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Moonchild (Ninja and Amy)

She nodded to Rafe once over er shoulder "aye aye sir, no trouble making" and then disappeared into the tree following the youn man closely finding it easier and easier to keep up in her human form as if her wolf self had made er human self stronger. She wished she had been able to switch to wolf but she felt it would be rude if he Had not done so chances are there was a reason.

Vivian smelt the others far before she saw them, but when she did she got tense none made any advancement toward her and her guide but seeing so many werewolves in one place unnerved her as a packless wolf days new into her new life. She eyes the woman that the others seemed to circle around. He was younger then she expected the leader of a owl pack to be. She was dressed very interestingly and armed. She wondered what a werewolf was in need of blades for but Vivian took notice of them. The woman definatly appeared like a. Dangerous force.

Vivian listened closely before answering "I am Vivian, nothing to any pack." She said with a smile. "Rafe, the bear as you call him, saved me the other night and has been showing me the ropes, I can shift alright now, hunted for the first time yesterday, but there is only so much he could show me in a days time." She said in a matter of fact way "I mean you and your pack no harm or trouble I am just here as a guest to Rafe" she said with more respect then she had previously.
Gail kept a deep and serious demeanor, looking her over, up and down, as if sizing her up. "Look, just to make you aware, a loose Uratha running around on our territory makes us nervous. It's hard to tell when it's just a visitor, or when it's someone from another territory trying to encroach on us. We have to keep a strong front, always. I'd rather have you in our pack than just running around. We can teach you our history, our responsibilities, things Rafe doesn't know, like the First Tongue."

Gail wouldn't say it, but there was really little she could do if Vivian decided to continue hanging around Rafe and not join the pack, since she didn't want open war with Rafe. Things were better as they were, and Gail would never admit to weakness.
Vivian lifted a delicate eyebrow at the offer. She liked the idea of learning some more of her heritage from those that shared it with her, they most likly had pleanty to teach her that Rafe could not. But she chewed her lip at her dilemmah, she did not want to join their pack, in truth the idea was nerve wracking she did not like the idea of answering to this woman, not that she didn't like her, its just Vivian did not feel asy loyalty or desire to be loyal to her, she did however feel loyal to Rafe.She wanted to keep spending time with the man who had found her and saved helped her through one of the roughest times of her life with out question or expeceted repayment. "Um. I thankful for the offer. But I think I will stay with Rafe he was there for me when no wolf was insight to help." She said looking around at their surprising numbers, she had expected 5 or 6 not this large of a pack; what would they need one more lowly wolf girl for. "Not saying that your teaching and wisdom wouldnt be appreciated I would like that very much, but I don't feel like I...belong here...I would like to remain with Rafe." She tried her hardest to explain without sounding rude she did not wish to upset the pack already, but she also felt no welcoming embrace, this was no family.

She looked around one more time seeing the various phases they were in which reminded her "No worries aobut me being wild and dangerous, Rafe has already shown me my different shapes, I can shift relatively easy only need alittle more practice...Its not like I am some rabid wild bitch destroying you and Rafes shared territory." She made sure to add the last part in as a reminder to them all that If Vivian did not want to join she didn't have to but she still had rights to be there is Rafe wanted her there.
Gail looked at her a long moment before casting her eyes over the waterfall with a quiet acceptance. "As you wish. I know that your destiny is your own to write and participate in. But I don't want ill will between us. You are kin, of a sort and as long as you don't become competition or an adversary, we will keep the same uneasy peace we keep with the bear. If you are in need of knowledge, you may come here. You might even learn to like it with our little pack. I have selfish reasons for my kindness. I won't give up on you joining our pack, but until then, I hope we can count you an ally." A slight nod of her head indicated she had stated her peace and was done with her.
Gail spoke as if she were hundreds of years old, there was something about her that demanded respect. "I thank you for your honesty, I am your ally and you have given me know reason to call you so." Vivian smiled politely "I thank you for the offer, I will most likely be taking you up on it frequently." As Vivian remained polite her mind raced, what ;selfish reasons' could she be talking about, was there some trouble brewing that she was involved with, she would have to make sure to ask Rafe about it when she returned which reminded her. "If there is nothing else I think I will return to Rafe the bears Cave, I had more lessons to attend today." SHe said nodding ehr head slightly with polite respect. With the releasing nod of Gail's Vivian turned on her heels and as she did so shifted into her wold from as if to prove that she was indeed leaning with Rafe and capable. She did not need the teen assistance back as she could easily follow their sent from earlier especially in her full wolf form.

It took much less time to return as it had to leave, she bursted through the tree line much like a silly pup not feeling the need to be serious or majestic around Rafe had she had with Gail and the pack. She galloped over to Rafe tongue flapping. Right before she reached him she shifted back fully human to stand in front of him breathing heavy but smiling. "Back, hope I wasn't gone too long, did you miss me?" She teased jokingly.
Rafe smirked a bit and shrugged his shoulders, that being the only response he was going to give to her. He offered her something. "Here, wear this. It shouldn't be a problem when you shift forms. It's a charm of protection." It was a wooden charm he had been working on, set on a simple bit of banded rope. "It'll protect you to some degree from the more...spiritual dangers that you're going to learn about." He looked up at her. "So, what did Gail have to say? And did you have any questions so far?"
She took the charm wide eyed, Rafe had been kind and helped her a great deal but she did just meet him, she was surprised by how kind he really was. She looked up and smiled at him "Thank you." She whispered "What do you mean by spiritual dangers? like ghosts?" She asked every story of fantasy seemed to be coming to life in a matter of days werewolves, vampires werebears what was next witches and mermaids? She asked her self before she sat down slightly fatigued from her journey, just tot rest her legs a little.

"She wanted me in the pack." Vivian answered and waited a moment before adding "I turned them down, I would rather stay with you if that's okay.." She should have asked Rafe before she turned down the pack, she assumed that she would be allowed but she was suddenly worried that he would have preferred her to leave him in peace he seemed to be a relatively solitary person. "She said she would teach me some new things, some old language or something, I don't know she seemed like she wanted very badly to keep me on good terms, said she had selfish reasons for wanting me to join...Is there something going on? something bad? why else would she want me to join so badly?" She asked Rafe if anyone would know and tell her it would be him, but she didn't know how much he was involved with wolf politics. She was still cradling the charm in her hand she slowly rose the simple chord over her head and settled the charm, it hung lower so that when she shifted the chord would not snap.
"Gail isn't a bad person, we just run into each other at bad times and on even worse terms. When she said selfish reasons, she meant that her primary concern was her pack, not you. But of course, if you joined, you'd become one of the pack so that would resolve itself. A pack is most vulnerable when training a new member, because any mistakes can affect everyone, but if they don't ever take any new members, the pack will die eventually. We live long lives, much longer than humans, but we're not immortal. I mentioned two other packs...the Horde is a biker gang on the edge of the city, they're all werewolves and they run pretty wild. They follow the rules, but they're a tough and slightly crazy lot. Gregory One-Eye and his family run another pack further out from the city. He's the alpha and he runs it like a tyrant, you don't want to mix in with them. Most of the members there are either totally loyal or just too afraid to leave. Being alone when you've had a pack is tough on a wolf. Yes, Gail can teach you a lot that I can't. The First Tongue is a language spoken by the Werewolves since the time of Father Wolf and Mother Luna. Every breed of lycanthrope has their own legends, stories, and enemies. Much like the different cultures of humans, except ours are real...we know because we've lived them and fought them."

Rafe smiled, just a bit. "I'm a human too, as much as the bear side might not like it, I need some social interaction. Besides, you're good're funny." He nodded slowly to her. "Spirits. Part of being a lycanthrope is understand that there are spirits and they have a very real impact on you and the world. And part of your job as a Werewolf is to keep them in check. It's what the People have done since they lived. Today's lessons are going to be about spirits, the Gauntlet, and the Spirit World."
Vivian nodded during Rafe's explanations they made sense. She had some decisions to make about how she was to interact with the other werewolves but for now she knew she wanted to stay with Rafe, he understood plenty to teacher the basics, and seemed infanatly more easy going then Gail and the rest of the werewolf lot. "You are human." SHe said with a smile "And human me, also enjoys your company, though I dont think I am that funny, but if that what gets you to let me stay around I will be a regular real life Jester." She said with a wolfish grin.

As she sat she wrapped her arms around her legs, listening a little uncomfortable as he spoke of Ghosts, she had always believed in them even as a child and friends had laughed at her teased her, locked her in dark bathrooms as children were often cruel to friends. Hearing that they did in fact exist but more then that she would be forced to face them and keep them in check made her shiver slightly. "The spirit world..." She whispered she was almost not surprised by what Rafe was telling her, the last 48 hours had drained her ability to be surprised. "You will come with me right?" she asked meaning for it to be just a simple question but the slightest waver in her voice let Rafe know that she was uncomfortable at least, maybe even frightened.
Rafe nodded slowly and sagely. "You won't have to do anything alone yet, so don't worry. The Spirit World is a dangerous place for people of the world of matter and physicality." He took in a deep sigh. "This is going to be a lot, so try to understand that doing these things will make more sense than just hearing about them."

"According to the People, long ago, the world was one, called Pangaea. The werewolves kept the order between the spirits and the world of flesh. They hunted, they kept order, it was paradise. But something happened and the world divided into two, as it is now. The reason you can't see or feel the spirit world is because of the Gauntlet between the two worlds. There's no going back now, this is the way things are and it's the way they should be. But the two worlds have influences on each other. The Spirit World is a place of emotion, memory, and feelings. The things people do here have reflections there. When a street becomes a place of crime and murder, it becomes dark and twisted in the Spirit World. Spirits are the native denizens of the Spirit World and they work much like animals and humans. There is a spirit for everything. Everything. Natural spirits, like tree spirits, river spirits, bird spirits. Manufactured spirits like car spirits, gun spirits, and city spirits. Emotive spirits like hate spirits and hope spirits. Things done and felt in this world will effect the Spirit World, and vice versa. Spirits have ranks, some are weak, some are strong. Some live long, some don't. But all spirits will try to survive, usually drawing on their source, tree spirits from trees here in the real world, and so forth. But some gather strength and seek to become more, and they feed on other spirits as reflected in their nature. Tree spirits can consume leaf spirits and become stronger tree spirits. Fox spirits can feed on rabbit spirits, but are still reflecting their nature as a fox spirit, so that is in line with themselves."

He paused to see that she was taking all this in. "Now...that is how things work...normally. There are many malefactors that can throw off the balance. Some spirits, become powerful enough to cross the Gauntlet and they seek to propagate their strength more directly. They hang around people or animals or other factors related to them and use their powers to actively promote events that will feed them. These are the Urged. Some spirits will go drastically further and outright possess them, the Claimed. This tends to upset the balance of the real world, such as a Hunger Spirit driving a person to cannibalism, or a Murder Spirit making a person a serial killer. Then there are the Hosts. These are spirits that...are not understood. I've only ever seen Rat-Things, and Spider-Things. Both are interested in self-preservation and both are destructive. They possess humans, use them as puppets and breeding grounds, create terrible cross-breeds and inhuman things, and they strengthen or thin the Gauntlet, which damages the relationship between the two worlds. There is not discriminating with these, destroy them where they are found. I've heard of other Hosts, but they are rare. Amalgamation Spirits are spirits that have fed outside their choir, that is, spirits directly related to them. They become strange cross-breed spirits with no direct correlation in the real world and they do bizarre things as their conflicting natures pull them in many directions."

Now, Rafe's eyes darkened and his voice lowered. "The Idigam. Vivian...don't ever try to fight one of these yourself. It takes the strength of whole packs working together to fight one. The Idigam have no relation to the real world at all, they are powerful and they represent concepts outside of creation. They are beyond dangerous and their creations are bizarre and can damage the mind and the spirit. The Idigam don't understand how the real world works and their motives are unknown. There is no predicting them and no warning of them. When one appears, destruction and madness of the blackest sort follow. If one is ever found, don't you ever join the fight until you are powerful yourself, don't like anyone rope you into a fight with one, saying that it's for the good of all. You run." He swallowed firmly. "People in the human world think courage and heroism are things to be admired. Here, where they can't see, the rules are simple." He pounded his fist into the ground to make his point. "The strong and the cunning survive and make the rules. They pick the fights without mercy or compassion. The weak run and dodge as best they can, lest they be caught underfoot. The dead are dead. Nothing more." There was a cold conviction in his voice and then, he slowly leaned forward and touched her forehead with his in a very un-bear-like gesture, and his voice dropped lower. "And I don't want to see that happen to you..."
Vivian listened closely attempting to follow along as best she could. She was following so far, nodding her head every once and a while but it did start to spin slightly. the basics she understood but once he started adding in the hosts and the spiders she started to loose him a little. "You may have to help me remember all this, this is worse then my biology class." She joked with him as he continued to explain the differences of different kind of spirits and their dangers. Vivian got the key points and was feeling a little better about the journey they were about to take when Rafes face changed suddenly that almost automatically brought a slight frown to her face. She was unsure is he was talking about experience and that something had gone seriously wrong with one of these Idigam but he seemed like a changed man as he spoke of them. She shivered slightly at their description.

As Rafe began to talk of heroism and courage she shrugged she was never much of a hero. as she nodded along with his orders to not engage one of these creatures, which was not hard to do she had not desire to encounter one. ever. She was shocked by the seriousness and conviction in his voice as he spoke of death. But when he leaned forward and placed his hand tenderly upon her forehead she jumped simply out of surprise it seemed out of character for him and she had not expected such a gesture of compassion. As he softly added how he did not want to see her die, she smiled at him slowly. She was unaware why had become so tender, nor why her life mattered so much to him but she was thankful of it, he had already saved her and guided her through what could have been the most terrifying days of her life. "I wouldn't like it very much either, but you wont be rid of me so quickly." She said with a wink to him trying to lift his mood which appeared to be somber "You have got your self a new pet wold pup, and I don;t feel comfortable leaving your side." She said with a wolfish grin adding "and if anyone is capable of keeping me alive I think it would be a mystical werebear that cares too much about the well being of a silly lost wolf." As much as she joked she took his hand from her forehead and took it between both of her hands and squeezed it lightly, reassuring him that she would listen to him, and stay out of trouble. But also communicating that his touch was comforting and that she was thankful for it.
Rafe gave a soft chuckle. "See? You are funny." He smiled and motioned for her to follow him. "Come on, we're going to travel into the Spirit World, I'll show you how." He looked at her with a bit of a smile as they walked. His mood seemed light, lighter than she had seen him. He almost seemed warm.
"I guess funny is one way to put it." She shrugged knowing that she always had a wonderful sense of making jokes when its was inappropriate to do so. But as she watched her new friends face lift, in a way she hadn't seen before she was thankful for her goofy jokes because if it could lift Rafe's spirits it was worth it. She Got up and walked with him peeking from the corner of her eyes checking on his smile that was still spread across his face. His light warm smile made it impossible for her not smile. "Rafe?" She asked getting his attention. "There must be something wrong with us, smiling so much at the idea of heading into a dangerous parallel universe."

She walked close to his side wondering where they were headed.
Rafe laughed softly at her comments. "That's your human side talking. The part that's used to routine and the concrete jungle. The Spirit World is dangerous, but it's necessary, and the more you get used to it, the better you'll be. There's nothing wrong with us, personally, I like danger I can laugh at, it makes me feel secure. And it's always better to have someone to laugh with. Don't worry, the reflection of a natural setting like this one looks much the same in both worlds. Cities, look vastly different and they can be the dangerous places."

Rafe took her to an area for the land was split-level, with a waterfall pouring down into an emerald green pool. He looked at her and motioned for her to follow him as he walked on the edge of the lake until they were behind the water in a small cave. "Only in certain areas can you access the Spirit World. With time, you'll learn to sense these areas." He stripped down to his bare skin. "Don't want these to get soaked when we come out, the Spirit World doesn't really care what you wear." He shifted to his near-human form, gaining height, muscle, and long hair that ran down as long sideburns and a bit of a mane of thick fur that ran partly down his back, his forearms and spots of his legs taking some fur as well as his teeth and nails became weapons. "Focus...focus on your ancestors, on the world you can't see but that you know now exists. Close your eyes...and walk through the waterfall." Rafe did so first, entering the realm like the real one, but very different.

Little spirits moved about everywhere, made up of their namesakes. Grass spirits made of bundles of blades of grass wavered, slowly moving about the ground, huge tree spirits in various forms all made of bark and greenery winded around, while others stood firm and tall. Water spirits, like beads of fluid, moved through the water like fish, one swiftly snapped up by a large lizard spirit, made up of several small newts and geckos that joined together and moved as one. A vast spirit of the waterfall, like a great serpent made of clear water with flecks of green, swam upwards against the current...and then the current moved upward with it.
The waterfall was beautiful and it gave her a sense of peace, how could something so beautiful put her in any kind of harms. She did sense something but she couldnt quite put her finger on it, but the air behind the waterfall felt different. Vivian had seem Rafe naked now more time then should be allowed between friends, you would think she was used to it. But she still blushed slightly as she had only been a werewolf for less then 48 hours, nakedness was still a shock at first. She tried very hard not to stare. She slowly stripped down, revealing her self as well but caved her shoulders and crossed her arms trying to hid some of it.

She noticed his sift and decided that it would be wise for her to follow. Rafe's near-human form was a sight, so powerful it made her realize though Rafe was a friend how dangerous he really was and how thankful he was on her side and not against her. She sifted growing just slightly taller, her muscles grown more pronounced and tighter but not as large as Rafe. her ears grew tips and brown and grey fur replaced her own hair, and left soft covering on parts of her legs and arms. Her teeth felt sharper against her tongue and her nails grew long and sharp. She felt stronger, more alive. She nodded at Rafe wordlessly saying she understood. She watched him disappear before taking a deep breath and stepping through her self.

When her feet hit the ground she could only manage to gawk at the world around her. It was so strange but had a certain beauty to it. She watched as everything came alive, things she never thought of as capable of spirits moving in harmony. She turned to Rafe "Wow...this place is not what I expected it to be." She said with a smile. "So what next oh wise teacher." She had to force her self to only look at his face, because even in their near-human forms they were still very naked. She knew it would take her a little bit of time to be as comfortable about as Rafe seemed to be.
The truth was much different than what was on the surface. Beneath the calm, placid surface, Rafe's blood was heated inside. He only captured her nakedness in quick side glances, trying to keep his eyes on her face most of the time, but her form was sensual and he was not ignorant to the potential carnality of their situation. It had been a while since he had seen another woman naked except for Vee, and though he relented to her sexual advances occasionally, this is something else. Vivian's dependance upon him awakened something darkly erotic in him. He didn't question of the morality of such feelings, at least not deeply. As long as they remained thoughts and did not become actions, there was no harm in imagining using his position over her to his advantage. She had a fire in her that attracted him. She was supple, lithe, strong, willful, and yet he felt if he applied his own will and strength, he could make her yield to him. He could make her his. Possess her in some deep, dark, and violent way. His mind briefly wandered to the delectable sexual possibilities of taking her. Part of the beast inside him wanted to make her his mate, to bind her to him, and to unleash all of his subconscious desire upon her body, but it would deeply complicate things. She was new to this world and seducing her would not be wise. Bears tended to live alone and that isolation meant not having to respond to the desires of others, taking what you wanted, and doing what you pleased. With other people it was more difficult. He could not show weakness or any sign of struggle of discomfort. He felt if he seemed unsure, she would lose confidence, or she might become fearful herself.

"Next, we patrol the spirit world. Briefly. Part of having land is keeping it safe and that requires constant vigilance. It might be a little paranoid to say that enemies are all around, but it's only paranoid if it's not true. That and...most spirits don't like werewolves. Some don't like any shapeshifters, but werewolves, as I understand it, used to judge, police, bully, and hunt spirits in Pangaea, so spirits don't like them too much. Small spirits like these..." he motioned to the water and the grass, even the dirt, "...don't have much power or intelligence. More like animal instinct. Larger ones, like the spirit of the lake and the waterfall there..." he motioned to the watery serpent, "...are more powerful and have a human-like intellect. Mostly focused at surviving and possibly getting an ego for more power. More powerful spirits can be more complicated, more calculating, and more cunning in their intelligence, but most aims of spirits are towards propagating themselves to keep themselves alive. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not." He started walking forward on the surface of the lake, which easily kept him up. Here in this world, there were some differences. The lake was no longer green, just a crystal blue. There was still algae at the bottom, but it was no longer green and it's spirits were tiny. Rafe motioned for her to follow. "The water will hold you up here. You are flesh and blood, but this is not a world of rules and laws, nor of physicality. Think of it like a dream. With time you'll learn to do more and impose more of your will here, but just remember, this world can push back just as much."

Rafe took her on a walk through the areas he knew, familiar places to him with notable rocks and prominent features that were easily remembered. They went by his cave which shone with a soft light from the interior, instead of receding into darkness. Certain things looked odd and twisted, but were more or less analogous to their real world counterparts. Rafe led her around back towards the lake and emerged back in the real world at the starting point and shook off the water, shifting back to his human form in the process.
Vivian almost missed all of Rafe's glances because she was embarrassed and looking away not wanting to be tempted at staring at Rafe's nakedness. He was strongly built and masculine, and very much her type of guy. But she looked up at him at just right time to catch his eyes wandering over her body and for a quick moment she noticed a flash of something dark in his eyes. She looked away hoping that he did not notice that she had noticed. She blushed knowing that what ever that dark look was it had to do with her exposed body. She was attracted to Rafe, she herself struggled to not stare. Something about the look she had seen in his eyes gave her the chills. But she shook it from her mind. Rafe seemed very formal and professional with her, kind and patient but never seemed to think of her more then that, she thought he must have just not found her attractive.

The spirit world reminded her of what people using drugs must see. Things seemed so alien and backwards. She explored the spirit world following Rafe around listening like a student would a teacher. She tentatively stepped on to the water spirit and was amazed that it did in fact hold her wait. She looked at smiled at Rafe "are you Jesus?" She joked sarcastically. She followed Rafe, she realized how much she needed him, how much she had latched on to this man. She found it humorous that she met this man not but two days ago, but she now followed him where he took her, and listened to every word. Vivian had never been a follower, maybe it was her animal instincts, realizing that Rafe was 'alpha' in some way, but whatever the reason it made her alittle nervous. The cave was an interesting site, the internal light seemed really strange.

She followed Rafe back to their own world and followed moments after shifting back to her human form. Her skin was pale and soft. Her large breast exposed once more. Her long auburn hair dripped wet, she shivered as the cold air hit her wet skin. She quickly tried to dress but her shivering which made her trip as she tried to pull the pants she borrowed from Rafe up onto her wet legs. She laughed when she it the ground, "I like my animal forms better, Im so fucking clumsy as a human."
Rafe smiled and nodded. "Yea, when I'm human I feel...obligated. Like I have rules to follow, and expectations of other people that matter. I also feel like I can move around without being afraid or judged. When I'm in the animal form, I feel free and more in touch with myself. I feel like I'm closer to the forest, but I also worry if someone sees me in my near-human or near-animal forms. If a hunter were to shoot me and I didn't die...that might be tough to explain. And then...there's the war form. The best of man and beast. More than that. In that form...I feel...powerful. Master of whatever I see. My father called us in that form, the mountains that walk." He chuckled. "I'm about as fast and graceful as a mountain in that form as well. That's what you have that I don't, keen intellect, cunning, speed. But you're still very powerful too, more than any human or vampire could ever be. Even the strongest vampires, and there are some that are very physically strong with their powers, won't be able to do what you can. We'll get to that later, don't worry."

He stepped towards her to help her up, squatting down in front of her, his legs spreading just a bit as he took her arms and then standing upright, helping her to his feet. Only too late, did he realize how they would end up, one right up against the other, next to each other. Even wet, this close, he could smell her, her feminine scent like flowers and fruit as he leaned his head a little bit. With a moment of fragile weakness, he tilted his head forward a moment and deeply smells her wet hair, a concentrated dose of her sweet aroma like a heady perfume. Her huge breasts were pressed up, smashed against his bare chest, his hips practically digging into hers so that she could feel his generous masculinity against her belly. He wanted to surrender.
She listened and understood every word. She had only known about her wold side for a few days now but she already flet the freedom and rush that she got out of her animal form and those simular. "I am curious to hear that story" She said laughing slightly imagining what possible explaining could be done in that situations.

Vivian was already blushing when Rafe stepped towards her but as he squatted down her blush ran up to her hairline She could clearly see his manhood. But before she could refuse his help he pulled her to her feet but also pulled her against him. She gasped at the feeling of their bodies being pressed against each other. "Umm...Rafe?..." She didnt know what to ask, did she want him to step away, or did she want him to stay...she was confused. She melt his warm thick scent and liked it, but when he leaned in and sniffed her she looked up at him startled. Her grey blue eyes meeting his. She felt his large manhood press firmly into her belly. It was large and hot and made her insides blush. He was so warm his body kept the cold at bay. She should have stepped away, in all reality she didn't know him. But he had svaed her, and so much about the serous man intrigued her, and he was definitely handsome.
He looked down and away, anywhere but at her face, at her eyes that called to him. He stepped back, letting her go and shook himself much in a manner like a dog, though it did little good in his human form. Mostly instinct. He got his clothes and started dressing himself. "Everything here seems unusual, but it will become normal, even if it doesn't seem like it can be."

With at least underwear and pants on, he looked at her. "By the way, I must have had a life before this, you've been gone from it for two days. What you do from here is...really up to you. It's possible to go back to it and keep up appearances and live two lives, some people do it, or you can start a whole new life, reinvent yourself, it's possible to get forged documents and a new identity. You could abandon your human life all together. All of these choices are advantages and disadvantages, I can explain each one if you want. Choices...are something you'll have to live with from here on out, and they don't get easier. Just bear in mind..." He turned to face her now, bringing himself up to his full height. " one...what you are. No humans. The herd must not know is one of the rules of the People. You will meet the occasional person you must tell or who you'll trust to tell, but for the most part, any friend you have, any family, they can't know. And if you choose to continue to associate with them...their protection is your responsibility. There are predators without morals that will take advantage of your attachments and their ignorance. I'm making no suggestions, just giving you a fair warning. Like I said, some people live two lives and live them both well. Tonight I'm going into the city to meet with some contacts and I'm not going to bring you along to all of them, so you can either stay here for the night, return to your place, or just try to make your way in the city until morning." He shrugged softly. "I've bummed and panhandled occasionally, for lack of interest in other things. When you live a long life, sometimes you create your own entertainment."

He stretched a bit. Rafe seemed restrained now, like he was guarding himself.
She blushed and quickly covered her self up as well. blushing about their quick moment of intimacy. She cleared her throat and tried to shake it away like he did as well. she smiled weakly as they returned to normalcy it seemed. She waiting until she was fully dressed too look at his still exposed chest.

"I should at least head back and talk to my room mates so they don't have the whole city looking for me. I can tell em I am taking a semester off from school." She said and then looked down and the pretty well worn clothes she had borrowed from Rafe "and I would really like to get some of my own clothes, something that fits a little better." She said her goofy smile returning to her face. "But...If it isn't much troubl...I Don't think I can really go back to living with them all now...I don't know how to explain it but I like the idea of staying near you..." She trailed off not knowing how to explain the feeling of dependence she had on him, it almost when a orphaned puppy gets adopted by another animal. She felt linked to him because of all the things he had done to help her and keep her safe. She didn't want to impose on him but she did not like the idea of not seeing him anymore or seeing him infrequently. "So I can go talk to my room mates and pack some things and then meet you later? after your meeting thing?" SHe asked sweetly batting her eyelashes as if begging she could stay with him.
He nodded slowly, looking at her fully now that her clothes were on. "I'll take you by my place and give you some bankroll, you can buy some clothes and things before nightfall. Just...understand that I will occasionally need time to myself. Part of being a bear as being by yourself sometimes. It just feels more comfortable doing whatever I want to do and not having to worry or care about anyone. You're not a drag on me, I like your company, there are just some realities that can't be changed. Living with my father was tough at times because I knew he loved me in his own way, but we would just get in each others way and on each others nerves. Occasionally, we'd fight it out. Seriously fight, with fists, kicks, teeth and claws. But I know he stuck with it because I'm his son and he cares. If he didn't care, he wouldn't have taken me in at all. I try to be a Sturmbeorn to honor him, my ancestors, and those of my race." His face hardened and his fists slammed together. "Show no fear in the face of adversity. Withstand all, for it will pass and you will not. Survey all as though you own it. Fight each battle as if it were against your most hated enemy. Mercy is at your whim, not theirs. Fight as the storm and the bear. That is who I am and who I come from."

He turned away and walked out after that little dramatic speech and looked back just to make sure she was coming with him as he slowly headed back to his cave. "You said you didn't know your father much...what about your mother? Was she kind?" He balled his hand up into a fist, letting his knuckles pop. Stating his creed had fired up his blood, like it was a summoning rite for the beast in him. He figured the toughest lesson on her would be good to teach soon.
She nodded as he explained his need for space. It was interesting how their animalistic instincts were showing through their human selves. She had never realized how much she loved to be around other, those that she cared for, or how much she disliked the members of opposing groups. She had never realized how she had been ring leader to many groups of friends in her life time being overly protective and generous with those in her inner circle. Just as Rafe stated his need to live on his own, and this dominant take what he wanted persona that he had. He was definitely a bear and she now realized she was definitely a wolf; was she crazy for trying to defy nature? In truth she really did not care, she had bonded with Rafe, and in her nature once that happened she was incredibly loyal to those that she accepted into her life. "I will try not to overstay my welcome, and just let me know when you have seen enough of me, I am pretty good at wandering away and exploring, if you need space don't hesitate to tell me, but I really appreciate your help Rafe, Thank you." She said her playful kidding side washing away for a moment to reveal a very heartfelt and humble thanks to him a gentle smile pulling at one side of her lips.

When Rafe began with his creed she was stunned it was like he flipped a switch, and the power and conviction the fell from his lips was enough to make her fear him for a moment. As he turned to leave she was still frozen in place stunned by what she had seen unsure of how to react. When he turned over his shoulder she shook her head to bring her self back to the present and trotted over to his side "What? what was that?" She asked before answering his question about her family. "Kind? hmm?" She mulled the word over in her mind it wasnt exactly what she would choose. "She was a good mother, extremely protective and led the household with a iron fist." She said with a smirk thinking about how strong her mother was "She was tough on me, but tougher on anyone who dared to give me any issues." SHe said with a smirk. It wasn't until she was older that she could begin to appreciate the tough love her mother had given her. She looked at Rafe after she finished explaining and grew hesitant, his fists were clenched and she could almost feel the heat radiating off his body, though in his human form he seem much more animalistic still.
"That's good. I can appreciate that kind of parenting. I suppose I got both. My mother was gentle and kind and soft. She said she loved my father because no matter how tough he was, he couldn't hide the goodness in his heart and how much he loved her. She was nice to me and she said my father wouldn't approve of her pampering me, but that he could raise me how he wished if he ever came around. I didn't see him until she died and life got much harder. I suppose if she had toughened me up, I would have taken to life with my father much better, but I fondly remember those years she gave me the heart I have now, the compassion. My father was stern, staunch, and almost brusque. He said he fell in love with my mother's gentle spirit and no matter how tough he was, he couldn't help but be tamed by it. Life with him was hard, but it helped me more than I realized. I see him every now and then, he is still as conversational as an oak tree, but I know he cares, that's why he sees me."

Rafe sighed heavily and then grabbed her by her collar and stuck his foot out, forcing her to trip over it and sending her to the ground. "Now it's time for the toughest lesson yet, Vivian." His words and tone were much deeper and darker now. "You haven't had to fight up until now, at least not consciously. I want to make sure you can. Some pups hold back, they restrain their nature from too many years of soft living as a human in civilized society with the sheep. Now you have to realize you're not a sheep. You might think you know it, but truly realizing it is another thing. I want you to fight me with everything you have. Use whatever form you like...even your war form." He growled and kicked her in the side. "If you don't fight an opponent with everything you have, you will die, pup. Now defend your life."
The ground seemed to fly at her face not the other way around. She had not expected his assult. She had been intently listening to his story smiling at his fond referance to his mother, but now she lay face first in the dirt. She rolled over quickly, but not nearly quick enough to avoid blow to her ribs. "What the f..." She hissed under her breath. She could see Rafe intended to be a very hands on person. She stood on guard but made no move against him. "I...I don't want to attack you, its makes it harder." She said shifting her feet. She avoided as many of Rafes blows now that she was aware of his intent. She was quicker then him able to avoid a majority, but when he did land one it felt like a wrecking ball slammed into her, knocking the wind out of her. She continued to dodge for a little while longer shifting to her mostly human shape which ended up ripping many of the seams on Rafe's clothing, but she had to if she wanted to be quick enough to avoid more of a pounding.

But with time she found she did want t attack Rafe. She was becoming annoyed and her animal instinct to defend her self was starting to growl with in her. She knew she couldn't beat him in strength. She made quick gabs at him blows that landed with a fraction of the strength that his did, but she was landing some of them. She did find that she did not fight fully not yet. But deep in her something bubbled up slightly, something dangerous and angry. She was afraid to release her war form, she did not want to ACTUALLY attack Rafe, she just wanted him to let up and stop kicking and pushing her around.
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