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Unexpected Love [XxMoonlightRomance & Jugger82]

"I want to do it." She said, keeping her eyes on his face even as they began to enter the dorm. "This is the only way you know I'm not going to die on you." She said it, the halls were empty, but she still only spoke loud enough so that he could hear her.
"But why?" He said as he turned and entered their dorm room. "Why would you do this for me? Why...? You only want to live to be my friend for the rest of your eternal life, but you see your family and friends die off like flies to a zapper. It will eventually happen so fast that you'll just wonder, why would you give yourself this curse purposely for one person?"
"Because you are my best friend. You and I have always been the only one's to completely understand each other. You and I both know I've never gotten along with my family, remember before you moved when they tried to send me off to boarding school?" She asked, looking up at him with tired eyes as he entered their dorm room. "I'm sorry, I know this isn't what you want for me but this is the only way that you won't have to worry about when I'll die, just like everyone else in your life has. I want to always be there for you." She said as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "This way you wouldn't have to live among humans for however long I live. You and I can just be among wolves."
"I don't want to live amongst wolves. I want to live amongst humans...I find them more interesting, even though I now share more of a kin to my wolf brethren." He sighed and looked at her with a small frown. "I will still turn you into one of us...but first you must put away the silver, and begone with your past. You have to slowly let them die away as time goes on...enjoy what you have while you have it...Its best to learn that early before its too late."
"Humans aren't interesting." She said, shaking her head. "Most of them are self centered and give a damn about nobody but themselves." Roxy added. "At least among wolves you feel like you're part of a family." She said. Roxanne looked up at him, able to tell he still didn't like the idea of turning her. "I think you and I both know you never learn it and you never get used to it. It's hard to watch those humans you are close to die off. I could see it in your eyes earlier that you still aren't used to it."
"Never said I was. Though I still know that I need to learn to accept the death of others when I can easily live much longer than anyone else...Look...Lets talk about this're obviously beaten and tired so you should rest...I'm aware of what he did to you...with the scent all over you...I'm sorry I couldn't have been there earlier to save you from him."
"Not your fault that I was stupid to believe he genuinely loved me." She said with a shrug. "I know you tried to get therein time to stop him." Roxanne added. "By the way, I'm not tired and even if I was I wouldn't be sleeping. Not when I'm afraid he'll come back." She said, getting herself out of his arms and so that her feet were touching the floor, walking over to her bed she sat down. Roxanne felt dirty after what he had done to her and she could tell Nathan hated the smell of her scent mixed with that of the werecat.
" what you need to do, alright Roxie?" He said with a smile as he walked over and sat down beside her, wrapping his blanket around her naked body as he wrapped an arm over her shoulder. "You don't have to worry bout him coming to get you. I'm here for you, and I won't let him kidnap you or hurt you like he did before, alright?"
Roxanne watched as he walked over to her bed and sat down beside her. When he offered her his blanket she gladly accepted it because she was freezing and when he wrapped and arm over her shoulder she leaned against Nathan, resting her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes. Of course, she knew what he was trying to do: he was trying to get her relaxed enough so that she would just slowly fall into a deep sleep without even really realizing it. "Alright... But what do you mean by 'just do what you need to do'?"
"Sleep. Eat. Take therapy...whatever you need to just...get you moving and past this event. I don't want you to have to live forever as a werewolf and then be forced to have flashbacks of memories of you being raped by an asshole." He said with a frown. "Get some sleep...alright...? I'm gonna go walk around for a bit and listen for any rumors or whatever that could be floating around about you or something. I gotta go tell them straight and say you came back from an unannounced vacation or something." He kissed the top of her head. "Sleep." He ordered before leaving the room, locking it behind him so that no one could get in.
She nodded. "You do know that no matter what I do part of this will live with me, right?" She asked as she looked over at him, but didn't really expect an answer. "Okay." She said with a nod, smiling when he kissed the top of her head. Although she saw sure he planned to do more than just make up some story for her on his walk she didn't ask. Now that she knew what his big secret was she kind of figured the less she knew, the better. As he left the room she was laying down in bed and within minutes, despite her claiming to be wide awake, she was asleep.
While Nathan was gone, a small furry animal climbed in through an open window. It was a small kitten, young and innocent as it walked over, smelling the scent of another cat nearby. When it saw a human girl in the bed, it hopped up and mistook it for another cat, a larger cat, and laid down beside it, purring gently as he cuddled next to her form in the bed.
When the kitten cuddled up next to her she tensed up, she was already having nightmares of what Atlin had done to her after drugging her. With her being a human and having a much weaker sense of smell than even a normal cat did it smelled just like him to her. The smell of a feline was enough to wake her from her sleep. When she saw only a small kitten cuddling up next to her, she relaxed. "Hey there." She said sleepily, stroking it's head gently as she closed her eyes. In the back of her mind she wandered if Atlin would try to come after her again, or if he might send someone else to retrieve her for him.
The cat purred as she petted its head. It began to rub itself against her, showing affection before plopping down beside her and nuzzling its head into her neck. It seemed clearly affectionate to her before falling asleep, snoring softly though it sounded like a simple purr every time it exhaled.
Roxanne smiled as she petted it's head, it's purring having a strange calming effect on her. As it plopped down beside her she looked around the room, the door had been closed so that only leaved one other option for how he had gotten in here: the window. Sure enough, she looked up at it and saw it was open just enough for a small animal like a cat to get in. She decided to leave the window open, not wanting it to feel as if it were trapped here in the dorm room. As it nuzzled it's head into her neck she let out a laugh, it's soft fur tickling her some. It's affection toweds her made her smile. When the cat fell asleep his purr like snoring slowly eased her into a deep, relaxing sleep.
Two hours later, Nathan finally returned, only to begin growling as he smelt something familiar. A cat. He closed the door behind him and began to walk through the dorm before he saw the cat near Roxanne. He glared and walked over to the creature, picking it up by the skin of the back of its neck and looked at the creature. It didn't struggle when it awoke, it only looked at Nathan and licked his nose before meowing softly. Nathan hated cats, though from how Roxanne was laying with it, she must have known and wanted to keep it. Nathan kept glaring at the creature before it placed it down softly, where the cat begin to cuddle next to Roxanne once more and rub its head under her chin.
When Nathan returned, Roxanne was still fast asleep with a small smile on her face. Though she could faintly hear his soft growls, it wasn't enough to wake her. When he walked over to her bed and picked up the cat by it's scurf she didn't even move, but if he kept it away from her for an extended period she would be sure to notice the absence of the cat's soft fur against her skin as it rubbed up against her. When he finally placed it back down softly and the car began to cuddle with her, rubbing it's head under her chin, the smile on her face grew a bit.
Nathan still glared at the cat, but would allow it to stay if it was what Roxanne wanted. She seemed to be happy with it...despite the recent event that had happened with a werecat. "Sleep well Roxie." He said simply before climbing the ladder to get to his bed which was the top bunk. He laid down and listened to both of them as he tried to relax, but something wasn't letting him sleep. He tried to shrug off the feeling the rest of the day.
The next morning Roxanne woke to find that the cat was still laying with her and that it was still asleep. She could also sense that Nathan had returned and was laying in the top bunk. She carefully sat up, not wanting to wake the kitten up. Being unsure if Nathan was awake she grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom, also taking close with her. She started the water and began to strip after closing the door. As she undressed she realized for the first time that she hadn't had any nightmares of Atlin last night, despite what had happened.
Nathan heard her get up and leave for the bathroom and remained quiet. He hopped down once she was inside and heard the shower turn on and turned to look at the cat, glaring. The cat perked its head up and meowed innocently to Nathan, though Nathan wasn't amused. The cat hopped down and walked over to the bathroom door and tried to stick one of its paws under the door as if trying to reach out to its new master.
When Roxanne finished getting undressed and was about to get into the bathtub, she could hear the cat on the other side of the door, trying to get one of it's paws under the door, as if trying to reach her. Roxy opened the door just enough for it to get in and once it was in closed the door. She picked it up and smiled at it, despite not having him even a day yet, Roxy felt oddly attached to it. "What shall I name you?" She asked him.
The cat tilted its head and purred gently as she said she would name it. It meowed softly and happily as it looked into her eyes, wondering what his new name would be. All the while, Nathan shrugged. He figured if they had a cat, he had to live with it...though to help himself get over the fact there was a cat in his life now, he began to walk the dorm. He wondered if anything interesting would happen...preferably something that didn't hurt Roxie though.
When the cat looked into her eyes Roxy felt weird for a moment and blinked, shaking her head before petting the cat. "How about Sammy?" She asked. She then sat him down on the floor, every time she caught a glimpse of the cat's eyes, the strange feeling returned. "Sammy?" She asked. "What are you doing to me?" She asked, holding onto the sink counter so she didn't fall over.
Sammy cocked its head. He wasn't doing anything to her. He began to mew out loudly in alert and began to try and climb her leg, though she would only feel little paws begin to claw up and down her lower leg as he tried to help her.
She looked down at him, watching him as he mewed loudly as he tried to climb her leg. She was able to reach for the door knob and open it just enough for him to get out. "Go get Nathan." She said, hoping he would listen.
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