Poppy's Private Journal


Sep 5, 2017
Starting this in order to post about things that may delay my posts or cause me to go awol. I try to do my best to give people a fair warning, however I'm only human. I do have some health issues that I have to manage with, so just trying to keep things together and have some fun here in the process!

I will be very sporadically posting from now until Tuesday. My best friend is getting married and I will be donating some of my time to help with people having to evacuate from the Hurricane.
Good news: the Hurricane is going to swing further away. Bad news is my city is the largest, closest one to all the damage that's taking in evacuees. So, fun times ahead. Working on replies all night.
Did some volunteer work yesterday, went too hard at it and taking it easy now. I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow and the little spore (my niece) will be back in school Thursday. So doing my best to get out some replies, at least 1 for everyone today.
That's wonderful you do volunteer work


People like you are gems
Really busy prepping for my last convention of the year at the end of the month. I'll do my best to get out daily replies but things could be delayed inbetween irl commitments & health
Spent the last 36 hours dead asleep so I've got more catching up to do than I intended.
SithLordOfSnark said:
I know what it feels like to sleep too long. LOL

I suppose because of my insomnia, I typically sleep maybe 2 hours a day if I'm lucky. But once every month or so I go comatose for about 40 hours, lol.
Starting from today to Oct. 2, if I reply to any of my roleplays, it will be a miracle.
SithLordOfSnark said:
Poppy said:
Starting from today to Oct. 2, if I reply to any of my roleplays, it will be a miracle.

I hope everything is okay for you, but don't feel like you have to rush for ours. :)
Everything is fine <3 Just have a convention to prep for and then to go to.
Have fun at the convention! When you go I mean xD
Razgriz said:
Have fun at the convention! When you go I mean xD
Will do. Ended up scrapping a costume so I'll have time to relax and be on here before I leave tomorrow. :D
Back in town and have to do roleplay catch-up. Might take a few days to get back on top of all my threads/pms
Soooooo the Overwatch Halloween event starts 10/10. From that point on, my replies will be a bit spotty for a week as I game as much as possible to try to get the skins. My bae Mei needs that vampire costume. So don't hate me if I'm not quick to reply!
So I'm on a good handful of medications daily and realized I've been sleeping way too much this week. Turns out, I mixed up sleeping pills and muscle relaxers. So I've been on double does of the sleeping pills, haha. So I've got an insane back log, barely any Overwatch done, and more to do irl. So replies will be slow, but forthcoming.
Well...At least you caught it!

No worries though Poppy. Hope things improve!
Rant time!
Very personal stuff, only posting here as no one irl knows my username on this site (as it's not one of my online handles I generally use.)

Friend of 17+ years and I had a falling out over some various reasons. My core group of female friends consists of 4 girls (including myself) who had known each other for that long, minimum. Some of the girls in the group have known each other for 20 years. Mostly, she's a bitch. Doesn't like how my medical condition has deteriorated since we first met, and I'm basically disabled and house bound due to various things. I don't like to discuss my medical conditions even with my close family. So she accuses me of being lazy and not wanting to do anything anymore. And that all I do is sit around and she's afraid I'm going to die this way. Unfortunately, she has chosen to ignore a few things about my illness. I've been to my physical therapy appointments this year that my insurance will allow. I'm on a various cock tail of medications. And I have been having....mysterious lady bit issues for about 2 years straight, unable to be solved. Add to this glorious cocktail a good dose of crippling depression and anxiety. So no, I don't want to leave the house. However, you're friends with me. NOT my medical conditions. And even though I told her about the physical therapy and other things I've done (injections, mental therapy, etc.) my medical condition can't be fixed with a snap of the fingers. It will take time, and I'll never be the same. They don't give a girl my age (early 30's, have had these medical problems since 9th grade) the painkillers and such unless I needed it.

Long story short, she told me (I have few family members, only 1 that I talk to - my brother. I consider my friends my family.) to fuck off and that we weren't a family. Really hurt the old feelings. We patched it up (with her apologizing and promising to be a better friend) to get through her wedding. But after that, things have gone back to during the fight times.

Tldr; just an all around shite friend that I have saved from homelessness, given multiple jobs to and even hooked her up with her now husband. Is a complete cunt to me and my issues. Just ughhhhhhhhh
Got a small case of writer's block. Anyone got suggestions on how to overcome it?
Two things:
  1. Leave it and come back later.
  2. Bulldoze your way through the block.

The second one is what generally happens with me since I tend to feel obligated to post something to carry whatever being done on.
Cypherxk2 said:
Two things:
  1. Leave it and come back later.
  2. Bulldoze your way through the block.

The second one is what generally happens with me since I tend to feel obligated to post something to carry whatever being done on.

I think that's what I'm going to do. I set a timer for an hour and write everything I can in that time period. A deadline is typically beneficial for me, lol.
The Goodman said:
Cypherxk2 said:
Two things:
  1. Leave it and come back later.
  2. Bulldoze your way through the block.

The second one is what generally happens with me since I tend to feel obligated to post something to carry whatever being done on.

I second this. A lot of times, the solution shows itself when you actually sit down and start trying to put words in front of each other. Or, often, I have ideas for scenes I want to do but they come later and we have to get through a "boring" part first. Writing through the boring part gets you to the part you really want to write.
I love that I can get role play advice from the only source of legal advice I would ever trust <3
Trying out a new medicine to sleep that's mostly putting me into a coma it seems. So replies are going to be spotty until things level out.
From now until November, expect replies to be scattered. Trying to get back on track with my sleeping meds and some other meds, and then I have Halloween festivities.
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