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Unexpected Love [XxMoonlightRomance & Jugger82]

The cat mewled in approval and dashed out, following the scent that he smelled of wolf and rushed through the hallways before he found Nathan. He stopped just ahead of him and began to mew out loudly and in alarm and tried to tug his pant leg back toward his room, and Nathan picked up the cat and shook his head. "She can't keep this thing if she can't hold onto him." He said as he began to walk back to the dorm room, only to find Roxie in her condition. He dropped the cat and rushed over to her. "Roxie! Whats wrong!?"
Roxy was thankful to see Sammy dash out of the room and go off to find Nathan. She continued to grip the counter, hoping to stay on here feet but by the time Nathan and Sammy returned to her, she was on the floor and looked like she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. "I... I feel so weak.." She said, unsure of how it happened but she didn't mention a word of looking into Sammy's eyes making her feel this way. She didn't want to give Nathan any reason not to let her keep him.
Nathan picked her up and placed her into his bed and looked to Sammy. "Stay. Here and watch her. Got it...!?" He ordered the cat, though it was already trying to comfort her by rubbing its head under her chin. "I'll be right back! I'll find someone who can help you!" He said before running out of the room. He didn't know what was wrong with her, and hopefully someone would.
Roxanne looked up at Nathan as he picked her up and took her to his bed. Had she been feeling good, she would have said something to him about almost yelling at Sammy, but she was too weak to do much. When Sammy climbed into the bed with her and rubbed his head under her chin, it made her feel less weak. She nodded, wanting Nathan to know she had heard him. As he left, Roxanne sensed that he knew how close she was to Sammy already, and felt like he didn't like it. "Thank you, Sammy." She said softly.
Sammy purred gently as he continued to try and help her feel better. He hopped onto her and mewed gently before he began to lick her chin gently. His soft eyes looked into hers, unaware of what it would be doing to her by looking into her eyes like it was. "Mew." It said once more, trying to keep her attention from the pain or fatigue she was feeling.
When Sammy jumped onto her and began to lick her chin Roxanne held him to her chestvas she slowly sat up. Once she was sitting up, with the pillows on Nathan's bed supporting her back so she didn't fall back down, she let go of Sammy, letting him sit in her lap. When he looked up into her eyes again Roxy let out a scream of pain, quickly closing her eyes and looking away from him. Once he was no longer trying to look into her eyes, she looked back at him and began to pet him.
(Did you get my last PM?)

Sammy yelped when she screamed. He began to back away from her, frightened. When she seemed to look back at him, now that his head was low and looking at her stomach, unable to look into her eyes, he could sense her hand reaching out to pet him, and he instead dashed away from her and went into the bathroom where he could no longer hurt her.
Roxanne winced when she heard Sammy yelp and tried to pick him up as he backed away, not wanting him to run away. She could see that he had realized that he was what was causing her pain. "Sammy.." She said softly as she reached out to pet him, but before she ever reached him, she watched him dart into the bathroom. She laid back and closed her eyes, not going to try and force him to come out. She decided to try one more thing and try to communicate telepathically with Atlin, thinking they now might be linked somehow. "What are you doing to me?"[\i] She asked, hoping to get an answer.
There was silence. There was no noise. Atlin wasn't speaking to her. He was just gone. Atlin was dead and that was that. Sammie watched from the bathroom as she writhed in pain and was looking like she had so much going on in her mind. He mewed softly and watched in sadness as his friend was in pain.
Roxy sighed, she was getting no reply but she knew he wasn't dead. If he was there would be no connection and she wouldn't be able to communicate with him. When she heard mewing from the bathroom she looked up to see Sammy watching her. "Come here, Sammy." She said softly, hoping he would come.
Sammy kept his head down as he walked slowly to her. He didn't want to hurt her. When he was near the bed, he hopped up but didn't go to her. He stayed beside her leg and curled up and laid down, keeping his head facing away from her and not even purring as he laid next to her. He just wanted to help her by not doing much to help. He knew it would more than likely only make it worse.
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