were the strongest signals yet to Tog that his Ice Princess girlfriend might be thawing.

The only positive out of her dress decision was she did leave wearing his jersey, which would certainly cause some tongues to wag on campus and in the press. While everyone assumed he had been fucking Saiorse, this kind of public display of intimacy would go a long way to making it appear like it was happening. Now, Tog just had to make it actually happen.

"The question is, how long can you wait before you need to take those pants off?" countered Tog when she made yet another quip about her pants. He flexed his muscles slightly, broad chest swelling, arms curling, and cock swinging as his hips swiveled, the pose having the effect of exaggerating his musculature and manliness. "Because I have some tricks as well, things your elf-boys couldn't even dream of doing."

"Maybe I'll reward YOU."

The door slammed and Tog scowled. He was getting horny again, he realized, and was half tempted to call Saiorse back to make her understand the potential scale of the commitment she had made. Well, he had other ways to take care of this problem if needed.


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Did you mean Seahorse Porn Nudibranch? Showing 11,534 results for Seahorse Porn Nudibranch.

Aaargh. Damn autocorrect. Tog cursed as he almost dropped his phone from the eye bleach worthy images that popped up.

Saiorse was coming and Tog hastily turned off his phone. He was waiting outside the event hall, some swanky charity that Saiorse had RSVP'ed their attendance to. Tog wasn't sure exactly what they did, but something involving minority races and trans-racial gender issues. While Tog had gotten some friendly greetings upon his arrival, the crowd exploded when the fashionable elf appeared. It was unusual not being the more famous person in a relationship, Tog realized with a grumble. Tog adjusted his blue jacket, which he wore over a collared button-down and a nice pair of khaki chinos, and waited as patiently as he could for the elf to make her way through the crowd that seemed to rush forward to greet her. He hoped Saiorse appreciated this.

"Waitress, a drink please!"

The day had been hectic, some emergency football recruiting event in the afternoon, convincing his fuck toy Professor to reschedule, and then buying some clean clothes for this dinner. Tog hadn't had time to even jerk off since Saiorse had left and now, almost seven hours later, he was feeling pretty horny. Horny enough that even one of the event workers, who promptly brough Tog a drink, was starting to look flirty and attractive. She dawdled just a bit too long, her hand resting on his arm as she had congratulated him on being in Orc Quarterly magazine for that "Studs of College Football" spread they did last Fall. Evidently she seemed to like Orcs a lot.

Did she just hint that she could meet him in the bathroom? His cock stirred slightly. It took some effort to thank her, or rather say maybe later, and instead turn to meet his bedeviling girlfriend.

"Your Royalness," said Tog as Saiorse approached. He gave the elf his elbow to hold and turned to enter the dinner hall, tusks going up in a broad smile for the photographers. Pitching his voice to a whisper through that forced smile, he added, "I've had a busy day. I may need some... shall we say, attention. Very soon. It doesn't help maters that you look gorgeous."
How long could she wait? The words hovered in Saiorse's mind as she left, and she had to pause, taking a deep breath of the slightly chilled air. There was something... appealing in tog. Not in the fancy, pretty, delicate appeal that she usually preferred. No, Tog had a raw, primal sexuality. Saiorse wondered, wondered what he would be like, wondered if she should drift closer to him. What would that cock feel like as it forced its way inside her? What would Tog do when she agreed to let his hands travel as they would? What sort of pleasures could he work upon her while caught in the sexual frenzy.

Saiorse took a shuddering breath, closed her eyes. Best not to flirt with danger too much...


To say that Saiorse looked stunning for that dinner would be a bit of an understatement. A sky blue dress clung to her, shimmering elfish silk highlighting her lean form. Magic and makeup highlighted what was already a naturally ethereal beauty. Dots of color, blues and greens, sprinkled about her cheeks and eyes. Golden curls fell in perfect frame of that stunning face. The rest of the locks had been twisted up into an intricate, curled style above her head. The hair let the ears show in all their glory, pointed and finely trimmed, with just a small piercing in her left ear. An acute scholar would recognize an old elfish courtship ritual, and Tog would recognize the sign of his house in the little bone jewel.

A long slit on the dress showed most of her leg, coming up nearly to her hip. Heels helped to further accent legs. Nails had been expertly trimmed (as had many other things). Saiorse had stunned upon arrival, with people flocking. Smiles and sly asides were tossed out casually as people inquired about Tog and the jersey.

"He's quite large," she said to one flighty reporter, taking a delicate sip.

"Orcs carry quite a heavy load, do they not?" came a teasing comment to a new wife that had been a long friend.

"While I appreciate the compliment, I'm afraid I'm with him," was offered to an admittedly pretty elf boy that, under normal circumstances, she'd at least have toyed with. She almost literally strung him along as she slid alongside Tog, gliding almost effortlessly to his side, looping her arm in his.

"You dress up quite nicely yourself," she replied gamely, raking her eyes over him. "You picked a color to match my eyes," she added, blue eyes sparking as she met his gaze for a moment. Her lips quirked. "As far as.... attention goes, maybe we can find some time after a bit. A lady does need a powder."

A sly wink then, and a knowing smile. So much for not baiting the orc...
Fuck she was attractive. Saiorse had pulled out all the stops tonight and looked more like a super model, which arguably she was given all her magazine covers, than a college student. Tog suddenly felt underdressed and Orcishly ugly as she approached. What a creature she was, gliding towards him with those cat-like elfish steps and effortlessly moving through the crowd of admirers that thronged around her. The Princess' hair was a golden, curly halo that highlighted her elvish face, a face which through makeup, magic, and natural bone structure, was fair enough to make a strong man simper.

Tog would not simper.

The burly Orc strained his cheek muscles to give Saiorse a normal, if almost cool, smile as his "girlfriend" approached. Let her see him as a real man, confident and strong, not one of her spineless, pathetic fanboys. He felt her gaze as she brazenly inspected him from head to toe, the look creating a strange tingle of excitement in Tog's normally jaded loins. He should be used to girls checking him out, but Saiorse doing it was a different matter entirely it seemed.

Her compliment came next and his smile widened a bit, tusks turning upward. Again he fought that annoying urge to simper that receiving just a small compliment from the mouth watering elf produced.

"And you look enchanting tonight as well, although I'm not sure if I prefer you in my jersey, this dress... or nothing at all," replied Tog, arching one of his large, bushy black eyebrows. Her pointed ear caught his eye, glittering in the flash of photographs was a single hanging ornament. Was that his family crest? It had to be, the dragon skull with orc spears crossed was unmistakeable. The burly orc froze a second, trying to decipher the meaning of her wearing that sigil. Orcesses would adopt their husband's sigil after marriage, but this act by Saiorse made his head spin. "And I appreciate your taste in jewelry, my Ladyship. A savage sigil for an elf, but it fits your nature."

Walking to their table with the sexy Elf on his arm made Tog feel like a bigger stud than normal, which was no small task as he knew he was pretty hot shit on campus already. So, in addition to a cocky swagger, he walked with a full tusk and teeth baring smile that lit his face as he waved at the press and fawning guests. All the men and many of the ladies wished they were Tog tonight, the rest of the women probably wished they were Saiorse. He could get used to this feeling.

Saiorse's comments about potentially need a powder later almost made the strutting Orc miss a step. Did he hear her right? Her wink and smile made him believe her, but another part of him decided she was just teasing him. It was a serious issue, not that Saiorse would understand, and her presence and beauty next to him was only worsening the situation. He'd have to impress upon her the urgency soon.

"After you, Princess," said Tog with a big grin as he pulled out Saiorse's chair dramatically. Playing the gentlemen, he seated himself and placed his beefy arms around the slender elf, drawing her closer as the photographers scrambled to get a shot of the celebrity couple before the dinner started. Tog let one hand drop to rest on the elf's thigh as his other guided her shoulders to turn to face him. Leaning forward, tusks gleaming and real desire in his eyes, Tog whispered. "Let's give them what they want. But, I'm warning you, if I kiss you like I want to, I may have to drag you to the powder room right now."

The big Orc lowered his face for a kiss, slightly worried about what might happen if Saiorse truly kissed him back given his delicate state. His cock, already teased and eager for relief, had begun to harden in anticipation within his khakis as Saiorse filled his senses. This was going to be a wetter kiss than the demure smooches the press had seen before, but hopefully it wouldn't leave Tog on the edge of losing composure...
A delicate brow arched as Tog listed off his favorite outfits she'd worn for him thus far. Was that a subtle, or, really, not so subtle hint that he'd done some Googling after their meeting. The flattery was appreciated, for what it was, though Saiorse knew it for just that: flattery. Every other eye in the place was upon them, and though she'd never admit it, Saiorse did appreciate it to some degree.

The jewelry comment had her slyly smiling again. A hand went up to just play with it, rolling it between her fingers. "I figured it would send another signal. A woman's dress can communicate quite loudly, particularly in these circles," particularly if said woman was the elfish princess. Saiorse knew full well that several writers, particularly the gossip mongers. Just that little earring would be enough to print a few articles. Add in the matching dress, the physical proximity, and what was likely to be a not-so-subtle sneaking off at some point for a liaison. Saiorse almost wanted to sigh: her mother was going to owe her quite a lot after this.


or she'd end up owing her mother, depending on how much of Tog's talk was hot air.

The slender blonde took the offered seat, almost gliding into it. She leaned toward the orc as his arm extended, glad to catch a whiff of his primal scent: he'd done something there. It mixed with her light floral and sweet scent to create something rather heady. It made Saiorse wonder if other bits of them would intermingle quite as successfully.

Her head turned up, and she caught the desire. "Careful," she whispered, "nothing where people can see, or we'll have quite the public problem," she replied, though she simply rubbed her hand against the hand on hers. She leaned in, pressing her lips to his. Saiorse kept the kiss light, almost fluttery, moving toward the demure. However, she found herself yielding, particularly as Tog kept going... and going? Saiorse's eyelids closed for a moment, the elf temporarily losing herself in the moment, hearing a few whirs and catching flashes against her eyes.
The last time Tog had tried to kiss Saiorse, the mercurial elf had instead fingered his ass by surprise and made him blow his load like a pipe bursting. Tonight, perhaps because of the cameras watching, she actually played along and gave Tog the kind of kiss he had been seeking from her since their "relationship" had commenced.

It started demure, a light kiss but open mouthed, and certainly a kiss that hinted of an intimate relationship to the camera. The sexy elf was likely inexperienced in kissing Orcs, however, and didn't realize beforehand that it was almost impossible to kiss a tusked, big lipped and square jawed beast like Tog without it getting a little sloppy. Just the sheer size of his mouth made it hard for him to be delicate. Add in his tongue, which was enormous and powerful (to the delight of all his lovers), and the Orc's kissing approach was more akin to a fierce attack on the delicate Elf, even when trying to be gentle. The tusks didn't help, flashing white and huge as they brushed her skin in sync to his mouth moving with Saiorse's. A spectator couldn't help but be alarmed for her safety, even though Tog wielded them with expert awareness and left not a scratch on Saiorse's delicate high cheeks. She would feel them on her still, like teeth of a predator nibbling a small morsel teasingly. The final photo would be a shocking contrast, the Elf's pale skin, ethereal features, and fair hair being assaulted by the dark green, savage and hulking beast that almost threatened to devour her.

"Well, that will get them talking," chuckled Tog as he forced himself back. He had walked a delicate line and stopped before the kiss was about to verge into a full on make-out session of the sort that might precede ripping each other's clothes off. It had been like kissing honey and sunshine, the Elf so light and sweet in his mouth. Orcs had sensitive noses, despite preferring a darker and stankier palette of smells, and Saiorse's scent had been intoxicating. It was her real scent, not the expensive perfume she wore, and hit him as a mix of sweetness and something dirtier.... arousal? Was the Elf a bit turned on, her body betraying the icy restraint she had shown to date? The already horny and teased Orc had reacted as expected, his cock hardening in his khakis which were beginning to look like he was smuggling a bat down his thigh. Lust filled him and this sexy creature next to him was only driving him madder. An arched eyebrow and a pointed look down followed to draw her eyes to his crotch, and then he whispered, "Imagine what I could do with this tongue between your thighs, Your Sweetness."

The press was moving away and the lights dimming as the dinner began. Some presenter was taking the stage to loud applause and the spotlight seemed to be receding from Tog and Saiorse at last. Awards were coming up, something about promoting inter-racial harmony. Blah, blah, blah. The Orc exhaled, removing his arm from Saiorse's shoulder. In a smooth motion, he pulled her hand off of his and onto the fat, tubelike bulge in his pants, and then dropped a napkin down on his lap. The table was pulled up tight and she would appear to be resting on his thigh, Tog hoped.

"I hope you can feel the full magnitude of the problem I have because of you now," said Tog, giving her a innocuous smile like he was asking her about her salad to anyone watching them. "I don't even know how I can stand up at this point to even make it to the powder room."
Goddess, he could kiss. Saiorse had heard about kissing orcs, had even done some... research. It amounted to smashing your face against theirs and hoping their tusks didn't work against yours. She'd anticipated, imagined, even practiced. But all that paled compared to the real thing. She could feel his teeth just grazing against her, threatening harm without causing. In the past their peoples had fought, fought so that those tusks could have rent elfish flesh. Now, said near nibbles felt almost teasing, as if promising yet more of what she could do.

And goddess, his tongue. As Tog had no doubt intended, Saiorse had to wonder if he could use said tongue for other things. Fuck, it had to be nearly as big as some members she'd seen and taken. In a moment of weakness, Saiorse found her lips drawing about it. She just sucked for a moment, tasting his spittle entering her, feeling his full girth and length and---goddess, she could definitely feel her cleft growing a little moist. Fucking hell, no wonder everyone talked about Tog in such glowing terms.

At least she could keep herself composed as they parted, smiling demurely, as if she'd simply exchanged a peck on the lips and not something that left her almost to the point of wanting to pleasure herself. She could hear her own heart pounding, and could distinctly make out Tog's blood flowing. Goddess, if he tongued her ears... but apparently no one had told him of that elfish weakness. It would almost be more erotic than the oral he promised now.

"Yes, I so dream of your drooling over me in a more literal sense," she replied airily, flashing him another tight smile, eyes dancing. The speech that followed was precisely what she wanted to hear, and she paid almost rapt attention. Such harmony and tranquility had been hard fought. She did her share of the fighting now, though she had to admit that the battle was proving a little less... trying than she'd have expected. She squeezed Tog's hand as the speaker indicated how the elfish and the orcish people, greatest of foes, had formed alliances so tight that their house heirs now had a rather harmonious relationship. The chuckles were fine and---

shit, Tog was moving again. Saiorse felt his hand shifting hers, and could feel his throbbing dick. She rolled her eyes. "Tog, public," she reminded him, taking a bite of her salad. "You don't hear me talking about how I should've brought a change of panties, do you? Keep it in your pants," she gave his dick a squeeze, then rubbed it for a moment. How naughty would it be to work him under the table? But no, no she couldn't. The scandal if they were caught would be too much. No, he'd just have to walk quickly to the powder room. Fuck, she may have to see if he was at all willing to reciprocate...
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