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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
LOL. Okay then try to answer that in 35 words or less xP See if you can handle that! Bahahahaha!

Hmmm, no. On second thoughts I wouldn't want to do my Psychiatrist out of a job. He relies on me!

But, hey, it's not as if this journal doesn't provide enough clues for a smart cookie like you to piece it all together :)
Malicious Lullaby said:
Oh it's none of that. I just wanted to see if you could do it :D Guess I got my answer.

You sure did get your answer, but don't worry. I'll compensate for it by ensuring my next post to our story is thirty-five words or less :)


On the subject of stories, looks like Dulce Periculum may have to go on a short hiatus, which will make things fairly slow for me as the rest of what I have are all at relaxed paces, but that's cool. Real-life always comes first and at least I know there's not a doubt in the world if the story does end up needing to be put on hold for a few weeks or so that it will be continuing when circumstances allow. I'll just have to keep my psychotic urges restrained in the meantime!
Good news: Dulce Periculum is to continue unabated, no hiatus

Bad news: Had to drop one of my stories on E, never a fun thing to tell your collaborator

Good news: Looks like I've picked up another to replace it

Bad news: I'm pining again for some friends on here who got snatched away by real life, Sumi, Aurelia, Michelle, I miss you guys especially. There's been a distinct lessening of sarcasm and humour in my online life since you've been gone and a never-ending package of Tim Tam's awaiting if you should ever return

Good news: Those long-term partners of mine on here I adore, and also a couple on E with whom although I've only just recently started our first stories together, are already talking about what our next will be. As much as roleplaying can feel like being stuck in a revolving door at times, with real-life constantly (and understandably) intervening and pulling people away, I'm extremely fortunate to have the many who've both been able and have wanted to stick with me long-term

Bad news: The first 'vote no for marriage equality' tv ad in relation to the upcoming postal plebiscite was released here recently; containing only the first of the discriminatory scare tactics I'm sure we'll see much more of in the coming weeks.

Good news: The below marriage equality ad I just stumbled across online. Funny, honest and true. Though, as an Australian, not sure the latter two are anything I should be proud of!


And those of you in the US might, or might not, appreciate this from the same team. Whilst we may not have marriage equality, at least we do have (mostly) free health-care!

Oh, the magical power of this journal!

My little shout-out yesterday raised one of my friends (sarcastic acquaintances?) from the dead!

The one I adore so much for paying my writing probably the biggest compliment it's ever received from a partner.

I believe her precise words were;

"At least yours doesn't make my eyes bleed."

No wonder I stole your fucking car!

So, in honour of her and our shared penchant for the Irish, a song that I've also just heard recently and has become a favourite

There's a High Court challenge starting today on the Federal Government's right to hold a postal plebiscite on same-sex marriage which could stop that plan right in it's tracks, if it's successful. From what I've read, it's about a 50/50 chance, however, if it is that'll probably mean a full on referendum, only costing around a billion dollars or so. We'll just wait and see.

I'm not sure precisely, since I've really no vested interested, why I feel so strongly about this. I guess a lot of it is to do that I believe it's just a basic human right and there shouldn't even be a debate.

The rest is likely because of my contempt for religion and the fact that those who for some reason still believe in a two-thousand year old provably wrong myth still attempt to claim the moral high ground and have input into how individuals choose to lead their lives in this day and age.

Anyways, a song that's become viral in the last day or two, in favour of a yes vote. Quite toe-tapping and enjoyable, addressed to our Prime Minister, Malcom Turnbull.


Since the above reminded me of a song of Tim Minchin's and I'll use any segue I can find as an excuse to post material from my favourite atheistic artist/comedian here's another song of Tim's that I don't believe I've posted before, which does have some relevance to the above.



Another post from, yes again, Dulce Periculum, that I'm quite proud of. Not so much for the writing, but because of the challenge in playing around with such a character as Todd Lowry and attempting to make his actions, thoughts and attraction to one woman believable in the context of who and what he is.

Why and how could a man who is incapable of love, exhibits a complete lack of empathy and revels in inflicting pain, fall for a woman and learn to develop emotions for her whilst remaining unchanged to the rest of the world? Even if she is a sociopath herself, is it possible to make that realistic?

It's interesting to contemplate as is writing a story with the intent to provoke. I'm pretty sure as it progresses we have an unspoken agreement to see how far we can go and who's likely to squick out the other first.

Dulce Periculum - Flickaha (Usual warning: Dark content)[/color]]

The thought of setting up another up to take the fall for Ellie Shaw's death excited Todd. Of a different ilk than that endured by the women he tortured, not physical or face-to-face, it possessed the potential to cause untold anguish as the man at the very least came under suspicion for a crime he didn't commit, the violent nature of it certain to bring down the full glare of a harsh media spotlight. A life-term in jail, possibly even the death sentence, at the worst.

He had a smile on his face after sending the message as well as a raging hard-on that only seemed to increase in its intensity the more he conversed with Hannah, akin to those he sported when in the midst of a vicious rape. In this context, it was a feeling he could soon also become addicted to.

As he waited for a reply, Todd unlocked the wall-safe hidden behind a replica of Munch's 'The Scream', rifled past the trophies removed from his victims corpses; a toe-ring, two wrist bracelets, a silver necklace and the hooped earring he'd recently ripped from Ellie Shaw's lobe, all still smeared with the women's blood; to remove a small electronic device. Highly illegal - but what did that matter to a serial-killer - all he'd have to do was open up his own peer-peer-to-peer connection with the man whilst Hannah kept him distracted, to trace his IP address.

What was it about her that he was so drawn to that'd he'd change his modus operandi, taking risks with Ellie Shaw that he wouldn't have dared if acting alone, and devoting precious time to not just Hannah, but also to a fool like Yardy29c? It wouldn't have even crossed his mind previously, but since he'd encountered Hannah, he'd begun to sense a change occurring within then very depths of his being. A metamorphosis from a man who prided himself on the fact of not needing anyone to one who was attracted to a female, both sexually and intellectually, for the very first time in his existence and whose company he craved. A sociopath like himself.

Plugging the device into the USB port and beginning to set up the software, Todd's attention was distracted when a ping signaled the arrival of an incoming message, and he immediately jerked his head up to read it. He nodded in approval with her words, not two birds of the precise same feather, but two sides of the same coin, each of which complemented and completed the other.

The yearning to kill isn't something that should be considered, it either exists intrinsically within or it does not. Where would the value lie or the fun be in the act if it was forced and unnatural? You don't need to be the perpetrator in order to be able to savour another's pain.

To be honest, that's not what I want, a dick-measuring contest to discover which one of us derives the most pleasure from the doing, but a woman who understands me and is aroused by the witnessing.

Not that I won't allow you to have your say, or join in the fun. Two great minds are better than one and, as a woman, I'm sure you know the female body and mind better than I and will have ideas on how best to ensure the agony of one of your own gender that haven't yet occurred to me as a man.

I'm glad to hear it's me that you're interested in. My ego was becoming a little deflated at the thought it might be all about you. Although, it's not that, really. Simply that when we do meet and want to engage in a mutually pleasurable fuck, well we can't rape and torture a woman every day so we'd also need to be aroused by each other.

Otherwise, our relationship would be doomed from the start. And, of course, if it did need to end, after having discovered my identity, there could only be one possible conclusion. Never believed I'd say this to a woman, Hannah, but I've actually come to like you too much to want you dead.

Erection standing to attention, Todd's curiosity spiked as he imagined how it would be to screw Hannah, and also as to her expectations. Touching, kissing? The latter he'd done to his victims, forcing his tongue into their mouths as he raped them, then licked their cheeks in mocking affection, but kissing for kissing's sake?

How do you envisage being fucked? With affection, with care or callousness? Treated as an object as I ravage your holes, the sole difference between you and my victims that you are wet and your screams elicited by pleasure rather than pain? Or do you prefer intimacy and foreplay, kissing and touching.

Should I bury my head between your thighs and lick your sopping cunt first?

I promise not to bite off your clit and spit it in your face.

Not that he hadn't done that latter before.

His tone deliberately taunting and crude, Todd would never admit his genuine curiosity. To care about her wants as much, if not more, than his own was a sign of weakness, was it not?

You're right to be jealous, there is a special connection I share with my victims, which is impossible to express in words. Just like, albeit different, there is with the connection between us.

Would you encourage me, help me inflict that pain?

I've often contemplated the effect it'd have on a woman's mental state to have another female - the gentler, kinder, caring, more compassionate gender and one of her own kind - watching, laughing and mocking as a man brutalised her. Participating.

Females are the bearers of life and there's an allure to being the one to put an end to the possibility of my prey bringing new life into this world, exponentially affecting every generation going forward until the end of humanity. That's where the death itself, although a consequence not the purpose, gains its meaning for me. How many could have been, what future potential have I robbed of mankind?

It was her next comment that had struck a nerve with Todd, his initial satisfaction at reading her words of encouragement and agreement having subsided as her meaning coalesced in his brain.

Maybe I should meet up with him.

Initially, he'd thought she'd meant in the future as an act of retribution and in response to his offer of forcing a grovelling apology, but it became obvious as he read them with more care and attention that she hadn't.

She meant now.


For what purpose?

To gather evidence, DNA samples to plant on Ellie Shaw's body?


To fuck him?

Todd clenched his hand into a fist, the initial twinge of jealousy soon subsiding and allowing fear to creep in.



What if Yardy29c turned out to be more than he appeared to be.

What if he turned out to be a man like.....

Like Todd?

The air turned cold and he stared at the screen, envisaging Hannah's face contorted in fear, teeth bared in agony. He could almost hear the pained howl as Yardy29c smiled, as Todd often smiled, when he pressed the blade to her throat. Could see the blood seeping from Hannah's sensitive flesh as the man mounted her, savagely impaling her dry pussy on his cock.


Todd's fingers flew to the keyboard and he almost hit the enter button, but drew his hand back before he could. Deep-down, her offer thrilled him, the fact she'd risk it, he admired her for that. After taking a deep breath, he wiped his protestation from the screen.

Foolish or foolishly brave?

He'd asked her that question before.

I don't doubt your capabilities, although I hope you're not referring to me as a simpleton?

Hopefully she'd get the intended humour.

It wasn't all your doing that it was easy. Once I figured out you had access to Cherise's body, there were only so many options and your employer makes it simple to stalk. Pictures and all.

Arrange a meeting if you so desire, and he's willing.

However, you will not meet him alone.

Now that I've found you, I cannot risk losing you, can I?

Advise me of the precise time, date and location.

I may or may not reveal myself, but I will be present.

Doesn't every girl dream of a guardian angel?

I think I also like posting excerpts of that here to partly offset the beliefs of some people who've questioned my desire to write dominant characters, which isn't true. I just refuse to write them opposite submissive characters, or as one-note Gary Stues without flaws, vulnerabilities and weaknesses of their own.


Despite the fact that I'm pretty sure I've run my race in finding any stories on BMR, I am having a little more luck on E and after dropping a dark one the other day, looks like I've picked up another dark theme to place it. Funny thing is as we started discussing a plot, I realised there's an antagonist and major character from one of my old stories who would fit perfectly as the protagonist in this one, and I'm half thinking of doing just that. However, my brain is wavering on whether it's a good idea or not!
Sorry, Quix - I'm going to disagree with you there on the Same Sex Marriage vote. I'm going to be voting "No" to it.

Not because I particularly care one way or the other whether same sex couples get married - I don't, not at all. Hell, in one game I was a part of a long time ago, I even presided over a same-sex wedding.

My "No" vote comes from several things (in no particular order):
* I detest the behaviour of the vocal minority of Yes campaigners (death threats against a doctor for expressing her opinion against it? Sorry, not on).
* I am concerned that if a "Yes" vote is received, activists and supporters will use that the threaten religious institutions who oppose SSM on the basis of faith (you cannot tell me it won't happen).
* I am concerned that a "yes" vote to SSM will then lead to other "minority" groups using the "they got it, why can't we have it?" argument to push for other forms of "love' to be legalised, such a incest, pedophilia, polygamy, to name a few.

I am not religious in any way. My vote comes purely from what I perceive to be the potential long-term consequences of getting this wrong.

That is all.
Sync said:
I am concerned that a "yes" vote to SSM will then lead to other "minority" groups using the "they got it, why can't we have it?" argument to push for other forms of "love' to be legalised, such a incest, pedophilia, polygamy, to name a few.

Not looking to get into a debate about it, Sync, and if I was, not on this journal. However, just wanted to say you lost me by the drawing of any type of comparison between same-sex consenting adult relationships and 'other forms of love' such as 'pedophilia and incest.' They're not even in the same ballpark.
Have another two stories starting on E, all I can say is thank goodness that site exits, and in even better news I read from Vek's latest update that it will have the ability to save posts as drafts when upgraded to Elkarte. Have written the opener for another rather dark theme, incorporating a character from a previous story, but the name's more of a placeholder for now until I decide if he totally fits and if I really want to portray him as the protagonist in this one or not. Most likely scenario is that I'll end up changing the name and just use some of the previous background instead.


A news article that made my day. Got to love this Dad; it's not often I praise a Kiwi!

Original article found here:

A DAD is being applauded online for his twist on the traditional “rules for raising my daughter” fatherly thing.

J. Warren Welch, who says he “ain’t raisin’ no princesses”, posted his rules on social media, reports the NZ Herald.


Welch, who is raising five daughters with his wife Natasha, told Today he understands “the urge to protect your daughters”.

“I get that. But the kind of posturing by fathers of daughters I was specifically responding to had nothing to do with that ‘protective instinct’ and everything to do with asserting their dominance over women and reinforcing a belief that women need men to take care of them.”

“I’m going to be real honest here: I’ve never actually been nominated for a ‘Father of the Year award,’ contrary to what several coffee cups in my cupboard would lead you to believe,” he added.

“That is exactly why I know that my daughters don’t need my help making important decisions about their relationships. These girls are my heroes!”

He posted both on Instagram and Facebook and has gone viral on multiple platforms, with an overwhelming positive response to his feminist stance on raising girls.
Why, oh, why the fuck do I do this to myself?

Video games are meant to be enjoyable and relaxing, right? A way to get away from the grind of every day life, while away a spare hour or so and escape into another world?

So why do I purchase platforming games, when I know I have possess neither the patience or visual/spatial skills to be any good at them.

But a new-generation remaster of a classic that I'd heard much about, but never played before. Three games, hours of no-stress, no worries fun, and it's like twenty years old, how hard could it be?


Seriously, who comes up with this shit, a fucking sadist?

Unfortunately, to compensate what I lack in other areas I have been gifted with incredible determination (aka, I'm a stubborn prick) so what I also know is that Im also capable of spending two-hundred hours on a single level over a period of months attempting to get through it if I have to.

And that the only way I'll ever give it up before full completion, no matter how long, nor how many controllers it takes, is by, which I may or may not have done with a game or two before, making an impulsive decision to break the fucking disk in half so that I can't!

Rant over!

The thing is that, despite all the above, it's weirdly enjoyable!


Opener for 'Cruel Intentions' Another dark story which, with its themes of betrayal and the ability to play a Jekyl and Hyde type character with a dual personalty, I've wanted to write for a while but needed to find the right partner for. Was going to reprise a character from a previous roleplay but in the end decided not to, though there are some similarities.

I think I'm probably at my limit for extremely dark themes for now as the intensity and attempting to get into the headspace of the characters to compose a post can be quite draining. Then again, could be convinced if an attractive proposition came along.

Cruel Intentions - Quix & DivineSensuality[/color]]

Good looks and charming demeanour on display for the world to see, like an ice-berg the remaining ninety-percent of twenty three year old Callum Davies true self lay beneath the surface. Lurking in wait for an unsuspecting vessel to stray within his vicinity. A vessel he'd tear a ragged hole in and sink to the bottom of the ocean, it's Captain oblivious to the presence of danger until it was too late and the wreckage never ever able to be made fully whole again even if subsequently recovered from the murky depths.

At times glimpses of his inner self did rear their ugly head, however, that was on the Lacrosse field. A stray stick, a crunching body charge, punches exchanged with an opponent, those actions in the sporting arena added to his reputation rather than detracted. Callum was a competitive beast who gave his all for his School and his team. Off the field, he remained a friendly, unassuming and modest soul. Unlike his team-mates, he didn't boast of his exploits, use the status bestowed upon him by his athletic prowess to take advantage of female students who threw themselves at his feet or treat his female peers as lesser human beings, notches for his bedpost. Callum Davies respected women too much for that.

Or at least that's what he'd led everyone to believe, but the real reason was that sex meant very little to the man. Pussy was pussy, fifteen minutes and it was over, and despite the more pleasurable sensations, ultimately his hand did the same job.

That was, unless the woman he was fucking possessed the capacity to provide Callum with the attributes he lacked. Genuine feelings and emotions he could drain from her and claim for his own. Even if only fleeting, those were the only occasions on which Callum was able to experience anything like joy or sadness and in constant pursuit of more and greater of that euphoric rush, he'd left a trail of destruction in his wake. Girls with minds and bodies broken who after he was done hadn't dared report his depraved acts. Converted believers to the young man's ability to exact swift and brutal retribution if they did.

Who'd listen anyway? Not the All-American, blonde haired, blue eyed athlete in the last Semester of his Law degree, weighing up Internship offers from a number of prestigious firms across the country. Not the perfect student whose Father just happened to be Sheriff of the small town in which the Campus was located, with a three-point-nine GPA and perfect disciplinary record.

A fresh term, a fresh game to play, a fresh girl to destroy.

Bailey Williams.

Over the Summer, after hearing the rumours, he'd spoken to acquaintances who'd attended the Frat party and discovered that her rape claims were valid. Unsurprisingly, however, the accusations had been swept under the carpet by Faculty Administration after the males colluded to provide eyewitness evidence that she'd been drunk and dancing, flirting and making out with the accused. Each had supplied written statements to that effect and that they'd witnessed Bailey drag him into the bathroom and heard the couple engage in what was undoubtedly consensual sex. Which she'd obviously regretted afterwards, but that wasn't the guy's fault.

What else did she expect? That the College would come down heavily on a Football player, take her word over his and his friends?

Although he'd seen the attractive brunette around Campus, Callum had never spoken to her, but had done his research and organised changes to his curriculum to ensure they'd have a class together. When he walked into that class and pulled out the vacant seat next to Bailey, entrance timed to perfection, his demeanour was nothing but cheerful and welcoming. "Hey there, mind if I sit here?""

Asking purely out of a show of courtesy, Callum sank into the chair without waiting for a response, raised a brow and shot Bailey a smile, wondering how the woman would react if she realised the friendly stranger next to her was aware of precisely who she was and what had occurred at the Frat Party. Or that by the end of the term if his plans came to fruition she'd discover there were things much, much worse than falling victim to a drunken sexual assault from a man who'd possessed no real sinister intent or personal vendetta, but had simply taken advantage of an opportunity.

Such as being deliberately set up to have your heart cruelly and mercilessly ripped out by one you'd come to care about and trust, the consequences of that first rape a walk in the park compared to the earth-shattering effects of the next. "How was your vacation, a drag to be back, right? I'm Callum, by the way.
You know, my writing life would be so much easier if I wrote opposite submissive females in a fantasy setting! However, I don't, and as I've expounded on the why of the first part on a multitude of previous occasions, I'll address the latter this time. It's not that I 'dislike' fantasy or don't appreciate it, it simply doesn't compute in my mind. The problem is that it knows Vampires, Lycans, etc and fantastical worlds don't truly exist and the second my brain reminds me of that I lose all possibility of becoming immersed in any story that contains them.

As well as the fact that there's often too large a concentration on the 'fantastical' aspect that it detracts from what really garners my interest. In line with my strong preference for character-driven over plot-driven, that is stories about people, driven by their internal conflicts, wants, needs and aspirations rather than external factors and, in many ways, setting and time-period doesn't matter because it's irrelevant to the crux of their story. The majority of mine with a few tweaks could potentially take place in any time-period as, at their core, they're about human desires, motives and foibles, dark or light, the base natures of which have remained basically unchanged over the eons. But then the question needs to be asked of why. What's the point of doing so, what does it add?

I would be open to writing historical (and may well do with one of my partners who does have an interest in it after our current story is finished, happy to do so because I know, like me, her main priority lies with the characters and I've no concerns about any concentration on 'setting' overriding that) and potentially even realistic sci-fi, but as for fantasy with mythical creatures, magic and fantastical worlds et al? Not for me.

What I'd much rather are real stories about real people, and the concept of 'that depraved, sadistic serial-killer could be your next-door neighbour, who ever really knows what happens behind closed doors.' That's what I find interesting and what really allows me to delve into a characters psyche over settings that are obvious figments of the imagination and characters or beings who it is logically impossible for to exist, and events for which it is logically impossible to occur.

Whilst on the subject of fantasy, why is it that the Vampire/Demon/Lycan always has to be male and the 'human object of his desire' be female? How often do you see a female Vampire/Demon/Lycan offered up to play against a human male?

Is it because the Fantasy World is a misogynists boy's club with no female members (but then, how can that be, what they do they do with all those women they 'take,' turn them all into men!) or is it simply that a male always has to be the protagonist and a female nothing but an object of his intent?

Which neatly segues into this neat little article I find perusing the web a while ago.

The Problem With Female Protagonists[/color]]

Original article found here:

A few months ago, I read a fascinating article on the Stuff You Missed in History Class blog. After receiving innumerable complaints about their podcast which boiled down to either “you talk about women too much” or “you only talk about women”, Tracy Wilson went back over the episodes they’d produced and put together graphs showing the breakdown between episodes focused on men, women, and ungendered events. You can see the results here. But, unsurprisingly, (spoiler alert!) they showed that stories about women made up roughly 30% of their content.

Those results tie directly into the recent research that shows that men talk significantly more than women in a mixed group, but women are perceived as being more talkative and taking up more time. There are various explanations for this disparity between objective reality and perception, from old-fashioned sexism to differences in male and female speaking styles. Whatever the reason, however, it’s safe to say that the old “truism” about women talking three times as much as men is exactly the opposite of truth.

I was reminded of both these things a few days ago when my nine-year-old son asked, “Why do we only ever read books with girl main characters?”

Now, as a mother of two boys, I take particular care to make sure that the books I read to them feature a mix of male and female protagonists. For every Charlie and the Chocolate Factory there’s a Matilda. For every Harry Potter there’s a Wrinkle in Time. So my first reaction was to feel pleased that my attempt to provide gender-equality in our shared stories was working.

We’ve just finished reading Catherynne M. Valente’s glorious novel The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her own Making, starring September — a twelve-year-old girl from Omaha who travels to Fairyland– and have moved directly on to Barbara O’Connor’s How to Steal a Dog, starring Georgina — a young girl living in a car with her mother and little brother when they suddenly find themselves homeless. I don’t remember what we read before that, but after my moment of pride, I fell into doubt. Have I pushed the pendulum too far and deprived my son of his heroic male role-models.

So I took my son by the hand and went to find out whether his assertion that we mostly (because “always” was clearly an exaggeration) read about female protagonists was true.

We took all his novels out of his bookcase, and sorted them into three piles based on the protagonist’s gender: ensemble (eg. The Wishing Tree), male, and female. And that’s when I discovered something interesting. Despite my concerns that I’d overdone it with the girl characters, and despite my conscious intention to provide a 50/50 split, only 27% of his books have a female protagonist, compared to 65% with a male protagonist.

So that was my son’s question answered. Not only don’t we “always” read books about girls, we don’t even mostly read books about girls.

Curious, I went through my own bookshelves. I fared even worse, with only 24% having a female protagonist. Again, I was shocked. I make a concerted effort to ensure that I seek out books with female protagonists. How did this happen?

And that brings us back to the studies I mentioned at the beginning of this article. Research shows that both men and women overestimate the amount of time women speak in a mixed group compared to men. In fact, when a science teacher specifically provided equal talking time to both male and female students in his class as part of an experiment, everyone involved perceived that the girls were given 90% of his time and attention. Including the teacher himself.

So maybe the same thing happens with books.

Here’s the problem with female protagonists: There aren’t enough of them.

And we don’t even notice it.

As a society, we’re absolutely dreadful at judging the comparative airtime for male and female voices. I’ve seen forums where people name ten or twenty classic novels with female protagonists, as though that’s proof that there are “plenty” of good books “for girls”. But what they’re not including is the hundreds and thousands of books with male protagonists as a comparison.

It happens when people talk about movies, too. (Visited the comments section on an article about the new Ghostbusters movie recently?) Naming a couple of films with female leads doesn’t prove anything — we’re living in a world where over 70% of the lead characters in films are male, and even in movies with female protagonist such as Frozen and The Hunger Games, male characters speak more than female characters.

I don’t know how to fix any of this. It’s a huge issue, and goes beyond everyday sexism and into our ability to even perceive everyday sexism. All I can do is be aware of it, and actively seek out books with female protagonists. And, of course, write books with female protagonists.

It’s not just girls who need fictional female role-models; it’s everyone.

Do you consciously try to find a balance between male and female protagonists in the books you read and write? How do the books on your bookshelf stack up?

In a similar vein also just stumbled across (what I think is) this incredibly disturbing video:

The Ugly Truth Of Children's Books[/color]]


I've asked this rhetorical question before, but I'll ask it again. How often do you find a female writer writing a female as protagonist in any story on here or E?

Or even one who writes a female character who brings personal agency into a scene, possessing independent motives, dreams and aspirations which could drive a story on their own rather than one who needs a male character to validate her existence in it or to provide her with something to do/want?

Which, as I've often stated, is what I look for in the female characters I write my males opposite.

It's almost mission impossible to be able to find, and that's why I'm eternally grateful to those awesome partners I have.


Despite my inability to locate any more stories on here, have thankfully picked up another on E and am heading potentially for my biggest writing month ever. It is a little disappointing as BMR was my original home, but now with the two stories I have going am probably averaging less than one post a week on here, so less active than I ever have been before.

However, there is some good news on that front. I'm hopeful, after receiving a message from my partner in sacrilege crime that our on hiatus story could soon be revived and that a second on hiatus will also continue at some stage.
Mr Quixotic said:
As well as the fact that there's often too large a concentration on the 'fantastical' aspect that it detracts from what really garners my interest. In line with my strong preference for character-driven over plot-driven, that is stories about people, driven by their internal conflicts, wants, needs and aspirations rather than external factors and, in many ways, setting and time-period doesn't matter because it's irrelevant to the crux of their story. The majority of mine with a few tweaks could potentially take place in any time-period as, at their core, they're about human desires, motives and foibles, dark or light, the base natures of which have remained basically unchanged over the eons. But then the question needs to be asked of why. What's the point of doing so, what does it add?

See, Quix, I gotta disagree with you here. Just because I write a lot of fantasy stories doesn't mean I don't also I don't also write stories that are about human desire and motivations.

A lot of the fun in rp is being someone so unlike like yourself. Aurianna is my opposite in a many ways, and much of that is what made her so much fun to write.

I think it's fine to say you don't like to write fantasy; no one is forcing you to. But I have to say something if you want to suggest that stories set in "reality" are more literary or speaks to the human condition on a deeper level than fantasy. That is a hill I will die on. :p
xanaphia said:
See, Quix, I gotta disagree with you here. Just because I write a lot of fantasy stories doesn't mean I don't also I don't also write stories that are about human desire and motivations
A lot of the fun in rp is being someone so unlike like yourself. Aurianna is my opposite in a many ways, and much of that is what made her so much fun to write.

I think it's fine to say you don't like to write fantasy; no one is forcing you to. But I have to say something if you want to suggest that stories set in "reality" are more literary or speaks to the human condition on a deeper level than fantasy. That is a hill I will die on. :p

Oh, I knew you would, Xana :), along with many other people, and I know from writing with and talking to you as well as following some of your other stories that you have many of the same preferences as I when it comes to logic, motivations, desires and the human condition, and incorporate those both within fantasy settings and without.

It's not so much about that.

In line with how my thought-process works, it's a more an inherent contextual disconnect. As always, difficult to express with the same clarity as it sits so clearly in my own head, ie

"Vampires/Fantasy worlds/Demons/Magic et al don't exist, therefore anything that incorporates them as 'real' has to be dismissed as impossible in its entirety,"

and whilst I'm reading or writing it my brain is constantly reminding me that it's all make-believe, meaning I'm unable to become fully immersed.

For much the same reason that I can't take anything that stems directly from religious belief seriously because the overarching 'God' construct, the fulcrum around which all else then revolves, is such a patently unbelievable one to start with.

It's all about my own personal connection rather than any global 'this is more literary or speaks more to the human condition than the other'.

It's what speaks to me and doesn't speak to me, and I find that variety and ability to be someone unlike myself exists just as much in writing humans - the possibilities are infinite - and think that any themes incorporated in a fantasy or other scenario are still possible to include within that context. And vice-versa.

Now, where I would be interested in writing or incorporating fantasy elements is where the 'fantastical' aspects stem from the mind of a psychologically damaged person who believes them to be real, as is likely to be included in my Adam and Eve story.
Likely won't be around a lot this weekend, or making too much sense if i am, though according to some, that latter wouldn't be any different from usual!

Saturday is AFL (Australian Rules Football) Grand final Day, probably Australia's closest equivalent to 'Superbowl Sunday'.

I wasn't going to bore people with a repeat of the song I posted a couple of years ago, but fuck it, since Mali asked 'what kind of football is it,' I will.

This kind :


Then, on Sunday, we have the Grand Final of the National Rugby League competition, a completely different code of football, and another excuse to drink and eat too much! What State you were born or raised in in Australia generally dictates which code you follow. For me, born in the South, it's definitely AFL. Whilst I may be a little biased, I think it the best spectator there is. Especially live at the game.

Luckily we have Monday off where i am for Labour Day. And in Melbourne, the 'home' of Australian Rules and where the Grand Final is always held, today is a Public Holiday. In honour of the game and so that a million people or so can line the streets and cheer on the competing teams in a motorcade.

Not so surprising; the self-proclaimed (and officially recognised as such in 2016) ''Sporting Capital of the World,' also riding an unbroken seven year streak of being voted 'World's Most Liveable City,' give themselves a day off for a Horse Race every November as well.

And, no, I'm not Melburnian!
See, Mali, that it goes to prove that, as usual, we males know where the true priority lies.


You could stand to learn from us!

Just felt the need to leave this here...

He speaks woman. xD

Lol, how the hell did you stumble across that one. Even more surprising is that you popped out from under your rock :) Stay out!!!!

This has to be one of my faves; no idea why it was banned.

We do breed them tough over here.


My type of woman!
I'm a master youtuber, you should know this by now! And I like my rock...

Also, very nice, which leaves us with what happens after that girl does that. xD

How many times do I have to tell you that uttering the 'M' word in my presence make me nauseous! Does my not-so-obedient-pet require more training?

And, hey, you're the stalker not me, how am I supposed to know your you-tubing abilities.

Unless, you mentioned it; was I meant to be listening? :)

And now to top off all the others off, we have the World Famous 'Big Ad' xD

What? 'My'? My, my, my! xD Oh and dear, dear, master Quix, haven't you realized I will always need training. I'll need it till I die, I'm sure.

I just like showing off my stalker skills every now and then okay? (And that I can catch things before you edit them because I am an amazing one.)

... Hm? Oh were you saying something? I was busy not listening to a thing you have to say. :p

That is a big ass ad, and always been a very impressive one to watch. I often wonder the time that it takes to put into thinking up such a thing. Much more impressive then you always taking everything as a compliment. Haha.
xanaphia said:
Suddenly I want a Guiness.

So do I, Xana. How about you leave that one for me, and since I know your penchant for dark themes, you have this one:



As to the obsequious (damn I love that word), subservient pet above you, if you're going to refer to me by that vomit-inducing term at least bloody capitalise it! And damn it, you caught me editing again. Maybe if you ceased your stalkerish behaviour for even a minute, you'd have time to listen!

You know I only take everything as a compliment because everything you say to me is complimentary.

"Quix, you're a fucking dickhead, I hate you. You dumb, ignorant brain-dead excuse for a human being, you have no friggin clue. How dare you expect my character to be a relative equal to yours - sexist asshat, how dare you! - and exhibit independent personal agency. You're not a real man, just a pathetic little boy. And you probably have a micro-penis. Go die in a ditch. Prick!"

"Awww, thanks, that's the nicest compliment I've been paid in quite a while, and I'm glad we're on the same page. We should get together for a drink sometime."

Makes life so much less stressful, not to mention so much more fun. You should try it :)
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